State of Disc Golf 2015: Popularity Around the World

We had some fun digging much deeper into the data to do some per capita comparisons and are super intrigued by what we have found. According to the data, Maine has more disc golfers per person than anywhere else in the world! Below is information about how popular disc golf is in each state, and region of the world.

For the images below, we did not make a world map, just a United States map. The shades of the lettering on the actual name of the territory (such as Canada) indicates how popular disc golf is in said area. For exact details, scroll to the bottom of this post; we published the number of responses from every region. Africa, South America, and Antarctica were not options in the poll; they will be included next year.

Where today's disc golfers are (number of respondents/ divided by population). The more popular areas are shaded darker.

Where today’s disc golfers are (number of respondents/ divided by population). The more popular areas are shaded darker.

Disc golf popularity according to Google Trends. This graph adds validity the previous graph, by comparing search data to where respondents are located. The graphs look incredibly similar.

Disc golf popularity according to Google Trends.
This graph adds validity the previous graph, by comparing search data to where respondents are located. The graphs look incredibly similar.

Region # Respondents Population in Millions
Respondents per Million
Alabama 62 4.78 1.30
Alaska 21 0.71 2.96
Arizona 57 6.39 0.89
Arkansas 33 2.92 1.13
Asia 4 4,427.00 0.00
Australia 30 23.3 0.13
California 353 37.25 0.95
Canada 151 35.16 0.43
Colorado 132 5.03 2.62
Connecticut 37 3.57 1.04
Delaware 15 0.9 1.67
District of Columbia 1 0.6 0.17
Europe 67 722.38 0.01
Europe – Scandinavia 133 20.12 0.66
Florida 134 18.8 0.71
Georgia 133 9.69 1.37
Hawaii 7 1.36 0.51
Idaho 52 1.57 3.32
Illinois 174 12.83 1.36
Indiana 107 6.48 1.65
Iowa 82 3.05 2.69
Kansas 101 2.85 3.54
Kentucky 67 4.34 1.54
Louisiana 29 4.53 0.64
Maine 50 1.33 3.76
Maryland 40 5.77 0.69
Massachusetts 124 6.55 1.89
Michigan 273 9.88 2.76
Minnesota 148 5.3 2.79
Mississippi 26 2.97 0.88
Missouri 146 5.99 2.44
Montana 11 0.99 1.11
Nebraska 20 1.83 1.10
Nevada 17 2.7 0.63
New Hampshire 36 1.32 2.73
New Jersey 32 8.79 0.36
New Mexico 18 2.06 0.87
New York 101 19.38 0.52
North Carolina 232 9.54 2.43
North Dakota 9 0.67 1.34
Ohio 157 11.54 1.36

Before you comment:

To understand how Infinite Discs has come to conclusions in this article, please read our State of Disc Golf 2015: Introduction post. After you understand the statistics and methodology of the survey, feel free to post.


  • ehm… Popularity Around the … WHAT?

    I see just USA…

    • You may have to read the article, and expand the information at the bottom of the article.

      • well, Kirk, that is exactly what I did and still saw just the USA. however when IO went through list of US states I lost attention and missed the EU etc at the reallyy end of the “region/rank” list. not sure why it is not in the table of number of respondents, as I know about more than just me just from Czech Republic and I would bet there would be many more from the Europe.. So still more questions than answers..

  • I used to live in NV, and not the good parts like Carson, Reno or Vegas but the empty void. My closest course was almost 130 miles away and nearest 18 was 165 miles. The upside was the Tahoe courses were about 200 miles away and were worth the drive.

  • What countries were counted as a Skandinavia?

  • What I also find interesting is that Maine also has the most or highest Percentage Of pay to play courses.

    • We also most likely have the most number of courses on private land and least on public land. Public courses are just that, free to the public. Private land owners can’t be expected to sink tens of thousands into land and equipment for the fun of it.

      • Really? Private owners don’t allow free play… insightful insightful. I find it Interesting that a low population state has so many private/ P2p courses. And such a high percentage of p2p when compared to other states

  • As Maine goes so goes the Nation…..
    Valuable information here.
    Thank you

  • Live in Maine and love that there are tons of courses within driving distance w all kinds of difficulty. Had no idea we sat at the top.

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