Are you looking to get better at disc golf? Here is a collection of tips we’ve learned from our sponsored professionals as well as other knowledgeable disc golfers who have something beneficial to share.
One of the question I hear asked a lot when there is someone new to a disc golf group is, how long have you been playing disc golf? I’ve often asked that question and have been asked it many times myself. It’s fun and interesting to learn how and when people started playing. It’s also interesting to see people’s skill level based on how long they have been playing, and what they are doing to improve at disc golf.
Some people have impressive amounts of skill, even though they haven’t been playing long. Others are at about the level we would expect them to be, based on how long they have been playing. There are a couple reasons why there might be a difference. First, some people just have more athletic ability than others. Second, the courses and people we play with can influence how much and how rapidly we grow. Third, some people want to get better while others are content to just play at their current skill level.
Survey From Remix Outdoors
How does your growth and skill level compare to others? Our friends at Remix Outdoors shared the results of a survey they conducted among disc golfers which shows the average driving distance and the length of time playing for survey participants. This gives us an idea where our skills match up with others who have been playing as long as us.
According to the survey, after starting out as a beginner, the average disc golfer doubles their driving distance in just six months. Then the average distance gains slow quite a bit. The longer we play, the more difficult to add distance to our drives. I’ve seen this trend among a lot of disc golfers that I know. Although the arc seems accurate, the distances seemed a little lower than I’ve seen.
I would have guessed that the average disc golfer would have picked up a little more distance in the first year or so. After people learn the basics of form, quite a lot of growth can occur. Then the progress might slow down. Even so, the growth/plateau arc is close to what I’ve seen a lot. Is there something we can do to speed up the growth?
Improving at Disc Golf
There are several methods we can use to improve our skills in disc golf. Some cost money but most are free. They all involve investing time to improve our skills.
Watch Youtube Videos
One of the great benefits of social media is that people with a lot of knowledge can impart that knowledge to the masses easily and cheaply. There are many disc golf coaches who post videos that walk you through every aspect of disc golf. Watching the videos, doing the drills, and following suggestions can help us improve our skills. We can see every detail of good form, then work to implement that form for ourselves.
That method of improving does have a few drawbacks though. First, not everyone learns just by watching a video. Some need to be told how to make our body do the moves in the videos. We might assume we are doing what is suggested in the video, but really just creating new bad habits. Which leads us to the second drawback: A video can’t give feedback. Unless we know we are using proper form, we can’t really correct our issues. Which leads us to the second method we can use to improve:
Take Video of Our Form
If you watch good tutorials you can get a good mental image of what proper form looks like. If we then record and watch ourselves doing the same moves, we can compare our form to the proper form to see what areas we need to work on. This still requires us to be able to make changes to the way our body moves, which may or may not be easy for us. That is where the last improvement method comes into play:
Get Some Coaching
Having a knowledgeable coach watch our form and give immediate feedback, including ways we can correct any issues we’re having, is a great way to speed up the learning curve. This takes more than just pointing out problem areas. This means finding someone that can teach us how to change our muscle memory and lay the foundation for good form and good habits.
When it comes to coaching, there are several options. Some coaches have monthly subscriptions that include video form reviews. Others offer single lessons with feedback. If you are lucky enough to have a good teacher in your club, you can get some one-on-one coaching or maybe some feedback if you’re playing a casual together.
Regardless of the method you choose to improve your skills, if you don’t plan time for practice, you are making the road to getting better a hard one. I mean, even the pros practice. We need that body/brain connection on a regular basis to cement the neural pathways so we can duplicate the correct form on a regular basis. Practice!
What is YOUR experience with driving distance vs Experience?
As I said in the before, the general trajectory I’ve frequently seen with new players fits nicely with the results of the survey by Remix Outdoors. How we fall on the scale and how fast we want to advance is up to us.
How about you? How fast did you gain distance? Are you taking steps to improve your disc golf game?
This post on disc golf shot selection and ground play, is the next post in a series designed to help you elevate your game. Watch the videos and reinforce the concepts through reading. Watch, read, practice, and improve!
If you have ever played even one round of disc golf, you’ll know that each time you step up to your shot, there are any number of lines you can take.
And the more you play, the more you begin to strategize about how to approach each shot.
In addition to this, as you gain experience, the more types of shots you add to your arsenal.
In this post, we’ll look into ideas on shot selection and we’ll also consider how to utilize ground play.
Combined, these two ideas can set you up for success on the course and give you more quality looks at the basket.
Let’s watch how the pros analyze their options for any given shot and then see how they can utilize ground play to get that much closer.
Disc Selection When Taking the Hyzer Lines!
Sometimes we need to take a hyzer line and carry around obstacles.
Many times, your average every-day player will just grab the most stable disc they can, thinking it will hyzer the most.
But this might not actually be the move.
Infinite pro Eric Oakley shows us that the less stable discs with higher glide stay in the air longer and can carry the turn even more than their more stable counterparts.
Go test it out with your discs and reassess which disc you’ll reach for when you need to cut around a steep corner on hyzer.
As we know, those extra feet can equate to closer putts which can mean lower scores.
Now watch and see Oakley explain and demonstrate below!
Now from disc selection we look at shot selection to make sure we’re putting ourselves in the best position possible.
Shot Selection With Dave Feldberg
When assessing a given shot, David Feldberg suggests you ask yourself one question.
“What is the highest percentage [shot] for me?”
Go through your progression of shots that are most comfortable for you. If there is a clear shot that you feel confident with, take that one. If your favorite/best shot isn’t available, cycle down to your next favorite/best shot. Keep doing this until a good shot presents itself. And hopefully you don’t find yourself throwing 360 power forehands through tight gaps in the woods too often.
The next thing Dave tells us to do is to look at the trouble.
“The number one thing I think about with shot selection is the miss.”
If you miss on a hyzer route, he explains, it could spell big trouble because the trees aren’t even halfway to the basket. The forehand route, on the other hand, might have the first trees come up 70% of the way to the basket.
So, even if you miss and hit a tree on that forehand shot, you are still much, much closer to the basket and have a far better chance of scoring lower.
“Consider where your common miss will go. And if the common miss for the shot you’re selecting, puts you in trouble or out of bounds, that’s not the shot,” Feldberg tells us.
So, sometimes your best option is going with a shot you feel less comfortable with because the margin for error is far greater.
Now watch as Feldberg takes you through it from his point of view.
Now, that we’ve seen this let’s take a look at a quick/related video on disc golf shot selection for approach shots.
Shot Selection for Approach Shots!
This is a quick tip from Kesler Martin that is definitely worth considering.
Basically his tip is this: Sometimes it’s better to take the safer line and plan to land 25 feet away instead of going for the park job.
A lot of players just look at the basket and try to figure out how to get it as close to the basket as possible on any given shot (understandably so btw).
But that shot may be blocked with all sorts of obstacles.
And if you had Circle 1 be your target their might be a much safer line that will get you close and still give you a look.
Give it a look and consider for yourself! It might just steer you clear of danger the next time you’re out on the course!
If you are interested in more information on approach shots, we have a whole post dedicated to it that can be found here.
Now, let’s see how ground play, in conjunction with shot selection, can get us closer to the basket on a given shot.
Adding Ground Play to Our Game!
Sometimes the better shot is to avoid the ground and just let your disc simply land by the basket.
If there are roots, rocks or other protrusions, these can be unknown variables that could negatively impact the path of your disc towards the target.
But other times, a shot does call for the ground play.
And if it does, it’s helpful to know how that disc will react when it hits the ground.
Basically, Feldberg breaks it down like this:
Overstable discs will skip hardest to the left (for RHBH)
Stable to neutral discs are more likely to skip straight.
Understable discs can even skip right.
This is very useful information to have, and well worth trying with the discs that you bag. By understanding ground play, Feldberg explains, you can better set yourself up in position for a more makeable putt.
Now watch him demonstrate and take you through his thinking. Notice how different discs, on similar angles, have far different reactions on the ground.
Disc Golf Shot Selection & Ground Play – In Summary!
As we’ve seen, disc golf shot selection and understanding of ground play can help shave strokes off your score.
Now, when you step up to any given shot, you can go through your progressions and pick the best shot for you in any given situation.
Over a round, by giving yourself higher percentage shots with shot selection, and getting closer to the basket with ground play, you can see strokes melt away.
And by choosing the right disc for a given shot, your odds get even better.
Let us know in the comments if you have any related tips that you swear by as well.
Over time by adding these ideas as well as other disc golf tips, we’ll evolve into the disc golfer we’ve always envisioned ourselves to be!
This post on disc golf power and distance, is the next post in a series designed to help you elevate your game. Watch the videos and reinforce the concepts through reading. Watch, read, practice, and improve!
Not everyone will admit it, but we all want a little more power and distance in our games.
The wise person knows that there aren’t a lot of quick fixes out there.
More realistically, we practice, make adjustments, and over time, we gradually increase our power and distance.
That same wise person will also remind us that more distance certainly doesn’t necessarily equate to better scores.
Meanwhile, approach shots, putting, accuracy and more of the other pro tips in this series (found here) will more likely improve your scores.
But sometimes, wisdom isn’t what we seek.
We just want a little power in lives, am I right?
Well, luckily, these tips for disc golf power and distance will also help you with your form.
That way you can have your cake and eat it too!
So, let’s look at some tips that will help us get some more power and distance in our lives while also improving the rest of our game as well!
Head Placement for Power
In the first video Dave Feldberg gives us a tip for what to do with our head so we don’t limit our distance.
To do this, he makes an analogy to baseball.
Baseball players that hit home runs don’t keep their head facing the pitcher for the entire swing.
Instead, they keep their head facing towards the point of contact and look up during their follow through.
In disc golf, because of the way our neck is connected to our head and shoulders, looking where you’ll throw a backhand, severely limits the range of motion you can make for a complete throw.
It also can throw off your lines quite a bit and reduce your accuracy.
Instead, keep your head down through the impact of the throw and don’t look up until your follow-through naturally brings your head up.
Then, you can watch your disc soar that extra distance!
Watch now and see Feldberg explain it as well!
Now, from the head let’s have a look at how we can position our feet to improve our disc golf power and distance!
Position Your Feet Correctly!
In this quick-hitter of a video, Joel Freeman tells us about two common mistakes he sees amateurs make that are causing them to lose a lot of power.
The first mistake is that they point their toes towards the target and the second mistake is that both of their feet are perfectly aligned with the target.
Instead, he shows us to point our toes inward and slightly away from the target.
Then, with our plant foot, it should be out in front of your other foot. If done correctly, someone behind you should be able to see the target through the “window” in your legs.
Both of these tips help engage your lower body and get a lot more power.
Give a watch and then give it a try!
Now let’s look at some grip tips for disc golf power and distance as well!
Grip It to Rip It!
In this video, Connor gives a helpful tip on how to grip so you can get max distance.
And yes, he does mix up the terms potential energy and kinetic energy. But don’t let that detract from his point.
Basically, what it boils down to is that Connor tells you to put most of your pressure (and a healthy dose of it) right between your thumb and pointer finger.
That way as you come through on your drive, the disc launches out of your hand (you are not “letting go” intentionally) creating the spin and snap you need to get the most distance out of your throw.
Watch Connor’s explanation and then give it a try yourself!
Now let’s start putting things together with some timing tips for power and distance!
Cole Redalen on Timing and Distance!
Can we all agree that Cole Redalen can throw great distances?
Because he absolutely can!
At the same time, he’ll also be the first to occasionally tell you “don’t do what I do” and “others tell me I do this wrong.”
So, with that in mind, have a look at how Cole explains his massive drives.
The major point he goes over is timing.
I’ve heard it enough in all the videos I’ve watched to know that timing is crucial.
If your throw is rushed or out of sync, it’s deadly to your distance potential.
Well, to help explain his timing, Cole give this tip.
In his “X-Step” after the back foot goes behind and lands, and as soon as he’s about to bring his front foot through is when he starts his reach back.
Then, by the time his front plant foot hits the ground his throwing arm will have reached full extension.
From there he engages his hips, pulls through with his elbow at a 90-degree angle and the disc in the power pocket (which he shows), and let’s it rip!
Other quick tips he mentions is that he’s holding the disc about waist height.
And finally, if you look at his reach back you’ll see he is reaching back with the disc at a significant anhyzer. This is something I’ve heard before elsewhere and something worth trying!
One excellent way to accumulate numerous repetitions while honing your timing is through the use of a disc golf practice net. This enables you to throw discs repeatedly without the need to retrieve them each time.
Now, watch Cole explain and see if something clicks for you!
Breaking The Drive Into 3 Steps!
In the next video Dave Feldberg gives us 3 tips that don’t require much in the way of fieldwork, but can also improve our distance.
It’s definitely worth a watch so you can see him demonstrate the logic behind each point.
Here are his tips!
Tip 1 – Drop Your Front Foot Heel Before The Disc Moves.
Feldberg shows us how, when people initiate the turn before the heel hits, it gives the disc far less runway to build up speed and severely decreases distance potential.
He calls this “cheating the turn”.
Instead, wait until the heel plants before you initiate the throw.
He also has a drill for you to check out that will help you get used to the correct form.
Tip #2 – Practice Staying on Your Toes for the Entire Run-Up!
On the course, you can adjust and have more of the foot touching the ground (with the pressure on the toes).
But to get used to this, practice doing the run up completely on your toes.
Then, for the final plant, you go to tip #1 and plant the heel then initiate the throw.
Tip #3 – Disc Golf is a 3-Part Throw!
If you can break the throw into the three key components, your throw will sync together much more smoothly and result in more distance as well.
Here are the 3 parts he goes over.
Part 1 – Get to the reach-back position. Your arm should be fully extended back as your front toe hits the ground.
Part 2 – Drop the heel then bring the arm in.
Part 3 – Twist out of the shot and follow through.
Watch at the 3-minute mark as Feldberg breaks the shot into those 3 parts visually.
The nice part, he shows, is that you can practice each of the 3 parts individually.
Dave shows you how in the video, along with some other tidbits for each, so give it a look!
Now let’s see if we can put it all together with some more general tips from Zoe Andyke
More General Distance Tips!
Having watched all of Infinites Youtube videos, I must say that I really appreciate Zoe Andyke’s teaching style.
She breaks ideas down into the key components and let’s you look at the same concept through a different lens.
And perhaps, seeing this video will help things click for you…
Here are the tips she goes over.
Tip #1 – Don’t limit your distance potential by limiting your reach back!
Essentially she reminds us to turn our head, hips and shoulders with our throw.
“It is our bodies that ultimately pull and throw our arm,” she tells us as she contorts her own body to show us (1:45).
Tip #2 – Don’t reach across your body!
This is a common mistake she sees people make.
Instead, she tells us, you want to keep a 90-degree angle between your arm and your torso.
Tip #3 – Use Your Whole Body to Pull Through
Once you have that full reach back, she tells us to “use our body to pull (legs, trunk, hips, arm at the end) [and then] follow through.”
As many have told us before, distance does not just come from the arms!
Tip #4 – Play Tug of War
This is a drill that you can try for yourself with a partner (4:00).
Have the partner hold the disc in place while your arm is extended back.
Then, use that tension to feel and lengthen your reach back. This, she repeats, is usually a key component that most of us are missing in our distance shots.
Final Tip – Bend your knees to stay springy and athletic for your shot.
She shows us that in her drive she never stands up straight to her full height through the shot. She keeps the knees bent and the leg muscles activated throughout!
Now watch for yourself and see Zoe explain it in her unique and engaging style!
Disc Golf Distance and Power – In Summary
There you have it folks!
From head to feet and everywhere in between, those are some tips from the pros on how to get more distance in your throw!
Luckily, those tips are also great for general throwing mechanics as well!
As always, it will take practice and patience.
But try some of those out and see if you can’t add a little (or a lot) of distance to your drives.
And, as always, if you have any must-have tips, please share with the rest of us in the comments below!
In time, we’ll have the distance we covet and the good form we need to keep dropping those scores out on the course!
Happy driving to you all, and may all of your shots soar beyond to distances your wildest dreams!
This post on disc golf tips for beginners, is the next post in a series designed to help you elevate your game. Watch the videos and reinforce the concepts through reading. Watch, read, practice, and improve!
Disc golf is an amazing game.
It’s fun, somewhat inexpensive, and a great excuse to get outside with friends or on your own.
Perhaps best of all, the people are amazing.
Seriously, good luck finding a nicer bunch of people than disc golfers!
And part of being nice, is being helpful.
By extension, part of being helpful is to give advice.
Do you see where I’m going with this?
Because disc golfers are so nice, they are more than happy to dole out what they know.
If you are reading this, there is a great chance you classify yourself under the broad umbrella of “beginner” (welcome!).
Having been there myself, I know for a fact that there is no shortage of information on throwing form, flight numbers, putting, disc golf in the elements, etc.
It can be mind-numbing and somewhat daunting.
The last thing you want in a game with so much information is to feel daunted.
There is a natural progression for learning anything, disc golf included.
And for the most part, you can’t skip steps along the way.
So, with that in mind, we have created this post. It will give you some important advice for beginners without flooding you with too much information.
Then, at the end, if you find yourself wanting more, we’ll help direct you where to go next.
So, take a deep breath, and settle in for the long, winding, breathtakingly glorious ride that is disc golf!
Don’t worry about the destination right now, just enjoy the journey.
Let’s begin…
General Advice for Beginners
Disc golf pro and legend David Feldberg, has played a lot of disc golf and accumulated a lot of wisdom along the way.
Part of this wisdom is to lay out sound advice for beginners to help them want to continue to progress with the sport.
With that in mind, here are his tips to help keep you in disc golf for the long haul. Read what he has to say and then check out the video as well!
Tip #1 – Play Easy Courses!
Nobody likes to feel “bad” at something.
As adults, we tend to gravitate towards activities we feel we are good at, and avoid that which we don’t feel successful at.
People that enjoy and practice art, were probably good at it growing up. Then, because of the positive feedback they got, they most likely stayed with it and got better.
There are always exceptions, but for the most part, that’s how things usually work.
Bringing it back to disc golf, you absolutely want to feel successful.
So, do yourself a favor and play easy, short courses to start.
Don’t pick a course with tight fairways, water carries (note: 99% of discs sink), and holes that are infinitely long.
That’s just frustrating! And when you lose discs and feel unsuccessful, you’re probably less likely to pursue that hobby.
Set yourself up for success by choosing shorter, open, and easier courses to start!
Feldberg had this to say. “Find an easy course, enjoy playing, and guess what, you’ll play for a long time.”
Sounds good to me!
Tip #2 – Buy/Borrow Used Discs!
Wait. An online disc retailer is telling me to buy used discs?
Yup! We just want you to succeed!
Basically though, discs that are broken in and used, tend to fly better for beginners.
Also, used discs are cheaper so if you lose any (it happens), you don’t feel as bad.
Then, once you start to understand flight numbers, what each disc does, and what you are looking for to suit your game, c’mon back! We have got you covered in the disc department!
A common mistake beginners make, Feldberg explains, is to imitate what they see others doing and try to replicate it for themselves.
He reminds us that each person is built differently (height, arm length, biomechanics, etc.) so what is good for one person might not be good for you.
Also, unless the person you are imitating is a pro, there is a good chance the person you want to emulate is doing a few things wrong themselves!
So, for the most part, try to avoid imitating others… This leads nicely into his final tip…
Tip #4 – Learn to Throw “Mechanically”
“If you build bad habits to start, they take very long to break,” Feldberg explains.
Therefore, he tells us, it behooves us to learn correctly right away.
This means using the proper form mechanics which you can learn from him and other trusted pros/coaches on YouTube (Be sure to subscribe to Infinite’s YouTube Channel!).
Feldberg notes that it is harder to score well in the beginning when you are practicing correct techniques (that’s why we start on easy courses!).
But, as you progress in the sport, your good habits will accumulate and you will greatly surpass the ceiling you set on yourself by starting with bad habits.
Follow proper mechanics, as best you can, from the outset, and reap the rewards later!
Now, watch and see Feldberg explain all of these tips for himself!
Improve Accuracy and Distance!
Now that we’ve touched on some of the very basic concepts to keep you invested in disc golf for the long haul, we thought we would show you a few beginner-friendly tips on how to improve your distance and accuracy when you throw.
And that will be it (remember, we said we wouldn’t flood you)!
But then, if you find yourself pining for even more, at the end of this post we’ll be sure to direct you to some of our other posts with helpful advice from pros…
In the next video, however, Connor teaches us how to improve our accuracy and distance with a few simple tips.
Connor tells us that when he takes his friends out that have never played disc golf before, there is a common mistake they almost ALWAYS do when throwing a backhand.
That mistake is that they never take their eyes off the target.
This limits accuracy and distance. We don’t want that!
Let’s watch and review the major points afterwards…
Connor’s Disc Golf Beginner Tips on Accuracy!
We already saw that he’s telling us NOT to look at the target when throwing backhand.
How then, you ask, do I take my eyes off the target AND become more accurate?
Great question!
Basically, Connor shows us this in two simple steps.
Accuracy Step #1 – Plan Out Your “Run Up”
Note: If you are a beginner you probably do NOT want to be running up at all! This just speeds everything up and leaves far more room for your swing to get out of sync!
Timing is key. Do a walk-up instead!
Then, by slowly pacing through your walk up, and planning your shot ahead of time, you can help yourself ensure that you are lined up correctly.
Accuracy Step #2 – Lead With Your Elbow
It takes practice, but think about leading with your elbow, down the line that you want to hit.
This will allow you to turn your head away while you shoot, AND still keep your line!
“When I am thinking about my form to hit a gap,” Connor tells us, “what I am doing, is aiming with my elbow. So I’m driving this elbow straight towards whatever target I’m [aiming] at.“
He adds that this will allow the disc to follow on a straight line towards the target.
Be sure to practice it, so you feel confident hitting your gaps.
Adding Power and Distance!
Luckily, Connor’s tip on not staring down the target for a backhand, also helps with power and distance!
At about the 4:30 mark, Connor shows us why keeping your eye on the target limits your distance so dramatically.
If you keep your eyes locked on the target, he shows, you severely limit your reach back and thus sacrifice a good deal of distance (as well as accuracy).
When you turn your head (some people think about keeping your chin over your lead shoulder) it allows you to:
Get a much farther reach back.
Engage your hips (most power actually comes from the legs).
Complete a proper weight shift (looking at the target usually means your weight is already on your front foot)
If you are watching this saying “Wait, Connor and others are looking at the target!” I understand where you’re coming from! It can certainly look that way…
But really, many pros are looking, looking, looking, then look away for the reach back, make their shot, release, and then look up again as part of the follow through.
Like many things, it’s a question of timing and it can be very hard to see in real time.
You’ll just have to trust him and know that he has your best interest in mind…
Want More?
I think we held up our end of the bargain by not flooding you with too much information at once.
If you’d like, it’s perfectly okay (perhaps recommended) that you stop here and go practice what you’ve learned so far.
However, having been there ourselves, we know that some of you are hungry for more.
With that in mind, we have some more posts that focus on specific disc golf skill sets for you to check out.
Notably absent is a post on “Distance and Power.”
For starters, we already gave you a tip on that in this post.
But also, this is a common trap for beginners to fall into. Don’t fall into it!
As you learn mechanically (Feldberg’s Tip #4) your distance will naturally and gradually improve.
Then, once you are an intermediate player, come back for more and we’ve got you covered!
Here are some other topics for you to explore more in depth if you are interested:
What advice did you wish you had earlier in your disc golf career?
What else do you want to know about?
Let us know all this and more in the comments below!
Disc Golf Tips For Beginners – In Summary!
As we said at the beginning, disc golf is an amazing game.
And truly, we want you to find the joy that we find for a long time to come.
Part of this is taking it in stride and not biting off more than you can chew.
Another part is to set yourself up for success.
Be sure to play easy courses and find enjoyment. Go ahead and borrow discs, but don’t borrow too much advice just yet. Get your advice from the pros instead!
By learning to play correctly from the jump, you’ll help set yourself up for success on that long and glorious journey that we call disc golf.
This post on throwing a disc golf roller, is the next post in a series designed to help you elevate your game. Watch the videos and reinforce the concepts through reading. Watch, read, practice, and improve!
At first glance, the disc golf roller seems like a very complicated shot.
It looks useful, but also difficult.
And there are many reasons we could want to throw a roller in disc golf. There could be low-hanging branches that limit our ability to throw into the air.
Or, maybe we like our chances of getting through the trees with our disc moving vertically instead of horizontally?
Perhaps we need to have our disc cut a corner rather abruptly?
I’m sure most of us are familiar with seeing the pros throw these massive, distance rollers that roll for days. Maybe that’s what you want?
There are pros and cons for electing each shot, and the backhand roller is no different.
By understanding how and when to throw the disc golf roller, you can set yourself up for success when you are on the course.
And thankfully, as we hope you’ll see, it’s NOT as difficult as you may have thought!
As is the case with all shots, you’ll want to practice this shot so you can throw it confidently when it matters most.
Nevertheless, by the end of this post, we think you’ll have the information you need to gain that confidence.
Let’s get into how to throw a roller right off, by watching a clinic in which a young Ricky Wysocki answers a question where he explicitly addressed how to throw rollers!
Ricky Wysocki’s Advice on Rollers!
Of rollers, Wysocki starts by saying this: “It’s basically just an anhyzer that you throw into the ground on purpose.”
Let’s watch his explanation and we’ll go over the highlights afterwards, so you feel extra confident in your own disc golf rollers!
Here are the major points Wysocki covered in this video!
Pick Your Angle!
This will take practice to see which angle works best for which disc.
Before you throw, however, be sure to decide which angle you want to release the disc on, and keep the disc on that same angle from your reach back to your release.
Snap the Disc!
Just like a regular backhand throw, you are snapping the disc at the end (on the angle you brought it back on).
Create an Arc!
Because, this is “an anhyzer you throw into the ground,” the reach back and pull through follow a different path.
Basically, you are creating an arc where the disc starts slightly below shoulder height in your reach back and then follows an upward trajectory slightly over your head and releases down.
In the next video, you will see it described as “painting the rainbow” which provides a nice visual to think about as you’re throwing.
Select Angle Based on What You Want The Disc To Do
Ask yourself What you want your disc to do after it’s released. This will determine your angle.
Want a quick cut roller? Put the disc on a steep angle (nearly perpendicular to the ground).
Want a longer, straighter roller? You’ll want to throw your disc on more of an anhyzer and have it stand up and roll.
In general, he tells us a little later that the flippier the disc the more likely it is to cut faster.
The more stable the disc is that you use, the more likely it is to roll longer and straighter.
Play around with different discs and different angles when you are practicing your backhand rollers.
In this way, you’ll see how a given disc behaves for a given throw.
Then, when it’s time to throw it when it matters, you can do so confidently!
Choose the Right Disc!
As we all know, different discs have different stabilities.
Flight ratings will give an indication, but weights, plastic types, arm speeds, wind speeds, and more will factor in as well.
In general, Ricky recommends using an understandable disc for rollers. He also recommends trying your rollers out with different discs to find what’s right for you. Check out this list for the discs most recommended for rollers by our reviewers.
Once you know your discs well, you can choose the right disc for different roller situations!
Where to Land the Roller!
For a typical roller, Ricky recommends that you land the disc 60 to 80 feet in front of you.
As is the case with everything on this post, you’ll want to play around with different distances for different discs so you can find what’s right for you.
He tells us that you want it to act like an air shot and throw it out. Then, you let the understable disc do the rest of the work and come down into the ground.
“Focus on throwing out instead of down.”
More Disc Golf Roller Tips!
The next video features disc golf legend David Feldberg.
With over $400,000 in career earnings, he certainly knows his way around a disc golf course.
The point is, he has a lot to teach, and I’m listening.
In the beginning of his video, he gives a slightly different twist on the disc golf roller than Ricky did above.
He gives a common misconception people have on throwing disc golf rollers.
By understanding this we can adjust our throws and throw our rollers correctly.
Let’s watch the video and go over the rest of the talking points afterwards!
A Common Misconception for Rollers!
Feldberg starts by highlighting a very common mistake he sees when some disc golfers try to throw rollers. He tells us not to do this:
Don’t throw a normal backhand and then twist your wrist down at the end!
This does cause the disc to roll.
But, Feldberg explains, it greatly caps the amount of distance and control you can get.
Related, it’s very difficult to be consistent with.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to sacrifice distance, control or consistency!
Paint The Rainbow!
Instead, he tells us to “paint the rainbow”.
This is an idea he got from fellow legend Steve Wisecup.
Basically, like Wysocky was talking about above, you are going to reach back at the roller angle you’ve selected and make an arc (the rainbow) at least as high as your head (“maybe above if it’s a sky roller”).
When you’re “painting the rainbow,” you are flying the disc out (not straight down into the ground).
If done correctly, it allows you to transfer more of the energy from your throw into the disc (and not lose so much into the ground).
The best rollers, he tell us, hit the ground at the “peak of the rainbow” and do not bounce. Rather, they just smoothly roll.
This is something you can look for when you are practicing for yourself.
Adjusting The Type of Roller You Throw!
There are a few ways you can adjust what type of roller you throw. The first way to do this is by adjusting the release point.
If you want a sky roller, you will release the disc at it’s highest point in the arc.
If you want more of a level roller, then you will release it later in the arc after it’s come back down more.
In both cases, he tells us, you want to continue your follow through and complete the arc of the rainbow after you release.
That follow through also applies to the different swing plane you might put on a low roller.
For a low roller, it does look more like your traditional backhand throw. However, if you look closely (3:00 mark) you’ll see he is still following the arc on a more of a horizontal plane.
Whatever roller you throw, “ you want to have the roller [follow the arc of the] rainbow the whole way… and then you’ll have very smooth rollers.
Distance For Rollers!
Now we’re talking!
In general, Feldberg tells us, if we are hitting the ground 25 feet in front of us, we’re losing a lot of distance potential.
He then gives a general rule of thumb.
The farther you can get the disc to fly in the air before rolling, the farther it will go.
At the very least, we don’t want to be slamming the disc down so close to where we threw it from.
That will seriously damper our distance!
Understanding How Rollers Turn!
At 4:45 Feldberg instructs us how to know what the disc will do once it hits the ground.
This is based on the disc’s stability. It’s just like air shots he tells us (for RHBH. Opposite for lefties).
If it’s overstable, the disc wants to burn out to the left.
When it’s more of a neutral, straight-flying disc, the disc wants to go mostly straight on the ground.
If it’s understable, the disc wants to go right.
It’s Not As Hard As You Think!
Lastly, Feldberg finishes with some words of encouragement on rollers.
He tells us they are easier to learn than you may think and can take strokes off our score.
It’s definitely worth it to go out and practice.
Disc Golf Roller – In Summary!
The disc golf roller, can be a stroke-saving shot out on the course.
And luckily, it’s not nearly as difficult as it looks!
It’ll take practice. But once you understand the key components, and what a given disc will do at a given angle of release, you will have far more confidence throwing the roller when it really counts.
Then, when the course calls for a roller, you won’t even hesitate.
You’ll select your disc from you bag and step into that shot with the conviction that you can execute it!
And with another shot added to your bag of tricks, it’s more strokes subtracted from your score.
And then, like your disc, you’ll be really rolling!
Comment Below!
Thanks for reading everyone! If you have more questions please feel free to ask in the comments.
We’d also like to hear if any of the tips that were provided resonated with you.
Finally, if you have a roller tip that helps you, feel free to let the group know that too!
We sincerely hope this helps you throw those disc golf rollers out on the course! For other posts on disc golf tips and advice check out the link found here!
This post on pro tips to help you improve your disc golf putting, is the next post in a series designed to help you elevate your game. Watch the videos and reinforce the concepts through reading. Watch, read, practice, and improve!
We all know the importance of putting. We hear it from enough people high up in the sport, that it simply has to be true.
It’s also easy to understand it logically. If you throw two 250-foot throws and 1-putt, it’s the same score as a 500-foot smash and a 2-putt.
But realistically, many of us don’t have a ton of free time to get out and practice. So, when we do, we elect to practice our throws instead.
Throwing is usually more fun, so it makes perfect sense.
But you know what else is fun? Scoring well.
And scoring well is very hard to do without consistent putting.
So, it stands to reason that we will have far more enjoyment on the course, if we can confidently step up to a putt and knock it in the chains more often than not.
That is exactly what this post is designed to help you do. We’ll give you tips from top pros, so that you can practice your putting confidently and have it translate directly to the course.
Let’s begin!
General Putting Tips
Tour pro Zoe Andyke has some great general putting tips that should prove helpful to players of all skill levels.
Her main focus, in this video, is how to properly line up your putt.
These are some of the pointers on lining up your putt but also some general putting advice mixed in as well!
Keep your feet steady and solid!
Keep your knees bendy and springy.
Your hips should be squared up to the basket.
Keep your chest and shoulders pointing at the basket. This tip is as much about lining up your putt as it is about making sure we don’t hinge at the hip and point our chest towards the ground. Keep it pointing at the target, especially when you release your putt.
For grip, she mentions that you want to keep the disc “nice and tight” and that you can spin it a few times to find your grip.
Another idea she gives is thinking about your putter having an eyeball on the end of it looking right at the target.
After this, Zoe touches on the mental aspect (also discussed in-depth here). This is a HUGE part of making putts!
Tell yourself all sorts of encouraging thoughts and convince yourself you are going to sink that putt!
The last thing Zoe leaves us with is the focus on your legs. You get a lot more spin, speed, and power by harnessing the power of our legs. Use this knowledge, especially as your putts get farther from the basket!
Zoe has a very contagious teaching style and I absolutely encourage you to take a few moments to watch her explain these ideas herself in the video below!
Diversify Your Putting!
If you practice putting inside, then that’s fantastic. You are undoubtedly improving your game, and you should definitely keep that up!
But we all know from experience, that those ideal conditions are never quite replicated on the course.
Often times there’s some wind or an obstacle that seems to get in the way. (Note: For some pro tips on putting in bad weather, check out a prior post called Pro Tips for Disc Golf in Bad Weather!)
If you aren’t used to it, this can really throw off your game.
That’s why Infinite pro, Eric Oakley, tells us to go out and practice those very putts.
Practice with obstacles in your path, or brush in your normal swing path.
Force yourself to step outside your comfort zone.
You know this will happen while you’re playing.
By practicing these shots, you are vastly increasing the odds that you complete your putt.
Oakley tells us to try going to a knee, using a pitch putt, stretching out for an angled putt, or raising your putt for a higher spin putt.
In short, try to replicate the various obstacles you might find and practice them.
It’ll pay off.
Here’s Oakley’s explanation…
Make More Comebacker Putts!
Here’s a quick tip from Joel Freeman that will probably save you a stroke or two over time.
Nobody hits 100% of their putts right?
So, if, invariably, you are going to miss, you might as well set yourself up for a closer comebacker.
You do this, Joel tells us, by controlling your speed.
Make your putt travel in such a way that, should you miss, it doesn’t blow way past the basket.
This will keep your disc golf putt totals down in the long run and pay dividends on the scorecard.
Watch and see Joel explain it as well below…
Establish Balance!
Next up, Zoe Andyke helps us improve our disc golf putting by establishing your foundation and checking your feet.
Zoe encourages us to take an extra moment before putting to pay attention to our feet.
While you’re doing that, here are some questions she asks:
“Do you have proper balance?”
“Can you transfer your weight from backward to forward? Down to up?”
In the end she reminds us to check our feet and ensure they are balanced, solid, and ready to transfer weight, before attempting to putt.
Put Yourself in Tournament Scenarios!
This tip, from Dallin Blanchard, will help you sink those pressure putts.
Essentially, he tells us to practice as if you are in a tournament.
This is an alternative to just simply slinging putts at the basket as practice.
Every time you step up to a putt, imagine that you have to sink it.
In addition, be sure to do your pre-putting routine. This will also help simulate tournament conditions.
At the end, watch Dallin demonstrate his routine. To add to it, you can put the putters in different spots/distances so you literally have to step up each time to the putt!
Give it a look and see what you think…
This mindset shift should help you making a lot more putts when it really counts!
Keep Your Putting Routine Consistent!
In a related tip, Eric Oakley has a video for us about routine.
No matter what the putt looks like. Whether it’s your normal putt, it’s from a knee, or anything else, you’ll want to keep that routine consistent.
Then, around 0:45 Oakley takes us through his personal putting routine.
See if you like any of it for your own purposes!
He likes to:
Make sure he is squared up
Establish a comfortable stance (he staggers with his feet closer together than most players)
Come down and push up (by bending at the knees)
*Hand extension towards the basket!
*Oakley considers that last part, on hand extension, to be themost important partof his routine. He got it by observing Eagle McMahon (one of the best putters on tour).
No matter what type of putt (regular, from a knee, straddle, etc.) Oakley is focused on fully extending his hand towards the basket.
This extension is something he believes everyone should focus on.
Watch and see how establishing a routine can help you improve your disc golf putting!
More General Putting Tips from Cole Redalen!
In this video, Cole Redalen credits his teacher who is the pro we started this post with (Zoe Andyke)!
In it, he gives his “spin” on disc golf putting and how he thinks about it every time he steps up to his lie.
Here are his major take-aways from the video.
Tip #1 on Grip – “Never put your finger on the very edge of the rim!”
Instead, put it slightly under, or some variation of under (see 0:55 to 1:40 for 3 types of putting grips he shows). This helps prevent the disc from slipping while you are putting.
Tip #2 – Don’t Spill Your Food!
To do this you make sure that you are not hinging at the wrist and your forearm bone (The radius (The one that lines up with your thumb)) is in line with your wrist.
Tip #3 – Cole Keeps it on Hyzer!
As he said, putting is personal, but by keeping it on hyzer, he explains, you rule out some of the error that can happen when you roll your wrist and send putts off line.
Tip #4 on Alignment – Pretend you have 6 eyes!
Cole credits his teacher Zoe Andyke for this tip. Imagine 2 eyes on each of your shoulders, the sides of your hips and front of your toes.
Then, make sure all of those “eyes” are pointing towards the basket. This will help you stay on line with your putts.
Tip #5 – Come down in line with the center of your body (and the center of the basket).
Cole advises against bringing the putt off line. It introduces too many other variables.
Swing the putter down to the center of your body and bring it back on that line towards the center of the basket.
Now, watch him explain and we’ll bring it all home afterwards!
Improve Your Disc Golf Putting – In Summary!
For lots of players, disc golf is a game we play to unwind. And what a game it is!
But for many of us, games are far more fun when you are doing well at them.
For this reason, it’s absolutely worth it to improve your disc golf putting.
This post lays out many different aspects of putting and ways you can hit putts more consistently.
It reviews:
How to diversify your putting.
How to establish balance
How to find your putting routine
How to practice like it’s a tournament
How to make more comebacker putts
And more!
Take the time to go out and practice some of the points reviewed, and then come back and try a few more.
And while you are here, be sure to comment below!
Which tips did you find most useful?
Which ones do you plan to incorporate into your practice routine?
Are there any tips that you like when you are putting that were not covered?
Put this, or any questions you have in the comments. Together we’ll improve our disc golf putting and watch the strokes drop from our scores on the course!
Thank you for reading and keep after it on the putting greens!
This post on pro tips to help you improve your disc golf mental game, is the seventh post in a series designed to help you elevate your game. Watch the videos and reinforce the concepts through reading. Watch, read, practice, and improve!
We all know it’s important.
It’s a story as old as time in sports.
Those with the strongest mental games, find their way to the top.
That isn’t always true for the most talented players. In fact, many a talented player has “not lived up to their potential” because they couldn’t get over the mental hurdles.
Conversely, names like Michael Jordan, Serena Williams, Tom Brady, Mia Hamm, and so many more have made it to the peak of the athletic mountaintop in large part because of their mental fortitude.
Drive, passion, confidence, fortitude, and belief are all just words. But when an athlete exemplifies them, they are powerful words indeed!
Applying a strong mental game to disc golf is just as important.
When you stare down that windy 25-footer to stay in the hunt, you need a strong mental game.
When you eye a tight fairway on the 18th hole to preserve your one-stroke lead after your opponent just laced it up the middle, you need to have that belief that you too will execute the shot and bring home the W.
So if we know the mental game is so important, it stands to reason that it’s worth working on our mental game as well.
Today, we look at some videos that will help you do just that.
Hopefully, by the end, you’ll have some strategies to apply to your mental game that you can work on while practicing so they carry over to your competitions as well.
Let’s get to it!
Take a Moment and Breathe…
In this quick video, Zoe Andyke reminds us the importance of pausing to take a breath. Not only can this calm you down and loosen you up before your shot, but it can also help you channel your mental energy where it belongs.
“An extra breath or two is going to help you with your focus, and collect all your energy to make the shot happen. If you can visualize it, take a breath, believe in it, and achieve it.”
Watch Zoe deliver the message and add it to your routine!
Disc Golf Mental Game – Visualize
In a related video, we have Eric Oakley stressing the value of visualization in order to achieve success on the course.
It can come into play quite a bit for successful players before they execute shots.
How many times, while watching the pros, have you seen them get in the tee box, walk up to the front, stick their disc out at their intended angle, and back up for the real shot?
What so many of them are doing in that moment, is visualizing their successful shots.
And when you visualize that success, your body is much more inclined to do the motions that will help you realize that visualization.
This trick can be used when you are playing well, or, to pull you out of a rut when the disc isn’t flying your way.
Take a moment to visualize a successful shot.
Then, go out and complete it!
Putt (and Play) Confidently…
This video also came up in the post on disc golf in bad weather, but it’s absolutely worth reviewing! In essence, Connor gives us a tip on how to putt confidently.
If we step back, and expand that out to the rest of our game, we can also think about playing confidently,.
When we are confident we are far more likely to succeed.
So, similar to Connor finding what gives him confidence on the putting green (see video), we too should find that which gives us confidence in as many aspects of our games that we can find.
Then, we can play confidently and reap the rewards out on the course!
Keep the Stress Low!
And on a lighter note, if we putt confidently, but they don’t quite find the chains, here is an insightful video on how to ensure we don’t get overly stressed out over missed putts!
Disc Golf Mental Game: In Summary
Your disc golf mental game is absolutely something you can work on.
The work you put in will pay dividends on the course.
By having confidence, visualizing successful shots, practicing, and taking a moment to breathe, you can calm the nerves and execute the shots when it counts the most.
So, while you are out there practicing your putting, approaches, drives, rollers, or any other aspect of your game, be sure to work on your mental game as well.
It may be the most important thing you do!
Thank you for reading everyone. If you have any tips or tricks that you like to use for your mental game, be sure to share them in the comments.
That way we can all learn from one another and up our mental games collectively!
This post on pro tips to help you improve your disc golf forehand, is the fifth post in a series designed to help you elevate your game. Watch the videos and reinforce the concepts through reading. Watch, read, practice, and improve!
What if I asked you, “Would you give just over 8 minutes of your time to significantly improve your disc golf forehand?”
Would you do it?
Can I answer for you?
Of course you would!
And that’s exactly what we are talking about today.
Nate Sexton, one of the best forehand players to ever play, gives a clinic on how he throws his forehand.
Well, if he is throwing it that way, then perhaps we should as well.
And if we’re being honest with ourselves, it is going to take more than 8 minutes, right?
We should pause, process, practice, replay, and repeat. A lot.
But while we’re being honest, isn’t it completely, 100% worth it?
I think so.
The alternative might be sending an errant forehand way off line to smack a tree and go careening off into the netherlands of the woods.
Or, watching yet another forehand “turn and burn” and cut roll embarrassingly close to the location you just launched it from?
Or executing any of the countless other issues that occur when we throw forehands?
Yes, this is definitely worth the investment of time.
Sexton has us covered, soup to nuts, from grip, to reach-back, to follow through, with countless other nuggets to mine (that’s what I’m here for) throughout.
So let’s get going shall we?
Let’s take the time to watch one of the very best in the world teach us his craft, so that we can reap the rewards with consistent, effective, and, perhaps, deadly forehands, that will drop scores from our game and make us far more complete disc golfers!
Let me know in the comments if you like it better this way or the other.
Key Sidearm (Forehand) Pointers!
Now that you’ve watched, let’s go over some of the key points starting with warming up!!
Always Warm Up Before Throwing Big Forehands!
One important thing that he mentioned in the middle is the importance of warming up before throwing big forehands!
You can do this by gradually increasing distances or playing catch (also from short distances).
In general, Sexton mentions, the forehand can be more taxing on your arm/body so warming your arm up is of the utmost importance!
You don’t want to injure it and be unable to use these newer techniques we’re learning today, so warm up!
Now let’s look at Sexton’s thoughts on the forehand grip!
Find A Sidearm Grip That Works For You!
The video starts right out by getting into the grip that Sexton uses.
He mentions, however, that while the disc he’s using (The Firebird) is the same size/dimensions as your Firebird, his hand is NOT the same size/dimensions as theirs (or yours or mine!).
All that means is: Just because he’s using that grip (and is one of the best in the world) it DOESN’T mean it’s the perfect grip for you (probably worth a try though!).
In the end, Sexton leaves us with 2 keys for forehand grip.
Sexton Forehand Grip Key #1 – Have 2 fingers be on the rim.
Sexton Forehand Grip Key #2 – Leave NO Space between the disc and your hand (at the base of your thumb and pointer finger. (This provides more consistency and less wobble.)).
Once you do that, it’s up to you to find a method that’s comfortable for you.
“Comfort above all else,” Sexton reminds us.
Then, at about the 1:30 mark, Sexton moves to footwork.
Use Proper Footwork To Maximize Your Forehand!
Nate begins by telling us, with a cheeky grin, that he uses “The World Famous Sexton Hop” for his footwork.
Here’s the “Sexton Hop” Sequence for RHFH (opposite for LHFH):
Left Foot Step
Right Foot Step
Right Foot Hop
Go (Step forward with Left Foot and Throw)
For anyone that plays baseball, he likens this footwork to what an outfielder does in baseball when throwing it back into the infield.
In baseball, this would be called the “crow hop.”
The basic premise is that you, in his words, “turn your hips sideways to your target, temporarily, while you load the shot, and then you’ve got to snap your hips out of it, and then come through back to square to get big power.”
He goes on to point out that others use different footwork before moving on to the ever-important forehand reach back.
Use Proper Forehand Reach-Back!
Sexton starts out the section on reach-back (at 2:45) by discussing the wrist action and contrasting it to the backhand.
“The backhand is thrown with a passive wrist. A locked wrist. The forehand is an activewrist throw.”
Another contrast he points out is the reach back.
In the backhand you typically do a long, straight reach back.
Not so with the forehand.
“The forehand reach back is NOT linear,” he tells us.
The elbow is far from the body in the reach back with your elbow bent and the face of the disc looking at the back of your head (at about head height).
At 3:20 he addresses when you should be tucking your elbow into the body.
When you get into “the hit of the throw” pin the elbow to the side of your body (when throwing hyzer or flat) for as long as you can. But not for the reach back or follow through.
“When I want to get into the hit of the throw, I am going to pin the elbow to the side…Bring it in close, snap the hips, snap the wrist forward through, and then on the follow through again, obviously the elbow is coming off…“
Then, at about 3:55, Sexton gets right into controlling angle on the forehand shots.
How to Control Angles with the Forehand Throw!
To work on controlling angles, Sexton points out 3 levers you can use to do so with the forehand shot. Wrist, elbow and hip.
He then translates for us and tells us how he uses these levers for hyzer and anhyzer shots.
For the wrist, he shows us how the wrist lever can set the disc on a hyzer (with the wrist pointing downward), flat, or anhyzer (wrist flexed up).
With the elbow, we see that you can use it to throw hyzer (disc swings below elbow) or anhyzer (elbow off the body and disc above the elbow joint).
And finally, he points out you can drop the inside hip to add more hyzer to your shot as well (You probably don’t want to do the opposite for the forehand anhyzer he shows).
Understanding these three levers, and practicing them a lot, will help you master your angle controls on any given forehand shot.
At this point, he is asked a question about warming up to prevent pain (which we covered partly at the beginning when we talked about warming up slowly and gradually.)
But he also made sure to stress the importance of using the snap of the wrist so you are not cranking your arm and so you can “work smarter not harder.”
Next, at about the 5:25 mark, we get into disc selection for learning proper forehand technique.
Sexton is a big proponent for learning to throw forehand by using understable discs because it “let’s you control angles.”
He continues.
“You gotta be able to work some angles with the flippy stuff, and you’ll be thankful for it when you get on a really tight woods course, or you have a tailwind, and you need to generate power across some different, more subtle lines, that aren’t just a wide open field hyzer.”
Preventing the “Turn and Burn” Forehand
At the end of the video, Sexton is asked if he has “any last tips for beginner sidearm?”
The first thing that comes to mind for him is wrist snap.
“Just to reiterate, the wrist speed is so important.”
Then, he goes onto a point regarding the wrist action that he didn’t necessarily touch upon earlier.
“The main thing that people do wrong is roll the wrist [too early] through as if they were throwing a football… [with the] fingers pointing down in the follow through…”
“With a forehand hyzer…you need to keep the palm up for as long as possible…very late in the follow through, sure, your hand will roll over…”
Essentially though, Sexton tells us to keep that wrist up until that disc is a good ways out of our hands.
This will ensure we’re not turning over to quickly and “turning and burning” those wobbly forehands.
His final bit of wisdom in this video is a healthy dose of logic.
“The forehand you really need to learn,” he tells us, “is the hyzer because then you have consistent right moving, right skipping shots (for RHFH), and that’s what’s going to save you 3 strokes a round next month…”
Forehand Tips from Ricky Wysocki
Now we go from one legend to another.
In the next video we see a young Ricky Wysocki (circa 2017).
In the video below, Ricky takes questions during a clinic and in it, he pretty much reaffirms so much of what we just went over in Nate Sexton’s video.
Ricky goes over the proper reach back that Sexton talked about.
He also talks about the grip (and leaving no space between the disc and the hand).
There’s the importance of the wrist snap (vs. “arming the disc”) for power and less wobble.
He also discusses why we turn our forehands over (unknowingly rolling wrist or arm over before releasing the wrist).
Wysocki then talks about lining up his shot by lining up his feet.
Weight Shift While Throwing Forehands
At about 6:35, a gentleman mentions that his timing gets way out of sync if he does anything more than one step. He then proceeds to ask Wysocki about his run up for forehand.
It’s here that Ricky waxes a little about the importance of weight shift in forehand (but also backhand and sports in general).
I recommend watching it, as it really hammers home the importance of timing as it pertains to this weight shift.
“You really just want to keep your weight back (on your back foot) until your arm’s coming through”
In a related question, another person asks him about whether or not we should be twisting at the hips.
In essence, he tells us “no.”
If we are twisting at the hips we’re introducing so many new angles/directions that the disc could fly off on.
Instead, he instructs, think of it more of a lateral, side to side, movement of the hips.
Have the hips shifting towards the intended line you want to throw on.
Improve Forehand Through Trial and Error Practice
One final message that Ricky imparts throughout the video is the importance of trying these things out in order to improve your disc golf forehand. This applies for both distance throws and approach shots.
He tells us what we already know, but it bears repeating.
We’re going to get better at these techniques by trial and error, and by practicing and adjusting.
Before long, he tells us, it’ll become second nature.
Give the video a look and have Sexton’s points reaffirmed and learn a few new ideas as well!
Improve Your Disc Golf Forehand – In Summary
There you have it! Those are some tips from some of the very best in the game on how to improve your disc golf forehand and get more distance.
To start, we watched Nate Sexton give a clinic of sorts on his best tips for the forehand.
Here’s what he gave us:
Always warm up!
Grip – Have two fingers on the rim and leave no space between the disc and your hand. In the end, find what’s comfortable for you!
Footwork – Try the Sexton Hop!
Reach Back – Remember that it’s non-linear and comes up behind your head (see video).
Elbow Tuck – For the hit of the throw, tuck your elbow into your side for throwing hyzer or flat.
Angle Control – Use your wrist, elbow and hip to control angles.
Wrist – Remember that forehand has an active wrist snap (instead of “arming” the disc).
Palm Up – Keep your palm up until after you release (this will help you prevent “turn and burn”)
Understable Practice – Practice forehands with flippy, understable discs. This will help you control your angles better.
Sexton gave us a lot and it’s all quite valuable. Wysocki, who’s not too shabby with his forehand himself, reinforced a lot of Sexton’s advice and added a few tidbits of his own.
Here’s what Wysocki had to say:
Weight shift – Shift your weight from your back foot to your front foot as you are coming through.
Hips – Instead of rotating the hips and introducing new angles to your throw think of your hip movement as a lateral, side to side movement towards your intended line.
Practice – Go out and try your shots and learn through trial and error!
As I said before, there is certainly a lot to take in. But as we also said, it’s absolutely worth the time investment to be learning from some of the best in the world.
Comment Below!
I hope those tips from Sexton and Wysocki have helped you improve your disc golf forehand.
They certainly have for me!
Let us know in the comments below if there were any tips that resonated with you.
Were there any that were new to you?
Do you have any tips that you use that wasn’t mentioned in the videos?
Did you prefer this format (watch first, review second)? Or do you like it the other way around?
Anything you still want to know about?
Let us know all this and more!
In the meantime, keep working on your game everyone and reap the rewards on the course!