Infinite Discs 3.0 Public Beta Test

Infinite Discs 3.0 Public Beta Test

We are now opening public beta testing of the new edition of our website!

Thanks for your interest in participating in the public beta test of our new website. There are some things to consider before making a purchase on the new site. Please read the following before going to the site:

  1. By going to the new site, you may encounter some glitches – after all this is a beta test. There will be a banner on the front page that links to a feedback form if you would like to report any glitches OR wish list items.
  2. The site has LIVE inventory available for purchase. However, due the limited nature of this inventory, there may be some double sale issues that we are working to eliminate through this data. If this is the case, we apologize, but the disc you purchased may be refunded if this is the case.
  3. The site speed has shown much improvement over the current site. This test will help us determine what further measures we can take to assist the traffic flow of the new website. If the site loads very slow for you, please report it in the feedback form.
  4. Your orders will be shipped as soon as we can, but please allow for an 3-4 days for handling your orders, in case we run into any beta-test issues with shipping.
  5. If you need order support regarding this new site, please email
  6. Your user name and password will be the same from the OLD site!

If you understand the above points, please proceed to the beta site here:

Some cool things you can look for:

  • N-Blend Alpaca
  • Halo S-Blend Early Release Discs with Megalodon Stamp
  • MVP Glitch
  • All Infinite Discs on sale
  • All TSA on sale




  • Jason Bourgholtzer

    Thanks for all the hard work and hours upon hours to help the disc golf community understand what they are actually buying when it comes to filling our bags. I loved how informative the original site was even though it wasn’t always easy to navigate. Excited to get into the beta version and make some purchases.

    Thank you again and will give feedback about my experience

  • This new site is AMAZING! Speed increase is noticeable immediately! A few quick comments:
    1. The new variable flight path visualizer is GREAT!
    2. Not sure if this is intentional, but the old site wouldn’t allow you to go to a particular plastic for a disc if it was out of stock. In the new setup, you CAN go to a plastic that’s out of stock. Frankly, I like the new version better but just wanted to highlight in case this is unintentional.

    Sooooo excited! GREAT WORK to the entire team involved!

  • Gonna look for a Glitch

  • Looking forward to doing business with you soon.

  • I like how much easier it is to search the new website. I was happy enough with the new layout I made a purchase, and added a mystery disc. Thank you for the opportunity to beta test it.

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