Best Disc Golf Putters for 2024

Disc Golfer putting in the woods

Earlier this year we showed you the best-selling putters for last year. Now that we’re half way through 2024 we thought we would give you an update and show you which putters are the hot ones for the year so far. Before we get into this year’s numbers let’s look at the top putters for 2023:

Top 50 Disc Golf Putters Sold in 2023

Top 50 Best selling disc golf putters of 2024

The glidey Glitch was sitting on the top spot, with the perennial favorite, the Alpaca, sitting in second. The Zone, Envy, and Tomb rounded out the top five. One out of every four putters sold last year were one of these five discs.


1-MVP Glitch
2-Infinite Discs Alpaca
3-Discraft Zone
4-Axiom Envy
5-Infinite Discs Tomb

Now let’s see how the numbers look for 2024

While the second- through fifth-place molds didn’t change, there is a new best-seller for 2024. The Axiom Pixel was released late enough in the year last year that it didn’t have time to overtake the popular Glitch. This year the Pixel sold enough to take first and account for 10% of all putters sold! The Glitch dropped to number seven this year.

In addition to the Pixel, new to the top 10 for 2024 are the PA-3 and Aviar. Dropping out are the Berg, Proxy, and Judge.

1- Axiom Pixel – The second mold in the popular Simon Line of discs, the Pixel has taken the disc golf world by storm! It is not only the top-selling putter, it is the top-selling mold of all types. It’s fairly neutral flight and rim depth make it a valuable tool from the tee pad to circle one. Check out the Pixel today to learn about the hype!

8- Prodigy PA-3 – The PA-3 is ten year’s old and continues to be one of the most popular putters. It has a straight flight with a decent fade. The PA-3 is the most popular putter for Prodigy.

10- Innova Aviar – The Aviar has been around for longer than most of us have been playing disc golf. You can find it in starter sets and in the bags of some of the top pros. Innova claims it has won more World Championships than any other putter! We know it is always a popular disc.

Check out the top 20 best-selling disc golf putters of last year HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Top Brands for Best Putters

Graph showing disc golf brands with their numbers of top selling putters

Taking a look at the brands in the top 50 we see that MVP has the most molds in the top 50, including the number one spot. Last year Innova had the most top 50 discs, but this year they dropped to a 2-way tie for second place. They tied with long-time rival Discraft. Eighteen different brands made up the top 50, with seven of those having only one mold.

Highest Rated Disc Golf Putters

One of the awesome benefits to using the Infinite Discs site to shop is that you can read the reviews and see the ratings for discs you are interested in trying. Over time, the ratings become a great way to see what your fellow disc golfers think about certain molds. The ratings system ties is part of the Infinite Rewards. If you aren’t familiar with the Infinite Rewards program, where you can earn rewards by giving reviews or making purchases, check it out HERE and help our review data by giving feedback on your favorite discs.

We wanted to look at the discs in several different categories and see which molds are the top rated in those categories. We’ll start with the highest rated disc golf putters of all time.

All-Time Highest Rated Putters

The Discraft Zone edged out the Infinite Discs Tomb for the number one spot by a hundredth of a point! The Zone has an average rating of 4.89 out of five while the Tomb is rated 4.88. Both of these discs are throwing putters. The Alpaca is only a hundredth behind the Tomb to make a very close top three!

Discraft Zone Approach Disc - Not generally used as a putter but overall classified as a putt and approach disc.

#1 Discraft Zone  – The zone is popular and highly rated partly because of its overstability. It can handle any headwind and nearly every arm and still get good distance. Plus, its thick rim feels amazing to grip and gives you confidence in your drives and upshots.

#2 Infinite Discs Tomb

#3 Infinite Discs Alpaca

Check out the top 20 highest rated putters HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Highest Rated Very Overstable Disc Golf Putters

You might not have heard of the Goliath Discs Pillar before but it is the highest rated very overstable disc. The Pillar has a perfect 5-star rating! It helps that there are only two reviews for the disc. That really skews the data, but I’m okay giving them a mention. Taking second (or first, depending on how you feel about the first one) is the Discraft Zone. In third place with a 4.68 star rating is the Prodigy A1.

Goliath overstable putter


#1 Goliath Discs Pillar – The Pillar is the overstable putter in the Goliath discs lineup. The Iowa company got their first mold approved two years ago and have been designing and releasing discs regularly since then. The Pillar is one of the beefiest discs in their lineup and it is available in the Oasis plastic, which is a premium plastic.

#2 Discraft Zone

#3 Prodigy A1

Check out the top 20 very overstable disc golf putters HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Highest Rated Overstable Disc Golf Putters

When James Conrad threw his Envy into the basket on the last hole at the 2021 World Championships in Utah (I was there!), he certainly gave a nice boost in sales for the putter. The Axiom Envy holds the top spot in the ‘overstable putter’ category with 4.87 out of 5 stars. Taking second place is the popular Berg from Kastaplast. In the final podium spot is the long-time Gateway hit, the Wizard, which averages 4.72 stars.
Although any putter could be used as a thrower or a putter, most of the discs in the Very Overstable and Overstable Putters categories are used as throwing putters.


Axiom Envy, top selling disc golf putt and approach disc.

#1 Axiom Discs Envy   – The overstable, throwing/putting putter has an overstable flight, but is still shapable and useful in a variety of situations on the course. The Envy’s profile is a little thinner than some putters, which is appealing to many. An older, more beat in Envy can be used in tight fairways and situations where control is crucial.

#2 Kastaplast Berg

#3 Gateway Wizard

Check out the top 20 overstable disc golf putters HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Highest Rated Stable Flying Disc Golf Putters

A couple of Infinite molds sit atop the list of highest rated stable putters. The Tomb at 4.88 stars and the Alpaca at 4.87 stars. The best-selling disc of 2023 takes third with 4.85 stars. The disc rating drop off slowly as people really like a lot of discs in this category. Discs with stable flights can be used by such a large number of people with differing skill levels and in a large variety of situations. That is why there are so many on this list that are top selling discs, too.
Although many of the discs in this category are mainly throwing putters, they can also be used as putting putters. Look at this category as a list of the top putting putters.

Infinite Discs Tomb best putt and approach disc

#1 Infinite Discs Tomb – The Tomb is a beaded putter with just enough stability to give the disc a wide range of uses. Comfortable and easy to throw for beginners, the Tomb can also be a valuable weapon for advanced players. It is available In many different plastic types and weights, so you are sure to find one that suits you.

#2 Infinite Discs Alpaca

#3 – MVP Glitch

Check out the top 20 stable disc golf putters HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Highest Rated Understable Disc Golf Putters

Although the understable putter category has some well-known names in the top 10, such as the Fierce and the Dynamic Discs Deputy, it is also full of lesser known brands and molds. Most disc golfers will have heard of Prodigy and their PA5, which is the highest rated understable putter. They may not be as familiar with the Mobius and RPM’s Tui, a New Zealand brand and disc. Check out the top 20 to see how many of brands you are familiar with.

Prodigy PA 5 best understable putter


#1 Prodigy PA5  – Described as a “silky smooth understable putt and approach disc that has the ability to hit and hold turnover lines and can perform straight hyzerflips”. The speed 3 putter has a little glide and a good amount of turn. Can be used on the putting green for straight putts, or as a driving putter when you need to flex around objects. The PA5 is available in many different Prodigy plastics.

#2 RPM Discs Tui

#3 EV-7 Mobius

Check out the top 20 understable disc golf putters HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Let Us Know About YOUR Favorite Putters!

Those are our lists of the top putters with sales and ratings data. Now we want to hear from YOU!

1 – What is your favorite/go-to throwing putter?
2 – What is your favorite/go-to putting putter?

Best Disc Golf Retrievers

Best Disc Golf Retrievers

One of the irritating aspects of disc golf is searching for lost discs. When a disc lands in thick grass, bushes, trees, reeds, water, or some unknown landing place, it can appear that discs sometimes disappear off the face of the earth. Even more frustrating is when we can see a disc, but can’t reach it. Whether it is in a pond, up a tree, over a fence, or in a thorny bush, the idea of leaving a disc behind is very difficult.

Enter the retriever. Disc golf retrievers can make the task of getting our wayward discs back into our bags much easier – and in some cases they are the only way to get a disc back. In this blog post we will compare the different types and brands of retrievers, and recommend the best ones for you.

For the sake of this blog, we will categorize retrievers into two categories: retrievers that use a pole or extension device, and retrievers that use a rope or cord. We can then break down those two categories and talk about the variations of those categories. Then we’ll see which retriever is the best in each category.

Max Distance suction cup pole disc golf retriever

Pole or extension devices

An obvious benefit to having an extension devices is that you can reach discs that you wouldn’t normally be able to reach. The poles come in a variety of sizes, from compact 6-foot poles to massive 20-foot poles. The smaller ones are lighter and take up less room, but limit the distance you can reach. Poles have different tips that can be used for different purposes. These retrievers can reach and retrieve discs that would be impossible for rope-type retrievers.

Pole retriever dragging a disc golf disc out of the water.One of the drawbacks of having a telescopic pole is their use in water. Although they can successfully be used to retrieve a disc in a river or pond, they are sometimes difficult to control and can only serve to dislodge the disc, but not bring it to shore. The success of the retrieval depends on the body of water and the tip of the retriever. They can’t reach a disc that lies beyond their max extension. Plus, they can end up with water inside them, which might leak out into your bag or cause corrosion. It is also possible to break a pole if too much force is exerted.

The device on the end of the pole affect the success of the retrieval.

  • The suction cup works amazing in water. Preferably standing water, but it can also be used in rivers with a varying degree of success.

Max Stick w/suction tip

  • Hooks are useful in trees and can also be used to scoot your disc toward the shore when retrieving in water. They are a good universal tip.

Dynamic Discs Retriever

  • Metal loops are great for securing the disc to the retriever, but they can be cumbersome in trees. In moving water it might be difficult to ‘catch’ the disc.

Bird Dog Retriever

Rope Retriever Devices

One of the best reasons to have a rope device is because you can reach a lot further with them than a Rope retreiver getting a disc out of the waterpole. If your disc is in water beyond the reach of your pole, you would be out of luck unless you had a rope retriever such as a Disc Claw or Golden Retriever.

This would be a good time for some pro tips that I’ve learned by having a rope-type retriever. The two issues that I recommend that owners correct are considered cons, but can easily be remedied.

First, get an additional length of paracord to attach to the end of the rope that comes with the retriever. It will greatly extend the distance that you can reach your disc. The length of rope that comes with the retriever device is not as long as you might need. Just make sure you tie a good knot so the retriever doesn’t end up permanently in the water.

Second tip, get a separate object to wrap the rope around besides the retriever itself, so you can just unwind the amount of rope that you need to reach the disc, instead of keeping the rope around the retriever and having to unwind the entire length of rope. I use a landscape string reel to hold my excess retriever cord. Take care of those two issues and you’ll eliminate some of the cons of the device.

There are a couple of other areas where the rope-retrievers fall short. First, it is mainly just used for water retrievals. You could use it on grass or ice, but it is designed for water use. Is your disc in a tree? This type of disc will likely not be the one you’ll need.

The second issue you might have is that the retriever isn’t as effective if the disc is on rocks. You need to be able to slide over the disc and ‘catch’ it in the retriever. If there are rocks in the way, you might be out of luck.

Best Disc Retriever Winners

With those pros and cons for each retriever in mind, let’s look at your best retriever options.

Best Pole Extension Disc Retriever

Max Stick

Max Stick suction cup Retriever

The first time I used a Max Stick suction cup retriever, I loved how it performed. I had a disc in a river and the Max Stick had no problem holding on to my disc and lifting it out of the water. I’ve retrieved several discs from pond as well. While the suction cups shine in water, using the retriever in trees is hit and miss. Getting the ball to stick to your disc can be challenging. And maneuvering your disc through the branches doesn’t always work. That is especially true in bushes, where the disc can become unstuck and fall to a place where you don’t have room to stick the suction cups to the disc.

I think the ideal retriever would be the suction cups with a retractable or detachable hook. That would be the best of both worlds. Even so, the Max Stick is great in water and pretty good in trees. It comes in several different pole sizes, including a massive 29-foot model. You also have the option of buying the suction cup head to screw on to your existing retriever. Check out this popular retriever in the link below

Best Rope Retriever Winner



The Disc Claw and the Golden Retriever are both excellent choices for ponds that don’t have large rocks or branches. The enemies of either of those retrievers are rocks and branches, which can make a disc irretrievable and could possibly snag the retriever. If the pond has silt, sand, mud, or moss and you stand a good chance of getting your disc back. As mentioned above, extra rope and a something besides the retriever itself to wrap the rope around will make owning either of these a better option.

Winner? I’m going to call this a tie. The Claw had a few more snags on rocks that the Golden Retriever. However, as the Claw advertises, it kicks up less silt than the Golden Retriever. That keeps your disc visible for more attempts at retrieving it, should that be necessary. Plus, the Claw is a couple bucks cheaper.

Honorable Mentions

Wrist Rocket – Best Retriever for High Trees

I had heard that people have used wrist rockets to retrieve discs from trees, so I finally bought one to carry around. The first time I had a disc that was beyond the reach of my retriever, I broke out the sling shot and knocked it down after just a few tries. Just last weekend a group of us were able to get four discs out of a tree at a local tournament (although it did take quite a while and numerous attempts). They don’t take up much space and can be another option when the pole retriever can’t reach.

Driver Diver

This little piece of plastic is a handy device that doesn’t take up much space. You attach the gadget to a stick with reusable zip ties and the stick becomes your retriever. Perfect for courses with a few smaller bodies of water and trees. Hang it from your bag until needed. Make sure you don’t leave it in a hot car, because it can warp. Mine did, so I took a heat gun to it and that fixed the warp.

Disc retriever attachment on an ordinary stick


There isn’t one retriever that is best for every situation. But you can still minimize the chances of not being able to retrieve your disc by getting a couple different types. Although I carry an extendable retriever with me at all times, I also usually have a wrist rocket with me. If I’m using a cart and there are water hazards, I’ll also take along a Golden Retriever. If I’m not using a cart, I’ll leave the Golden in my car and get the disc later if needed. It’s worth the effort and increases my chances of going home with all my discs.

Check out our entire retriever inventory here.

Best Midrange Disc Golf Discs for 2024

Best Disc Golf Midrange Discs of 2024 Banner

If you are in a disc golf scenario where you need more distance than a putter, but not the distance you need with a driver, you are in a perfect situation to use a midrange. The midrange, or ‘mid’, is a great tool for approach shots where minimal ground action is desired. They come in a variety of flight ratings so they can be used for a variety of different shots. Their slower speeds make them good starting discs for beginners.

In this blog, we’ll look at the best midrange discs for 2024. Just like similar blogs about the best putters, best high speed drivers and best fairway drivers, we’ll look at the top 50 based on sales at Infinite Discs. Then we’ll look at the highest rated mid’s.

We’ll start by taking a look back to last year and the best midrange discs for the year.

Top 50 Midrange Discs 2023


Topping the list of the Best Midrange Discs of 2023 is the perennial champion, the Discraft Buzzz. The beadless buzz has been around for decades and is one of the most popular discs of all time. It has a neutral flight and can be thrown on a slight hyzer, which will flip to flat and cruise for a long, straight flight. The Buzzz is the choice of many top pros. It is available in pretty much any plastic made by Discraft. One out of every six midrange discs that Infinite sells is a Buzzz.

Second on the list is a newer mold, the Axiom Hex. The Hex has a flight similar to the Buzzz. Although it is a relatively new mold, its sales are boosted by Simon Lizotte. His popularity contributes to a lot of Hex sales. That’s what happens when you have popular flight numbers on a disc being used and promoted by a popular player.

Rounding out the top three is another ‘older’ mold, the Innova Pig. The overstable Pig experienced a resurgence a few years ago when Ricky Wysocki threw the mold as an Innova team member. The Pig has a different flight than the other two, being very overstable. It makes a great driving/approach disc, particularly in a headwind.

Best Midrange Discs 2024

Now let’s look at the best midranges discs of the first half of 2024 to see any changes to the list.

Sitting atop the list for the first half of 2024 is the Discraft Buzzz, once again. The difference is the percentage of all midranges that the Buzzz represents. This year the Buzzz’s share of the market dropped from 16% last year to 8% so far this year. The Axiom Hex also dropped from last year to this, going from 10% to a little over 4%.

Although there are several top-ten discs for last year that also made the list this year, there are also two new molds in the top ten. The Innova Rollo was just released this year, and made it’s way to number two on the list. A little over 5% of all midrange discs sold this year was a Rollo. The Thought Space Athletics Mana moved up to the number five spot.


Top Buzz Plastics

Discraft Buzzz sales by Plastic Type Graph

The Discraft Buzzz in a variety of different plastics


The 20th anniversary of the Buzzz occurred last year, and a special edition of the mold was released. It came in Elite Z plastic, a variation of their popular Z plastic. The disc sold a bunch and the Elite Z was the number one plastic for the Buzzz. It accounted for 18% of all Buzzz’s sold. Discraft’s ESP plastic was second place at 15.4%. Their Signature ESP was third. It is the same plastic as ESP, but supporting a touring pro like Paul McBeth and Paige Pierce.

Top Midrange Brands

Top midrange brands graph showing disc golf brands that feature mids in the top fifty.

Although Innova and Discraft have the most molds in the top 50, this time Discraft takes the top spot with 9 molds. Innova is right behind them in second with 8 molds. MVP and Lone Star tied for third with 4 each. There was a four-way tie for fifth with Axiom, Infinite, Kastaplast and Dynamic Discs each having 3 molds in the top 50.

Highest Rated Midrange Discs

As part of its rewards program, Infinite Discs encourages customers to leave reviews for the discs and accessories they purchase. Along with a review, people can rate the products on a scale from one to five stars. We will now turn to those ratings to see which midrange discs rated the highest.

Highest Rated Midrange - Discraft Buzzz

Not only did the Buzzz sell the most, it is also tied for the highest rated. The Buzzz holds an average rating of 4.8 stars, which ties the Prodigy M4. The M4 is a slightly understable midrange. RPM’s Piwakawaka was just a bit behind the other two with 4.79 out of five stars

Highest Rated Very Overstable Midrange Discs

These beefy discs have massive amounts of fade, and are not for everyone. If you have enough skill and arm speed, you may be in the market for one of these discs and want to check them out. Because these discs are all rated high, I didn’t include them in the overall ratings. Otherwise it would look exactly like this section. If you get one of these molds, you are looking for something extra beefy, and they all deliver. That may be why the high ratings.

Legacy Pursuit, highest rated overstable midrange disc.

The highest-rated very overstable midrange disc is the Legacy Pursuit. The Pursuit has a fade rating of three and an average rating of 4.89 out of five. The Yikun Crossbow has even beefier fade of 4. It is rated just below the Pursuit with a rating of 4.88. Legacy has two molds in the top three, with the third place going to the Legacy Recluse.

Highest Rated Overstable Midrange Discs


RPM Kotuku

Looking at the highest rated overstable midrange discs we see the RPM Kotuku. RPM is a New Zealand brand with a decent number of available molds. Check out their discs with their unique naming structure HERE. The Kotuku has a rating of 4.83.

The Innova Roc takes the second place with a rating of 4.74. Two Trilogy discs tied for the last podium spot. Westside Discs Gatekeeper and the popular Dynamic Discs EMAC Truth both have ratings of 4.70.

Highest Rated Understable Midrange Discs

Prodigy M4 - Highest rated understable mid

If you want a midrange that will give you a little (or a lot) of turn in your its flight, you will want an understable mid. They are also good for beginners because they help with a longer flight while beginners develop their form. They are also great for approaches or drives in a tailwind.

The highest rated understable midrange comes from Prodigy. It is their slightly flippy mid, the M4. The M4 has a rating of 4.80 out of five stars. The next highest rated disc is another mold from New Zealand, the RPM Piwakawaka. Two molds tie for the last spot on the understable mid podium. Dynamic Discs Bounty and the Discraft Meteor both tied with a rating of 4.73.

Highest Rated Stable Midrange Discs

Mako 3 Highest Rated straight flying midrange

Stable midrange discs have little or no turn, and little or no fade. The fly straight or whatever line you put them on. Stable mids are valuable work horses that get used a lot. The highest rated of this type of mid is the Innova Mako3, with a user-rating of 4.74. Next up is the Infinite Discs Anubis. It has an average rating of 4.71. The Latitude 64 Compass takes the last spot in the category, with a rating of 4.67

What are Your Favorite Midrange Discs?


Those are our lists of the best midrange discs with sales and ratings data. Let’s add to the data by hearing from YOU!

1 – What is your favorite midrange?
2 – What is your favorite over/understable midrange?
3 – What do you think will be the best midrange for next year?


Best Disc Golf Distance Drivers for 2024

Emperor Distance Driver - Best Selling Driver of 2023

When you want to get the most distance from your drives, you’re usually reaching for your high-speed drivers. Also called distance driver, this type of disc has the widest rim of all types, and the usually require the most skill to maximize the achievable distance. They are the super-athlete of the disc golf world, since they hold distance records, and are used by pros and amateurs alike. Much like our Best Putters of 2024 blog (HERE), we will look at the sales data to find the best disc golf distance drivers for 2024, and give you some ideas of discs you might want to try.

Top 50 Best Disc Golf Distance Drivers for 2023


The very top distance drivers for sales were similar to last year’s list. A couple molds changed position though. Taking the top spot for sales is the Innova Wraith. The Wraith is a speed 11 disc from Innova that has a flight similar to the other top discs on the list. Taking second is the Infinite Discs Emperor, followed by the most popular driver of all time, the Innova Destroyer.

Checking out the top plastic sales for the number one Wraith we find that the most popular Wraith plastic sold is Star plastic. Star plastic outsold second place Gummy Champion by three times! It was responsible for over a third of all Wraith sales last year. The third place most popular plastic is GStar.

Here are links to the top 10 discs on the top 50 list.

  1. Innova Wraith
  2. Infinite Discs Emperor
  3. Innova Destroyer
  4. Infinite Discs Pharaoh
  5. Infinite Discs Maya
  6. Innova Mamba
  7. Infinite Discs Aztec
  8. Thought Space Athletics Construct
  9. Innova Tern
  10. Innova Beast

Check out the top selling drivers HERE

Top 50 Best Disc Golf Distance Drivers for 2024


The top six discs on our list for 2024 are the exact same as last year. Those six account for nearly one-third of all discs sold. The Axiom Time-Lapse moved up the list, since it only had a few months of sales for last year. However, it still didn’t dethrone the top 6. Infinite and Innova hold all of those top six molds.

Shout out to the Innova Gorgon for placing in the top 15. It is a new disc that has only been out a couple months.



Most Brands In The Top 50 In 2023

There are twelve different brands who have a disc in the top 50 best discs. Let’s take a look at which brands are represented, and how many molds they have on the list.

Disc Golf brands with best selling drivers. Innova tops the list with 11 other disc golf companies having at least one disc that made the top 50.

Now let’s look at the brands with the most molds for 2024:


There are no changes in the order of the top 5, but the number of molds in that group did have some changes. Innova and Discraft almost had half of the molds in the top 50. Dropping off the list is Lone Star Disc, and Doomsday Discs takes its spot.

Top Rated Drivers

We’ve looked at the sales data for the top distance drivers, and now we’ll look at the top RATED discs. The infinite discs website allows customers to leave feedback and ratings on discs and accessories, and is a good resource for finding highly rated disc products. Let’s look at some of the distance drivers with the highest ratings.

Highest Rated Distance Drivers

Infinite Discs Emperor - Highest Rated Distance Driver for 2024

Taking the number one spot with the highest consumer rating for distance drivers is Infinite Discs’ popular high-speed driver, the Emperor. The speed 12 driver has a popular flight that features a little turn with a reliable solid fade. It is available in numerous plastic types. It is also the signature disc of some of the top pros. The Emperor has a 4.83 rating out of 5.

Two discs tied for the second place spot, both with an average rating of 4.78 out of five, are the Streamline Trace and the Infinite Discs Aztec. Both the Trace and the Aztec have similar flight ratings, the Trace being a speed 11 and the Aztec a speed 10.

Highest Rated Overstable Distance Drivers

Discmania Power Driver - Higest Rated Overstable Driver of 2023

Since the Emperor is considered an overstable driver and is the highest rated driver, it is obviously going to be the highest rated overstable driver. Since we talked about the Emperor above, let’s explore the next-best rated disc. In second place with 4.71 stars out of five is Discmania’s PD. The popular PD is a great disc for headwinds, or when you need a strong fade at the end of its flight. It is also the signature disc of several pros. The third highest rated overstable distance driver is the Innova Wraith, rated at 4.68 out of five.

Check out the top 20 overstable disc golf distance drivers HERE and you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Highest Rated Understable Disc Golf Driver

Infinite Discs Maya - Best Understable Driver of 2024

Looking at the other end of the stability spectrum we have the highest rated understable drivers. Topping the list are discs from Infinite, Innova, and Discraft. The currently highest-rated disc is the Infinite Discs Maya. Currently with a 4.68 rating, the Maya is a great high-speed disc golf maximum distance. With its understability the Maya is capable of giant turnover shots for some crushing drives. Or it can pick up some long distances on the ground as a roller.

The Innova Tern is the second-highest rated mold in this category with a rating of 4.63. The Tern has been a popular disc since it was released a decade ago. Like the Maya, it gives disc golfers a flight that can carve a lot of distance out of a long hole. It is available in most Innova plastics. Taking third place in the category is the Discraft Thrasher, with 4.57 out of five stars.

Check out the top 20 understable disc golf distance drivers HERE and you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Highest Rated Stable & Straight Flying Drivers

Best Stable flying drivers of 2024 Infinite Dsics Aztec and Streamline Trace

Checking out distance drivers with a more neutral flight, meaning little turn and a less aggressive fade, we find the stable Aztec and Trace in a tie for the title of Best Stable Distance Driver. As mentioned above, the Aztec and the Trace have different speed ratings, but the same general flight. They both have a slight turn in flight, followed by a consistent, but not hard fade.

Having a nearly identical overall Infinite rating as the Aztec and Trace is the Discmania Enigma. Also nearly identical in flight numbers to the Aztec and Trace, the Enigma is slightly faster than Trace. The three discs that are the highest rated represent a similar flight at three different speed ratings. They would be excellent for a variety of skill levels.

Check out the top 20 stable disc golf distance drivers HERE and you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Let Us Know About YOUR Favorite Drivers!

Those are our lists of the top distance drivers with sales and ratings data. Let’s add to the data by hearing from YOU! Answer one or more of the following questions:

1 – What is your favorite distance driver?
2 – What is your favorite over/understable distance driver?
3 – What do you think will be the best distance driver for next year?

We chose five random commenters to win an Infinite Discs gift card. Here are the winners, and their disc choices.

Caleb D – Caleb’s favorite distance driver is a Wraith. When he wants more stability, he reaches for his Destroyer or Slab. He predicts the Wraith will remain on top.

Marc H – A GStar Innova Corvette is at the top of Marc’s list of favorite drivers. For understable drivers, he throws a Viking Berserker. For overstability her prefers a Pharaoh. He thinks the Time Lapse will be the best driver next year.

Landon B – His favorite driver is a Ballista.

Ismael L – Ismael’s favorite driver is an I-Blend Emperor. For stability he’ll grab a Emperor. He plans on keeping the Emperor in his bag, along with a Trespass.

Jake Z – Favorite Driver: Valkyrie. For overstability he likes a Roman. When he needs a little turn, he throws a Hades. Jake thinks the Zeus will be number one next year.

Best Disc Golf Discs for 2024

Banner showing the most popular disc golf discs of 2024

Throughout this month we’ve checked out the best discs for 2024. We looked at the sales data and the customer ratings so you can have a list of discs to check out when you’re in the market for a disc. We started with the Best Distance Drivers of 2024, then looked at the Best Fairway Drivers, then the Best Putters, and finally the Best Midrange discs. Now we’re going to compile the best of those into one list. We’ll also include some lists of the highest rated discs in those same categories. Let’s go!

Highest Rated Discs: Finding Out Which Discs People LOVE The Most

Highest Rated Discs Banner

The Infinite Discs rewards program includes incentives to give reviews about discs and accessories that we offer. We show the results of those ratings on every product page. The rating system allows customers to rate a disc/product on a scale from one to five stars, as well as give brief reviews about the item. This valuable feedback gives seeking customers insights to what their fellow disc golfers think about the disc/product.

Infinite discs has pages which show the highest rated discs on a single page, to give you an overview of the top rated discs. Bookmark these pages and refer to them next time you are shopping, to help guide your purchases.

Top Selling Feature: The Discs That Are In Demand

Top Selling Discs Banner

Since we sell hundreds of thousands of discs at Infinite, we like to share with you which ones are the top sellers so you can see which discs are the most popular. We’ve compiled a list of the top-selling overall discs of 2023. Check out these molds when you are in the market for a new disc.

Best Disc Golf Discs of 2023         

Overall Best Discs

Disc Rank Manufacturer Disc Name Disc Type
1 MVP Glitch Putt & Approach
2 Discraft Buzzz Mid Range
3 Innova Wraith Distance Driver
4 Infinite Discs Alpaca Putt & Approach
5 Infinite Discs Emperor Distance Driver
6 Innova Destroyer Distance Driver
7 Axiom Hex Mid Range
8 Discraft Zone Putt & Approach
9 Axiom Envy Putt & Approach
10 Infinite Discs Tomb Putt & Approach
11 Infinite Discs Dynasty Control Driver
12 Infinite Discs Pharaoh Distance Driver
13 Innova Pig Mid Range
14 Kastaplast Berg Putt & Approach
15 Infinite Discs Maya Distance Driver
16 Gateway Wizard Putt & Approach
17 Innova Mamba Distance Driver
18 Axiom Proxy Putt & Approach
19 Infinite Discs Sphinx Control Driver
20 Infinite Discs Centurion Control Driver
21 Dynamic Discs Judge Putt & Approach
22 Discraft Luna Putt & Approach
23 Innova Firebird Control Driver
24 Axiom Crave Control Driver
25 Latitude 64 Pure Putt & Approach
26 Innova Aviar Putt & Approach
27 Innova Leopard Control Driver
28 Infinite Discs Aztec Distance Driver
29 Innova Mako3 Mid Range
30 Innova Teebird Control Driver
31 Axiom Insanity Control Driver
32 Innova Valkyrie Control Driver
33 Thought Space Athletics Construct Distance Driver
34 Discraft Athena Control Driver
35 Infinite Discs Anubis Mid Range
36 Latitude 64 River Control Driver
37 Innova Tern Distance Driver
38 Innova Rollo Mid Range
39 Innova Leopard3 Control Driver
40 Latitude 64 Diamond Control Driver
41 Discraft Heat Control Driver
42 Thought Space Athletics Mantra Control Driver
43 Innova Beast Distance Driver
44 Thought Space Athletics Votum Control Driver
45 Innova Thunderbird Control Driver
46 Innova Shryke Distance Driver
47 MVP Watt Putt & Approach
48 Infinite Discs Roman Control Driver
49 Clash Discs Wild Honey Distance Driver
50 Innova Roadrunner Control Driver

Best of the Best Discs

1. MVP Glitch – If you take a great throwing disc and mix in MVP Glitch - Top Selling Disc of 2023a pinch of endorsement by a popular pro and you have a recipe for a lot of sales. The putter is easy to throw, popular among all skill levels, and comes in some cool stamps. The Glitch had hot sales when we could keep them on the shelf. I anticipate the Glitch being a contender for the best-selling disc of 2024, too. Check it out if you haven’t had a chance and see why it is so popular!

2. Discraft Buzzz – The popularity of the Discraft Buzzz has been consistent since the mold was introduced. The midrange has a beautiful, reliable flight that can be used in a variety of scenarios. It is a disc that professionals, amateurs, and everything in between, can put in their bag and know it will be thrown a lot.

3. Innova Wraith – Another historically popular mold, the Innova Wraith is a regular top seller. With a flight similar to the amazing Destroyer, the Wraith has a slightly lower speed rating, and is a great distance driver when you are looking for maximum distance. Its slight turn can result in effective hyzer-flips, while its fade is reliable, but not overbearing. It can be purchased in most every plastic so you are sure to find it in one that suits your skill level and grip preference.

4. Infinite Discs Alpaca – Ever since its release, the Infinite Discs Alpaca Infinite Discs Alpaca Hathas been a hot-selling putter. It has the stability that makes for a great throwing disc and the controllability that makes it good for putts and approaches. It has been available in a ton of really cool stamps, adding even more character to the popular mold. The Alpaca would find a good home in any bag.

5. Infinite Discs Emperor – The Emperor has been a hot seller for Infinite since it came out half a decade ago. Like the best distance drivers, the Emperor has a precise combination of turn and fade. That combination translates to crushing drives and shapeable shots. The Emperor continues to sit on the throne of the top discs that we sell.

Top Disc Golf Brands

Nearly three-fourths of the discs in the top 50 were made by three brands: Innova, Discraft, and Infinite.

Innova started in 1983 and has 14 different molds in the top 50. They have the largest selection of discs and have sponsored many world champions since they began.

Discraft had 11 molds in the top 50. They began in 1979 in Canada, before moving to Michigan to set up shop. Discraft discs are popular in Ultimate and Freestyle, as well as disc golf.

Infinite Discs tied with Discraft at 11 molds in the top 50. Infinite started in 2012 as a retailer. After several years and a lot of growth, they started selling their own molds. Some of those molds have become top selling discs.

Best Distance Drivers 2024

Here is a list of the top 50 distance drivers sold this year:

Rank Manufacturer Disc Name
1 Innova Wraith
2 Infinite Discs Emperor
3 Innova Destroyer
4 Infinite Discs Pharaoh
5 Infinite Discs Maya
6 Innova Mamba
7 Axiom Time-Lapse
8 Innova Tern
9 Innova Gorgon
10 Innova Shryke
11 Infinite Discs Aztec
12 Thought Space Athletics Construct
13 Innova Beast
14 MVP Wave
15 Discraft Nuke
16 Clash Discs Wild Honey
17 MVP Tesla
18 Discraft Avenger SS
19 Infinite Discs Conqueror
20 Discraft Hades
21 Discraft Thrasher
22 Clash Discs Salt
23 Infinite Discs Czar
24 Innova Corvette
25 Discraft Drive
26 Discraft Zeus
27 Thought Space Athletics Synapse
28 Innova Boss
29 Finish Line Discs Interval
30 Discraft Scorch
31 Latitude 64 Grace
32 Innova Katana
33 Discraft Force
34 Innova Monarch
35 Infinite Discs Slab
36 MVP Trail
37 Axiom Vanish
38 Discraft Nuke SS
39 Innova Orc
40 Discmania DD
41 Latitude 64 Sapphire
42 MVP Dimension
43 Clash Discs Vanilla
44 Thought Space Athletics Animus
45 MVP Photon
46 MVP Orbital
47 Innova Daedalus
48 Discraft Venom
49 Innova Charger
50 Dynamic Discs Trespass

Brands in the top 50


Lone Star Disc logo


In addition to some of the larger brands you see in the top 50, there are several smaller brands that Infinite carries that are selling enough molds to land in the top 50. A couple of them have been featured by Infinite Discs in our ‘Smaller Brands’ series.

Lone Star Discs was featured in March of 2021. That blog can be found HERE.

Clash Discs was featured in March of 2022. That blog can be found HERE.

These two brands have grown so much in the last couple of years that they may not be considered small brands any more!

Check out the Best Distance Drivers of 2024 here.

Best Fairway Drivers 2024

Rank Manufacturer Disc Name
1 Infinite Discs Dynasty
2 Infinite Discs Sphinx
3 Infinite Discs Centurion
4 Innova Firebird
5 Axiom Crave
6 Innova Leopard
7 Innova Teebird
8 Axiom Insanity
9 Innova Valkyrie
10 Discraft Athena
11 Latitude 64 River
12 Innova Leopard3
13 Latitude 64 Diamond
14 Discraft Heat
15 Thought Space Athletics Mantra
16 Thought Space Athletics Votum
17 Innova Thunderbird
18 Infinite Discs Roman
19 Innova Roadrunner
20 Infinite Discs Exodus
21 Innova Sidewinder
22 Discmania FD
23 Discraft Undertaker
24 Infinite Discs Scepter
25 Discraft Raptor
26 MVP Volt
27 Westside Underworld
28 Finish Line Discs Era
29 Innova Hawkeye
30 Innova Eagle
31 Innova TeeBird3
32 Axiom Rhythm
33 Discraft Passion
34 Kastaplast Falk
35 Discraft Anax
36 Doomsday Discs Blackout
37 Latitude 64 Saint
38 Thought Space Athletics Coalesce
39 Innova IT
40 Dino Discs Pterodactyl
41 Lone Star Disc Mockingbird
42 Discraft Cicada
43 Innova TL3
44 Dynamic Discs Escape
45 Discmania Essence
46 MVP Servo
47 MVP Terra
48 Westside Hatchet
49 Lone Star Disc Lariat
50 Axiom Trance


Picture showing Dino Discs, one of the fastest growing disc golf brands.

Dino Discs made the top 50. The brand has a variety of molds tailored to young players who might be just starting out. If you have a young disc golfer in your life, or someone who struggles with heavier discs, have them check out the discs as Dino Discs.

Check out the Best Fairway Drivers of 2024 here.

Best Midrange Discs 2024

Rank Manufacturer Disc Name
1 Discraft Buzzz
2 Innova Rollo
3 Innova Mako3
4 Axiom Hex
5 Thought Space Athletics Mana
6 Thought Space Athletics Pathfinder
7 Infinite Discs Chariot
8 Discraft Buzzz SS
9 Innova Roc
10 Infinite Discs Anubis
11 Infinite Discs Khonsu
12 Innova Pig
13 Innova Roc3
14 MVP Detour
15 Discraft Meteor
16 Discraft Buzzz OS
17 Latitude 64 Fuse
18 Dino Discs Stegosaurus
19 Axiom Paradox
20 Infinite Discs Galleon
21 Clash Discs Berry
22 MVP Reactor
23 Infinite Discs Inca
24 Innova Toro
25 Discraft Comet
26 Dynamic Discs EMac Truth
27 Discraft Sol
28 RPM Discs Piwakawaka
29 Streamline Echo
30 Infinite Discs Kon Tiki
31 Clash Discs Peach
32 Innova Stingray
33 Axiom Pyro
34 Westside Tursas
35 Infinite Discs Ra
36 DGA Quake
37 Dino Discs Brachiosaurus
38 Kastaplast Nord
39 Finish Line Discs Supra
40 Prodigy M4
41 Divergent Discs Kapre
42 Discmania MD3
43 Innova Wombat3
44 MVP Uplink
45 Kastaplast Svea
46 Kastaplast Stig
47 Innova RocX3
48 Terminal Velocity Discs Ursus
49 Discmania MD1
50 Kastaplast Kaxe Z

Innova Rollo Midrange - Top Selling new release of 2023

The Innova Rollo was introduced last year as a roller disc for everyone. Apparently everyone wanted a roller disc, but because their sales took off and landed them in the top 10. We’ll have to see if the disc can sustain those hot sales.

Check out the Best Midrange Discs of 2024 here.

Top Selling Disc Golf Putters 2024

1 Axiom Pixel
2 Infinite Discs Alpaca
3 Axiom Envy
4 Discraft Zone
5 Infinite Discs Tomb
6 MVP Glitch
7 Gateway Wizard
8 Discraft Luna
9 Prodigy PA-3
10 Innova Aviar
11 Latitude 64 Pure
12 Kastaplast Berg
13 Dynamic Discs Judge
14 Axiom Proxy
15 Discraft Kratos
16 Discmania P2
17 Kastaplast Reko
18 MVP Watt
19 Infinite Discs Glyph
20 Birdie Disc Golf Supply Marvel
21 Clash Discs Popcorn
22 Discraft Banger GT
23 Discmania Spore
24 Discraft Zone OS
25 Infinite Discs Myth
26 Dino Discs Triceratops
27 Innova KC Pro Aviar
28 Discraft Roach
29 MVP Nomad
30 Dynamic Discs Warden
31 Kastaplast Berg X
32 Clash Discs Candy
33 Innova Polecat
34 Thought Space Athletics Muse
35 Prodigy PA-5
36 Axiom Pitch
37 Prodigy A2
38 Discraft Fierce
39 Innova Rhyno
40 Innova Yeti Pro Aviar
41 Infinite Discs Cohort
42 Westside Harp
43 Axiom Tempo
44 Gateway Warlock
45 Innova Dart
46 Thought Space Athletics Pneuma
47 Innova AviarX3
48 Lone Star Disc Armadillo
49 Discmania Link
50 Discmania Logic

Kastaplast Falk and Berg. Top 50 Discs.

Kastaplast is a smaller brand that has amazing plastics and popular putters, the Berg and Reko. The Berg is the disc used by Infinite’s team member, Eric Oakley. Kastaplast is a Swedish company and the names of their discs are Swedish words: Berg = mountain, Falk = falcon, Reko = good, reliable or decent.

Check out the Best Putters of 2024 here.

More Best Disc Features

This is just a sample of the many best-selling disc features we have. Bookmark these links to find the best disc golf discs for you.



Best Disc Golf Fairway Drivers for 2024

Best Fairway Drivers of 2024 Image

Disc golf drivers can be broken down into two categories: Distance drivers and fairway drivers (also called ‘control drivers’). For longer shots most disc golfers reach for their distance drivers. For more controlled or technical shots, control drivers are the go-to type of driver. They have slightly slower speeds, more narrow rims, and are easier to throw at a speed that will allow shaping your shot.

Top Selling Fairway Drivers

Much like our Best Putters of 2024 and Best Distance Drivers of 2024, this week we will look at the Best Fairway Drivers of 2024. We’ll look at the top selling molds, the most popular brands, and the highest rated discs. Let’s start by checking out the top 50 for 2023 so we can see what discs changed for 2024:


Infinite Discs took the top three spots on the 2023 list, rounded out with the third-place Centurion. One place in front of the Centurion is the popular understable fairway driver, the Sphinx. Taking the top spot by a sizable margin is the Infinite Discs Dynasty. The Dynasty represents over 6% of all fairway drivers sold, and is coming up on its two-year birthday (Approved Jan. 2022). It is a signature disc for a couple touring pros. Both Eric Oakley and Maria Oliva throw the speed 9 Dynasty.

Top 50 For 2024

Okay, now lets check out the top 50 control drivers for the first half of 2024:

The top ten for 2024 consisted of eight out of ten of the top ten for 2023. The Infinite Discs Roman and the Discraft Cicada replaced the Axiom Crave and Discraft Athena in the top ten.

There was a total of eight discs that were added to the list that weren’t on the 2023 list. Here are the molds:

Axiom Rhythm
Dynamic Discs Escape
Latitude 64 Saint
Lone Star Disc Lariat
Lone Star Disc Mockingbird
MVP Terra
MVP Volt
Westside Hatchet

Those molds replaced these eight molds:

Axiom Fireball
Clash Discs Cookie
Clash Discs Lotus
Clash Discs Soda
Discraft Captain’s Raptor
Divergent Discs Kraken
Latitude 64 Brave
Thought Space Athletics Omen


Top Fairway Driver Brands

Although Infinite’s mold took all three spots of the podium, there were two other brands that had more discs in the top 50. Once again, Innova and Discraft are number’s one and two for the most molds, and combined they have 20 percent of the molds in the top 50. Innova is in first with a whopping 13 molds, nearly doubling Discraft’s seven molds. Infinite has 6 molds. Smaller brands such as Dino Discs and Finish Line joined Doomsday, Dynamic Discs, and Kastaplast, all having one mold in the top 50.

Graph showing most popular disc golf brands for fairway drivers

Highest Rated Fairway Drivers

Shifting from the best disc golf fairway drivers based on sales, we look at the highest rated fairway molds. Infinite Discs allows customers to rate individual discs and products to help other disc golfers see how other people feel about discs and accessories. If you would like to contribute YOUR reviews you can earn points that can be redeemed for gift cards.

A quick check of the highest rated fairway drivers and we see that the Infinite Discs Sphinx is the highest rated with 4.89 out of five stars. The second place Centurion is just a tick behind the Sphinx with 4.88. Taking third place for the highest rated fairway driver is the first mold from Thought Space Athletics, the Mantra. It has an average rating of 4.86. It’s easy to see why these three sell so many discs. Based on the reviews, people really love them!

Highest Rated Overstable Fairway Drive

Innova TeeBird3 Highest Rated Overstable Fairway Driver

Our website has two different classifications of Overstable. The “Overstable” classification is used for slightly overstable discs, while the “Very Overstable” classification is used for the real meat hooks of disc golf, those discs that are overstable for players of all abilities.

The highest-rated overstable fairway driver is a mold that has been part of the disc golf scene for a couple of decades. That mold is the Innova TeeBird. It tops the list with a rating of 4.76 out of five stars. Just behind the TeeBird is the second-place Discraft Raptor, with an average rating of 4.75. Discraft also holds third place with its slightly overstable Undertaker. The speed 9 Undertaker is rated 4.73

Highest Rated Stable Fairway Driver

Infinite Discs Centurion, best straight flying neutral driver

Fairway drivers that have minimal high-speed turn and fade are considered ‘stable’.  These discs can be shaped to suit the needs of a particular situation. The mold with the highest rating in this category is the Infinite Discs Centurion. The speed 7 Centurion has a little bit of turn at high speed, and a relatively mild fade at the end of its flight. It has an Infinite rating of 4.88, making it one of the higher rated discs of any category. In second place for fairway drivers is the Discmania Essence, rated at 4.79. A couple tenths behind the Essence is the Innova TL3. The TL3 is a faster version of the TL, which is a less overstable version of the TeeBird. It has an rating of 4.59

Highest Rated Understable Fairway Driver

Flight ratings of understable Sphinx

Sometimes you need a bit more turn on your throws in order to either shape the shot you want, or keep turning over until you get a roller. In other words, you need something understable. Here is a list of some of the highest-rated molds that have a bit more understability in their flight.

Sitting at the top of the list as the highest rated and top selling understable fairway driver is Infinite Discs’ Sphinx. It is a flippy speed 9 disc that can definitely give you some turn in your flight. The Sphinx is rated at a whopping 4.89 out of five stars. Second place is another speed 9 mold, TSA’s Mantra. It is rated at 4.86. In third place with a pretty high rating is the Axiom Insanity. The Insanity is rated 4.71.

What are Your Favorite Fairway Drivers?

Let us know your favorites!

Those are our lists of the top fairway drivers with sales and ratings data. Let’s add to the data by hearing from YOU! Please answer one or more of the following questions:

1 – What is your favorite fairway driver?
2 – What is your favorite over/understable fairway driver?
3 – What do you think will be the best fairway driver for next year?

Let us know if the comments below.

We selected five random commenters and gave them an Infinite Gift Card. Congrats to the winners:

Drew H – Is favorite fairway driver is a TSA Votum. He likes its reliability.

Kevin M – Tops on his fairway list is the Latitude 64 Explorer

James V – He likes both the Birdie Strike and the Discmania FD

Morgan L – A disc golfer after my own heart, chooses the Infinite Discs Sphinx

Matt Y – He is bagging the Discmania FD

Find out about current giveaways HERE

Best Disc Golf Grip Enhancers

How a disc feels in our hand is an important part of our game. Plastic type, rim width and depth, and whether or not it is beaded can affect our decision about which discs we throw. However, even when we are throwing discs that we love and feel great in our hand, our grip can be negatively affected by the amount of moisture on our hands.

Playing disc golf on a hot day or in a humid environment can make our hands wet with sweat. Playing in the rain can be a non-stop effort to keep our hands dry. Enter the grip enhancer.

Get a Grip

Grip enhancers are products which help us alleviate the problem of moist hands. They come in a few types. There are some who which absorb the moisture to keep our hands dry. There are some that have a powder to dry our hands. A final category is solids, which give our hands a little extra grip. Let’s look at some of the grip enhancers available.

Moisture wicking bags:

Osmosis Sport Bag and Sport Ball

Filled with moisture absorbing beads, the Osmosis Sport Bag will dry your wet hands. The Sport Ball is a round version of the bag and fits nicely in your hand.

Discmania, Infinite Discs, Trilogy, and Innova Sportsack

The Sportsack is also filled with moisture absorbing beads to keep your hands dry.

Powder or chalk bags:

Option Bag

The Option Bag is a grip enhancement tool that is filled with a blend of chalk and ceramsite with a subtle minty scent. It is also designed as a footbag, or a Hacky Sack.

This will help you to have better grip on your discs. Or, it can keep you entertained while you’re waiting for the card in front of you to finish.

Infinite Discs Grip Bag Mini







The Infinite Discs Grip Bag Mini is conveniently sized so it can be used as a legal mini marker. It is chalk- and bead-filled to help you achieve your perfect grip.

DryV Bagz

The Dryv Bags are made of a proprietary blend of three all-natural ingredients that will help you achieve the perfect amount of hand drying and “tack”, optimizing your grip on every drive. They come in three different sizes to fit any hand.

Mitten Bags

Mitten Bags help to remove moisture from your hands when you’re playing in hot, sweaty conditions or otherwise wet conditions. This will help to enhance your grip on the disc. Plus they come in a great selection of fabric designs and have a nice little loop that can be used to hang the bag on a bag or cart.

Infinite Discs Chalk Ball

The Infinite Discs Chalk Ball is a unique grip enhancement tool for disc golfers. Rather than being a bag of beads, dirt, sawdust, or other filler, it features magnesium carbonate grip chalk. The chalk ball comes inside a pouch which keeps the chalk from getting all over your bag and clothes while you carry it around. The pouch has pull-strings to keep it closed tightly and includes a carabiner which you can use to clip the pouch to your backpack, disc bag, belt buckle, etc. When needed, simply remove the chalk ball from the pouch to apply a solid dusting of grip-enhancing chalk to your hands. This is similar to the stuff you see rock climbers using to keep from losing a grip on their handholds, and many serious disc golfers have been looking for a similar product to help them handle their plastic in all weather conditions.

Whale Sacs

A Whale Sac is a whale shaped grip bag, that you can tie onto anything! It will keep your hands dry in the heat of the competition. The Whale tail ties onto your disc golf bag, or belt. The bag is filled with clay based stone/powder to knead into your hands or rub onto a disc!



Dryv Bagz The Marker


The Marker, by Dryv Bagz is a unique hand grip product for disc golf. It’s a 2oz solid grip bar, taking the Dryv Bagz technology to a solid form.

Just gently drag the tips of your throwing fingers across the surface and you will notice increased grip immediately! The added grip will replace the need to lick or dust your fingers, and the grip will last the entire hole.

Max Wax Windsurfer Mini and Snap Stick

The Max Wax Windsurfer Mini is about to bring new grip to your game! This is the Original Disc Golf Grip Wax – a specially formulated grip wax used to apply to your hands for superior grip, control, and distance out on the course.

It’s a tournament legal mini marker, made out of 100% natural product. The specific grip formula was worked on for over a year to achieve the perfect, consistent disc golf grip. The Windsurfer Mini has a “citra-delic” scent, made from a blend of essential oils. Take the grip variable out of your game by using the Max Wax Windsurfer Mini.

The Snap Stick version comes in different blends that are better for different times of year. There is a Summer Blend, a Winter Blend, and their Original Blend.

Which one is the best grip enhancer?

Do your hands get a little sweaty? The SportSack will treat you just right. Its size and shape fits naturally in your hand and will keep your hand dry and ready to rip! Plus, it comes with the names or logos of some of the best brands on it, so you can always be reppin’ your favorites.

Looking for a little extra grip on your throws? The Max Wax Windsurfer Mini is what you need. It will give you extra grip in any condition. Wet hands? Dry hands? Cold hands? The Max Wax will give you a consistent grip and confidence in your throws.

Best Grip Enhancer Video

Be sure to check out this YouTube video about the best grip enhancers featuring Bodanza Disc Golf:

Testing 7 Top Grip Products For Disc Golf

Overstable vs Understable

Overstable Scepter and Understable Mamba Disc

The flight of a disc is one of the most important factors we consider when buying a disc. The feel of the disc in our hand would be a close second. But, how the disc actually flies for us tops the list of factors. One of the most important aspects of the flight of a disc is its stability.

Disc Stability

The stability of a given disc is how the disc flies immediately out of our hand, and how it behaves as it slows down. I talked about those disc qualities in my blog about flight numbers, HERE. For this blog, we’ll explore the terms ‘overstable’, ‘stable’, and ‘understable’. We will also looks at the weakness in using those terms to describe the flight of a disc. So, let’s get right to it!

The terminology can be confusing. For the sake of this blog post, I’ll look at each of the three terms mentioned above and establish a definition for each of them, so we can be consistent in our description about the flight of the disc. I’ll start with the term ‘overstable’.


Let’s define ‘overstable’ as a discs ability to resist turning during the first part of the flight, Overstable Flight Graphand its hard fade as the disc slows down. The ‘turn’ of a disc, for a right-hand back-hand throw (RHBH) is its movement to the right immediately after the disc is thrown. The ‘fade’ is its movement to the left as the disc slows down. As players improve their technique and skill, their ability to throw the disc at high speeds increases. As the speed of the throw increases, so does the need for more overstable discs to prevent the flight from turning too much.

Check out this list of the highest rated overstable disc golf discs.


Understable Flight GraphNow let’s consider the term ‘understable’. We consider a disc as being understable if it has a tendency to turn a significant amount right out of the hand. A disc that is very understable typically doesn’t have very much fade at the end. An understable disc is great for newer players who lack the arm speed to throw more overstable discs, since they can’t generate enough speed for the overstable discs to fly right. If the necessary speed can’t be achieved, nearly every disc becomes overstable to a beginner. Check out this list for the top understable disc golf discs.

One of the ways the manufacturers can offer more molds to beginners is to offer overstable molds in lighter weights. Due to the disc having less mass to get up to speed, newer players can ‘cheat’ the system and still throw molds that would be too overstable in heavier weights.

Check out this list for the most understable disc golf discs for sale.


Now let’s talk about the term that has a little more flexible definition: ‘stable’. When I hear people calling a disc ‘stable’, they typically mean that the disc doesn’t have a lot of turn, nor does it fade hard. When I hear it in reference to another disc, it can either mean more overstable or more understable, depending on the situation. If you say that you are throwing a Slab (12, 3, 0, 4), but want something a little more stable, you are saying that you want a disc that is not so overstable.

If you are throwing a Kon Tiki (4, 5, -3, 0) and say you want something a little more stable, you mean that you want something that is less understable. Basically, in both examples you are saying that you want something that flies a little less extreme and a little closer to a neutral flight.

Occasionally, I’ll hear someone refer to a disc being more stable than another, when they mean more overstable. That is an inconsistent use of the term, and may lead to a follow-up question to clarify the meaning. To eliminate any ambiguity, I recommend referring to discs as being more or less overstable or understable.

These are the top rated “stable flying discs.”

Flight Numbers


The flight numbers of a disc help us know the basic flight of a disc, assuming we can throw the disc at the proper speed. If we can meet the speed requirements of a disc, we can then look at the last two rating in the flight rating to determine the overstability or understability of a disc. Let’s look at some examples.

Visualize Overstable/Understable/Stable

For many of us, understanding overstable vs. understable and comprehending the behavior of a disc just by reading a blog post can be challenging. If you’re a visual learner, this video will provide a clear demonstration of how Connor throws discs with various stabilities, showcasing their distinct flight patterns.

Disc Examples

The Scepter and the Sphinx are speed nine discs from Infinite. The Scepter’s flight numbers are 9, 4, 0, 4. The ‘0, 4’ are the last two numbers, and tell you that this mold would resist turning, even at high speeds (the 0), and will finish strong to the left (the 4). It is an example of an overstable fairway driver.

The flight numbers for the Sphinx are 9, 6, -3, 1. The -3 is the amount of turn that the Sphinx exhibits when thrown at the necessary speed. That means it will turn to the right quite a bit at high speeds. Add a little headwind into the situation and the Sphinx could end up as a roller. Plus, the last number, ‘1’, indicates that the Sphinx isn’t going to fade very much to the left. It is an understable fairway driver.

The more negative the turn number means the more turn to the right the disc will move during the high-speed portion of the flight. A disc with a -5 turn number will turn more to the right than one with a -1 turn number. Discs with a turn of 0 or positive 1 won’t turn to the right very much at all, and are great for headwind shots.

The fade number tells you how much a disc will move to the left at the end of the flight. The higher the number, the more it will travel to the left as it slows down. In our examples above, the Scepter (fade number is 4) moves a lot more left than the Sphinx (fade number is 1).

Using The Numbers

Knowing the stability of a disc helps up choose discs that work for our needs. Keep in mind that the weight and plastic type also affect the stability of a disc. Check out Infinites flight ratings for each disc, for a more accurate depiction of a discs actual flight. Click HERE to see the blog mentioned previously, which talks about the Infinite Flight Rating.

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