MVP Best Sellers – August 2019 Edition

MVP, Axiom, and Streamline Best Sellers

Recently, we all got hit with a rough announcement: Fifteen MVP and Axiom molds are going out of production. This seemed like a good time to take a look at the data and see where the sales stand. MVP has talked of big plans for 2020, and we believe them! We’re looking forward to another great year from MVP! So, without further ado, let’s take a look at the data and discuss.

The Best Sellers

The Envy, for another year in a row, takes the top spot. This isn’t too surprising, the Envy is an awesome mold for up shots and putting. With it being available in so many plastics, everybody seems to be able to find a flavor of Envy that they like.

The Pilot takes the second spot! This was a little surprising, coming from the smallest of the trifecta, Streamline. The Pilot has sold super well over the past year, it is well loved as a putting putter and a straight approach disc.

The Insanity moves up a few spots from last year’s report, snagging the #3 spot. This has become a very popular driver in the last few months, really excelling to the top of the charts.

Discontinued Molds

The highest selling discontinued mold is the Axis in the #22 best seller position, which does bring into question the decision to retire it. However, it was explained in MVP’s announcement that some of their older, original midrange molds are less compatible with their new modern machinery. They promise to make new midranges to replace several that were brought out of production. Midranges only make up about 11% of our MVP sales, so they are not quite as popular as the other discs, or they just get replaced less often. There is generally a reason that players do not buy discs. More on that later.

We also took a look at the percentage of sales the newly discontinued molds make up. In the last year, the now discontinued molds only made up 9% of the total MVP, Axiom, and Streamline sales. Those fifteen molds make up less than 10% of our sales, so we can infer that it is a good move for MVP to make some shelf space for their new additions.

Everything Else

While we were at it, we added a couple interesting pie graphs to the mix.

  • MVP made up 53.6% of the sales, Axiom brought in 32.9%, and Streamline made up the remaining 13.5%.
  • Electron Firm, Plasma, and Eclipse made up nearly 50% of the Envy sales.
  • Neutron plastic made up for more sales than Proton and Plasma combined.
  • Distance drivers and Putt & Approach discs each took about a third of the sales, leaving fairways and midranges with the last third.

That’s it for now!

What did you find that interested or surprised you? Let us know in the comments!


  • So sad about the Amp. The Amp and the Volt together were Power! Ouch, bad engineering joke… I’ll have to check through the line up to find out what the closest disc to an amp is. I have had one throw with it and liked that throw.

  • While it is kind of sad to see some of the molds we know and love no longer made, it’s good to know that this is done for a reason, and it’s good to know that they will be replaced by even better products in the future.

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