Focus Friday – Gateway Wizard
For this week’s Focus Friday we are shining the spotlight on Gateway’s Wizard. Over the weekend you can use the discount code: FOCUSWIZARD to save 10% on any Wizard.
One of the most popular putt & approach discs that we sell. This is a great stable putter, allowing for some good drives and reliable putting. With a vast variety of plastic types you’ll be sure to find the one that suits you the most. While putting with the Wizard from the circle’s edge, you can expect a solid straight line. After that point, is when the disc will start to fade out. When it comes to driving the Wizard, you can expect a pretty straight flight path that ends with a decent fade. This can hold anhyzer lines for a while, but it will generally fade out.
This weekend is a great time to get your favorite Wizard, or to try it out. Again, use the discount code FOCUSWIZARD to get 10% off.
Head on over to to select your Wizard. Once everything you want is in your cart, you can apply the discount code FOCUSWIZARD and get 10% off all Wizards in your cart.
Note: After placing your discs in the shopping cart and before checking out, click on the “Discount Code” box under the shopping cart and enter that code. Then proceed to checkout.