New Brighter Glowing Plastic for Innova Manufactured Discs

Glow in the dark discs

Innova recently announced a transition to a new, more effective glow solution for their glow-in-the-dark discs, promising even brighter illumination. This development is particularly exciting for those who enjoy playing disc golf at night.

Innova claims that the reason for this change is because “Our glow discs are some of our best feeling and performing flyers in the lineup, but are currently not glowing well enough to meet our customers’ needs and our standards.”

While Innova’s current glow plastic performs adequately for night games, especially when recharged with a UV flashlight before each hole, it falls short when compared to the glow offered by Kastaplast and MVP.

The Good and Bad of Brighter Glow

The upgrade means that Innova’s glow-in-the-dark plastic variants will be better suited for night play. However, the downside is the increased cost of this superior glowing plastic, leading to a slight price hike for Innova glow discs.

This might be disappointing for those who favor glow plastic mainly for its aesthetics and texture, particularly since most disc golfers use themĀ  primarily during daytime rounds when the glow-in-the-dark feature is redundant.Glow in the Dark Disc golf Discs

What does this mean for Infinite Discs Line?

Infinite Discs is well known for our glow disc variants, particularly the Metal Flake Color Glow line. Since Innova manufactures our discs, the phase-out of the current, less expensive glow plastic means that future Infinite Discs will also adopt the trend of brighter glow, starting with new releases in the spring of 2024.

Will the New Brighter Glow Discs be marked differently?

Yes, there will be a distinction. Initially, we plan to clearly mark runs featuring the new, brighter glow plastic.

Older glow discs still in stock will be labeled as “Old Glow” plastic and sold at reduced prices.

Eventually, the new brighter glow will become the standard for all Infinite Line discs. Customers will recognize that Infinite Glow plastics are exceptionally luminous and ideal for night play.

Alan Barker is the founder and owner of Infinite Discs and has tried more different disc golf molds than just about anyone on the planet.

One comment

  • Well I think this is nothing but good news! Glow Chariots, Tombs (or, even better, a lightweight glow Exodus hint hint) that actually glow will be awesome!!

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