Best Disc Golf Baskets of 2024

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It is not uncommon as a disc golf retailer to get asked for basket recommendations. Having ready access to a basket (and using it) is one of the best possible ways for any disc golfer to improve their disc golf skills. So, which basket would be the best for you? Well, that depends on a few factors. Having owned a number of different baskets, I can safely say that there are certain baskets that are better for certain situations. In this blog we’ll look at those factors and determine the best baskets, which will help you narrow down your choices. We also want to hear from you at the end, and will be giving out gift cards to random commenters.

Best Basket For You

One of the first questions that I ask someone who is looking for a recommendation for a basket is how the basket will mainly be used. If you are going to be setting up the basket in your backyard and at most moving around your yard, your basket needs will be different than if you will be hauling it to the course and using it for a temp hole from time to time.

I’ll group the baskets according their general type. The baskets will be sorted by Economy Baskets, Cloth Baskets, High-end Home Baskets, Narrow Baskets and Course Baskets. Then I will list the best for each type.

Best Economy Baskets

This is an entry level type of basket that is great for a first basket, a basket on a budget, or if you just want a basket but don’t want to spend much money. This level of basket does not have the quality nor disc catching ability that a more expensive basket. However, you can still develop your putting skills as much on an economy basket as a more expensive basket.

1 – Divergent Discs Portable Basket

The Divergent Discs Portable Basket is a nice, inexpensive basket that is easy to set up. It comes in several vibrant colors so you can choose your favorite. The basket has two rows of 12 zinc-coated chains for durability and function. Check out this popular basket today!

Green Streamline Lite Basket 2 – Axiom Lite/Streamline Lite/Black Hole Lite

The Lite baskets from MVP/Streamline/Axiom are similar in design and function. The Black Hole Lite is available in black, while the Streamline and Axiom versions come in several different colors. All three brands have 26 chains for improved stopping power. They are lighter, less expensive versions of the Pro series. They all set up easily without tools.

3 – Black Hole Pro/Axiom Pro

The Pro Basket is a step up from the Lite in both cost and quality. MVP Black Hole Pro BasketThe quality of the welds, electroplating, and design combine to give you a upper-level quality at an entry-level price. The Pro basket has 24 chains in a pattern to help minimize chain outs and run throughs, to improve your confidence.

Check out all of Infinite Discs’ portable baskets HERE

Best Cloth Baskets

Since portability is a major reason to purchase a basket, making the basket out of cloth will help make moving it around even easier. Cloth baskets fold up and are easy to carry. I’ve had my Mach Lite for nearly a decade and it still works fine.

1 – DGA Mach Lite

DGA Mach Lite Baskets

The design of the Mach Lite is impressive. It sets up in about a minute, and takes down in about the same. The included cloth bag makes it easy to transport. With the cloth basket you will make putts that you wouldn’t make on a metal basket, and run through the chains more, but if you’re looking for ease of transport, it’s worth it.


Innova Traveler Basket 2- Innova Traveler

If you like to practice putting and you have a bunch of putters, this is a basket to consider. It’s deep basket let’s you putt a dozen discs and they will sit deep enough that they won’t interfere with your putts. It is similar to the Mach Lite in its ability to catch discs, which isn’t the best. But since it is easy to haul around, that is a good trade off.

3 – Dynamic Discs Scout

Dynamic Discs Scout Basket

The chains on the Scout feel a little stiffer than the Mach Lite or the Traveler. If you have a fast putt, the chains will help stop your discs. If not, you may end up with more bounce outs than you would like. You definitely won’t have discs run through the chains. Like the other cloth baskets, the Scout sets up easily and at 24 pounds is easy to transport.

Best High-end Home Baskets

If you want to duplicate the performance of a course basket but don’t want to fork out the big bucks for one, these are some good baskets to consider. They are more durable and stop discs better than economy baskets. If you will be moving baskets around a lot these will hold up better. They usually still as easy to disassemble. If you are okay with the extra cost, these will last longer than cheaper baskets.

Black hole pro HD basket1- Axiom Pro HD/Black Hole Pro HD

Another step up from the Pro baskets, the Pro HD has additional features that bump it out of the economy range. It features thicker wire and heavier chains than the Pro. Naturally this makes it a little more difficult to carry around. Yet, it still disassembles in under a minute. Considering the quality improvements, this basket is not much more than the HD.

2- Innova Discatcher EZ

Innova DisCatcher EZ Basket

This high-end home basket features 24 hot-dip galvanized chains to catch your putts. It comes in three powder-coated colors to give you a little variety. It is designed to replicate the performance of a course basket, but at a much lower cost.



Innova Discatcher Sport 243- DisCatcher Sport 24

The DisCatcher Sport 24 is a high-quality basket that you can use at home for putting practice, and also as a temp basket on a course. It is easy to move around and set up. It features 18 chains in the outer row, and six on the inner. This is a good combination of disc stopping and run-through prevention. Requires a screwdriver for assembly/disassembly.


Check out all of Infinite Discs’ portable baskets HERE

Best Narrow Baskets

This genre of basket is designed to help you focus on a smaller target, then when you are playing on a regulation basket, it will seem bigger. I’ve had one in the past and I liked putting on it. I wouldn’t recommend one as a first basket. If you already have a regular basket, this would make a good second basket.

1- Dynamic Discs Marksman Lite

Dynamic Discs Marksman Lite Basket

This is a lighter and much less expensive basket than the Marksman. It has fewer chains and is lighter. It is still difficult to actually make it int the basket when putting. That’s kind of the point of this type of basket. Still, even fewer putts will stick in this basket vs the Marksman. If you’re okay with that then you’ll save quite a bit by going with this version of the Marksman.


MVP Black Hole Precision Basket2- Black Hole Precision

Like the other Black Hole baskets, the Precision is also easy to set up or take down – without tools. It has a single row of 12 chains in a narrow ring. The chains are course-weighted for more stopping power and fewer bounce outs.


3- ProBasket Skill

Latitude 64 ProBasket Skill Disc Golf Basket

The ProBasket Skill is a higher quality target basket at a higher price. It has 15 chains and will grab a few more putts than the other narrow baskets. If you are going to be moving the baskets around a lot, it would be worth it to have the more sturdy ProBasket. If not, save a few bucks and get one of the cheaper baskets.

Honorable Mention

Mach Shift 3-in-1 Basket 

The Mach Shift 3-in-1 basket

The Mach Shift is a hybrid basket that converts from a regular sized basket to a narrow basket. And if you really want to hone your focus, it drops down to become a shorter narrow basket! It has pretty good disc stopping ability as a full-sized basket and should be considered as an option if you’re thinking about getting a narrow basket.

Best Course Baskets

These baskets are professional level portable baskets. They are heavy-duty, and heavy. If you want to mimic all of the benefits of a course basket at home, these are the baskets for you. You’ll get durability and disc-grabbing power. Plus, if you need to add a hole to an existing course, these baskets will fill in nicely.

1- Dynamic Discs Recruit

Dynamic Discs Recruit Basket

Weighing in at 60 pounds, you’ll be glad that the Dynamic Discs Recruit comes with a wheel on the base. It has 26 heavy-duty chains to grab your discs. With tools you can break down the basket for transport, and it will fit nicely in your trunk. This basket is great for putting practice because it performs just like a professional course basket.


Latitude 64 ProBasket Trainer Basket2- ProBasket Trainer

Approved for sanctioned tournaments up to B-Tier. The ProBasket Trainer has two rows of 13 chains each to catch and hold your putts. It is a top-tier basket that is similar to the best course baskets. The ProBasket comes apart for easier transport.


Check out all of Infinite Discs’ portable baskets HERE

This blog gives you some ideas about the options available for you. By considering what you will be using the basket for, and how much you want to spend, you can pick a basket that will work for you. Keep in mind, if you are practicing your putts on even the cheapest basket, you will still be improving!

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  • If you have a basket, tell us which one you have.
  • If you have more than one, let us know your favorite.
  • Don’t have a basket? Which one would be at the top of your wish list?

We’ll select five random commenters and award an Infinite Discs gift card.

Note about submitting your comments: Once you submit your comment it will have to be approved before it appears on the blog. That is how we avoid spam on our blogs. It may take a couple days to get approved, depending on our backlog.



Ted is the Chief Writer at Infinite Discs. He is responsible for the State of Disc Golf Survey articles and most of the "best discs" posts. Ted runs all kinds of local disc golf leagues and tournaments and tournaments in Northern Utah.


  • I have a single “Kingdely” brand basket that I picked up at a good price off Amazon a couple years ago. I know nothing more about the brand, but the 24-chain basket works well and is pretty hefty. I use it indoors and out, and have taken it apart, fit it in my trunk, and reassembled it readily enough for some church recreational events.

    If I could get a second basket, I think I’d like the Black Hole Pro HD for its features & moderate price point (plus the travel bag for better transportation).

  • i have 5 baskets in a 9-hole layout on my 2 acre property. It’s not much, but it scratches the itch. My favorite of the group is the Black Hole Pro. Very solid piece of equipment. i also have the Axiom Lite and Remix Double Chain with no complaints.

  • I was given the scout as a gift. I’ve left it outside and though the fabric has faded it has held up and does a good good as a practice basket for my putting. I would get another one like it and maybe keep it in my car or something. I like how it can collapse down quickly.

  • MVP Black Hole Pro- it rocks

  • I have three baskets. A MVP black hole pro, a kinda crappy plastic chain basket and a nice Discmania portable basket. My favorite is probably the Discmania one.

  • I have a MVP Black Hole Pro. And I live it.

  • I got a MVP Black Hole Pro after the majority of online reviews pointed towards it being the best quality to price point! It just doesn’t catch my really bad putts. (Of course it’s not my fault)

  • I have a GSE Deluxe basket that seems inline with most of the economy baskets. Can’t wait to use it more after the snow calms down.

  • Just for use in the backyard, the innova discather ez is the way to go. It a good catching basket that is not hard to move around the yard.

  • I have a MVP Black Hole. It’s great for what I need, but it does spit out fairly often. Of course most of the time I just ignore it because on any other basket those putts would stay.

  • Really like the rpm helix baskets i’ve been seeing on coverage

  • Black hole pro is definitely the go to portable

  • Pure functionality as a practice basket, I love the MVP Blackhole HD Pro. But… if I’m on the course and a basket signifies a completed course, it’s the Discatcher basket that catches my eye.

  • My favorite basket (and I own one) is the MVP Black Hole Pro. It’s very well constructed has durable, long lasting chains and it just feels the most consistent as far as catching putts goes. I’d recommend it to anyone as it is so easy to put together and take down for any situation!

  • Black hole marksman all day!

  • Axiom black hole pro basket is my favorite practice basket in my backyard

  • I have a black hole precision and it works great for practice putting. On the course though my favorite is the machX.

  • Discatchers for sure, black hole for portable and scout for camping

  • I’d say mostly a fan of the discatchers. Also like the Mach baskets. Just come across the discatchers more often.

  • I have a Marksman but it makes me change my putt when practicing. Have to make a mental change that the disc doesn’t have to stay in the basket to be good. But it is good “hit the pole practice.”
    I’m an Innova discatcher fan!

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