Team Infinite Player Spotlight: Taylor Aubuchon
When I started my journey down the rabbit hole of learning about disc golf and buying discs about 2 years ago, Taylor Aubuchon was the first reviewer I came across. I appreciated Taylor’s succinct reviews that had no extra fluff in them: 60-second reviews, a couple throws from different release angles, flight trackers, and good descriptions of the feel and flight of a specific disc.
The more knowledge I gain, or think I gain, I still find myself looking forward to and immediately clicking on any new videos from Taylor. Taylor can pack just the right amount of information into a short and easily digestible video. Most of Taylor’s videos also end with a discount code to be used at
I reached out for a brief interview to better introduce Taylor to other Infinite followers that may not be aware of his content, social media presence, and mission to grow the game.
What is your disc golf origin story?
In late middle school/early high school (2007/2008), my group of friends and I were introduced to the game through our church’s youth group. I also took my dad and brother out to play and we were all hooked instantly. We were really lucky to have a great course just a few minutes away and started to play relatively seriously early on. Our youth group started a weekly bag tag series, and I even started to run a small doubles charity tournament within that first year.
How long have you been working with Infinite Discs?
Fortunately for me, Infinite started to support me after just my first review video, which was in March 2019. I’ll never be able to thank Dylan enough for believing in the plan I had for a different take on review videos! It’s pretty crazy to see how far I’ve come and how much it’s grown since then.
When did you start posting disc golf videos?
I started posting in March 2019, right when the first run I-Blend Emperors came out. This was a disc I was really excited about and thought it needed some more light shed on it. It was a mediocre video, to say the least, but it got some great feedback and I’ve been trying to improve and refine my style ever since.
How did you develop your signature and succinct review style?
I think as most content creators develop their style it starts out being mostly self-serving. After taking an extended hiatus from the game, my brother introduced me to the Infinite brand. I was hard-pressed to find any reviews or really any content focused on their lineup. Most YouTube reviews I was watching seemed quite long for their purpose, and I couldn’t find any review content on Instagram at the time. I saw an opportunity to create a more concise format that would be able to be pushed to the more underutilized avenues of social media. The original plan was actually to only post them to Instagram. I only created a YouTube channel to be able to share the reviews in Infinite’s comment section.
What disc surprised you the most after reviewing it? (You weren’t expecting to like, flew differently than expected, etc)
Definitely the Aztec. I had never really thrown that kind of straight control driver that still had good distance potential. When the I-Blend test run came out I loved the feel and flight it had, but it beat in just a little too quickly to be super reliable. Thankfully, the color glow run came out shortly after and I’ve had at least two in my bag ever since. The Aztec gives me the control of the Exodus, while not sacrificing much of the extra distance I’d get from bumping up to an Emperor of Pharaoh. If they’re ever looking for a name to put on the color glow Aztec, I know a guy that’d be pretty interested.
What is your favorite Infinite disc?
The Tomb without a doubt. I power grip everything but putts, so the Tomb is a perfect throwing putter for me with its shallow rim. Right now I’m bagging a Splatter S-Blend for overstable, C-Blend for stable, and D-Blend for understable throwing putter slots.
Check out Taylor’s Tomb review here:
Infinite Discs D-Blend Tomb Review
What is your favorite non-infinite disc?
I’ve had a full infinite bag for a bit over a year now, but the hardest disc for me to take out was the Westside Discs Pine. I enjoy a taller, more overstable feeling Midrange that beat into straight fliers. Taking the time to beat a disc into that perfect spot gives you a level of confidence and trust in it that can’t easily be replaced.
Who is your player on tour?
I always look forward to watching Drew Gibson shred out there. Best backhand form on tour!
Do you compete in tournaments? Discuss some local events, results, experiences, etc.
Unfortunately, it’s been a couple of years since I’ve played a local event, but I’m hoping to get back out there soon!
What are some of your disc golf goals?
Since really diving into content creation, most of my goals center around growing my presence to be able to share these awesome discs with as many people as possible! It’d be awesome to hit 1000 YouTube subscribers someday, but I try not to focus too hard on any specific avenue as there are so many outlets to push to. As far as disc golf specific, I’m always tweaking something in my game. Right now the goal is to develop a more consistent forehand, there’s a reason you’ve never seen me throw a forehand in any video…
Check out Taylor’s full video catalog here:
What are some of your hobbies outside of and other than disc golf?
Before disc golf, my biggest passions were music and video games. I played in local bands throughout high school and dove pretty deep into music production afterward. I’ve also streamed via Twitch off and on since around 2015. Although music has taken a bit of a back seat recently, I still stream regularly at and would love to talk disc golf, gaming, or music with anyone that wants to stop by!
Be sure to Subscribe to Taylor’s YouTube channel and Follow him on Instagram(tayloraubuchon)!
We will be continuing this series, spotlighting members of Team Infinite from all 4 levels: Signature, Elite, Ambassador, and Core Teams. Please share this article and comment below which player(s) that you would like to hear from!
Get outside and throw some discs. Have an awesome day!
Morgan Leonard