Best Disc Golf Putters of 2018

Play Disc Golf

This article was written in 2018. Check out this article for the most current list of best disc golf putters.

Welcome to December disc golfers! Hopefully these best disc golf discs posts are helping you survive the off-season! And today we have a category that may cause some fights. We all have our favorites, but today we at Infinite Discs are going to try to select one disc golf putter as the best!

Before listing the nominees for The Infinite Discs Best Disc Golf Disc: Putter, let’s break down what we are looking for when making our selection. The two words I always come back to are popularity and utility. We want to choose a popular putter that is utilized by disc golfers of every skill level. Also, please note that this category is titled “Putter” and not “Putt and Approach.” We will be splitting those categories. For our purposes today, we are naming discs that are most commonly used as the disc inside 50 feet or so when you are trying to hole out. So for example, the Westside Harp which is an overstable Putt and Approach disc that is most commonly known for approaching will not be nominated in this category.

That being said, let’s take a look at the best selling Putt and Approach discs of 2018 so far:

Top sellers of 2018:

  1. Discmania P2
  2. Innova Aviar
  3. Dynamic Discs Judge
  4. Westside Harp
  5. Dynamic Discs Warden
  6. Axiom Envy
  7. Gateway Wizard
  8. Innova Nova
  9. Innova Sonic
  10. Latitude 64 Pure

Some of you might be surprised to see the Innova Sonic make the top 10, but there were some special editions released during this year that helped to boost those sells. Beyond that, these are all very familiar names that those who are close to disc golf shouldn’t be surprised to see make the top 10.

Now, here are our nominees for the best putter!

MVP Atom

The Putt and Approach category is what helped put MVP on the map, but the MVP Atom wasn’t released until a few years later and has become the most popular putter in their lineup. It has a very comfortable rim that seems to be the perfect middle ground between their two original putters, the Anode and Ion. The Atom offers a flight that is straight and reliable, and of course, MVP gives you its signature Gyro technology with the overmold on all of their discs.

Innova Aviar

This disc is a common first putter to own with the DX Aviar available at most sporting goods stores, but it is the McPro Aviar that has kept this mold at the top of the sales chart. It will be interesting to see how Innova brands that plastic blend next year with Paul McBeth leaving. Either way, the Aviar is a beadless putter that offers a straight and reliable flight that is great for disc golfers of all skill levels.

Latitude 64 Dagger

The Latitude 64 Dagger is the tallest putter on the market, which allows for a nice glide. The large bead and “deep dish” might make the Dagger a little harder for smaller hands, and it is an adjustment for golfers used to pretty much any other putter, but those who learn to use it can be lethal with long range putts (just ask Raptor Legs Ricky…).

Axiom Envy

The Axiom Envy is a slightly overstable putter that flirts with the line between approach and putting putters, this putter has a flatter top and of course the gyro technology overmold. The Envy like the Dagger, is not your typical putter, but those who take the time to practice with it enjoy the way it feels in their hand and the way it performs on the course.

Dynamic Discs Judge

The Dynamic Discs Judge has become one of the standards of the Putt and Approach category since its release in 2012. The Judge is a beaded putter that has a comfortable height that is perfect for all hand sizes and ages. The Judge is a straight flying putter that is very predictable and easy to learn to use.

Discmania P2

The Discmania P2 has been on the market for over 10 years, but recently it has become one of the best selling discs in the world regardless of category. The P2 is a popular approach putter as well as putting putter. It is a tall, beadless disc that offers a very comfortable grip and predictable, straight flight. Discmania does a good job as well of differentiating the different plastic blends and the benefits of each blend. But regardless of plastic type, the P2 offers a flight that offers something for disc golfers of all skill levels.

Latitude 64 Pure

The Latitude 64 Pure is another unique putter that has a strong following among those who use it. It is a shallow, beadless, and understable putter that feels just a bit different when compared to other putters. The small and short rim might be uncomfortable for players with larger hands, and the understable flight is not ideal for the wind, but in the right conditions this disc flies true to its name–pure. The Pure goes straight for a long time, making it great for longer putts.

Dynamic Discs Warden

The Warden is another standard in the Dynamic Discs family. The Warden‘s mold is basically a beadless Judge that flies just as straight and just as consistently. If you have tried the Judge and decided you like it but the bead isn’t for you, then you shouldn’t skip a beat switching to the Warden. And of course, vice-versa.

Gateway Wizard

The Wizard has been doing it for over 15 years, and has become the “old reliable” in the putters category. It has an average to slightly taller height and a beaded rim that fits great for all ages and hand sizes. The Wizard is a straight flying putter that can be lethal from distance as well. Gateway has also done a great job of making the Wizard available in LOTS of plastic blends. So from Firm to Really Freakin’ Flexible or anywhere in between, you should be able to find a Wizard that is right for you.



This might be our most debatable selection so far, but the Wizard has been a popular choice for disc golfers for years. The Wizard is a great disc that covers just about everything you need in a putter, and when you add in the fact that it is available in a plethora of plastic blends, there is a Wizard for just about everyone. You don’t see the top sponsored pros throwing the Wizard much due to Gateway being a smaller fish in the sponsorship market, but when you take a look back in time to what some of the big names were throwing before they got manufacturer’s sponsorship, a lot of them were putting with the Wizard. For example, Kevin Jones, who just announced he will be throwing Prodigy Disc equipment in 2019, was a big proponent of the Pure White Wizard during the 2018 season.

What are your favorite disc golf putters?

Which putt and approach discs do you like for different weather conditions, wind, rain, cold etc? Share your opinion by commenting below!


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