Best Disc Golf Discs for Ultimate Frisbee Players
With the global pandemic shutting down much of organized Ultimate in 2020, many Ultimate Frisbee players have picked up disc golf as a new hobby.
While these are both flying disc sports, the flight of Ultimate discs is substantially different than that of most disc golf discs. Ultimate Frisbee players are able to adapt to and excel at disc golf faster than many without frisbee backgrounds, but learning to throw disc golf discs can be a frustrating experience.
In this article we are going to discuss the best golf discs for ultimate frisbee players. We’re going to go over some of the different golf discs that fly and feel more like Ultimate Frisbees, and provide tips for helping Ultimate players transition to disc golf.
We’ve asked hundreds of Ultimate players for their feedback and have assembled our own local panel of players to help us determine the absolute best frisbee golf discs for the Ultimate player.
Best Discs Overall
The overwhelming feedback from Ultimate to Disc Golf converts is to start out with putters and midrange discs. From our online voting, these are the top 15 golf discs recommended for the Ultimate Frisbee player. Note that not a single driver made the top 15.
Rank | Disc Name | Disc Type |
1 | Innova Mako3 | Midrange |
2 | Innova Sonic | Putter |
3 | Discraft Buzzz | Midrange |
4 | Discraft Comet | Midrange |
5 | Infinite Discs Anubis | Midrange |
8 | Innova Zephyr | Specialty Disc |
6 | Discraft Buzzz SS | Midrange |
7 | Discraft Meteor | Midrange |
9 | Innova Aviar | Putter |
10 | Innova Condor | Specialty Disc |
11 | Discraft Zone | Approach Disc |
12 | Innova Nova | Putter |
13 | Innova Polecat | Putter |
14 | Innova Fuse | Midrange |
15 | Dynamic Discs Truth | Midrange |
It’s also interesting to note that almost all of the most highly recommended discs are made by the top two brands Innova and Discraft. It’s no surprise that a high number of Ultimate players choose Discraft as this brand is by far the #1 choice for Ultimate Frisbees. When it comes to organized Ultimate teams and leagues a few teams use Aria, but basically everyone else in the US throws Discraft.
Best Putters for Ultimate Players
According to our online feedback, the following are the best putters for Ultimate Players. In general, the more understable flying putters — like the Innova Sonic, and the deep dish putters were recommended.
1 | Sonic |
2 | Aviar |
3 | Zone |
4 | Dart |
5 | Nova |
5 | Polecat |
5 | Rattler |
7 | Luna |
8 | Fierce |
9 | Myth |
9 | Sol |
10 | Banger GT |
11 | Birdie |
12 | Challenger |
13 | Cohort |
14 | Deputy |
15 | Ruru |
15 | Tui |
Best Midrange Discs For Ultimate Players
When it comes to Midranges, neutral flying wide diameter mids were the most highly recommended.
1 | Innova Mako3 |
2 | Discraft Buzzz |
3 | Discraft Comet |
4 | Infinite Discs Anubis |
5 | Discraft Buzzz SS |
6 | Discraft Meteor |
7 | Latitude 64 Fuse |
8 | Dynamic Discs Truth |
9 | Innova Roc |
10 | Innova Shark |
11 | Innova Cobra |
12 | Prodigy M4 |
13 | Innova Tomahawk |
14 | DD Emac Truth |
15 | Discraft Archer |
Best Drivers for Ultimate Frisbee Players
While drivers are the most difficult for Ultimate Players to get used to, once they do they absolutely love getting the incredible distance that only a bevel edge golf disc can provide. While many like to recommend the low speed drivers that are best for normal beginners, many Ultimate players can handle understable high speed drivers after just a few throws. Listed below are the most recommended drivers for the Ultimate convert.
1 | Infinite Discs Maya |
2 | Discraft Avenger SS |
3 | Innova Leopard |
4 | Innova Roadrunner |
5 | Latitude 64 Diamond |
6 | Innova Shryke |
7 | Innova Teebird |
8 | Innova Sidewinder |
9 | Discmania FD |
10 | Discraft Hades |
11 | Axiom Insanity |
12 | TSA Mantra |
13 | Latitude 64 River |
14 | Infinite Discs Sphinx |
15 | DGA Sail |
What are the best golf discs for Ultimate players?
Are you an Ultimate player who has picked up disc golf? Let us know what discs did it for you and helped in your transition. Our goal is to help make disc golf as enjoyable as possible for everyone, and having the right discs makes a big difference.
Ultimate frisbees fly like really, really, understable disc golf discs. The technique used in throwing them is different. In Ultimate you want your throws to be away from your body so that you don’t get hand blocked. In disc golf you want to keep the disc near your body to maximize power. Muscle memory is hard to undo and so those transitioning from Ultimate, that still throw “Ultimate Style” do better with really really understable disc golf discs. Here are a few of the ones that work well for me:
Putter: Innova Sonic
Midrange: Innova Tomahawk
Driver: Infinite Discs Maya
Ultimate players could start disc golf with a Discraft Ultrastar. I’ve seen plenty players using them and throwing 300 feet or better. Innova discs like Birdie, Polecat, Sonic, Zephyr, or Condor. They used to make a 76. Discraft discs like Rattler and Putt’r.
G.G Sonic!
Discmania Turning Drivers
Gumbputt ….. Don’t ask me why?
idk why but Gumbputt
MAKO 3’S AND BUZZ SS(or beat in buzz) ROC’s
I’m gonna go with the latitude 64 bite. Tristen Tanner throws one pretty well in a couple videos. Also I bought one for my moms new puppy. The dog loves frisbee but tears them to pieces. So I told my mom I’d check one of the bites out for her. Took it over the dog loves it. It’s a very durable disc and under stable like a frisbee. I think it would help make a smooth transition as it flies like a frisbee but its roughly the size of a golf disc.
I’ve been playing with a friend of mine who is transitioning from Ultimate. When he first started he was spraying drivers all over the course. I opened up my bag and after some experimentation, he gravitated toward RPM Tui and Ruru, along with an Innova Aviar and Polecat, and a Westside Swan Reborn and Underworld. He also liked the Infinite Anubis.
Zephyr is great for Ultimate players
Coming from an ultimate background the biggest thing I struggled with was nose angle control. Releasing on slight hyzer felt natural as well.
I would recommend throwing putters and understable mids first.
My faves are:
Comet – still in the bag
I gravitated towards overstable fairways for forehands though, such as the Stal and Firebird.
The Comet! Because Andrew Fish.
I starting playing disc golf in July due to all ultimate leagues being canceled. I played ultimate for 15 years and started with a lot of bad DG habits (arm away from body, standstill throws, etc). I initally started with a Discraft starter pack since I was very familiar with the Discraft brand from ultimate. The starter set had a Sting, Buzzz, and Focus. I found that the Sting and all drivers were difficult to get used to due to the larger rim, so after some struggles, I spent months using just mid ranges and putters. At recommendation of many articles I got a Star Mako3 and an Aviar and went to town.
I think it’s important for ultimate players to watch form videos and correct their form. I’d recommend understable fairway drivers for backhands as backhands take longer to change form on and understanding the full flight path is important. The Sting was a good learning disc for me. However, for a forehand, I found that it was an easier transition as the form is very similar. I wound up having too much torque on my forehands and a very neutral Mako3 was turning more than I desired. Even though it has more late flight fade, I found the EMAC Truth to be a great forehand disc to learn on. Also, the Buzzz was very helpful too.
Discraft’s Meteor and/or Comet are great neutral midranges that fly a bit more like lids compared to other popular midranges. Excellent discs that give you immediate feedback on your form. Every player would benefit from having one of these in the bag.
Condor,… duh.
Lat 64 bite
The Mako3 or the Anubis are my votes!