Best Disc Golf Discs for Ultimate Frisbee Players

Boy playing Ultimate Frisbee

With the global pandemic shutting down much of organized Ultimate in 2020, many Ultimate Frisbee players have picked up disc golf as a new hobby.

While these are both flying disc sports, the flight of Ultimate discs is substantially different than that of most disc golf discs. Ultimate Frisbee players are able to adapt to and excel at disc golf faster than many without frisbee backgrounds, but learning to throw disc golf discs can be a frustrating experience.

In this article we are going to discuss the best golf discs for ultimate frisbee players. We’re going to go over some of the different golf discs that fly and feel more like Ultimate Frisbees, and provide tips for helping Ultimate players transition to disc golf.

We’ve asked hundreds of Ultimate players for their feedback and have assembled our own local panel of players to help us determine the absolute best frisbee golf discs for the Ultimate player.

Best Discs Overall

The overwhelming feedback from Ultimate to Disc Golf converts is to start out with putters and midrange discs. From our online voting, these are the top 15 golf discs recommended for the Ultimate Frisbee player. Note that not a single driver made the top 15.

Rank Disc Name Disc Type
1 Innova Mako3 Midrange
2 Innova Sonic Putter
3 Discraft Buzzz Midrange
4 Discraft Comet Midrange
5 Infinite Discs Anubis Midrange
8 Innova Zephyr Specialty Disc
6 Discraft Buzzz SS Midrange
7 Discraft Meteor Midrange
9 Innova Aviar Putter
10 Innova Condor Specialty Disc
11 Discraft Zone Approach Disc
12 Innova Nova Putter
13 Innova Polecat Putter
14 Innova Fuse Midrange
15 Dynamic Discs Truth Midrange

It’s also interesting to note that almost all of the most highly recommended discs are made by the top two brands Innova and Discraft. It’s no surprise that a high number of Ultimate players choose Discraft as this brand is by far the #1 choice for Ultimate Frisbees. When it comes to organized Ultimate teams and leagues a few teams use Aria, but basically everyone else in the US throws Discraft.

Best Putters for Ultimate Players

According to our online feedback, the following are the best putters for Ultimate Players. In general, the more understable flying putters — like the Innova Sonic, and the deep dish putters were recommended.

1 Sonic
2 Aviar
3 Zone
4 Dart
5 Nova
5 Polecat
5 Rattler
7 Luna
8 Fierce
9 Myth
9 Sol
10 Banger GT
11 Birdie
12 Challenger
13 Cohort
14 Deputy
15 Ruru
15 Tui

Best Midrange Discs For Ultimate Players

When it comes to Midranges, neutral flying wide diameter mids were the most highly recommended.

1 Innova Mako3
2 Discraft Buzzz
3 Discraft Comet
4 Infinite Discs Anubis
5 Discraft Buzzz SS
6 Discraft Meteor
7 Latitude 64 Fuse
8 Dynamic Discs Truth
9 Innova Roc
10 Innova Shark
11 Innova Cobra
12 Prodigy M4
13 Innova Tomahawk
14 DD Emac Truth
15 Discraft Archer

Best Drivers for Ultimate Frisbee Players

While drivers are the most difficult for Ultimate Players to get used to, once they do they absolutely love getting the incredible distance that only a bevel edge golf disc can provide. While many like to recommend the low speed drivers that are best for normal beginners, many Ultimate players can handle understable high speed drivers after just a few throws. Listed below are the most recommended drivers for the Ultimate convert.

1 Infinite Discs Maya
2 Discraft Avenger SS
3 Innova Leopard
4 Innova Roadrunner
5 Latitude 64 Diamond
6 Innova Shryke
7 Innova Teebird
8 Innova Sidewinder
9 Discmania FD
10 Discraft Hades
11 Axiom Insanity
12 TSA Mantra
13 Latitude 64 River
14 Infinite Discs Sphinx
15 DGA Sail

What are the best golf discs for Ultimate players?

Are you an Ultimate player who has picked up disc golf? Let us know what discs did it for you and helped in your transition. Our goal is to help make disc golf as enjoyable as possible for everyone, and having the right discs makes a big difference.



Disc Golf Beginner Tips from Dave Feldberg

In this disc golf clinic, professional disc golfer and coach Dave Feldberg discusses basic disc golf tips for beginners. These tips will help you to improve your disc golf skills, distance, and have more fun on the course.

Three Tips for New Disc Golfers

1. Choose a beginner friendly course. Disc golf is meant to be fun. It is not fun playing courses that are too difficult and frustrating for your skill level. It is not fun to lose, or even spend lots of time looking for your new expensive disc golf discs. Most disc golfers who learn to play on easy courses are the ones who become lifers and are still playing today.

2. Buy used and inexpensive discs when you start. Used discs are more understable and so generally work better for beginners. Until you have played enough that you’ve mastered basic control, you don’t really know which discs you should be getting anyways. Once you feel comfortable, head over to Infinite Discs where you can buy inexpensive disc golf discs. You can purchase on sale discs, x-outs, misprints, and bulk sets for extra savings. Be sure to check out the section on discs recommended for new players.

3. Don’t Imitate but build good habits. Dave’s third disc golf beginner tip is don’t imitate. Everybody is different. You don’t have the same length arms, you don’t have the same body type, speed, height, or weight. Learn how to throw biomechanically, with the proper technique which does not have to be the exact same as the way someone else throws. When you throw biomechanically you are throwing like in any sport. There is a correct way to move your arms, your legs, your head, the timing and the whole thing. Be sure to build good habits as building bad habits is hard to break. If you learn the correct technique at the beginning it is harder to have moderate success in the beginning, but by the end you will be the better player.

Nate Sexton Disc Golf Clinic – Sidearm 2018

We met with Nate Sexton at the 2018 Las Vegas Challenge and asked if he could teach about the Sidearm throw. Nate is one of the the best disc golfers in the world, and has one of the most accurate and powerful Sidearm throws. He most often uses his sidearm throw with a Nate Sexton Firebird (aka SexyBird). In Vegas, he made a short video with us explaining how he grips the disc, his run-up, angle, and release. Hope you enjoy! Leave a comment if you learned something that will help your game!

Ricky Wysocki Putting Tips

Ricky Wysocki, the #2 ranked disc golfer in the world, and arguably the best putter, gives a few putting tips to a clinic at the Cache County Fairgrounds. There are a lot of different ways to putt, different ways to grip the disc, and different stances that all work. Ricky recommends that you use the grip and stance that works best for you.

He emphasis these three points to improve your putting game:

1. Use your entire body.
2. Use your lower body to provide the power. Your arm guides the disc while the lower body provides the power.
3. When you bring the disc down before the putt, bend your leg, shift your weight to your back leg, and let the leg pop forward to provide the power.

How to Improve Your Disc Golf Game–Tips from World Champs

It is early November here in Northern Utah, and last week marked the first mornings when I needed to scrape the frost off of my car before driving to work. As much as I hate it, this will become a habit in the following months. Acknowledging this opens the door for me to recognize another reality that I hate–the disc golf offseason is upon us. Other than a few small local events, tournament season has all but ended.

The offseason is both literally and figuratively a cold, dark, and miserable time for the disc golfer. However, this break from competitive disc golf play provides an opportunity for reflection and improvement. For myself, I know that there are several elements of my game that I need to work on to bring my game up to the next level that I would like to compete at.

How Do We Improve our Disc Golf Game?

So how do we improve? I had the opportunity a few months ago to ask some of the best players in the game this very question. It was during the press conference at the 2016 Ledgestone Insurance Open presented by Discraft in Peoria, IL. The pro panel at this conference included 4 World Champions with 12 World Championships combined–Catrina Allen, Valerie Jenkins, Nate Doss, and Paul McBeth. I asked them to give some advice for amateur players who are hoping to improve their game.

Cat went first, and the first thing she mentioned was the importance of field work. This became a point of reference for everyone’s answers. Catrina went on to emphasize the importance of dedication. She encouraged players to throw and grow and throw some more. She also stressed the need to prioritize the field work over the casual rounds. “Stop playing casual rounds, and get to the field for practice,” were her final words of advice. If you want to really compete, spend your time working in the field rather than playing a casual round at the course. Put in the work, and the results will follow.

Val agreed with Cat, but also stressed the importance of the fun of the game. She started out by saying how she has been playing for her whole life, and it has been important for her to still have fun. “Remember to have fun. That’s when you enjoy the sport the most.” She recommended ta players remember why they started disc golf and just continue to play, and then they will excel.

Val’s husband Nate spoke next. He started off by jokingly saying that his biggest piece of advice was to be 15 years old and have really long arms. All jokes aside though, he did stress that in today’s game you have to start young to compete at the top level and develop an excellent forehand. He went on to say that it’s not easy to be a top level disc golfer. It’s a dream, but a lot of hard work, and there’s a lot of alone time, but if you put in the work it will pay off.

Ricky Wysocki Driving Tips

The mechanics for driving, putting, and approach shots are really pretty similar, just on a different scale. Professional disc golfer Ricky Wysocki gives a few tips to improve mechanics and disc golf driving distance for backhand throws, forehand throws, and rollers.

A few general driving tips:

  •  Use a straight forward run up. Line your shoulders up and run up in the direction you want to throw.
  • Don’t throw across your body. It’s bad for your back and bad for consistency.
  • Get your timing right. Driving distance and power is all about getting the mechanics right.

Backhand Drives:

  • Driving is all about timing and weight shift using both lower and upper body to maximize potential.
  • Straight back, and straight forward.
  • Don’t curl your wrist.
  • Throw essentially the same shot for a hyzer or anhyzer, just place your body in a different position.
  • Get a full reach back. You will get more power when you’re fully extended and reaching all the way back. Fully extend on the reach back and on the follow through.
  • Timing issues are best fixed with time, and practicing in the field.

Sidearm Drives:

  • The form between sidearm and backhand is actually pretty similar.
  • Reach all the way back and forward with your follow through in the direction you want to throw.
  • Keep your elbow tucked in close to your body right before you throw.
  • Lock your wrist to control the angle.

Ricky Wysocki Upshot Tips

Having a good upshot game can reduce putting stress and shave strokes off your round. In this clinic, Professional disc golfer Ricky Wysocki provides a few tips to help you improve your upshots.

Ricky says that these tips are pretty basic, but that it’s the basics that people fail to execute that causes most of the problems. Here are four of his tips for more accurate consistent approach shots:

1. Line up properly. Line your shoulders up with your feet so that all body parts are going the same direction.
2. Keep your legs in an athletic position, pointing where you want to throw about shoulder length apart.
3. Lock your wrist in position and keep it there the entire time. (Whether you’re throwing a hyzer, anhyzer, or tomahawk throw)
4. Eliminate the variables so that your disc only has one thing to do — go in the right direction.

Disc Golf Tips From Will Schusterick – Driving Clinic

Will Schusterick, 3 three time USDGC Champion, is not only one of the best disc golfers in the world, but is also a great disc golf instructor.

This clinic at the Mulligans at Creekside Disc golf course in Ogden, Utah on October 20th, 2014 is full of tips to help you improve your driving, accuracy, and overall mental disc golf game.

The video was filmed and edited by Cassidy Houdeshel.

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