Christmas Shipping Deadlines 2024

The holidays are upon us once again, and once again people wonder what is the latest date that they can ship a package and still have it arrive before Christmas. At Infinite, the orders that arrive by 4:30 PM MST are shipped out the same day. However, we use carriers for the delivery, and have to rely on their cut-off dates for the Christmas holiday. All packages shipped on or before the dates listed SHOULD arrive before Christmas. Since circumstances may delay their shipping schedule, we urge you to place your orders as soon as possible, just to make sure.
Here is a list of dates that we got from the shipping services we use. Both UPS and USPS offer premium shipping options that cost a bit more, but extend the date that you can ship a package and still get to a loved one in time. Let’s look at the shipping options for each service.
The deadline for shipping USPS via Ground Advantage/First Class is Wednesday, December 18. If you want to ship Priority, you get an extra day. The deadline for Priority is Thursday, December 19. For expedited shipping faster than Priority, contact Infinite Discs for options:
UPS has a link to click on so you can see what their estimated deadline is, based on your location and the location of the shipper (Infinite is located in Logan, UTAH 84321). See the link at:
If they are unable to get your package delivered via UPS Ground in time, contact Infinite for expedited options:
What if neither shipping service can get my package to me in time?
Sometimes, despite our best intentions, shipping deadlines have passed and we won’t be able to get a package in time for Christmas. Fear not, you still have an option! Check out the Infinite Discs Gift cards as a possible gift. You can get gift cards in certain denominations, or get a custom gift card. Once you check out, the gift card code will be instantly delivered to the email address provided. What better way to give your disc golfer exactly what they want.
Christmas Gift Suggestions
If you are still looking for gift ideas, check out our Christmas Gift Guide HERE. And make sure you get your disc golf gift ideas ordered soon, to make sure you’ll get the order back to you in time.