With Christmas drawing near, we have a lot of customers who want to know if their package will arrive by Christmas.
Our staff at Infinite Discs is doing all we can to ensure that your package will arrive by December 25th. All orders received by 4:30 PM MST, are shipped out the same day. With that said, we have to rely on the different parcel carriers for the actual delivery. We cannot guarantee any delivery by a certain date. Here are some guidelines for the last days you will want to order different items, if you want to make sure* they arrive before Christmas. Read this article if you’re looking for good Christmas Gift Ideas.
Small Packages:
Safe Order Deadline to arrive by Christmas: Friday, December 16th.
Small packages (2 Christmas Discs or less discs), towels, small accessories, mini’s, physical gift cards, etc. weighing less than 16oz will ship by USPS first class mail with a 2-5 day delivery.
Because we are located in Utah, areas in the Western United States are likely to receive packages in less transit time than those in the Eastern US. For those in the West there’s a good chance that you still might receive your package by Christmas if you order it before Dec 21st.
Assuming the worst with a 5 day delivery (in most instances it will be less), unless you make a Priority mail upgrade you will want to make sure your order is in by 4:30 on Friday, December 16th, 2022.
With Priority Mail Upgrade
If you pay extra for the “Shipping Upgrade” (2-5 day delivery), your likely safe date to receive by Christmas is extended two additional days to Monday, December 19th. The package will most likely arrive in time if the order is placed early in the day by Friday as well, but if your order is made after 4:30 PM on the 20th, and you NEED it by Christmas, contact support@infinitediscs.com and we can give you a quote of what the cost will be for expedited shipping.
Medium Sized Packages:
Safe Order Deadline without Priority Upgrade: Monday, December 16th
For medium sized packages 5-11 discs and economy bags, we usually ship UPS Ground to Easern states and USPS Priority mail to Western States. Depending on your proximity to Utah, and the size of your package, these packages may also go USPS Priority Mail. Orders received by 4:30 on Friday, December 16th, should arrive by Christmas.
UPS offers a service to estimate your approximate shipping time. Use this tool to see what they estimate for a shipment from Logan, Utah 84321 to your address with this tool.
If your order is made after December 16th, and you NEED it by Christmas, contact support@infinitediscs.com and we can give you a quote of what the cost will be for express delivery.
Large Packages
Safe Order Deadline: Friday, December 13th
Large packages including baskets, large backpacks, and 11+ discs are typically shipped by UPS ground, which can take up to a week to arrive depending on your location and proximity to Utah. It’s also important to know that many of these products are drop shipped directly from the manufacturer, who may not process your order as quickly as we do in house. If you want a large package to arrive by Christmas, you’ll likely be fine if your order is in by December 16th, but to be safe, you’ll want them in by 2:00 on Wednesday the 14th.
Unless you want to specifically arrange to pay a small fortune for expedited shipping, make sure you have them in early. Large packages are not eligible for USPS priority upgrade shipping. When shipping upgrades are made on our website, you receive expedited processing, but there are often no 3 day shipping options. Shipping large packages overnight or priority mail can literally cost you hundreds of dollars. If you need an expedited order for a large package, contact support@infinitediscs.com for a quote on your different shipping options.
International Orders
Safe Order Deadline: It Might Be Too Late
If you want something internationally, it might already be too late to get to you by Christmas. For international shipping we use UPS Mail Innovations which usually arrives to Canada and Europe within two weeks, but not always. So if you order before December 9th there is a good chance you will receive it by Christmas, but there is no guarantee.
There are expedited international shipping options, but they are very costly. Contact our support team if you would like a quote for expedited International delivery.
If you’re too late for a disc golf Christmas gift, There is always next year right? Or, consider a Happy New Year gift… But you don’t really need a reason to give somebody a great disc golf gift do you?
Gift Cards
Deadline to Arrive By Christmas: December 25th
The safest bet (and arguably the best Christmas gift for an avid disc golfer) is an E-Gift card. An email gift card code will be sent to you (or directly to the recipient) within seconds. The other nice thing about an electronic gift card is that you can personalize it any way you want. Print it up and put it in a card or a picture with an original poem you wrote, or a picture of yourself. Who doesn’t like a personalized gift? Or to make things super simple, just email the code directly to the recipient.
Overnight Shipping?
Safe Order Deadline: Nonexistent
What if I wait until the week of Christmas to make my order? Overnight and rushed 2 day shipping options are available, but these can get pricey and there are no promises on delivery time. This is not a safe option, however, if you would like to give it a try, email or call us before you make the order. The shipping price on these are determined case by case. Again, at this point, the best ordering option may be a gift card.
*In rare instances (less than 1% of all orders), packages get misplaced or lost by the individual carriers, or bad weather slows pickup or delivery, and packages do not arrive by the estimated time frame. We cannot guarantee that any package will actually arrive by Christmas.