New Golf Discs for 2017

Spring is finally here for most parts of the country. For those of us who haven’t been as active in the disc golf world while our courses are covered in white stuff, here is a summary of new discs that have been or will be released in 2017.


Axiom has been quiet so far this year. The exciting announcement from the MVP family thus far is the release of their new single mold brand Streamline Discs.


  • Quake – This new midrange will shock the world. It’s a flat top overstable mid with a very comfortable feel and flight ratings 5/3/0/3


Discmania hasn’t yet released any new discs in 2017, but there are a few known discs we are expecting:

  • PDX – The Discmania PDX is a power driver that was released as a fundraising disc for the Disc Golf World Tour. We expect it to be released with a stock stamp sometime in 2017.
  • CD3 – This new control driver was recently PDGA approved. This driver is supposed to be easy enough to throw that a beginner can handle it, but consistent enough that experienced players will find a place in their bag for it.


  • ArcherThis is the 2016 Ace Race disc released as the Archer. This is a solid understable midrange that has a similar flight to the Discraft Stratus.

And while not exactly disc golf discs, Discraft has also release their very popular mini discs. If you haven’t tried them yet, these are really fun to throw.

Dynamic Discs


  • Sheriff – This High Speed Distance Driver has quickly become a top selling disc. Many are boasting new distance records with the DD Sheriff.
  • Slammer – This thumbtrack putt and approach disc is overstable, and highly anticipated. So far it has only been released to Dynamic Discs Buy Back retailers in a Special Edition that is available for in store sales only. We expect a first run and stock version to be released soon. Look for a limited edition stamp from Infinite Discs.

To be released:

  • Criminal – The Criminal is an overstable driver.
  • Deputy – The DD Deputy is an understable putter that will be released as one of the player pack discs for the Trilogy Challenge.

Full Turn

The newer manufacturer Full Turn disc recently had a driver known as the Drifter PDGA approved.


Gateway has already released a new distance driver, the Siren, and plans to release a new PDGA approved version of the popular Ninja driver. As always, they continue to release the popular Wizard putter in new exciting plastic blends.

  • Siren – High speed distance driver.


Innova hasn’t wasted much time with the release of new understable mids and approach discs in 2017. They have already released the Manta, Wombat3, and Aviar3, and have new PDGA approved molds that will be coming soon.

  • Manta – This understable approach disc was initially slated to be the VStingray. Playing on the Sting Ray theme, they decided to go with the Manta Ray, or Manta for short. This is a unique disc with a thin profile.
  • Wombat3 – If you’re looking for a disc that isn’t going to fade at the end of the flight, you’ll want to try the Wombat3. The Wombat3 is said to be slightly faster than the original Wombat with the same great flightpath for fineesse shots.

To be released:

  • Aviar3 – A faster version of the worlds most popular putter — the Aviar. This flatter, less glidey, version is ideal for driving and approach shots.
  • Firstorm – A new very overstable speed 14 high speed driver. 14/4/0/3

Innova also has a number of discs they’ve released as part of their sponsorship packages and at their pro shop that may be released in stock runs this year including the, Commander, Gargoyle, Mystere, and Savant.

Latitude 64

Latitude 64 has already released a driver, midrange, and putter this year. They continue to pump out lots of new molds in Sweden and there will surely be many more to come in 2017. Infinite Discs has created unique limited edition stamps for the Latitude 64 Anchor, Caltrop and Gladiator.

  • AnchorReliably overstable midrange with a moderate dome and a big bead.
  • Caltrop – This unique stable putt and approach disc features a thumbtrac.
  • Gladiator – The Gladiator is an overstable high speed driver that combines glide and overstability.

Soon to Come:

  • Beetle – The Latitude 64 Beetle is unlike any disc Latitude has released. This disc is described to have the flight of a traditional Frisbee, but is PDGA approved. Latitude gives it a speed rating of only 1 but a glide of 7!
  • River Pro – The River Pro will be released in Trilogy Challenge player packs. This fairway driver should be slightly more overstable than the populare Latitude 64 River.

Latitude 64 has also hinted at their development of double mold discs similar to those made by MVP.


  • FighterThe Legacy Fighter was originally released as the 2016 Battle of the Aces disc. This is an overstable control driver built for wind fighting. The Fighter is one of the most ridiculously overstable discs on the market.


MVP has released new plastic molds for a few of their popular discs including the Proton Atom. It appears that most of their efforts this year are going into the new Streamline Brand. MVP has announced a new version of their portable course quality basket, the Black Hole Pro HD.

Soon to Come:

  • Particle – Beginning May 26th disc golfers will be able to get their hands on the MVP Particle putter by participating in a MVP circuit.


No news from the Prodigy camp in regards to new discs. They are coming up with a new BP2 Backpack and have released some special edition versions of existing discs.


  • Ruru – RPM discs in New Zealand released a new putter the Ruru. This straight flying disc is not only available in some of the most beautiful plastic blends you will ever see, but it flys great too.


The announcement of Streamline discs is one of the hottest topics for new releases thus far in 2017. MVP Discs, which has boasted the benefits of their Gyro double mold technology for the last five years has decided to enter the market of single mold discs saying that they can do it better and for less money. They have two discs announced already, and look for some special limited edition stamps from Infinite Discs as well.

  • Pilot – A straight flying putt and approach disc with a small disc. This disc will be available in familiar Electron plastics, but without the harder outer rim.
  • Trace – A stable, consistent flying fairway driver that will keep you where you want to go.


Vibram has released the Launch, and we have also seen tester versions of the overstable Crag hit the market. We are not sure if or when that disc will actually be released.

  • Launch –  The Vibram Launch is a new slightly understable straight flying midrange discs.

Viking Discs

Viking Discs is a new manufacturer in Finland that has several discs that have been PDGA approved. These new discs will arrive at Infinite at the end of March. They include:

  • Axe – A straight flying midrange with a putter like flight.
  • Berserker – Understable distance driver designed for rollers and anhyzers.
  • Knife – This is a multipurpose putter that can handle power. 2/3/0/2
  • Nordic Warrior – Overstable midrange. 4/4/02
  • Thunder God Thor – High Speed distance driver 14/5/0/2


Westside will soon release the Crown putter and for the Trilogy Challenge, a midrange known as the Pine.

  • Crown – A dependable beaded putter.
  • Pine – A stable midrange that is supposed to be more overstable than the Warship but that doesn’t fade as much as the Bard. 5/4/0/2

Do you know of other new discs that aren’t yet included on this list? Please let us know about them in the comment section below.


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