Tips to Increase Disc Golf Power and Distance!

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This post on disc golf power and distance, is the next post in a series designed to help you elevate your game. Watch the videos and reinforce the concepts through reading. Watch, read, practice, and improve!

Not everyone will admit it, but we all want a little more power and distance in our games.

The wise person knows that there aren’t a lot of quick fixes out there.

More realistically, we practice, make adjustments, and over time, we gradually increase our power and distance.

That same wise person will also remind us that more distance certainly doesn’t necessarily equate to better scores.

Meanwhile, approach shots, putting, accuracy and more of the other pro tips in this series (found here) will more likely improve your scores.

But sometimes, wisdom isn’t what we seek.

We just want a little power in lives, am I right?

Well, luckily, these tips for disc golf power and distance will also help you with your form.

That way you can have your cake and eat it too!

So, let’s look at some tips that will help us get some more power and distance in our lives while also improving the rest of our game as well!

Head Placement for Power

In the first video Dave Feldberg gives us a tip for what to do with our head so we don’t limit our distance.

To do this, he makes an analogy to baseball. 

Baseball players that hit home runs don’t keep their head facing the pitcher for the entire swing.

Instead, they keep their head facing towards the point of contact and look up during their follow through. 

In disc golf, because of the way our neck is connected to our head and shoulders, looking where you’ll throw a backhand, severely limits the range of motion you can make for a complete throw. 

It also can throw off your lines quite a bit and reduce your accuracy. 

Instead, keep your head down through the impact of the throw and don’t look up until your follow-through naturally brings your head up.

Then, you can watch your disc soar that extra distance!

Watch now and see Feldberg explain it as well!

Now, from the head let’s have a look at how we can position our feet to improve our disc golf power and distance!

Position Your Feet Correctly!

In this quick-hitter of a video, Joel Freeman tells us about two common mistakes he sees amateurs make that are causing them to lose a lot of power.

The first mistake is that they point their toes towards the target and the second mistake is that both of their feet are perfectly aligned with the target.

Instead, he shows us to point our toes inward and slightly away from the target.

Then, with our plant foot, it should be out in front of your other foot. If done correctly, someone behind you should be able to see the target through the “window” in your legs. 

Both of these tips help engage your lower body and get a lot more power. 

Give a watch and then give it a try!

Now let’s look at some grip tips for disc golf power and distance as well!

Grip It to Rip It!

In this video, Connor gives a helpful tip on how to grip so you can get max distance.

And yes, he does mix up the terms potential energy and kinetic energy. But don’t let that detract from his point.

Basically, what it boils down to is that Connor tells you to put most of your pressure (and a healthy dose of it) right between your thumb and pointer finger. 

That way as you come through on your drive, the disc launches out of your hand (you are not “letting go” intentionally) creating the spin and snap you need to get the most distance out of your throw.  

Watch Connor’s explanation and then give it a try yourself!

Now let’s start putting things together with some timing tips for power and distance!

Cole Redalen on Timing and Distance!

Can we all agree that Cole Redalen can throw great distances? 

Because he absolutely can!

At the same time, he’ll also be the first to occasionally tell you “don’t do what I do” and “others tell me I do this wrong.”

So, with that in mind, have a look at how Cole explains his massive drives.

The major point he goes over is timing.

I’ve heard it enough in all the videos I’ve watched to know that timing is crucial.

If your throw is rushed or out of sync, it’s deadly to your distance potential.

Well, to help explain his timing, Cole give this tip.

In his “X-Step” after the back foot goes behind and lands, and as soon as he’s about to bring his front foot through is when he starts his reach back. 

Then, by the time his front plant foot hits the ground his throwing arm will have reached full extension. 

From there he engages his hips, pulls through with his elbow at a 90-degree angle and the disc in the power pocket (which he shows), and let’s it rip!

Other quick tips he mentions is that he’s holding the disc about waist height.

And finally, if you look at his reach back you’ll see he is reaching back with the disc at a significant anhyzer. This is something I’ve heard before elsewhere and something worth trying!

One excellent way to accumulate numerous repetitions while honing your timing is through the use of a disc golf practice net. This enables you to throw discs repeatedly without the need to retrieve them each time.

Now, watch Cole explain and see if something clicks for you!

Breaking The Drive Into 3 Steps!

In the next video Dave Feldberg gives us 3 tips that don’t require much in the way of fieldwork, but can also improve our distance.

It’s definitely worth a watch so you can see him demonstrate the logic behind each point.

Here are his tips!

Tip 1 – Drop Your Front Foot Heel Before The Disc Moves.

Feldberg shows us how, when people initiate the turn before the heel hits, it gives the disc far less runway to build up speed and severely decreases distance potential. 

He calls this “cheating the turn”.

Instead, wait until the heel plants before you initiate the throw. 

He also has a drill for you to check out that will help you get used to the correct form. 

Tip #2 – Practice Staying on Your Toes for the Entire Run-Up!

On the course, you can adjust and have more of the foot touching the ground (with the pressure on the toes). 

But to get used to this, practice doing the run up completely on your toes. 

Then, for the final plant, you go to tip #1 and plant the heel then initiate the throw. 

Tip #3 – Disc Golf is a 3-Part Throw!

If you can break the throw into the three key components, your throw will sync together much more smoothly and result in more distance as well.

Here are the 3 parts he goes over.

Part 1 – Get to the reach-back position. Your arm should be fully extended back as your front toe hits the ground.

Part 2 – Drop the heel then bring the arm in. 

Part 3 – Twist out of the shot and follow through.

Watch at the 3-minute mark as Feldberg breaks the shot into those 3 parts visually. 

The nice part, he shows, is that you can practice each of the 3 parts individually. 

Dave shows you how in the video, along with some other tidbits for each, so give it a look!

Now let’s see if we can put it all together with some more general tips from Zoe Andyke

More General Distance Tips!

Having watched all of Infinites Youtube videos, I must say that I really appreciate Zoe Andyke’s teaching style.

She breaks ideas down into the key components and let’s you look at the same concept through a different lens.

And perhaps, seeing this video will help things click for you…

Here are the tips she goes over.

Tip #1 – Don’t limit your distance potential by limiting your reach back!

Essentially she reminds us to turn our head, hips and shoulders with our throw.

“It is our bodies that ultimately pull and throw our arm,” she tells us as she contorts her own body to show us (1:45).

Tip #2 – Don’t reach across your body!

This is a common mistake she sees people make.

Instead, she tells us, you want to keep a 90-degree angle between your arm and your torso.

Tip #3 – Use Your Whole Body to Pull Through

Once you have that full reach back, she tells us to “use our body to pull (legs, trunk, hips, arm at the end) [and then] follow through.”

As many have told us before, distance does not just come from the arms!

Tip #4 – Play Tug of War

This is a drill that you can try for yourself with a partner (4:00).

Have the partner hold the disc in place while your arm is extended back.

Then, use that tension to feel and lengthen your reach back. This, she repeats, is usually a key component that most of us are missing in our distance shots.

Final Tip – Bend your knees to stay springy and athletic for your shot. 

She shows us that in her drive she never stands up straight to her full height through the shot. She keeps the knees bent and the leg muscles activated throughout!

Now watch for yourself and see Zoe explain it in her unique and engaging style!

Disc Golf Distance and Power – In Summary

There you have it folks!

From head to feet and everywhere in between, those are some tips from the pros on how to get more distance in your throw!

Luckily, those tips are also great for general throwing mechanics as well!

As always, it will take practice and patience.

But try some of those out and see if you can’t add a little (or a lot) of distance to your drives.

And, as always, if you have any must-have tips, please share with the rest of us in the comments below!

In time, we’ll have the distance we covet and the good form we need to keep dropping those scores out on the course!

Happy driving to you all, and may all of your shots soar beyond to distances your wildest dreams!




Farthest Flying Putters and Top Selling Putters by Brand

What are the top selling putters for each disc golf brand and which one flies the farthest?

This is the question nobody is asking, but a lot of people are curious to find the answer to thanks to lots of extra Covid 19 stay at home time. What is the farthest flying putter?

In this video, professional disc golfer Drew Gibson helps us answer these all important questions. He also likely sets the world putter distance record for about ten different disc brands.

If you’re concerned that you can’t throw a putter 500 feet, don’t be. Drew is one of the most powerful and farthest throwers in the world. Most disc golfers are happy to throw a driver the distance he gets the Stego to go.

Top Selling Disc Golf Putters by Brand

For this video, Drew used our top selling putter, over the last six months, from each disc golf brand. We carry over 40 different disc brands, but several of those brands are mostly irrelevant or no longer producing discs, so we didn’t bother including putters of disc golf brands unless their best selling at least made our top 75 putters list. The big brands like Innova, Discraft, and Dynamic Discs have dozens of different putters that all sell well. By comparison the top selling putter from Viking is not as popular as the 17th best selling putter from Innova.

Note, the Reptilian Stego thrown in this video is not really considered a putter, but as you can tell, in terms of distance it doesn’t go nearly as far as a putter, so Drew thought it would be good to compare that unique utility disc here.

How to throw farther: Disc Golf Distance clinic with Zoe Andyke and Dustin Keegan Clinic

In this quick clinic, professional disc golfers and UPlay Disc Golf founders Zoe Andyke and Dustin Keegan teach us basic tips of how to throw the disc farther and get more driving distance.

The number one thing that new players want is driving distance. Here are a few tips to help you get more:

1. Line up your arms to see how far you can reach back. By reaching back all the way, you have potential for more hit speed and much more power.
2. Turn your head, hips, and shoulders with your throw. Line your head up with your reachback and throw
3. Load your body for that perfect line by maintaining a perfect 90 degree angle.
4. Allow your bodies to pull through your arms utilizing the muscles in your legs and hips.
5. Allow your off hand (the one not holding the disc) to follow through.
6. Stay “springy” at the legs in an athletic position to maximize leg power. Don’t stand up straight when trying to throw for distance.

State of Disc Golf 2019 – Average Throwing Distances

During the 2019 State of Disc Golf Survey, we asked players about their average throwing distance on drives. When looking at the overall field of players that responded to the survey, here are the percentages that claimed specific distance abilities:

You’ll notice that the largest percentage of overall players claimed a distance between 301 and 350 feet maximum. That distance represents almost 31% of players. The next largest percentage claims a distance between 251 and 300 feet, at almost 27% of those surveyed. Close behind that is the 351 to 400 foot range at 22%.

That means that if you add together those three categories with a distance from 251 – 400 feet, that covers the vast majority of players while much smaller groups claim 400+ feet. Only 2.1% of those surveyed claimed to be able to through 451 to 500 feet and a minor sliver of .5% claimed a distance of over 500 feet.


We thought it would be fun to take a look at the results broken down by age groups. So here is a very chart-heavy report, but we hope that you enjoy seeing how age influences distance. As you scroll through the age breakdowns, you’ll notice that the middle ages have a much higher number of survey participants, but the averages stay pretty close…

AGE 12 – 17

AGE 18 – 21

AGE 22 – 25

AGE 26 – 29

AGE 30 – 35

AGE 36 – 40

AGE 41 – 50

AGE 51 – 60

AGE 61 – 70

AGE 71 +

Only when you start to hit the charts for 61-70 and the 71+ age groups do the distance abilities begin a dramatic drop-off, landing more of those older players in a range under 300 feet.


Now, for a little something you’ve never considered, we have a breakdown of the claimed distances from survey participants versus the elevation of the states in the USA where those players are from. Did you ever wonder how much elevation figures into distance? While higher elevations often make disc flight paths more overstable (and the reverse for lower elevations), the abilities to throw further seems to favor those who live at higher elevations.

This chart, provided by Lucid Software’s analysis team, can be a little bit hard to decipher, but it basically takes the average elevation of all the survey participants that answered for each distance. You can see that the further the distance (shown at the bottom of each bar) the darker the bar becomes, with the darker bars representing higher elevations. The average elevation is shown above each bar.

The black box feature’s Lucid Software’s bullet points (or take-aways) stating that distance data seems consistent with other sports, like baseball, and that disc golf course designers in higher elevations might consider longer hole distances. Of course, we can take or leave that advice, but the data seems clear regarding distance versus elevation of where players live.

However, here is a thought– it could be that the courses are very different at lower elevations where wooded courses are more predominant. In those lower elevation, wooded courses, players need to play with precision as their focus, rather than distance. After all, if playing in the woods, there is little need for power throws due to low ceilings and obstacles. However, at higher elevations, the trees may be less predominant on courses, making distance more of a factor. You either throw far across open fairways, or bomb high throws over the tops of the few trees on the course.

What do you think is the cause for this distance disparity when it comes to altitude? Leave your thoughts in the comments, and thanks again to all of the thousands of players who participated in the survey.

State of Disc Golf 2017–Wanna Throw Far?

So, do you wanna throw far? Or at least farther than you can right now? As disc golfers, I think we all would say we’d like the ability to get our discs a little further down the fairway. Those of us who have had the opportunity to play long championship level courses know that the guy in the group with the longest drive has a nice advantage. Of course, you can argue, “drive for show, putt for dough” right? But I don’t think too many folks would disagree that a good drive won’t hurt your chances of pulling in that dough either.

How Far Do Disc Golfers Throw?

So, how do we throw far? I don’t think anyone will argue with or be surprised with the answer I found from the results of the State of Disc Golf Survey…but what looks like the key ingredient to throwing far is: Practice. Practice, practice, practice—specifically, field work. Let’s take a quick look at the numbers.

Here we see how all participants in the survey answered our question about average driving distance. In my last article, I analyzed how practice affected our skill levels, and I identified weekly field work as a good indicator and separator for how well we play disc golf. Well, as I broke down how far we throw compared to whether or not we did weekly field work, I found a pretty consistent pattern.

Field Work

This chart shows the percentage of people within each throwing distance that do field work at least once per week. Of everyone who took the survey, 31.5% said they do field work at least every week. As we can see, there is a pretty consistent trend—The farther you throw, the more likely it is that you are doing field work at least once per week. Again, I don’t expect any of this to be surprising, but there was one other pattern I found to be pretty interesting–disc ownership.

Disc Ownership

How many discs do we own? And is there any correlation to how far we throw? To analyze this, I broke down the answers for the number of discs we own into three based on the responses we get. Each account for about 33% of the total: 0-30 discs (33.3%), 31-80 discs (35.4%), and 81+ discs (31.4%). Then I plugged these three in with how far we throw in the same way I did with weekly field work, and here is what I found.

First, a look at those who own 30 or less discs. We see the highest response percentages with those who throw the shorter distances.

The 31-80 discs range has the most representation in the middle distances.

Then, naturally, the 81+ discs answer was most popular with the farthest throwing groups.

So, does this mean all you need to do to throw far is by more discs? Not exactly, but I think what this is a good indicator of is how involved we are in disc golf. The more discs you own, I’d think the less casual your disc golf experience is.

So the secret formula to throwing far isn’t all that secret—just get out there and practice! Field work works, and stay involved in disc golf (aka, let that disc collection grow a little bit :)). Of course, proper technique is key. There are so many great tutorials out there to help you, like this one from Will Schusterick:

So get out and throw, and throw far!

Ricky Wysocki Driving Tips

The mechanics for driving, putting, and approach shots are really pretty similar, just on a different scale. Professional disc golfer Ricky Wysocki gives a few tips to improve mechanics and disc golf driving distance for backhand throws, forehand throws, and rollers.

A few general driving tips:

  •  Use a straight forward run up. Line your shoulders up and run up in the direction you want to throw.
  • Don’t throw across your body. It’s bad for your back and bad for consistency.
  • Get your timing right. Driving distance and power is all about getting the mechanics right.

Backhand Drives:

  • Driving is all about timing and weight shift using both lower and upper body to maximize potential.
  • Straight back, and straight forward.
  • Don’t curl your wrist.
  • Throw essentially the same shot for a hyzer or anhyzer, just place your body in a different position.
  • Get a full reach back. You will get more power when you’re fully extended and reaching all the way back. Fully extend on the reach back and on the follow through.
  • Timing issues are best fixed with time, and practicing in the field.

Sidearm Drives:

  • The form between sidearm and backhand is actually pretty similar.
  • Reach all the way back and forward with your follow through in the direction you want to throw.
  • Keep your elbow tucked in close to your body right before you throw.
  • Lock your wrist to control the angle.