Best Disc Golf Mid-Range?

Why Not More Mid-Range Discs?

When it comes to mid-range discs, they are generally the overlooked and forgotten discs in a player’s bag. For a lot of amateur players, there is much obsessing over which putters will suddenly make all of those near misses fall in the basket, or which drivers will suddenly give them an extra fifty feet of driving range. But less often do those players think about which disc will navigate them through the twists and turns of shorter shots on tricky fairways, or fly moderate distances with great accuracy toward the basket. Mid-range discs really should be the meat and potatoes of most player’s games. Even pro’s often turn to mid-range discs for control shots and drives that they need to see land with precision. Yet for many players, it’s just hard to get excited about mid-range discs.

We can see in the sales statistics for 2016 at Infinite Discs, that certain mid-range models have won the hearts of the masses, like the Buzzz and the Roc3. But once you pass those top few best-sellers, the sales totals drop precipitously for other quality mid-range discs. It seems that many players purchase one or two of the most popular mid-range discs, and then consider that spot filled and move on to filling a bag with more drivers.

With all that said, here are the top 10 best-selling mid-range discs for 2016 at Infinite Discs, in order from first to last. This can help you discover which discs tend to rise to the top:

  1. Discraft BUZZZ
  2. Innova ROC3
  3. Innova ROC
  4. Innova MAKO3
  5. Discmania MD3
  6. Latitude 64 COMPASS
  7. Discraft BUZZZ OS
  8. Dynamic Discs EMAC TRUTH
  9. Discraft COMET
  10. Dynamic Discs VERDICT

For a more updated rating of the best midrange, check out this detailed blog post for the best midrange of 2020:


  • Michael Chambers

    The Westside Bard is a great flyer and also overlooked. It has a flat top and is also beaded. It feels really good in the hand and flys with accuracy.

  • I have aces with a Buzzz, yet I replaced it with a regular Truth and a Compass. I have an EMAC Truth but I see no difference in the flight between it and the regular Truth. I like them both. The problem I find with most midrange discs is they glide too far. It’s like I need a 5 speed putter. 4 speed midrange discs turn too easily for me.

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