Disc Golf Weight Explained – Choosing the Best Disc Weight

Disc Golf Disc Weights

Why Weight Matters in Disc Golf

When it comes to choosing the best disc golf disc, getting the right weight makes a difference as the weight of a disc affects it’s speed, stability and the way it will fly. Understanding this relationship can provide a significant advantage in the discs you choose to purchase and throw on the course.

Release Velocity and it’s Relationship to Distance

The faster you’re able to throw the disc, the more potential it will have to get more distance. This provides a relationship between the release velocity of a throw and the distance the disc travels.
According to Best Disc Golf discs Youtube, for every additional mile per hour in speed at release, there is an average increase of 7.2 feet in distance. So the easiest way to get more “arm speed” and throw faster is by increasing your release velocity with lighter weight discs.
Research shows that reducing the disc weight can lead to an increase in throw speed. For instance, shaving off 20 grams from a disc’s weight can enhance the speed by 6.5 miles per hour. Theoretically, this could result in an impressive gain of 47 feet in distance.

Lighter Discs for Big Distance

The potential of lighter discs isn’t merely theoretical. For disc golf distance competitions, world records have been set with light weight discs weighing under 160 grams. This underscores the point that lighter discs, when thrown correctly, can achieve astounding distances. For me personally, I can most easily get full flight and maximum distance with a 149 gram Pharaoh.

Disc Stability Also Matters

While light weight discs have potential for more distance, the flight dynamics of the disc can also change. Lighter discs, by their nature, tend to exhibit more turnover, which can affect the intended flight path. To counter this tendency, it might be advantageous to choose a more stable driver or increase the weight. Increased stability allows for more consistent flight paths.
While the weight of the disc may not actually affect the discs stability, the fact that you are able to throw light weight discs faster will affect it’s stability.

Factoring in Wind Conditions

While the distance advantages of lighter discs are clear, the reality is that most disc golf rounds are not played in ideal wind conditions. Wind plays a significant role in the behavior of a disc in flight. In windy situations, a heavier disc might offer a distinct advantage. The added weight can counteract wind resistance, providing a straighter throw and yielding more consistent results.
Now that you understand a little bit more about more about how disc weight affects the flight, how do you know which to choose? Some discs listed on our website have weight variations that range 40-50 grams. Other molds have only a 2-3 gram variation in options. Pro Disc Golfer throwing max weight disc

Which Weight to Choose?

With a lot of disc golfers trying out popular discs by different brands, we thought that we would address the questions of disc weight. For some players, the weight of the disc is not particularly important as long as it flies the way that they want it to. But for other players, the disc weight is very important since they prefer the performance of heavier discs, or desire the easier distance that may come with lighter discs, etc.

Your weight choice should primarily depend on the disc you are purchasing and what you intend to use that disc for.

Choosing Weight for Putters and Midrange Discs

Because the objective and putter and midrange discs is not distance but control, in most instances you should choose heavier, near max weight discs.

Disc Golf Putter Weights

Most disc golf putters have a max weight of 173-175grams. Personally, I like a putter around the 170-172 gram range, it really probably doesn’t make much of a difference, but psychologically in my mind that “lighter” putter will glide just a little bit more. When it comes to making putts, it’s really all about confidence.

Midrange Disc Weights

Some Midrange Discs have wider diameters, and thus the PDGA allows for heavier max weights. Large diameter mids like the Buzzz and Roc3 have max weights of up to 180 grams.

If you’re looking for something very overstable, you probably want a heavier disc, or at least something in the 165g plus weight range. If you want something that will glide a little bit more and not fall to the ground as fast, consider something lighter than mid weight for that mold.

Best Weight for Disc Golf Drivers

Disc golf drivers and their sharp rims usually have a maximum weight of 175 grams or less.

When it comes to choosing drivers, this is when the weight ranges really matters. The reality is that you will probably want a variety of different weights depending on your intended use for the driver. If you’re looking for big distance, use a lighter disc.

While I can’t usually tell the difference between a 170 gram, and a 173 gram disc, there is a noticeable difference between max weigh drivers and those in the 160’s. When a disc golf driver get’s in the 150’s or lower weight range, that is when there is a noticeable difference in the speed you are able to throw the disc and the way that it will fly.

If you have a tendency to “turn over” your disc, you probably want to stay away from light weight drivers as the heavier varieties will provide more consistency.

Some disc golfers choose to throw light weight but very overstable discs to get the best of both velocity and stability.

The real way to choose the right disc weight for you is simply to try your favorite driver in a number of different weight ranges to see which ones perform best for you in varying situations.

Lighter Weights for Beginners

Because new disc golfers do not have the arm speed to get a full flight out of disc, the best discs for beginners are usually light weight discs, at least in terms of drivers. Mid weight midrange discs are also recommended for newer players.

Sometimes factory second blemishes make x-out discs lighter than the non x-out version, so a factory second version is a way to get a lighter disc in the mold you are looking at.

Disc golf disc with penned weight of 167 grams

Are the Weights Listed on Disc Golf Discs Accurate?

Here at Infinite Discs, we try to represent each disc as accurately as possible on our website by including a photo and the details for each one. We decided years ago that we would trust the manufacturers when it comes to indicating the weight of their discs.

Most major disc manufacturers take the time to weigh the discs as they come out of the mold and painstakingly mark those weights in ink, with stickers, or embossed on the bottom of each disc. We trust that they have a well-established procedure for accurately weighing those discs as part of their manufacturing process.


Because we’ve chosen to trust the disc manufacturers to represent their products accurately and according to their own standards, we do not take the extra time to weigh each disc as we add them into our online inventory. Here at Infinite Discs, we currently have three different digital scales which we use to weigh packages as we ship them. When used to weigh individual discs, we can lay the same disc on each of those three scales and get results that may differ a gram or two from one scale to the next or from the weight indicated on the disc. So which of those scales is correct?

We have heard the argument that “gravity is the same everywhere,” and that is correct. While gravity may not change, the calibration of different scales might differ. While we do not own the most top-of-the-line digital scales, we have noticed that there can be differences between them, so we don’t feel that we should automatically judge a disc’s factory weight to be wrong if it differs slightly from what one of our scales might say.

The same 173-174 Kong on another one of our digital scales.

Let’s assume for a moment that we receive a disc marked as 175g by the factory, using their procedures. Then we weigh the disc and find that our scale says 174g or maybe 176g. We feel strongly that it is not our place to then scratch out the factory weight and indicate our own results on the disc. We also don’t feel that we should list the disc on our website with a weight that is different than the factory results– the purchaser of the disc would receive it, see that our advertised weight doesn’t match what is marked on the disc and feel deceived. They might weigh the disc themselves and find a result of 173g on their own scale and feel that both we and the factory were wrong. Thus, we stick with what the factory says and don’t alter the disc or the weight information provided. That way, the manufacturer becomes the ultimate authority for the disc that they produced.


We’ve seen a lot of players move from one brand to another when purchasing discs. We’d like to address another important consideration when it comes to the procedures of those different brands. Innova, for example, typically marks their weights to the precise gram by writing the weight on the bottom of the disc in ink. Players who throw Innova or discs by other brands that use a similar procedure are able to pick the exact weight that they feel is perfect for them.

However, Discraft has not traditionally marked each disc to the gram. They instead choose to put a sticker on their discs that indicates a weight range. For example, they’ll put a sticker on a disc that says 170 – 172. That way, they are acknowledging that there will be some variation in weight for the discs produced in that batch. Other discs may be lighter and marked with weight stickers like 167 – 169, or heavier with 177+ (typical for mid-range discs like the Buzzz). Again, we assume that their range is accurate, but can’t promise that when weighed on somebody’s personal scale that it won’t fall a gram above or below the range that Discraft indicated.

When we list discs by companies that use a weight range on a sticker, we have chosen to be consistent in our data entry practices by simply listing the low number on that sticker. That is because our data entry system does not allow for a range, but wants a single number. Thus, a disc marked as 170 – 172 will be listed as 170.  A disc with a sticker saying 173 – 175 will be listed as 173.  The “max weight” for a Discraft driver would typically be listed as 173, but could actually weigh on the higher end of that range.

Other brands that use weight ranges include DGA, Viking Discs, Yikun Discs, and the new Active Baseline series of discs from Discmania (not individually weighed, but sold in a weight range).


While we’d like to believe that we live in a world where mistakes don’t happen, that is simply not a reality. While taking photos and adding thousands of discs per week onto our website, it is possible that some busy, tired employee here at Infinite Discs may type a weight in incorrectly. Usually we catch that error before the disc ships and we contact the buyer to make sure that they get a weight that they want. If the disc slips past another employee at the shipping station and the buyer receives a disc that has a factory weight that is different than what we entered, then we take care of the problem.

If we have entered the disc weight according the factory-marked weight, as indicated above, but the buyer believes it is still inaccurate or marked incorrectly, then we’re still happy to help the best we can, knowing that some busy, tired employee at the factory may have made a mistake. After all, nobody is perfect, and mistakes are always possible. We just want to clarify that we are doing the best we can to represent discs on our website exactly as the factory specified.

In the end, when disc weight becomes a hot topic of discussion or a complaint, we often find ourselves wondering if that gram or two was really going to make a difference in the player’s game. Would a 174g disc perform that much worse for an average player who claims that they absolutely must have a 175g disc? That’s an argument to be settled elsewhere. As disc connoisseurs, we can attest that here at Infinite Discs we have discs in our bags that straddle a lot of weight ranges, and they fly as well as we can throw them.

We hope that this information has been helpful in understand a little bit more about disc weights and how they effect flight. We hope you better understand how brands mark the weight of their discs, and how we at Infinite Discs work with those brands and trust in those manufacturers to indicate the weight of their discs so that our buyers can make an informed purchasing decision.


New Grip Enhancers

As a disc golf player, it seems that I am never really satisfied with my grip. Before I throw I fiddle with my grip and dry my hands off multiple times. There is just always something that is slightly uncomfortable about my grip. For this reason, I really like the grip sacs. They help my grip feel grippy, rather than slippery. This helps me fidget less, and more importantly, feel more confident in my grip.

At Infinite Discs, we have increased our grip enhancement selection to include a large variety of grip enhancement tools. You’ll be sure to find one that suits your preferences. There is the typical bag with fill that wicks away moisture or adds grip to your hands. There are also some wax discs that adds grip to your hands.

These are the new grip enhancers that we’ve added to our selection for you.

Grip Bags

The Putter by DryV Bagz

The Dryv Bagz Putter Bag is one of the most unique hand drying bags from their lineup. The Putter Bag has a heavy duty swivel clip attached to one end of the bag. This allows you to clip the bag onto your Disc Golf Bag or Cart and have easy access to your Dryv Bag at any moment.

Dryv Bagz are made of a proprietary blend of three all-natural ingredients that will help you achieve the perfect amount of hand drying and “tack”, optimizing your grip on every drive.

The Approach Bag by DryV Bagz

The Dryv Bagz Approach Bag is similar to the Large bag, but better suited for smaller hands. This bag is slightly smaller and will small to medium sized hands!

Dryv Bagz are made of a proprietary blend of three all-natural ingredients that will help you achieve the perfect amount of hand drying and “tack”, optimizing your grip on every drive.

The DryV Bag by DryV Bagz

This is the Original Dryv Bag that started it all. It’s the biggest size bag that Dryv Bagz makes, best suited for medium to large hands, but anybody can use it! Dryv Bagz are made of a proprietary blend of three all-natural ingredients that will help you achieve the perfect amount of hand drying and “tack”, optimizing your grip on every drive.

The Mitten Bag

Mitten Bags help to remove moisture from your hands when you’re playing in hot, sweaty conditions or otherwise wet conditions. This will help to enhance your grip on the disc. Plus they come in a great selection of fabric designs and have a nice little loop that can be used to hang the bag on a bag or cart.

The DrySack


The DrySack is an excellent grip enhancement bag for disc golfers. It is uniquely crafted with long-lasting denim material and moisture absorbent filler. You can clap the DrySack to dust it up for better grip on your disc, or use it to wipe moisture off your discs. It comes with a handy carabiner to clip to your bag or cart.

Wax Grip Discs

The Marker by DryV Bagz

The Marker, by Dryv Bagz is a unique hand grip product for disc golf. It’s a 2oz solid grip bar, taking the Dryv Bagz technology to a solid form.

Just gently drag the tips of your throwing fingers across the surface and you will notice increased grip immediately! The added grip will replace the need to lick or dust your fingers, and the grip will last the entire hole.

Max Wax Windsurfer Mini

The Max Wax Windsurfer Mini is about to bring new grip to your game! This is the Original Disc Golf Grip Wax – a specially formulated grip wax used to apply to your hands for superior grip, control, and distance out on the course.

It’s a Tournament Legal Mini Marker, made out of 100% natural product. The specific grip formula was worked on for over a year to achieve the perfect, consistent disc golf grip. The Windsurfer Mini has a “citra-delic” scent, made from a blend of essential oils. Take the grip variable out of your game by using the Max Wax Windsurfer Mini.

Hand Warmers

The Apex Electronic Handwarmer

The Apex Disc Golf Electronic Hand Warmer is a wonderful tool for those who love to play disc golf or other outdoor sports in the cold weather. It is a 10000mA device that will stay hot for at least three hours at the maximum setting. It can be used to charge one or two other electronic devices, like your cellphone, Bluetooth headphones, etc. Or it can be switch to warming mode with four different settings from warm to hot. It includes a charging cable to charge the heating unit as well as a soft case to keep it in, if you’d rather carry a soft pouch in your pocket rather than directly touching the unit.

If you keep one of these in your jacket or coat pocket, you’ll have an instantly warm place to put your hands. Or you can carry it around in your hand while walking from hole to hole. It comes in a convenient 3×3 inch size to easily store in your pocket or in your disc golf bag.

Apex Disc Golf is happy to provide this easy-to-use, convenience, affordable solution to hand warming, with a long enough charge life to last during a tournament.

Easy Instructions:

  • Short Press the Power Button Once to Turn On Charging Capabilities (blue indicator lights)
  • Hold the Power Button for 3 Seconds to Turn On Heat (red indicator lights)
  • Short Press to Cycle Through Heat Levels (1-4)
  • Hold for 3 Seconds to Shut Off the Unit

Concluding Thoughts

These grip enhancers are all available on InfiniteDiscs.com under Grip Enhancers. Be sure to check them out in addition to your other disc golf needs here at Infinite Discs.

2020 Christmas Gift Ideas for Disc Golfers

This holiday shopping guide was written for 2020. Check out our most recent article for current disc golf gift ideas.

Every year at Infinite Discs we put together a unique, fun list of gift ideas for disc golfers. Let’s take a look at the 2020 holiday ideas that we feel would please any disc golfer. This is your 2020 Disc Golf Gift guide!

Disc Golf Discs!

Of course, no disc golf will turn down more discs for the holidays. But where do you start if you don’t know which specific discs they need in their bag? You might as well get something that is fun to throw and collectible, or that shares a little holiday spirit. That way, whether they throw it, or keep it as a memento, they’ll be happy. Here are a few holiday discs you might consider:

SPECIAL EDITION DISCS — One of the fun gift ideas for any disc collector or player is a limited edition disc, or a signature edition supporting a professional player. In 2020, signature editions became something of a rarity and sold out quickly whenever they became available. But you might be able to snag a good one if you hurry. Plus there are other limited editions and special editions, including fun tournament stamp discs.  Infinite Discs has a great selection of Pro Tour Championship Discs and Matt Bell discs that make great mementos and throwers!

Browse Limited Edition Discs Here
Browse Special Edition Discs Here
Browse Signature Series Discs Here
Browse Pro Tour Tournament Discs Here
Browse United States Disc Golf Championship Discs Here

HOLIDAY EDITION DISCS — Several different disc manufactures make holiday edition discs. If your disc golfer prefers more of a spooky edge, we have a lot of discs that were released as Halloween discs. Or, if you want a more traditional “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings” style, we usually have a few of those as well.

You can BROWSE THE HOLIDAY SELECTION HERE and filter by brand or disc type to find exactly what you like among the holiday editions.



DISC DEALS BOXES — Every year, without fail, one of the most popular gift purchases from Infinite Discs the Infinite Deals Box. These are 7-disc package sets with a variety of different disc models from different brands, including stock stamps, tournament stamps, misprints, and more. The downside in 2020 is that the disc supply ran so low with the top manufacturers that there were simply not many discs to use for Deals Boxes. So, our supply of Deals Boxes has been extremely limited. The most popular two packages are the following, and you can check back from time to time and see if you’re lucky enough to snag one:

MISPRINT DISCS and X-OUT DISCS – Sometimes you can find some real treasures at a discounted price by browsing the Misprint and X-Out discs that Infinite Discs keeps in stock. “Misprints” are discs that have stamp flaws, double stamps, or some kind of messed up artwork on them. “X-Outs” are factory seconds that have minor flaws in the plastic that shouldn’t effect the flight of the disc. You can even grab a bunch of these misprints and factory seconds as white elephants for disc golfers.


If you want to impress your disc golfer for the holidays, hit them with a big ticket item that they will love but might not have felt ready to purchase on their own.  Here are a few ideas:

ZUCA ALL TERRAIN CART — One of the most popular disc golf carts for the frequent disc golfer is the Zuca cart which is built to carry a maximum quantity of discs, provides a place to sit during long rounds, and carries a variety of accessories. There are also many other features which can be added to the Zuca cart, like padded seat cushions, more drink holders, putter pouches, and more. There are color combinations available for any taste.



MVP ROVER CART — Maybe you don’t want to spend two or three hundred dollars and your disc golfer already has a backpack that he or she likes. You can simply grab them the new MVP ROVER CART to essentially give their backpack a set of wheels so it can be pushed or pulled around the course with ease. There aren’t a lot of bells and whistles with this option, but it gets the job done.


CART ACCESSORIES – If the disc golfer on your list already has a disc golf cart, there are many accessories that can be added.  One of the newest and most exciting add-ons for a player who wants to carry more discs around than anybody else is the POWER POCKET POUCH which can be added to the handle of existing carts to carry more putters or disc favorites. It’s super handy, and yes, excessive!


PORTABLE PRACTICE BASKETS — Any disc golfer would be utterly impressed with a new portable disc golf practice basket. There are a wide variety of baskets available on the market by a lot of different manufacturers, all with the intent to provide an easy way for players to practice in their yard, set up small courses, or take with them on camping trips, etc. Here are some of the newest and most popular options:

Black Hole Pro with Transit Bag — The Black Hole Pro is a very popular practice basket by MVP and this year they’ve added a Transit Bag as an easy way to carry the broken-down basket from place to place.

Viking Discs Royal Basket – The Royal Basket by Viking Discs is one of the newest additions to the family of portable baskets. It is a heavy duty basket that is built to last, but not too heavy to move around. It’s a great option for a basket that will catch discs as well as many course baskets.

Dynamic Discs Scout Basket — This is the latest folding, portable basket option and was released in 2020 by Dynamic Discs. It is collapsible and easy to carry around in the bag which is included with your purchase.

DGA Mach Lite — This is our favorite and by far the best-selling collapsible basket. It is easily folded and transported inside a shoulder carry case, yet is very sturdy and well constructed. The color availability tends to change from year to year, so you may find it in green, blue, orange, or other colors that DGA introduces from time to time.

Viking Discs Battle Basket Pro – For a lighter weight basket that is very easy to move around and set up for casual backyard play, the new Battle Basket Pro is extremely affordable. The chains are thinner, allowing for more “splash-out” putts, but it is a fun target at a low cost for casual play and practice. It’s also a great option for young players who are just picking up the basics of the game of disc golf.


HYZER DISC RACK — Maybe you’re looking for a way for your disc addict to store their copious amounts of discs. You can help them keep their extra discs or collection organized with the new Hyzer Disc Rack. Think about it… you’ll be helping your disc golfer stay organized while also keeping your own domain a little less cluttered with discs. It’s a win win!

There are a couple of different designs available, including one with the Hyzer Disc Rack branding and another with Infinite Discs logos and branding. The shelf is very easy to build without tools and is designed especially for discs while also including extra hooks on the front for hanging towels and bag tags. The top shelf holds a bag or trophies for display.  While this is an item that might be a little bit outside of the casual disc golf budget, it definitely stands out as an impressive gift for the holiday season.



One of the most exciting things you can give to any hard-core disc golfer or disc collector is a one-year membership in the Infinite Discs VIP Club.  That way, the disc golfer you love will receive a unique, collectible disc every month, automatically, as well as discounts on the Infinite Discs website and access to exclusive releases in the VIP Club Store.

SIGN UP FOR THE MEMBERSHIP HERE (select the pre-paid annual option, or pay month-to-month for as long as you want)


Maybe you don’t have a huge budget, but you want to get your favorite disc golfer something nice that is under $100. Here are a few fun ideas that will fit the bill…

INFINITE DISC SLINGER BAG — The Infinite Disc Slinger is designed for affordability, ease, and comfort for quick disc golf rounds. It is one of the best disc golf bag option for beginners as well as experienced players who simply want to grab a dozen discs and hit the course. This is the perfect crossover between traditional shoulder bags and backpacks. You can throw it over your shoulder (the strap can be adjusted for whichever shoulder you prefer), carried in your hand, or slung across your body like popular sling bags.  It is available in a variety of different colors. See the Disc Slinger Bag HERE

INFINITE DISCS DELUXE SLINGER BAG — The popular Disc Slinger bag now has a deluxe option. With longer-lasting materials, embroidered logos, and increased disc capacity, the deluxe model makes an even nicer gift!  See the Deluxe Disc Slinger Bag HERE

LARGE SELECTION OF APPAREL — Whether you’re looking for t-shirts, or sweatshirts, or jackets, or hats, there is a huge selection of apparel options from many brands on the Infinite Discs website. These choices fit any taste of budget. Check out those apparel options HERE

1000 Piece Frisbee Golf Disc puzzleDISC GOLF PUZZLES AND BOARD GAMES — Maybe you’re stuck inside for the winter months. Or maybe you just like disc golf enough to watch to play it on the table top. There are actually some fun board games now which are built around the disc golf experience. Plus there are 500 and 1000 piece puzzles that are a real challenge to put together, featuring every disc golfer’s obsessions…piles of colorful discs!  Check out Disc Golf Board Games and Puzzles HERE

THE KWIK-STIK RETRIEVER — Disc Retrievers have always been a good gift idea because pretty much every serious disc golf plays near water or trees and needs a way to get back the discs that have flown astray. The Kwik-Stik is one of the most popular options on the market with a telescopic pole that can extend to an impressive reach and a couple of different ways to trap and pull in the hard-to-reach disc. Some players are hesitant to spring the cash for a retriever even though it will save money time and time again when counting the number of discs saved. That’s where you come in– give one as a gift and that player will find endless occasions to use it!

Check out other Disc Retrievers HERE

INFINITE DISCS HUCK PACK — A great choice as an entry-level backpack for new players, or for experienced players who want an affordable option to carry more discs, the Huck Pack just came out in 2020. It features great disc storage capacity and two water bottle holders to keep you hydrated. Though it is affordable, it still manages to be a rather comfortable choice. But if the Huck Pack isn’t for you, there are other very good, affordable backpack options as well, like the Dynamic Discs Trooper, the Prodigy BP-3, The MVP Shuttle Bag, Latitude 64 Core bag, and more!




ProPull DISC GOLF TRAINER — The ProPull resistance band training kit has become a popular item for serious disc golfers who want to improve their throwing speed and strength. It can be used anywhere that the bands can be secured to a pole or tree. Check out the demo video HERE and see if this is the perfect gift for your disc golfer.

THE POWER POCKET POUCH — If you need a great gift idea for somebody who uses a disc golf cart, then the Power Pocket Pouch should do the trick. This handy cart accessory attaches to the cart handle and carries and additional 4-8 “go-to” discs as well as other items, like a cellphone, scorecard, mini marker, and more. See the Power Pocket Pouch HERE


These small items would be fun for little gifts to any disc golfer. They don’t take a lot of space, they aren’t expensive, and they can add a little fun to your Christmas morning…

Flight Towel — The Flight Towel is one of the latest trends in disc golf. These towels come with a fob attached, and each fob is made out of the rim of a popular disc. That way, the towel isn’t only good for drying discs, but it can be used as a warm-up tool where the player whips the towel through the air in a throwing motion. That helps warm-up the throwing arm with the player gripping the disc that rim that they love. It’s an interesting and fun accessory that should make any player pleased.

Other Disc Golf Towels — Towels are frequently needed by disc golfers to keep their discs dry, and we’ve got a variety of different towels, from lightweight to thick and absorbent. They can easily be stuffed into any stocking. Plus, there are towels that are branded for just about any manufacturer, so no matter which brand the player likes, there should be a towel just for them.


Pyrohyzer Glass Mini Discs — Another fun product that Infinite Discs started carrying this year is the unique glass mini discs by Pyrohyzer. Each mini is handmade and entirely unique. The prices vary depending on the amount of extra features, like “shatter” patterns, swirls, glow-in-the-dark, and etching. Though these glass minis are nice enough to display, they can be used as mini markers during disc golf rounds. They’re definitely a top-notch gift idea that fits into the stocking.  Also available in MICRO MINI sizes.

UV Flashlight for Glow-In-The-Dark Disc Charging

Many Disc Golfers like to play in the dark, and to do that, they often prefer to throw glow-in-the-dark discs. The easiest and fastest way to charge up a glow disc is with a UV Flashlight. We have a simple, affordable UV flashlight in stock that is just the right size to carry in a pocket or in a bag. Plus, we have other tools for night disc golf, like LED lights that can be taped to the bottom of discs, or glow-in-the-dark tape rings to stick on non-glowing discs.

Infinite Discs Chalk Ball – The Infinite Discs Chalk Ball is one of the newest grip enhancers on the market in 2020. Other grip bags have filling like beads, sawdust, or dirt, etc. However, this one features the equivalent of climbers chalk which enhances the player’s hold on the disc in all kinds of weather. Plus it can easily be clipped onto any backpack or cart with the carabiner that is included.



Friction Gloves — While these might appear to be somewhat expensive gloves at first glance, they are actually worth every dollar for disc golfers who want to play when it is cold outside. They take the bite out of the cold air, but more importantly, they provide extra grip on the disc, even when the plastic is wet. That way, disc golfers can play in the gold without taking gloves off to throw and putting them back on again to warm up. If you don’t want to buy a pair of the Friction Gloves, they are also sold separately for single hands, so that the throwing hand can have the enhanced grip.

We also have the newest line of WARM FRICTION GLOVES which are thicker to keep hands and fingers warm in even lower temperatures which still providing the grip to play the game.


Disc Dots for Putting Practice – The DiscDot is a new product that is focused on helping players to focus. These little plastic balls attach to the chains of a basket– the player picks the chain. Then when practicing putting, the player can focus on the little colored balls to hit exactly where they’d like. The 2-packs come with bright, neon colors that are easy to see when focusing on the chains.

Kneepad Stress Minis – Another easy, useful stocking stuff is a Kneepad Mini marker made out of stress foam. These multipurpose minis come in handy in several ways. First of all, they can mark your lie just like other minis, but they also provide a soft pad for when the player needs to take a knee to throw from under a low-hanging branch. In addition, since they’re made out of stress foam, they can be squeezed to release tension before or after putting. Plus, they are fun to throw and won’t cause damage when they hit something (or someone) because they’re light and soft. Put them on the ground, kneel on them, throw them, or squeeze them– these are fun little mini discs!


Of course, if you’re out of ideas, or you simply prefer to let your disc golfer pick their own discs or accessories, you can count on gift cards. Infinite Discs has two options for gift cards:

E-GIFT CARD — Delivers a code to the specified email address which can be used to purchase product on the website.

PHYSICAL GIFT CARD — We ship a plastic gift card to you so that you can wrap it, put it in a stocking, or hand it to the recipient.


Please post in the comments below about your ideas as ideal gifts for disc golfers. We’d love to know, and there are other shoppers out there who are looking for great ideas. 


New Disc Golf Discs for 2020

New Discs for 2020!


With the new year and tournament season under way, we thought it would be good to look at some of the new disc golf discs for 2020. There are many discs that have been PDGA approved, release date announced,  and we are just awaiting the release date. With other molds, manufacturers keep details close to the vest until their announcement. Every year manufacturers introduce new discs to the sport. Some molds make a splash and instantly becoming popular, like last year’s Kong/Zeus. Others don’t have as much impact.

The PDGA approved 74 new molds in 2019. Most of them went to production. Some won’t arrive until later this year. Only time will tell how they fare with the DG community.

Let’s take a look at some the the upcoming releases for 2020. We will continue to check out discs throughout the year, as manufacturers approve or announce them.



Infinite Disc Ruin


We will start with Infinite Discs and the much anticipated Ruin putter. Do you love your Harp? Do you rely on your Zone? Is an overstable putter one of your go-to discs? You should give the Ruin a try! This beadless beauty will fight any headwind you will experience. When you throw the Ruin, you KNOW it gives reliable, hard fades for perfect placements. The Ruin is available in our durable C-Line plastic, our grippy I-Blend and now in amazingly colorful C-Blend dyed! Infinite Discs released the Ruin on January 17th with our awesome Alien stamp.

Image result for discmania logo

Discmania Active Line


Discmania announced it will be expanding its Active line to include an Active Premium plastic. Three molds will be made in the new plastic, the Sensei, a low-profile putter, the Maestro, a small-diameter midrange, and the Mentor, a control driver. Although the Sensei has been sold in Discmania Mystery Boxes for a while, it hasn’t been released on it’s own. The Sensei, Maestro, and Mentor will also be available in the base Active plastic. The discs’ profiles and flights are not new. They are renamed versions of Discmania’s Tiger Warrior, Spring Ox, and Sea Serpent discs. The new names are retired. Also retiring are the Fox Spirit, which will become the Magician, and the Sun Bird, which is changing to the Genius. The Magician and Genius will only be available in base plastic.


Image result for discmania magician



RPM Kotare


The New Zealand disc golf company release its new, overstable driver Kotare (Pronounced Ko-Tar-Ray). The high-speed driver has a turn of 0 and fade of 3, making the disc excellent for straight or headwind shots. And that strong fade makes for great turnover shots. The flight rating is 12, 5, 0, 3



Image result for discraft logo

Discraft Fierce


With Paige Pierce’s move to Discraft, it’s no surprise that the company would release a new mold to support the World Champion. Paige’s new prototype disc is a beadless, understable putt and approach disc, and Discraft released the disc on January 17th. Discraft announced the name of the new disc, the Fierce. Pierce is Fierce on the course!

Mint Freetail


Mint discs had the first release of 2020 with their popular understable control driver, the Freetail. They released the disc on January 6th.. Mint discs has a very loyal following and we went through the first order rather quickly. Fortunately, the Freetail is now back in stock.

Freetail - Apex Plastic (AP-FT01-19)

Kastaplast Lots


Kastaplast, out of Sweden, saw their disc the Lots approved this year. It is a straight flying, utility fairway driver. It boasts a flight rating of 9, 5, -1, 2. They are available in K1 Plastic. Lots means “pilot” in Swedish and refers to one who navigates the harbor or coast. Just like navigating the course with a Lots




Latitude 64 Sapphire


Latitude 64 added to its beginner-friendly line of discs with the release of the Sapphire. Initially available in the popular Chameleon plastic, the first run of the speed 10 driver quickly sold out. The mold is now available in Opto and Gold Line plastics. The driver has a flight rating of 10, 6, -2, 1.5. It is a 150-class disc.


Opto Chameleon Sapphire - First Run



Innova Invictus


Invictus means “unconquered” in Latin and for long range throws into a headwind, there’s no equal. Some pros refer to the Star Invictus as a “faster Firebird.” Innova Star Team’s Garrett Gurthie says, “If you think you have the power, you need this disc.” Keep an eye out for the Invictus at the end of March. The new mold features a flight rating of 10, 4, 0, 3.




Several other major manufacturers have had discs approved, and we await news about their release dates.

Innova is releasing the Avatar this year. The putter adds another overmold disc to their large library of discs.

Dynamic Discs got two approved at the end of last year: the Sergeant, described as a hybrid driver,

between a fairway and a high-speed driver, and the Bounty, a straight-flying midrange. They Bounty will be part of the Trilogy Challenge players pack. Dynamic Discs will release the Sergeant in April 2020.

Discmania recently got their Tactic approved. They are describing it as a disc that fills the gap between putters and mid-range discs. The the flight numbers are 4, 2, 0, 3.

International Brands

Several smaller brands have had discs approved in the last couple months. Many of these companies are located in countries around the world:

XCOM has several discs approved by the PDGA:

XPT1 (Advanced Putt)

XPT2 (Advanced Mid-Range)

XPT3 (Beginner Mid-Range)

XPTe (Beginner Fairway Driver)

XPT5 (Advanced Distance Driver)

Crosslap Discgolf Park, a German company, got approved for their driver, the Vigil (Called the Pipeline as a prototype). It sports a flight of 8, 6, -2, 1.5, and will be available in Advanced, Maximum, and Platinum Plastic.

Disctroyer, the disc golf manufacturer in Estonia, was approved for their putter, the Sparrow (Varblane in Estonian). Discstroyer’s web site shows the flight numbers as 3, 3, 0, 2. The Sparrow joins the mid range Skylark (5, 4, 0, 2) and the high-speed Starling (13, 5, -2, 2) in the Disctroyer lineup.

Infinite Discs Stamp Wars 2020

It is time once again for STAMP WARS where we accept stamp designs from aspiring artists and then let the public decide which ones will appear on special runs of discs.  Here is a quick look at how it will work.


In order to submit your stamp design for voting, you must read and agree to the rules and submit THIS FORM along with your stamp design file.


It is important to understand the rules, so be sure to read them. Basically, you will be promising that your work is original, not taken from anybody else, and not including any copyrighted material or characters. We’ve had to disqualify some stamps in past years for being traced or flat-out copied from other people’s work. That included some clip art submissions and monochrome versions of existing photos. We will also disqualify any stamp that we consider tasteless, pornographic, or offensive. Please stick with your own, original designs and in good taste.

Get your creative juices flowing and get your ideas submitted. THE SUBMISSION DEADLINES IS JANUARY 15th, 2020!


Once the submission process is over we’ll begin the process of elimination through a voting process. The Voting will be open to all Infinite Discs customers. We will announce the voting each week through our social media. The field will be narrowed each week until there are only four remaining finalists.

You are welcome to encourage your friends to vote and to campaign as much as you’d like for your design. On our end, we’ll simply move the stamps with the most votes during each round of voting onward to the next level. Voters will not be able to vote more than once on each round. IF WE DISCOVER CHEATING then we can remove the contestant.


The final four stamp designs remaining after the voting process will be stamped onto discs to be released in the Infinite Discs store. We will stamp the same quantities on the same molds of the same brands in order to make sure that there is no unfair advantage for any of the four designs. Then the grand prize winner will be decided by which design sells the most or the fastest. We will either wait until for a period of one month if there is a close race, or we will declare the winner if the disc quantity for one of the stamps gets low enough that it becomes the obvious winner.


The prize for reaching the final four is a $100 gift card to the Infinite Discs online store, plus 5 discs with your design. The prize for winning 1st place after the sell-off is an additional $250 gift card to the Infinite Discs store. Plus, we’ll continue to use that winning design on additional runs of the stamp across several popular brands.

We’re excited to see your designs, so let the 2020 Stamp Wars begin!


  • To be usable as a disc stamp, please make your designs monochrome (black “ink”).
  • Do not submit full color or multi-colored artwork.
  • Do not make thick, filled patches in the artwork– those thick areas would trap bubbles under the foil which causes drop-out when stamped.
  • Any shading should be line-shading or half-tone shading, since a foil can’t “fade out”.
  • Stamp designs which fit nicely into a circle will typically look better on discs, rather than very wide or very tall images which “shrink” the circular space in which they are presented.
  • Incorporating an Infinite Discs logo in some way is always a plus.


We’ve started taking the opportunity to focus on specific discs in specific plastic types on Fridays and call them “FOCUS FRIDAY” blogs. We may not make it on every week, but we’ll try to keep some fresh discs in the spotlight on a somewhat regular basis.

Our New Focus Friday Features the Yikun LU (or LUAN)

The LU by Yikun Discs (also called the “Luan”) was originally introduced in Phoenix Line plastic which is a durable, translucent plastic similar to popular blends like Innova Champion or Discraft Z Line. But more recently, Yikun experimented with a new version of the plastic which is now called PHOENIX STAR. This new plastic blend is gummy and flexible, like the discontinued Frost Line plastic by Latitude 64, or the sometimes seen Gummy Champion by Innova. It’s a great plastic blend for cold weather when discs tend to stiffen-up. It feels truly unique.

The disc itself came out VERY flat in the Phoenix Star plastic. It almost has the profile of a dinner plate! It is a wide rim driver at maximum “speed 14” and an overstable finish. This is a great utility disc when you want a hard fade at the end of flight, or if you love to crank sidearm (forehand) or overhand (tomahawk style). Power throwers will love cranking on the LU, and more intermediate players will find it to be a very useful overstable disc when a lot of side-to-side movement is needed on the course. The disc can also be used for a huge spike-hyzer.

Here is a little clip of an amateur throwing the overstable LU after showing how flexible it is. You can see how dramatically it fades once it loses speed.

Three Words: FLAT, FLEXIBLE, and FAST!

This week (until Saturday the 2nd of November) you can get your hands on the LU with a great discount of 20% OFF! Simply add the LU discs to your cart that you desire, then before clicking to “Checkout,” look below your shopping cart for the Discount Code box and enter this code:


Then click “Checkout” to proceed to the payment screen with the 20% discount applied. The discount will apply to all the LU discs in your shopping cart.


Focus Friday – The DGA Rift

We’re going to start taking the opportunity to focus on specific discs in specific plastic types on Fridays and call them “FOCUS FRIDAY” blogs. We may not get every week, but we’ll try to keep some fresh discs in the spotlight on a somewhat regular basis.

Our Second Focus Friday Will Feature the DGA RIFT

Infinite Discs was lucky to have the opportunity to release a special edition of the new DGA Mid-Range, The Rift, in a beautiful plastic blend with a great variety. There were two stamps on this limited run of only 500 discs– one special edition stamp and the other a 2019 World Championships stamp by Thought Space Athletics. But aside from how cool these discs turned out, they are also great flyers.

The RIFT is a stable, primarily straight flyer with only moderate fade. It’s the perfect compliment to two other awesome DGA mid-range discs, the Tremor (great understable mid) and the Quake (overstable). All of those mids, including the Rift, have a mostly flat top and a very comfortable rim feel. The Rift can become a workhorse mid-range for any player and can also get the job done for new disc golfers who need a disc that will follow their angle of release.



This week (until Saturday the 19th of October) you can get your hands on the RIFT with a great discount of 20% OFF! Simply add the Rifts to your cart that you desire, then before clicking to “Checkout,” look below your shopping cart for the Discount Code box and enter this code:


Then click “Checkout” to proceed to the payment screen with the 20% discount applied. The discount will apply to the Special Blend plastic as well as the Pro Line plastic edition.

SEE THE SPECIAL BLEND SWIRLY DISCS HERE – Click on “Select Your Disc” button to browse.

SEE THE PRO-LINE RIFT DISCS HERE – Click on “Select Your Disc” button to browse.

Top-Selling Discs On Sale for This Week

We thought it would be fun to put some of the long-term, top-selling discs on sale for this week, in case you need to restock after a busy disc golf summer season. The prices are automatically discounted on these disc models (no discount code is necessary).

DESTOYER – Distance Driver – ON SALE!
EXODUS – Fairway Driver – ON SALE!
BUZZZ – Midrange Disc – ON SALE!
P2 – Putter – ON SALE!

The DESTROYER had some competition this year as the top-selling distance driver as it pushed to keep up with sales of the new Discraft ZEUS and other new releases like the Discmania DD3 and the Dynamic Discs RAIDER.

There are some fun Destroyers in stock, aside from just stock stamps. There are a lot of custom stamp designs, plus some cool black Star Destroyers and Star Dyed Destroyers.

There are also a few signature series Destroyers in special plastics, Shimmer Star and Swirly Star, plus the new Halloween Destroyers.

You should be able to find plenty of different plastic types and plenty of different weights. Remember, when you click to SELECT YOUR DISC then you can sort by weight, from high to low, or low to high. You can also narrow your search to a specific plastic type by using the drop-down at the top left to pick the plastic you want to see.

There are also a few of the Paul McBeth 4x stamped editions in stock and a nice supply of the newer run of Ricky Wysocki stock editions.

We also though it would be fun to offer a fairway driver companion to go along with your distance drivers, so we’ve also discounted the Infinite Discs EXODUS. This was the first disc released in the Infinite Discs line which is manufactured by Innova Champion Discs. It is a great “power fairway” that can be thrown for shorter, precision shots as well as longer drives off the tee. It is very similar to the classic “Eagle L” by Innova and has become a favorite of many players from intermediate to pro.

It’s available in S-Blend (comparable to Star), C-Blend (comparable to Champion), and I-Blend (a long-lasting, inexpensive, Infinite Blend of Pro plastic).

The BUZZZ has always been among the top-selling mid-range discs on the market, if not the very top. It found new life with a Paul McBeth signature edition this year and has reached all-new heights of popularity. We currently have a great supply of the most popular edition in ESP Plastic, along with a lot of other choices, ranging from Jawbreaker to Full Foil. Again, simply click to SELECT YOUR DISC and you can pick your favorites.

To top it all off, we figured you’d need a discounted putter as well, so why not go with one of the top-selling putters on the market, the P2 by Discmania. We currently have a supply in many different plastics, from the softer, base plastic D-Line to premium blends like C-Line Glow. Check out the selection and remember, these prices are only good through Saturday, October 12th.




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