Infinite Discs VIP Club – Disc #1 Revealed

The first exclusive disc for the Infinite Discs VIP Club has been shipped to the first subscribers, and the online buzz has been fun to watch. Pictures of the disc have shown up and new subscribers have joined in the last few days because of the excitement about the program.  So, we’ll add to the noise and go ahead and reveal the first disc in the VIP series, now that most subscribers have it in their hands. Here is a photo of what subscribers received:


The disc is the popular new UNDERTAKER by Discraft in silver Titanium (TI) plastic. It is the first Titanium Undertaker out there, and it is a wonderful overstable control driver. Of course, the stamp is exclusive, designed by Kimbri, who will be working with a lot of the exclusive VIP discs. Discraft also threw in a nice sticker for subscriber’s vehicles.

Also in the initial package to subscribers is a metallic gold VIP bag tag. Each tag is individually numbered. We encourage mutual VIP Club members to challenge other tag holders to friendly games for tag order. Have fun with that! Or, protect your tag if you are skittish about challenges. Regardless, it might be fun to see if you can spot any other VIP players out on the fairways.  Or, get your friends who play to join so you can get some VIP club rivalries going with the tag order– that’s what we’re doing here at Infinite Discs (I’m going to win #2 one of these days…you know who you are).

If you are interested in joining the Infinite Discs VIP Club, there are still some spots available before we cap the membership for the next few months. If you join before June 11th, then you’ll still get disc #1 shipped to you automatically as your first disc. After that day (Saturday, June 11th) we will enter into the period for disc #2. So, after that point, you would not automatically receive the silver Titanium Undertaker.

A few people have asked how many of these discs exist. In answer, it is printed on the disc itself. There are 500 of disc #1. We will NOT make more. The fun of the VIP Club is that we’re keeping each disc as limited editions because we want to see the value go up with time. We want the discs in the hands of the collectors and enthusiasts. We want them to be collectible rarities that you can either hang on your wall, or throw on the fairway.

Will the number always be 500? Well…no. We started with a higher number. The next discs will not be as numerous.  The future discs will also have the quantity declared on the stamp design.

If you want the original information that we posted about the Infinite Discs VIP Club, then click on this blog post:

If you’d like to subscribe right away to make sure you get disc #1, then go to this page and complete the checkout process after selecting your subscription level/location from the drop-down menu and clicking “subscribe”:

Infinite Discs VIP Club – Subscription

Disc #2 in the series will ship to subscribers toward the end of this month. No…we’re not saying what it is. We don’t want to ruin that “Christmas morning” feeling for everybody who will be watching their mail boxes. 😉





  • I am totally happy with my disc. The design totally rocked and the fact that I can hold it comfortably makes me sure it will find a happy spot in my bag.

  • Still waiting for mine…looks cool

  • The disc is sweet! I’ve been waiting impatiently for a week now. Open. Up the door to go to work this morning and see the box. Love the stamp love the plastic. And I’ll be looking for the 134 tags in front of me.

  • How many tags were actually sent out?

  • Trying to buy my VIP and Paypal is being tarded – I even selected the option to pay with credit/debit card and that option still brings me to Paypal…Why can’t I pay ID directly?

    • In the case of the VIP Club, the subscription is processed through Paypal. Thus you need to set up the Paypal account, even if you’re just using it to process your credit card.

      As far as “paying Infinite Discs directly” goes, actually, you would be paying Infinite Discs directly. In all retail, businesses use merchant processor companies to process credit card transactions. Those merchant processors take the money from your bank (or credit card company) and transfer them to the merchant’s bank. In this case, Paypal is the merchant processor, making that transfer. We’re choosing to use Paypal in the case of the VIP Club because it is a very easy way to set up the automatic payment each month. Paypal makes it happen automatically.

      I hope that helps you understand why you must go through Paypal for the VIP sign-up. There simply isn’t another merchant processor that we’re using for the subscription.

  • Ron Mellen-Stier

    I just signed up for the VIP club. Will I get a bag tag? I wasn’t sure if it was only for people who subscribed during the first month.

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