Yikun Disc Golf

Yikun is a disc manufacturer based in China who has recently created a new line of golf discs.

Yikun currently has six different molds and three different plastic types. Each disc is available in only one plastic at this time. We are among the first to bring Yikun discs to the American market.

Yikun is tooled to sit among the elite golf discs, as well as the most affordable. Yikun plastics offer extremely premium discs as well as discs which aren’t made to be thrown fast. While skepticism has been heard from consumers that a Chinese product can’t be quality, time will determine if Yikun discs deserve a seat among other top manufacturers. Here at Infinite Discs we have been pleased with what we have tried. The premium plastics impress us by the overall quality in both look and feel. Our initial field testing also did not disappoint. It is apparent that at Yikun the creation of these discs are methodical and precise. So far, our expectations have been exceeded.

Browse Available Yikun Discs by Clicking Here

Yikun disc molds:

Distance Drivers

Yikun DaE – Speed 13
Yikun Jun – Speed 11
Yikun View – Speed 6[/one_third][one_third]

Midrange Golf Discs

Yikun Yao – Speed 4
Yikun Wings – Speed 3[/one_third][one_third_last]

Putt & Approach

Yikun Claws – Speed 1[/one_third_last]

Speed ratings are according to Yikun

Yikun plastic grades

[one_fourth][/one_fourth][one_half]Tiger Line:
“Tiger lineTM is developed mainly for all-weather play. These discs provide a great grip at affordable prices, and they are both suitable for beginners and professional players.” – Yikun[/one_half][one_fourth_last][/one_fourth_last]

[one_fourth][/one_fourth][one_half]Phoenix Line:
“Phoenix lineTM is developed for long-term use. These discs are produced with premium plastics which give golf discs the best durability and cool appearance. All the Phoenix lineTM discs are transparent and cannot be easily damaged.” – Yikun[/one_half][one_fourth_last][/one_fourth_last]

[one_fourth][/one_fourth][one_half]Dragon Line:
Dragon lineTM is specially produced with ultra-premium plastics. These discs have the same durability and better grip of Phoenix lineTM. The Dragon lineTM golf discs have unique metallic appearance.[/one_half][one_fourth_last][/one_fourth_last]

[box type=”download”]Now Availalbe! Browse Yikun products here: Yikun Disc Golf[/box]

Answers to Questions Disc Golfers Ask Online

We get asked some good, as well as some pretty stupid questions. I’ve decided that I might as well compose a blog post that answers some of the questions that disc golfers ask online. Here are a few of the questions we’ve had over the last few months:

What is the #1 rated maximum distance driver in disc golf?

While everyone has different throwing styles and opinions, according to reviewers on our website, the top rated Max Distance driver is the Latitude 64 Bolt.

How do I beat in Innova star plastic?

… Play lots of disc golf. Throw your disc against trees, rocks, and buildings that don’t have windows.

What is the best Millennium disc for beginners?

The easiest Millennium disc for beginners to throw is probably the Omega. It’s a putt and approach disc which won’t get as much distance as a driver once arm speed is developed. When it comes to best Millennium driver for beginners, I’d recommend the Polaris.

Which discs are the fastest, thinnest, sharpest, disc golf drivers?

There’s no doubt about it. The Gateway Ninja is the sharpest (possibly fastest as well) disc golf on the market. There’s a reason this thing isn’t PDGA approved. When it comes to thinnest, the Discraft Flick, Discmania CD and Gateway Diablo are only 1.3cm tall.

What is the most expensive golf disc?

Some golf discs become collectors items and are very valuable. These can sell for hundreds of dollars. When it comes to actual “retail” value of discs, Vibram discs are the most expensive discs we sell. They are all the same price ($15.88 from us). The X-link compound these discs are made of is more durable than any plastic out there. If you want your disc to last, choose Vibram.

What is the best Prodigy disc for beginners.

There is really only one prodigy driver I’d recommend for beginners, and that’s the F7. If there were a Prodigy starter set, it should be the F7, M4, and PA4 in 300 series plastic.

What are the best selling disc golf discs for 2013?

New golf discs sell really well thanks to the newness factor. Distance drivers sell better as well. Our top selling discs so far this year are:

  1. Prodigy D4
  2. Prodigy D1
  3. Vibram Lace
  4. Prodigy D3
  5. Discraft Buzzz
  6. Prodigy D2
  7. Gateway Wizard
  8. Prodigy M4
  9. MVP Anode
  10. Prodigy M3
  11. MVP Ion
  12. Discraft Nuke SS
  13. Prodigy PA-4
  14. Discraft Nuke
  15. Latitude 64 River
  16. Prodigy PA-1
  17. Innova Tern
  18. MVP Volt
  19. Latitude 64 Saint
  20. Discraft Avenger SS

What is the best midrange golf disc?

We asked this question to our customers. While there are lots of great mids available, the Discraft Buzzz is by far the most popular.

Feature Friday

Current Feature: Prodigy D1

For the next few months we will feature a highly popular/ best performing disc every Friday. The purpose is to give away more plastic, offer a sale on a popular item, and expose the disc golf community to those truly fantastic discs.

The featured disc of the week will be announced on our social networks. To stay updated, make sure you follow us at at least one of the following:

Featured discs will be on sale during the entire week, and a free disc of your choice will be given away the following Friday to a lucky fan who writes a quality review.

All reviews of featured discs (positive or negative), including old reviews that already exist before they are featured are eligible to win. This means that the more discs you review, the greater your probability of winning! You never know when one of your favorite discs might become the Friday Feature.  If you have, or currently use the featured disc, you will especially want to take a few minutes to review it.

We Want To Know:

Do you have a favorite disc you think should be featured?

Already Featured Discs & Feature Friday Winners:

– Winner: TBD 10/21/2013

– Winner: TBD 10/14/2013

– Winner: RJ

– Winner: JMB

– Winner: PJ Buchan

– Winner: Peter Erickson

– Winner: Bobby

– Winner: Taylor Pingree

– Winner: Damien Plunkett

– Winner: Trevor Hodgins

– Winner: Brent Murphy

Giveaway! July 18 – 26

The best stuff in life is free. Sometimes.

[two_third]At Infinite Discs, that statement still holds true! We now have shirts printed up, and frankly we think they’re awesome. View apparel here -> [/two_third][one_third_last][button link=”https://infinitediscs.com/category/apparel” ]Infinite Discs Apparel[/button][/one_third_last]

[box type=”download”]

Two winners will receive a free cotton shirt!

Contestant #1

The person who writes the most disc reviews this week wins! Simple as that!

Contestant #2

The person who has written the most reviews all-time at the end of the week also wins. Yes, the review leader has quite a lead…. so good luck on catching up!

10 Year Anniversary MIDNIGHT BUZZZ

Discraft is at it again with a new, limited edition, 10th anniversary collectors item — the Midnight Buzzz. There will only be 1,000 of these black collectors Buzzz’s made, and we know that the minimum price allowed will be $30. The reality is that most disc golfers aren’t going to choose a black disc for actual disc golf rounds. Let’s be honest, dark colors are pretty hard to find unless you’re playing in snow. This disc is meant to be part of a Buzzz collector’s set.

The midnight edition will be in dark Z plastic and have a stability rating of .05. These discs will only be available in heavy weights and have the original Wasp tooling.

Proceeds from the sale of this collectors disc will go to the non-profit Disc Golf Foundation. Each disc purchased will also include a ticket for a chance to win a framed one-of-a kind ten year anniversary collectors set. We’re not sure when these discs will be available, or if we will even have it yet. We will update this post when we have more news.


Prodigy Fairway Drivers

If you’re a fan of Prodigy and have been waiting for the arrival of their fairway drivers — your wait is almost over. Four all new control drivers will be available this Friday.

Previously, Prodigy only released one or two discs at a time. With the fairway drivers, they’re dropping them all on us at once. These discs should cover the entire stability spectrum.

I’m an intermediate disc golfer who doesn’t like “big rim” discs. I’m a big fan of Prodigy’s plastic, and love their midrange discs, but the current drivers are just too much for me. Personally, I’m pretty excited to try these new discs out.

Here’s a break down of the new releases, and what Prodigy says about them:

F1 – A significantly overstable medium speed driver with very predictable controllable flights designed for power throwers. Excellent choice for thumber and tomahawk shots.

F2 – Overstable medium speed fairway driver with very predictable flights to execute the most demanding shots.

F3 – Stable fairway driver with a mild finish that is great for all skill levels.

F7 Yeah, this thing must be really understable. They skipped 4, 5, and 6. Either Prodigy is making room for additional models, or they just want us to know that the F7 is an  understable turnover machine. Prodigy says “It is a great choice for recreational and beginner player. Excellent for turn shots and rollers.”






What’s in the Bag of a Level 13 Grandmaster?

If you tested nearly every golf disc made, what would be in your bag?

Most disc golfers get comfortable with a few discs (often from the same manufacturer) and stick with them. Even top pros don’t try the majority of discs on the market because they’re limited to discs made by the manufacturer that sponsors them.

You’re probably not going to test every disc before you decide which discs to keep. If you did, your bag would probably have a completely different assortment of discs.

Our number one reviewer, Andrew Belet, has tested and reviewed nearly every golf disc on the market. He is (currently) our only Level 13 Grandmaster reviewer. Here’s what’s in his bag:


Midrange Discs

Fairway Drivers

  • Legacy Patriot – Understable driver, straight throws out of the woods.
  • MVP Neutron Shock (3) – Overstable fairway driver, wind fighter, tomahawk throws.
  • MVP Volt – more distance
  • Innova T-Bird (3) (CE Plastic, Metal Flake, Star TeeBird) – Straight shots with fade.

Distance Drivers

Best Disc Golf Drivers for Beginners

Beginner Picking out first Disc

Summer is here and disc golf courses are becoming overcrowded throughout the country. During this annual flock to the courses the great sport we call disc golf is being discovered by thousands of new rookies. As beginning disc golfers learn about the complexities of the game, the first thing they typically want to know is, “what are the best disc golf drivers?”

To a new disc golfer, the ‘best’ driver typically means the one that will fly farthest —  It’s all about getting distance. Beginners rarely want to start out with a “slow” midrange or putter.

When a new disc golfer first glances the many varieties of available drivers, they often assume that high speed discs will go farther. Experienced disc golfers know this is rarely the case. Until a player develops sufficient technique, other discs are best.

True, not all new players to the sport will start be at the same skill level. Define beginner as you would like. What we want to know is which disc is the best for your typical beginner.

Best Discs for New Players

We’ve asked the following questions to our site visitors:

  1. What prior disc-throwing experiences did you have before you played disc golf?
  2. What drivers do you recommend for new disc golfers?
  3. What discs worked well for you when you were new to the game? Why?
  4. What new discs have you seen work well for beginners that you wish you would have had?
  5. What disc advice would you give to a beginner?

Hopefully, advice from experienced disc golfers will help you select discs that will decrease the learning curve, and help you to get better more quickly.

Summary of Your Responses

After carefully reading all of your posts these are the main tips you’ve shared:

1. Disc golfers come from many different backgrounds including, but not limited to:
Ultimate, Catch-and-throw Frisbee, baseball, discus, catch with the dog, and badminton. Ok, that last one might not be true..

2. Here is a list of the most recommended drivers for beginners according to this post:

**22 other discs were mentioned one or two times.

3. Here are some discs that worked well for the experienced players when they were starting:

**20 other discs were mentioned one or two times.

4. Here are some discs that the experienced players wish they had when they started:

Others also mentioned:

5. Here are some common tips from the experienced players for those new to the sport:

  • Try driving with a putter, then moving to a mid-range, then finally a driver.
  • Play disc with others who are experienced and ask for tips.
  • Watch YouTube videos to learn proper throwing form.
  • Focus on your form first, not your distance.
  • Play often, and practice your throws in an open area.
  • Don’t get discouraged, and HAVE FUN!
One common theme among beginners is the desire for drivers that can provide maximum distance. However, it’s noted that beginners often assume that high-speed discs will automatically lead to longer throws, which experienced disc golfers know is not necessarily the case. Until a player develops the necessary technique, high-speed drivers may not be the best choice.
Based on the responses from the disc golf community, several drivers have emerged as popular choices for beginners.
Additionally, there were mentions of 22 other discs that were recommended one or two times, highlighting the wide variety of options available to beginners.
Experienced players also shared their experiences with discs that worked well for them when they were starting out. Some of the mentioned discs include the Innova Valkyrie, TeeBird, Shark, and Roc, among others.
Furthermore, there were mentions of discs that experienced players wished they had when they were beginners. The Discraft Buzzz was a popular choice with 7 votes, even though it’s not a driver. Latitude 64 Diamond received 3 votes as well. Several other discs were mentioned in this category, showcasing the diversity of options available to disc golfers.
Finally, the experienced players offered some common tips for those new to the sport. These tips included starting with a putter, then transitioning to a mid-range disc before moving on to a driver, playing with experienced players to seek guidance and tips, watching instructional videos on platforms like YouTube to learn proper throwing form, emphasizing form over distance, practicing frequently in open areas, and maintaining a positive attitude and having fun on the course.

This summary is a great overview of many posts. Feel free to read more below and find some real gems of advice!


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