Top Disc Golf Discs of Q2 2015

The first half of 2015 is over. The disc golf industry continues to grow and evolve. In the first six months of the year, Infinite Discs has added 47 new disc models and countless number of new plastic types for existing disc molds. New discs and plastics generally sell best, but many of the older traditional Frisbees continue to find top spots in terms of overall popularity.

What are the best disc golf discs in 2015?

According to our sales figures, the majority which are online and include regions all around the United States, these are the top selling discs for the hot selling spring months of April-June:

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Top Distance Drivers

  1. Innova Destroyer
  2. Innova Boss
  3. Innova Valkyrie
  4. Innova Tern
  5. Latitude 64 Saint
  6. MVP Inertia
  7. MVP Photon
  8. Innova Wraith
  9. Innova Beast
  10. Vibram Lace[/box]

Innova dominates distance driver sales, and holds the top four spots. The Destroyer is not only the most popular selling distance driver, but it is our number 1 selling disc period. While no particular plastic for the Wraith and Beast sell significantly well, the large number of available plastic types keeps these discs in the Q2 top 10.
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Top Fairway/Control Drivers

  1. Innova TeeBird
  2. MVP Volt
  3. Innova Leopard
  4. Latitude 64 River
  5. Innova Thunderbird
  6. Dynamic Discs Felon
  7. MVP AMP
  8. Vibram Trak
  9. Axiom Crave
  10. Latitude 64 Trident[/box]

With the exception of the TeeBird which is our #3 selling disc for the quarter, fairway drivers typically don’t sell quite as much as distance drivers. For this quarter’s stats, Latitude 64 River sales numbers are likely down from what they should be because for a few weeks Dynamic Distribution was out of the River in its most popular selling plastic, Gold Line. We couldn’t sell what we didn’t have in stock.

The Vibram Trak, which is on it’s way out of production, made the top 10 and while the Latitude 64 Trident filled the bottom spot for Fairway/Control drivers. It ranks 77th overall for all discs sold by Infinite during the second quarter of 2015.
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Top Midrange Discs

  1. Discraft Buzzz
  2. Innova Roc3
  3. Dynamic Discs Truth
  4. Innova Mako3
  5. Innova Roc
  6. Discraft Buzzz OS
  7. Discraft Buzzz SS
  8. Discraft Comet
  9. Dynamic Discs Justice
  10. Latitude 64 Claymore[/box]

For those who have played disc golf for a while, it’s no surprise that the Discraft Buzzz is still the top selling midrange, and our number 2 selling disc overall. It’s their Midranges, especially the Buzzz family, that keep Discraft sales up. Discraft sales numbers were likely inflated for Infinite Discs as we are one of the exclusive dealers for limited Ledgestone Edition discs.

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Top Putt and Approach Discs

  1. Gateway Wizard
  2. Dynamic Discs Judge
  3. MVP Atom
  4. Axiom Envy
  5. Discraft Zone
  6. Latitude 64 Pure
  7. MVP Anode
  8. Innova Aviar
  9. Prodigy PA-3
  10. MVP Ion[/box]

The Gateway Wizard is still our most popular selling putter despite the fact that we had supplier break downs that kept our stock from staying where it should have been. During this quarter the Wizard was our 5th most popular selling disc overall, just one spot ahead of the DD Judge.  Finding its way in the top ten, the MVP Ion was our 41st most popular disc for the quarter. With four of the top 10 putters manufactured by MVP, this fast growing disc manufacturer shows how mainstream GYRO is becoming in the disc golf world. The PA-3 is the only Prodigy disc that has made any of our top 10’s during the second quarter.

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Top Selling Plastic Types

  1. Innova Champion
  2. Innova Star
  3. Latitude 64 Opto
  4. Innova DX
  5. MVP Neutron
  6. Latitude 64 Gold Line
  7. Innova GStar
  8. Discraft Elite Z
  9. Axiom Neutron
  10. Dynamic Discs Lucid[/box]

Innova is still the leading disc manufacturer and produces four of our top selling plastics, including the top two. Latitude 64’s two major plastics also made the top 10 along with Dynamic Discs Lucid (which is the same plastic as Latitude 64 Opto, just branded differently). MVP and Axiom Neutron plastic also made the top ten and would have ranked even higher if our system didn’t separate them as different plastic types due to the variatons in branding.

The #1 selling disc plastic for the first half of 2015 is Innova Champion, fueled in large part by hot sales of the Champion Thunderbird, Teebird, Mako3, Roc3, Tern, Valkyrie, Destroyer, and Krait.

Star plastic is the #2 selling plastic, primarily because the Star Destroyer is such a hot selling disc. We sold more than three times as many Star Destroyers as the next most popular Star plastic model. Other top Star plastic discs include the TeeBird, Foxbat, Wraith, Tern, Boss and Mako.

Infinite Discs Revised – Welcome to 2.0

You may have noticed the Infinite Discs website has changed. So I’m putting together a quick post to bring you up to speed on what’s new. At Infinite Discs, we’ve been calling our first website 1.0, and the current version 2.0.

This system is for the people that are just as obsessive compulsive about their discs as we are.

1.0 was launched in November 2012, and work on 2.0 began in May of 2013. A year and a half later, it’s live.

Why Did We Launch 2.0?

First of all, we did not do the change because 1.0 version was outdated. It was great, and we received excellent feedback constantly. However, it wasn’t the perfect disc golf website, and that’s our goal with 2.0.

What’s New in 2.0?

Exact pictures of each disc

In the last month, we have cataloged over 14,000 discs. We took each of these discs, photographed it, added all of the other information (color, weight, mold, plastic type), so your shopping can be precise. People ask us daily since the release “Am I really going to receive the exact disc I see?” The answer is yes, you will receive the exact disc that you select.

This cataloging system gives you the benefit of thumbing through every disc, as well as the benefit of our amazing prices.

Advanced sorting system

I have to say, this is my favorite feature of the new site. It’s amazingly slick.

Let’s say you want only blue discs which are manufactured by Innova that are distance drivers and overstable, or glow in the dark discs by Discraft, or pink putters made by MVP that weigh 173-175g; now you can find exactly that! Just select your criteria, our system will sort through every disc as fast as Google searches the entire world wide web, and return results. Simply click “View Individual Discs” and you will see a list of the exact discs you are looking for.

User Profiles

Are you a fan of reviews written by Andrew Belet? Click on his profile and read all the reviews he has written.

Or how about this: Last year you purchased a Westside disc that flew amazingly. This year you flew it in the water, but you can’t remember what the weight of it was. Just view your order history, and all of the information on discs which you have ordered is still there!

This is just the beginning of amazing things you will be able to do with your user profiles. We’ll be announcing other updates on this blog.

What Hasn’t Changed?


Our prices are still amazing. Yes, taking this much effort to catalogue discs increases cost on our part. The good news is that because of the support you have all shown us, we are able to move enough plastic to keep prices down.


We were able to transfer reviews from the old website. However, reviews from the old site need some updating. As you may have noticed, each review has a star rating attached to it. If you have written a review on 1.0, please log in to update your reviews.

You can now also update a review after you have written it.

For Your Information

Finding & Fixing Bugs

There are a few features of this website which are still being improved. Some of them we are aware of, some of them only you are aware of. If you find something that needs to be fixed (such as a typo, or the website crashing), please let us know! E-mail with anything you find.

Disc Colors

With disc photos, there are a few variables involved. Your screen may show color differently than ours. It is also worth noting that some colors fall outside of the gamma of which our equipment is able to capture. Bright colors may appear more white, and certain shades of green may not appear (blue-green or yellow-green may appear as more blue or yellow).

There’s More

Is there a feature which you have found, but we haven’t mentioned? Let us know in the comments what else you love about the new site! We appreciate your feedback!

PDGA Approved Discs: Release Rate

As disc golf becomes undeniably more popular, more discs enter the disc golf scene, vying for space in disc golfers bags. These facts about how many discs are being approved today, vs just 10 years ago may blow your mind.

PDGA Disc Approval Rate

1964 – 1987 Disc Approval Numbers

According to the list of PDGA approved discs (found here), the first approved disc was in 1964. That disc was named, according to the sheet “Professional” and was made by Wham-O / DTW. Twenty three years later, at the end of 1987 that number had grown to 71 approved discs.

Discs Approved Today

Fast forward to 2013. In 2013 alone, there were 73 PDGA approved discs, and as of October 15th, 2014 there are 70 PDGA approved discs in 2014. Since January 1, 2013 there have been 143 PDGA approved discs.
In all, there are 686 PDGA approved discs. Nearly 21% of approved discs in the market, have come within the last two years. This does not take into account the large number of discs which were once approved, but no longer in production. Were currently produced discs only taken into account, the percentage would be much higher.

Disc Approval Rate Per Year, by Decade

One final way to look at how disc production has changed, is to view the average number of discs approved per year, during a given decade.


    • .2 discs per year, or 1 disc every 5 years.


    • 1.6 discs per year.


    • 6.9 discs per year.


    • 10.6 discs per year.


    • 23.6 discs per year.


    (To Date):51.6 discs per year.

Disc Brand Increase

  • In the history of PDGA approved discs, 48 different brands have produced discs all time.
  • Within the last two years (after October 15, 2012) 27 of those 48 brands have produced a new approved disc.
  • 21 brands have not produced a new model within the last two years, either because they no longer manufacture, or they have not expanded their lineup.
  • Within the last two years, of the 27 that have made an approved disc, 14 of those brands had never created a disc previously. Over half of the brands creating new models today, did not exist before October 2012.

Brand status for the last 2 Years

New Brands:

  1. Axiom Discs
  2. Deity Discs
  3. DMI Sports
  4. Dynamic Discs
  5. Essential Discs
  6. Eurodisc
  7. HOLE19 sarl
  8. Kastaplast
  9. Obsidian Discs Oy
  10. Paradigm Disc Golf
  11. Prodigy Disc
  12. Salient Discs
  13. UB Disc Golf – Hand Candy
  14. Yikun Sports

Older than 2 years, with 1 or more new models

  1. CHING Sports
  2. Disc Golf Association
  3. Discmania
  4. Discraft
  5. Gateway Disc Sports
  6. Innova-Champion Discs
  7. Latitude 64
  8. Legacy Discs
  9. Millennium Golf Discs
  10. MVP Disc Sports
  11. Prodiscus
  12. Vibram Disc Golf
  13. Westside Golf Discs

No new models within 2 years

  1. 1080 Disc Golf
  2. ABC Discs
  3. Aerobie
  4. Crosslap Discgolf Parks
  5. Daredevil Discs
  6. Disc Golf Aotearoa
  7. Discwing
  8. DKG Disc Sports
  9. Dynamic/Destiny Discs
  10. Ferris State University
  11. Hero Leports Co., Ltd.
  12. Lightning Discs
  13. Pacific Cycle
  14. Plastic Paradise
  15. Quest Applied Technologies
  16. Rip Disc Golf
  17. Skyiron
  18. Skyquest
  19. Snap Discsports
  20. Wham-O / DTW/li>

Discs Approved Since October 15, 2012


  1. Lace
  2. King VIP Air
  3. Stag
  4. Tursas
  5. Underworld
  6. Rival
  7. Zombee (Ace Race 2012)
  8. Amp
  9. Patriot
  10. Tern
  11. Escape
  12. Fugitive
  13. Judge
  14. Trespass
  15. Delivery
  16. Transition
  17. Transporter
  18. D1
  19. D2
  20. D3
  21. D4
  22. Shock
  23. 135G UltiPro Junior Ultimate
  24. 150G WaKa Freestyle Disc
  25. 175G UltiPro Ultimate
  26. View
  27. Assault
  28. Sabotage
  29. Vendetta
  30. P3 – Putt & Approach
  31. Proline Breaker
  32. Tangent
  33. Mace
  34. Laseri
  35. M1
  36. M2 (originally the M3)
  37. M3 (originally the M2)
  38. M4
  39. PA1
  40. PA2
  41. PA4
  42. Suspect
  43. Giant VIP Air
  44. Stag VIP Air
  45. Sword VIP Air
  46. Warship VIP Air
  47. MD3 – Midrange Driver
  48. Renegade
  49. Fury
  50. Tensor
  51. Mystic (retooled)
  52. Verdict
  53. Delivery Organic
  54. Transition Organic
  55. Transporter Organic
  56. Stiletto
  57. Truth
  58. Atlas
  59. Omega SuperSoft Big Bead
  60. O-Lace
  61. unLace
  62. F1
  63. F2
  64. F3
  65. F7
  66. Crank
  67. Rask
  68. Rage (retooled)
  69. Tank – Panzer
  70. D5
  71. Procul
  72. Nova
  73. Mortar
  74. Prometheus
  75. Resistor
  76. Bandit
  77. Gauge
  78. Mongoose
  79. Warden
  80. D5 (retooled)
  81. Saint Pro
  82. Foxbat
  83. Harp (Kannel1)
  84. Hatchet (Sotakipves1)
  85. Sorcerer (Tietäjä1)
  86. World (Maailma1)
  87. F5
  88. Yao
  89. Mantis (Ace Race 2013)
  90. Servo
  91. Antidote
  92. Jade
  93. Aries
  94. M5
  95. Alias
  96. Envy
  97. Rask (retooled)
  98. Tiger
  99. Inertia
  100. Switch
  101. Witness
  102. Daedalus
  103. Chimera
  104. Impulse
  105. Motion
  106. Tesla
  107. Outlaw
  108. Crave
  109. Claws
  110. Gui
  111. Wings
  112. Inspire
  113. Thief
  114. FD2
  115. Scythe
  116. Boatman VIP Air
  117. Shield
  118. Tursas VIP Air
  119. Underworld VIP Air
  120. Torrent
  121. PA3
  122. Four20
  123. Enforcer
  124. Claymore
  125. Dagger
  126. X1
  127. Monstrum
  128. Vein
  129. Lex
  130. Da’e
  131. Gou
  132. Hu
  133. Jun
  134. Assassin (retooled)
  135. Chief (retooled)
  136. Kaxe
  137. Missilen
  138. Backdraft
  139. Shaman
  140. Clash
  141. Supreme Legacy
  142. Felon
  143. Freedom
  144. Buzzz OS
  145. Bird-Dog
  146. Terrapin
  147. Touch
  148. Thunderbird
  149. Veteran
  150. Solace
  151. Honey
  152. H1
  153. Jiao
  154. Wei
  155. CD2
  156. Outlaw (retooled)
  157. Splinter
  158. Proxy
  159. Theory
  160. H2
  161. H4
  162. All in One



Vibram Disc Golf
Westside Golf Discs
Westside Golf Discs
Westside Golf Discs
Westside Golf Discs
Legacy Discs
MVP Disc Sports
Legacy Discs
Innova-Champion Discs
Dynamic Discs
Dynamic Discs
Dynamic Discs
Dynamic Discs
Prodigy Disc
Prodigy Disc
Prodigy Disc
Prodigy Disc
MVP Disc Sports
Yikun Sports
Yikun Sports
Yikun Sports
Yikun Sports
DMI Sports
DMI Sports
DMI Sports
Disc Golf Association
MVP Disc Sports
Latitude 64
Prodigy Disc
Prodigy Disc
Prodigy Disc
Prodigy Disc
Prodigy Disc
Prodigy Disc
Prodigy Disc
Dynamic Discs
Westside Golf Discs
Westside Golf Discs
Westside Golf Discs
Westside Golf Discs
Dynamic Discs
Latitude 64
MVP Disc Sports
Gateway Disc Sports
Dynamic Discs
Latitude 64
Dynamic Discs
Innova-Champion Discs
Millennium Golf Discs
Vibram Disc Golf
Vibram Disc Golf
Prodigy Disc
Prodigy Disc
Prodigy Disc
Prodigy Disc
Gateway Disc Sports
Millennium Golf Discs
Prodigy Disc
UB Disc Golf – Hand Candy
Innova-Champion Discs
Millennium Golf Discs
Salient Discs
MVP Disc Sports
Legacy Discs
Legacy Discs
Legacy Discs
Dynamic Discs
Prodigy Disc
Latitude 64
Innova-Champion Discs
Westside Golf Discs
Westside Golf Discs
Westside Golf Discs
Westside Golf Discs
Prodigy Disc
Yikun Sports
MVP Disc Sports
Salient Discs
Latitude 64
Millennium Golf Discs
Prodigy Disc
Axiom Discs
Axiom Discs
Paradigm Disc Golf
MVP Disc Sports
MVP Disc Sports
Dynamic Discs
Innova-Champion Discs
Deity Discs
MVP Disc Sports
MVP Disc Sports
MVP Disc Sports
Legacy Discs
Axiom Discs
Yikun Sports
Yikun Sports
Yikun Sports
Axiom Discs
Dynamic Discs
Latitude 64
Westside Golf Discs
Westside Golf Discs
Westside Golf Discs
Westside Golf Discs
Disc Golf Association
Prodigy Disc
Vibram Disc Golf
Dynamic Discs
Latitude 64
Latitude 64
Prodigy Disc
UB Disc Golf – Hand Candy
Salient Discs
UB Disc Golf – Hand Candy
Yikun Sports
Yikun Sports
Yikun Sports
Yikun Sports
Gateway Disc Sports
Gateway Disc Sports
Latitude 64
Salient Discs
Gateway Disc Sports
Axiom Discs
CHING Sports
Dynamic Discs
Dynamic Discs
Paradigm Disc Golf
Paradigm Disc Golf
Salient Discs
Innova-Champion Discs
Millennium Golf Discs
Vibram Disc Golf
Essential Discs
Prodigy Disc
Yikun Sports
Yikun Sports
Legacy Discs
Obsidian Discs Oy
Axiom Discs
Axiom Discs
Prodigy Disc
Prodigy Disc

Date Approved


We’re curious what you think. Comment below and let us know your thoughts on any or all of the following:

  • With this many new models and new brands, is it good for the sport?
  • History shows us that not all of the molds being produced today will remain in production. Will discs be moved to “out of production” more quickly, because more discs have entered the market? Or is there room enough for all of the new molds being released, especially when considering industry growth in general?
  • Do you like the additional selection, or do you wish we were back to the days of ?
  • How much of your bag is comprised of these new molds?
  • From the brands which are older than two years, and have not produced any new discs, do you own or use any of their discs? If so, which discs?


Infinite Bags

Introducing the Infinite Bags

Over the course of the last year we have been quietly working on our own version of bags for disc golfers. Our goal throughout the process was to create a bag that exceeds similarly sized bags in both quality and affordability. We feel that we have accomplished that with both the Infinite Small Bag and the Infinite Large Bag.

[box type=”shadow”]

Launch Promotion – Limited Time Only

During the entire month of October, we are offering this bag at an excellent introductory price.

  • Small Bag Value: $19.99. On sale for $13.99

  • Large Bag Value: $49.99. On sale for $39.99

  • Straps Value: $23.99. On sale for $19.99

  • Large Bag w/ Straps Value: $74.99. On sale for $49.99

  • * Offer Ends 10/31/2014


    Bag Features

    Small Infinite Bag – Shop Here
    Regular Price: $19.99

    1. Holds 8-10 discs
    2. 1680 denier nylon (The most durable)
    3. High quality zippers
    4. Pocket for putters
    5. Drink holder with drawstring
    6. Embroidered Infinite Discs logo
    7. Padded bottom with rigid plastic
    8. Single divider so discs stay better organized
    9. Shoulder strap with rubber shoulder pad
    10. Available in: Red, Blue, Black or Orange

    Large Infinite Bag – Shop Here
    Regular Price: $49.99

    1. Holds 18 – 22 Discs
    2. 1680 Denier Nylon (The most durable)
    3. YKK Zippers
    4. Strong elastic putter pocket holds 1 or 2 putters
    5. 2 large strong elastic bottle holders
    6. Embroidered Infinite Discs logo
    7. Large storage pockets on both sides
    8. Two removable dividers to keep discs organized
    9. Scorecard and/or phone sleeve
    10. Mini pocket
    11. Small accessory pocket
    12. 3 small pencil holders
    13. 1 large pencil holder
    14. 4 plastic pegs which prevent rollovers and keep bag slightly elevated
    15. Shoulder strap with fabric shoulder pad.
    16. Compatible with all major backpack style bag straps.
    17. Available in: Red, Blue, Black, Orange or Burgundy

    Infinite Straps – Shop Here
    Regular Price: $23.99

    1. Compatible with all major large bag designs
    2. Chest clip to more evenly disperse weight load
    3. Spring loaded metal clips
    4. Embroidered Infinite Discs logo
    5. Available in black only

    Addressing Previous Bag Issues

    Fabric Durability
    We had two options to fix concerns with fabric. Stop using fabric, or use better fabric. To keep the bag affordable, fabric is the answer. To make it more durable we found 1680D Nylon; the most durable nylon fabric available in textile manufacturing. When you touch the fabric you can feel the density of this durable material which is more and made of dense strands of nylon which are more resistant to shredding or tearing. This is the most resilient fabric to adverse conditions.

    Zipper Durability
    Zippers frequently come off their tracks, or the pull tab completely breaks off of the zipper; requiring you to improvise with a paper clip or just never zip your bag again. To remedy this, we went with YKK zippers. In case you are unfamiliar with zippers, YKK is the most trusted brand of zippers in the world. All metal, and smooth sliding, you should be pleased with your YKK zipper.

    Straps tearing out of seams
    Seams in other bags separate easily. We have strong stitching on all seems; especially on seems where straps are attached. That way if your bag

    Having addressed all of these issues, we hope that your Infinite Large Bag or Infinite Small Bag treat you well for years to come. Will your bag have issues eventually? We hope not, but unfortunately everything comes in need of repair; with an Infinite Discs bag, chances are that your time between replacement bags will be drastically reduced.

    Our Promise

    We feel confident that we have created a very quality bag made of durable material. If you experience any issues with the workmanship listed above within the first three months, contact us and we’ll gladly help you. Please view our Return & Exchange Policy.

    Infinite Discs Reviews YouTube Channel is well known for the many in depth disc reviews our website offers. While reading reviews is a great way to get the information you’re looking for about a certain disc — videos of discs in flight are even better. We have some friends in Ohio who have started an awesome YouTube review channel for us. They are already at it reviewing some of the hottest discs currently on the market. This new channel will provide loads of good information, and opportunities to win free disc golf stuff that you will only know about by subscribing to the channel.

    Check out the video reviews that have already been uploaded, and subscribe to this new channel right now.

    MVP Motion Review

    Latitude 64 Scythe Review

    The State Of Disc Golf: Disc Consumption & Brand Loyalty

    The State of Disc Golf 2014: Disc Consumption

    This is part 4 of a seven part editorial series of the 1,422 responses from the survey “The State of Disc Golf: 2014”

    We acknowledge and emphasize to you that the results here directly reflect the disc golf community who is in some way, shape, or form, involved with disc golf online. We therefore recognize that it would be inaccurate for us to claim that this survey is a proper reflection of the entire disc golf community. The results portray disc golfers who found this survey via Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Google+, forums, E-mail, and other means. With over 1,400 respondents the statistical accuracy is high.

    This article was one of my favorites to piece together with the survey data that was assembled. It was both fascinating, mind-boggling, and there is an enormous amount of conclusions which can be drawn from this data. For the sake of keeping this straightforward, we’ll share some facts and conclusions which you will likely find interesting as well.

    Disc Consumption & Discs Owned

    Of the 1403 respondents that have data collected, a rough estimate of 32,886 discs were purchased in 2013, or 23 per respondent. These players collectively have 68,959 discs, or 49.15 on average. This means that 47.68% of discs owned by respondents were purchased this year.

    How was this calculated? We took this number by averaging each segment, and placed a number discs owned for players who owned “101+ discs” at 130. Yes, this was a rough guess, but it should suffice for this editorial. We imagine that if given the opportunity, some players in this column would have said they have over 1,000 discs, and others may have only had 105. For fear of over inflating these results, we were modest. If you would like, you may want to increase those numbers a bit.

    Another interesting point as shown in the graph is that the darkest areas of the graph tend to be where “New discs this year” and “Total Discs Owned” intersect at equal points. In other words, somebody who purchased 16-20 discs in their first of year play is likely to currently own 16-20 discs. This means that many players tend to gather most discs immediately, and purchasing habits in coming years tends to slow.

    Roughly 71% of disc golfers who began acquiring discs this year purchased a minimum of 16 discs. New disc golfers tend to fill their bag right up.

    Brands vs Purchases

    The survey also asked “what was your favorite brand at the end of 2013?” Here’s a look at those answers vs how many discs consumers purchased.

    Please note:

    • This survey was not promoted or endorsed by any manufacturer or brand, to the best of our knowledge.
    • Any brand who had less than 1% share, or less than 15 votes were not included in the results here.


    Innova’s followers also made the largest portion of disc purchases, thanks to sheer numbers of fans. Many of these fans were purchasing large numbers of discs, however, the Innova fans on a spread of how many discs they were likely to purchase, were not as likely as Prodigy, Legacy, Dynamic Discs, Latitude 64, or Westside fans to purchase a large number of discs.

    For example, both Innova and Discraft fans purchased 6-10 discs last year 15% and 23% of the time respectively while Dynamic Discs fans purchased 16-20 discs 21% of the time. As you can see from the graph on the right, the line represent Innova peaks in the 6-10 disc column, whereas the line for Dynamic and Prodigy peak in the 16-20 disc column.

    The reasoning behind this may be simple, brands such as Innova and Discraft (while they have vast selection), are not releasing discs as rapidly. For example, if somebody has chosen Prodigy as their favorite brand, they are more likely to purchase Prodigy new releases – and there were 17 new Prodigy discs last year alone. Dynamic Discs, which is manufactured by Latitude 64 (which also manufactures Westside) also has had a number of new releases. But new releases are only part of the puzzle.

    Brand Favorites: End of 2012 vs End of 2013

    Respondents overwhelmingly chose Innova as the favorite brand at the end of 2012. Keep in mind, this survey was taken at the start of 2014, so Innova may be the easy answer for those with unclear memories. Even still, chosen as the favorite brand 63% of the time when 19 options are present is an overwhelming landslide victory. It wasn’t even close.

    Fast forward 1 year and Innova is still the favorite, but it’s an entirely new landscape. At the end of 2013, and with 24 different options, Innova only had a 36% share of the pie, that’s a 27% drop! What changed? For the most part, Scandinavian-made brands became more popular and Prodigy hit shelves. Other brands such as MVP, Vibram, and Legacy also made modest gains.

    Good Questions for the 2014 Survey

    2.71% of players own less discs at the end of 2013, than the amount of discs which they purchased through the course of 2013. What does that mean? They either took heavy casualties on the course, or they were generous to fellow players. A good follow up question may be, “Do you lose more discs to the course, or by giving them to others?”

    • “Within a 15 mile radius, which brands are available for you to purchase in a physical store location? (check all that apply)
    • “How many different discs do you throw regularly?”
    • “How many different discs do you typically throw during play on an 18 hole course?”
    • “How many discs do you have in your bag?”
    • “Do you own a disc golf bag? If so, which style?”

    Yes, there are many things we are already looking forward to in our State of Disc Golf: 2014 survey. Let us know what you think and what you would like to see!

    New Discs For Spring 2014

    Spring is in the air and the disc golf manufactures have been pumping out new disc models just in time for peak throwing season. In case you’ve been taking the winter off from disc golf, here is an update on the new releases of 2014 thus far.

    While there are already more than a dozen new releases, there really aren’t very many new disc types to choose from. Most of the newest discs are either overstable putters, understable midranges, or beginner friendly understable drivers. In addition to the new molds, there is also a variety of new plastic blends that have been released Innova’s new GStar blend.


    Axiom Envy – Axiom Discs (new MVP brand) was launched at the beginning of the year. One of their initial new colorful discs is the putt and approach Envy. This new disc is described as a great driving putter, and is more overstable than the MVP Ion and Anode.

    Crosslap Credo – Okay, this disc isn’t actually a new disc, but it is new to us at Infinite Discs. This overstable putter from Germany has a very unique feel, a flat top, and is available in two different plastic blends.

    Westside Harp – Westside fans are excited about the new release of the second Westside putt and approach disc. This new putter will be available in BT Soft plastic and is described as an overstable wind-fighting putter. Like the Envy, this disc will probably be more popular as an approach disc than a putting putter.


    Axiom Alias – The second disc in the Axiom line is a straight flying midrange described to be similar to the MVP Tangent with the same flight ratings as the Innova Atlas. Like the Envy, this disc is available in a plethora of color combinations.

    Innova Foxbat – The Foxbat is a slightly understable disc with an Innova glide rating of 6 and a fade at 0. This straight flying disc is excellent for beginners and anhyzer turnover throws.

    Crosslap Lucky – If you’re looking for a unique feeling plastic blend, you may want to try your luck with the Lucky. This German made midrange has a unique look, feel, and understable flight path.

    Prodigy M5 – The M5 is an understable midrange perfect for newer disc golfers and shots that you want to turn right (for right handed backhand throws). This disc has a unique rim with an indented line that goes surrounds the circumference of the disc. First run M5’s are available in a unique “2014” stamp in Prodigy’s 400G and 300S plastics.

    Salient Antidote – The Antidote is another understable midrange with a very similar shape, feel, profile, and flight path as the Innova Foxbat. This disc is available in two different plastic blends that have been highly esteemed by our reviewers.

    Fairway Drivers

    Discraft Mantis – The 2013 Ace Race disc has been slightly re-tooled to be more understable and is now available in Elite Z plastic. This will be one of the most popular discs of 2014.

    Dynamic Discs Witness – The Witness is Dynamic discs first real beginner driver. This new fairway driver is described as a more understable River.

    Latitude 64 Jade – The Jade is the fourth disc in Latitude 64’s “Easy to Use” line. This driver is supposed to have a touch more stablility than the Diamond. All Jade’s are light weight and easy to throw.

    Legacy Mongoose – If you can’t decide which of the many new understable drivers to choose, you might as well try one out one with an eye catching stamp. This is where the Mongoose shines. Like most of the new fairway drivers, this one was designed with the new disc golfer in mind.

    MVP Switch – The Switch is the understable low speed driver in the Resistor/Servo class. It’s described as a cross between the Tangent and the AMP, a disc that is very beginner friendly.

    Westside Hatchet – Bring on the Hatchet. If you’re looking for an overstable wind fighter, the Hatchet is not the answer, but this disc is supposed to be more stable than the Underworld and most of the other new releases. Should be a good all purpose fairway driver.

    Distance Drivers

    Millennium Aries – Millennium Golf Discs started the year off by releasing a new high speed understable driver. This disc is a little faster than the new release fairway drivers, but still understable and designed to give more distance to disc golfers with moderate arm speeds.

    Westside Sorcerer – The new Sorcerer released on March 1st is really the only high speed driver of the year designed for big arm advanced disc golfers. This might be the most popular of the new discs this year. The Sorceerr has a 2.3cm rim, like the King, and a glide rating of 6. It’s been described as a faster Sword.

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