Top Discs of Summer 2015

Top Selling Discs Summer 2015

Summer is our biggest time of year for disc sales. During the third quarter (July – September), we typically see less new releases come out than we do during the spring months.  The Q3 sales report gives us a good grasp on what the top disc golf discs really are based on sales data. From our third quarter sales, it’s clear that Innova is still the #1 manufacturer for disc sales. Trilogy and MVP continue to gain market share and grow in popularity while Discraft and Prodigy appear to be trending towards less relevant.

If you’re looking for a new disc to buy, but aren’t sure where to start, you may want to consider these. There is a reason disc golfers all around the world keep buying these top rated discs.

Top Disc Golf Discs for Q3 2015

Top 10 Overall

  1. Innova Destroyer
  2. Discraft Buzzz
  3. Gateway Wizard
  4. Innova TeeBird
  5. Dynamic Discs Judge
  6. Innova Boss
  7. Latitude 64 River
  8. Innova Valkyrie
  9. Latitude 64 Pure
  10. Innova Tern

There weren’t a lot of changes in the top selling discs of the third quarter compared with the second quarter. The Innova Destroyer was still the top selling disc followed by the Discraft Buzzz, Gateway Wizard, and Innova TeeBird.

Top Distance Drivers

  1. Innova Destroyer
  2. Innova Boss
  3. Innova Valkyrie
  4. Innova Tern
  5. MVP Inertia
  6. MVP Photon
  7. Innova Wraith
  8. Innova Beast
  9. Vibram Lace
  10. Innova Katana

For Distance drivers, there is almost no change between the top selling discs from the second quarter. Call it the Paul McBeth effect, as Innova flat out dominates the distance driver market with seven of the top ten selling drivers.

Top Control/Fairway Drivers

  1. Innova Teebird
  2. Latitude 64 River
  3. Innova Leopard
  4. Latitude 64 Saint
  5. Innova Thunderbird
  6. MVP Volt
  7. Discmania FD
  8. MVP AMP
  9. Westside Hatchet
  10. Innova Eagle

Innova Champion discs also has a strong presence in in fairway driver sales. The TeeBird is still the #1 selling driver. While most of the top selling fairway drivers remain the same, the MVP Volt dropped from #3 to #6 during the third quarter. The Discmania FD, Westside Hatchet, and Innova Eagle made our top 10 replacing the  DD Felon, Vibram Trak, Axiom Crave, and Latitude 64 Trident.

Top Midrange Discs

  1. Discraft Buzzz
  2. Innova Roc3
  3. Dynamic Discs Truth
  4. Innova Mako3
  5. Innova Roc
  6. Discraft Buzzz OS
  7. Latitude 64 Claymore
  8. MVP Axis
  9. Latitude 64 Fuse
  10. Discraft Comet

The Discraft Buzzz remains the top selling midrange disc, and is the only midrange that made the top 10 overall.  While the Comet cracked the top 10, it is actually only our 73rd top selling disc. Entering the top 10 this quarter are the MVP Axis and Latitude 64 Fuse — replacing the Dynamic Discs Justice and Discraft Buzzz SS.

To Putt and Approach Discs

  1. Gateway Wizard
  2. Dynamic Discs Judge
  3. Latitude 64 Pure
  4. Innova Colt
  5. Innova Aviar
  6. Axiom Envy
  7. MVP Anode
  8. MVP Atom
  9. Innova KC Aviar
  10. MVP Ion

While Distance Drivers is the top selling category overall, Putt and approach discs are second. The Wizard, Judge, and Pure are all top ten selling discs with the Innova Colt not far behind. MVP/Axiom putters were not quite as popular this quarter as the Envy and Atom both dropped a few spots compared with Q2. A new disc, the Innova Colt, entered the top 10 at number four as a hot new item. It will be interesting to see if the Colt remains a top selling putter, or if it made the top 10 because it is new. The KC Aviar filled in the #9 spot replacing the Prodigy PA-3.

Top Selling Plastic Type

  1. Innova Star
  2. Innova Champion
  3. Innova DX
  4. MVP Neutron
  5. Latitude 64 Opto
  6. Latitude 64 Gold Line
  7. Discraft Elite Z
  8. Innova GStar
  9. Axiom Neutron
  10. Dynamic Discs Lucid

When it comes to the most popular disc plastics, to no surprise, Innova dominates taking the top three spots. It certainly helps that the Star Destroyer and Star TeeBird are two of our most popular selling discs. Star plastic actually jumped Champion as the top selling disc plastic type for the third quarter. While several of the MVP discs dropped in rankings this quarter, overall Neutron plastic rose a spot from 5 to 4 while Latitude 64 Opto dropped two spots. Innova GStar and Discraft Elite Z swapped spots in the 7th and 8th positions.




State of Disc Golf 2015: Introduction


Between December 5th and December 15th, 2014, exactly 5,038 participants completed “The State of Disc Golf: 2015 Survey.” The survey can be summarized as an accurate representation of self-selecting disc golfers.


It is impossible to know how many disc golfers there are in the world right now. A larger survey of random Americans would be necessary to determine the approximate number.

If we assume that there are 1,000,000 disc golfers, this survey has, with 99% confidence, a margin of error of +/- 1.81%. We can also say with 95% confidence, that there is a margin of error of +/- 1.38%. These numbers were found using a simple calculator here.


This survey was first published and announced on December 5th by Infinite Discs. It was then posted on Facebook and Twitter by Infinite Discs. After the initial announcement, it was picked up by others and posted and shared in many social outlets, such as Reddit. This survey was also published on the PDGA Facebook page and was e-mailed by the PDGA to those who are included in the PDGA mailing list.

This survey is not truly scientific, as participants were self-selecting. It was published that the survey was just over 10 minutes in length, and $1,305 in prize merchandise would be awarded to random participants.

One may argue that casual disc golfers are not enticed by the prizes, and would therefore not elect to participate in the survey. Therefore, those who participated in the survey may generally be more passionate about the sport. This survey is not a sample of the average American. It is instead a sample of the disc golfer who is involved in the sport to a degree that they would have heard about the survey through any of the means mentioned above.


These sponsors donated prior to the survey closing, but were not announced until after.

  • MVP – $180 in discs
  • Dynamic Discs – $355 in merchandise
  • Prodigy – $220 in discs
  • Aerobie – $150 in discs
  • Vibram – $100 in discs
  • Infinite Discs – $50 in gift cards
  • PDGA – $160 in memberships
  • Innova – $90 in discs

Avoiding Bias

We felt very strongly about avoiding bias in this survey. Through e-mail we discouraged all parties who may be interested in obtaining favorable results from advertising or promoting this survey. We informed manufacturers that if they did promote the survey, they may be accused of obtaining bias results. As far as we are aware, no manufacturer promoted this survey.

We also encouraged manufacturers to donate to this survey, to entice respondents to complete the survey. Manufacturers who donated are listed above. Each of these manufacturers and donors understood that they would be listed as a survey sponsor after the survey had closed.

Fans of certain brands, who are bias, shared this survey. Therefore, this survey includes results from bias individuals and groups. This is fine, as the State of Disc Golf finds the bias of fans equally important; we simply did not want fan bias to be unfairly and heavily weighted from promotion of the manufacturer which they admire.

Publication Schedule

We anticipate to have our series of articles published before the end of March, 2015.

Thank You!

The results of this survey are immensely beneficial to disc golf. A survey of this scale allows us, and you, to do more for disc golf. We encourage you to use the data you find in this survey to promote disc golf courses, and to persuade city officials how beneficial this sport can be in your area. We would love to hear about how you use the data.

Welcome Feedback

If you have any questions regarding the survey, please comment below. You may also e-mail with any feedback.

Infinite Discs Revised – Welcome to 2.0

You may have noticed the Infinite Discs website has changed. So I’m putting together a quick post to bring you up to speed on what’s new. At Infinite Discs, we’ve been calling our first website 1.0, and the current version 2.0.

This system is for the people that are just as obsessive compulsive about their discs as we are.

1.0 was launched in November 2012, and work on 2.0 began in May of 2013. A year and a half later, it’s live.

Why Did We Launch 2.0?

First of all, we did not do the change because 1.0 version was outdated. It was great, and we received excellent feedback constantly. However, it wasn’t the perfect disc golf website, and that’s our goal with 2.0.

What’s New in 2.0?

Exact pictures of each disc

In the last month, we have cataloged over 14,000 discs. We took each of these discs, photographed it, added all of the other information (color, weight, mold, plastic type), so your shopping can be precise. People ask us daily since the release “Am I really going to receive the exact disc I see?” The answer is yes, you will receive the exact disc that you select.

This cataloging system gives you the benefit of thumbing through every disc, as well as the benefit of our amazing prices.

Advanced sorting system

I have to say, this is my favorite feature of the new site. It’s amazingly slick.

Let’s say you want only blue discs which are manufactured by Innova that are distance drivers and overstable, or glow in the dark discs by Discraft, or pink putters made by MVP that weigh 173-175g; now you can find exactly that! Just select your criteria, our system will sort through every disc as fast as Google searches the entire world wide web, and return results. Simply click “View Individual Discs” and you will see a list of the exact discs you are looking for.

User Profiles

Are you a fan of reviews written by Andrew Belet? Click on his profile and read all the reviews he has written.

Or how about this: Last year you purchased a Westside disc that flew amazingly. This year you flew it in the water, but you can’t remember what the weight of it was. Just view your order history, and all of the information on discs which you have ordered is still there!

This is just the beginning of amazing things you will be able to do with your user profiles. We’ll be announcing other updates on this blog.

What Hasn’t Changed?


Our prices are still amazing. Yes, taking this much effort to catalogue discs increases cost on our part. The good news is that because of the support you have all shown us, we are able to move enough plastic to keep prices down.


We were able to transfer reviews from the old website. However, reviews from the old site need some updating. As you may have noticed, each review has a star rating attached to it. If you have written a review on 1.0, please log in to update your reviews.

You can now also update a review after you have written it.

For Your Information

Finding & Fixing Bugs

There are a few features of this website which are still being improved. Some of them we are aware of, some of them only you are aware of. If you find something that needs to be fixed (such as a typo, or the website crashing), please let us know! E-mail with anything you find.

Disc Colors

With disc photos, there are a few variables involved. Your screen may show color differently than ours. It is also worth noting that some colors fall outside of the gamma of which our equipment is able to capture. Bright colors may appear more white, and certain shades of green may not appear (blue-green or yellow-green may appear as more blue or yellow).

There’s More

Is there a feature which you have found, but we haven’t mentioned? Let us know in the comments what else you love about the new site! We appreciate your feedback!

Infinite Bags

Introducing the Infinite Bags

Over the course of the last year we have been quietly working on our own version of bags for disc golfers. Our goal throughout the process was to create a bag that exceeds similarly sized bags in both quality and affordability. We feel that we have accomplished that with both the Infinite Small Bag and the Infinite Large Bag.

[box type=”shadow”]

Launch Promotion – Limited Time Only

During the entire month of October, we are offering this bag at an excellent introductory price.

  • Small Bag Value: $19.99. On sale for $13.99

  • Large Bag Value: $49.99. On sale for $39.99

  • Straps Value: $23.99. On sale for $19.99

  • Large Bag w/ Straps Value: $74.99. On sale for $49.99

  • * Offer Ends 10/31/2014


    Bag Features

    Small Infinite Bag – Shop Here
    Regular Price: $19.99

    1. Holds 8-10 discs
    2. 1680 denier nylon (The most durable)
    3. High quality zippers
    4. Pocket for putters
    5. Drink holder with drawstring
    6. Embroidered Infinite Discs logo
    7. Padded bottom with rigid plastic
    8. Single divider so discs stay better organized
    9. Shoulder strap with rubber shoulder pad
    10. Available in: Red, Blue, Black or Orange

    Large Infinite Bag – Shop Here
    Regular Price: $49.99

    1. Holds 18 – 22 Discs
    2. 1680 Denier Nylon (The most durable)
    3. YKK Zippers
    4. Strong elastic putter pocket holds 1 or 2 putters
    5. 2 large strong elastic bottle holders
    6. Embroidered Infinite Discs logo
    7. Large storage pockets on both sides
    8. Two removable dividers to keep discs organized
    9. Scorecard and/or phone sleeve
    10. Mini pocket
    11. Small accessory pocket
    12. 3 small pencil holders
    13. 1 large pencil holder
    14. 4 plastic pegs which prevent rollovers and keep bag slightly elevated
    15. Shoulder strap with fabric shoulder pad.
    16. Compatible with all major backpack style bag straps.
    17. Available in: Red, Blue, Black, Orange or Burgundy

    Infinite Straps – Shop Here
    Regular Price: $23.99

    1. Compatible with all major large bag designs
    2. Chest clip to more evenly disperse weight load
    3. Spring loaded metal clips
    4. Embroidered Infinite Discs logo
    5. Available in black only

    Addressing Previous Bag Issues

    Fabric Durability
    We had two options to fix concerns with fabric. Stop using fabric, or use better fabric. To keep the bag affordable, fabric is the answer. To make it more durable we found 1680D Nylon; the most durable nylon fabric available in textile manufacturing. When you touch the fabric you can feel the density of this durable material which is more and made of dense strands of nylon which are more resistant to shredding or tearing. This is the most resilient fabric to adverse conditions.

    Zipper Durability
    Zippers frequently come off their tracks, or the pull tab completely breaks off of the zipper; requiring you to improvise with a paper clip or just never zip your bag again. To remedy this, we went with YKK zippers. In case you are unfamiliar with zippers, YKK is the most trusted brand of zippers in the world. All metal, and smooth sliding, you should be pleased with your YKK zipper.

    Straps tearing out of seams
    Seams in other bags separate easily. We have strong stitching on all seems; especially on seems where straps are attached. That way if your bag

    Having addressed all of these issues, we hope that your Infinite Large Bag or Infinite Small Bag treat you well for years to come. Will your bag have issues eventually? We hope not, but unfortunately everything comes in need of repair; with an Infinite Discs bag, chances are that your time between replacement bags will be drastically reduced.

    Our Promise

    We feel confident that we have created a very quality bag made of durable material. If you experience any issues with the workmanship listed above within the first three months, contact us and we’ll gladly help you. Please view our Return & Exchange Policy.

    The State Of Disc Golf: Leading Manufacturers

    The State of Disc Golf 2014: Leading Manufacturers

    This is part 5 of a seven part editorial series of the 1,422 responses from the survey “The State of Disc Golf: 2014”

    Note 1: This article takes real data from real survey results, and then they are published with educated opinion. You may not agree with everything you read, and that’s completely ok. Please leave any of your thoughts or comments below. Rude, belligerent, or otherwise inappropriate comments will not be published.

    Note 2: We acknowledge and emphasize to you that the results here directly reflect the disc golf community who is in some way, shape, or form, involved with disc golf online. We therefore recognize that it would be inaccurate for us to claim that this survey is a proper reflection of the entire disc golf community. The results portray disc golfers who found this survey via Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Google+, forums, E-mail, and other means. With over 1,400 respondents the statistical accuracy is high.

    Manufacturers & Brands

    While there are several brands, some manufacturers actually produce products for other brands.

    To best illustrate this we’ll use the MVP as our example. In January 2014 MVP launched a new brand called Axiom. MVP discs & Axiom discs are both produced by MVP Disc Sports, however Axiom is its own product lineup and brand.

    Q: Which manufacturer is the leader in disc golf today?

    Which manufacturer disc golfers believed was the leader in disc golf today? The answer wasn’t even close. Innova took it by the largest margin of any other question in the survey. In contrast to the data in the last survey “Which brand is your favorite?” is what makes the results here more intriguing. While bias likely works into the answers for many when taking a survey such as this, it shows bias was largely set aside. 38% of people responded that Innova was their favorite brand, but 74% responded that Innova is todays leading manufacturer. 3 in 4 disc golfers voted that Innova is the top manufacturer today, even if Innova wasn’t their choice of disc.

    Q: Which manufacturer are you looking forward to new releases from the most?

    This question had a very nice spread when compared to the landslide of the last question. MVP is impressive here not only because they placed first With 20% of disc golfers most excited for releases from MVP, but also because this is a small company which currently has a very small market share. MVP has created hype around each release, and their distance driver lineup which is coming out this spring is the most anticipated release that we can remember. In addition, from our point of view MVP also lives up to the hype that they create with each release – consistency and quality is a staple when working with MVP.

    The next three are Latitude 64, Innova, and Prodigy with 18%, 16% and 14% of the votes respectively. From our view Latitude 64 is establishing itself as a major player in the industry and has a strong following which faithfully buy whatever the product. Innova has also produced a handful of top selling discs the last two years with Krait, Tern, and now their overmold plastic options with the Atlas and Nova has also turned heads. Finally Prodigy, who according to their number system has released a majority of the discs which will be released, how will they adapt in 2014? More signature series?

    Q: Which manufacturer has the best public reputation?

    Innova takes first place again at 50%. Second place is Discraft with 16%, Latitude 64 with 11%, MVP with 7%, and everybody from there has just a small share.

    Innova’s dominance in this category was honestly a surprise. While we are not questioning Innova having a solid reputation, I (the author) feel that many brands are also deserving of the top vote for many. Perhaps next time, this question will be rephrased to ask “On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the reputation of such and such company.” That question will give us a better thermometer reading of how different manufacturers are doing for the disc golf world.

    Kudos to Innova for doing an overall fantastic job! The results don’t lie!

    Q: Which manufacturer is the most Innovative?

    And we’re back to MVP, except MVP now takes it by a larger margin. MVP certainly has a unique way of doing things, and it’s catchy… and according to respondents, it’s Innovative.

    In second place is Innova, with less than half the votes of MVP. Innova is large, and continues to adapt. For example, noting the success of MVP, Innova developed their own overmold style. Innova has a steady stream of discs annually which frequently seems to fill a void in what seems to be a very well built lineup.

    Latitude 64, Prodigy, and Vibram round out the next three – each with unique aspects they bring to the game!

    Q: If you could have discs made by only one manufacturer, which would it be?

    Innova strikes again. Most disc golfers would choose Innova if they could throw with only one brand, and it’s not hard to see why. Innova has something for just about everybody.

    At the same time, it’s not hard to see why many of the other brands are chosen. The reality is, you don’t always need a disc for every possible situation, you need discs only for the scenarios which you play one. Many players choose only a handful of discs because they are versatile and they simply love them, so it’s easy to see where fan bias plays into this question more.

    Latitude 64 takes second place with Discraft not far behind.

    Q: Which manufacturer made the largest impact to disc golf in 2013?

    First place goes to Prodigy who garnered 40% of the votes here, and again, it’s not hard to see why. January 1, 2013 was the first day most of the disc golf world ever heard the name Prodigy, and it is now common to nearly all disc golfers. In fact, in the next article we’ll focus on brand awareness, but to give a sneak peak, over 73% of respondents said they are familiar with the brand Prodigy. Only 8% said that are not familiar at all. That is an amazing feat in one year of business by nearly all standards. Be it the D1, or PA-1, it’s hard to play disc golf with a league or club where somebody does not regularly use a Prodigy disc.

    Innova, MVP, and Latitude 64 were others who gathered a reasonable amount of votes. Each had a number of very popular releases which, like Prodigy, are hard not to find in a nearby players bag.

    Q: Which manufacturer made the largest impact to disc golf in 2014?

    People still expect big things from Prodigy in 2014, who gathered 18% of the votes for this question. However, first place goes to (you guessed it) MVP who gathered 19% of the votes.

    There are many ways which a disc golf company can make an impact – PDGA National Tour tournaments, or grass-roots efforts like the Vibram Birdie Bash and Discraft Ace Race. To date, MVP has not done any of these things, but they have created a new brand, they’re releasing new discs – so 2014 has not disappointed yet.

    Our Overall Impression:

    Even though they’re small, MVP has made a splash! They’re tenacious and Is the best still to come from company which has already amazed in so many ways in 2014?

    Near the top of the pack each time was Latitude 64, the manufacturer for Westside and Dynamic Discs. The Scandinavian-made plastic (aka, Trilogy), has earned a solid reputation as a fair sized contingent of the disc golf industry trades out their old plastic for any one of these brands. It is my speculation that given the current course of Latitude 64 they will be rivaling Innova for the top spot in the disc golf market.

    Innova is #1. When you’re the largest disc golf manufacturer in the world, it is inevitable that complaints will be voiced. Innova has already been through the growing pains which others are currently experiencing, and they’re in a stride. They are still most respected as #1 and have set a high mark for others to rise to. Innova will be hard to catch as their current pace will not be shrinking. Instead, the way to catch up with Innova will be to continue to grow the overall disc golf scene (which companies such as Dynamic Discs have been doing a remarkable job) and to create brand loyal fans.

    Disc Golf Manufacturers of 2013 – Largest Impact

    We asked our audience, “2013 is almost over. What disc golf manufacturer has made the biggest impact on disc golf this year? Why?” and the answers came rolling in. After 184 responses, here is the breakdown:


    Prodigy headed the remarkable class of 2013 manufacturers, with a narrow lead over Dynamic Discs in direct voting. Although, with the votes that came in with Trilogy (which Dynamic Discs is a part of), Dynamic Discs could arguably be number one.

    What’s more telling is the latter part of our question, “Why?”

    #1 – Prodigy Disc

    [one_half]Prodigy released 17 new molds this year at least one dozen more than any other manufacturer. Several of these molds are available in multiple plastics as well.

    Prodigy also launched a team of both men and women which quickly claimed the top spots in many premier tournaments. They instantly created a brand to be reckoned with in the disc golf world, and found their way into the bags of countless players faster than anybody has done previously.[/one_half][one_half_last]Tricia Lafferty said:Like them or not, Prodigy killed it this year. They cranked out 17 different molds in 3 different plastics. For their first year of production, that is a pretty amazing feat.[/one_half_last]

    However, not all is roses for Prodigy. This comment was very telling: “Prodigy has made the biggest impact. Me personally can’t stand the company. And the way their doing business… Just my thoughts.”

    What can be said of Prodigy is that while the impact made by Prodigy has been larger than any other, their reputation is lackluster. Certainly, part of the difficulties from critics comes with the territory of being in the spotlight, but also undoubtedly, there is some damage control which Prodigy can look forward to in 2014.

    #2 – Dynamic Discs

    [one_half]Forging a new relationship with Latitude 64 at the end of 2012, and catapulting the awareness and new product lineup into the spotlight in 2013 has transformed the image of Dynamic Discs into a premier disc golf brand.

    When reading why Dynamic Discs has made such a large impact, the emphasis on community is ever-present. [/one_half][one_half_last]Billy Koch said:Dynamic Discs – they have been really out there promoting disc golf. Sure Prodigy changes the way team sponsorship is done but those are a small micro group of people. DD has been traveling in their RV promoting disc golf and their discs. I am a big Trilogy fan but my hats off goes to DD![/one_half_last]

    The line of discs also released under the Dynamic Discs name has been of extremely high quality. One comment read that Dynamic Discs deserved the top spot because “with the disc of the year. the judge, great new mid-ranges with the suspect and truth”

    #3 – Trilogy

    To the faithful followers of the Scandinavian plastic, there’s nothing better than Westside, DD, and Latitude 64. These fans have found their favorite plastic in 2013, and are proud of it. With comments such as “Trilogy all day long!” and “TRILOGY! – BOOM!!” you can see that these fans are here to stay and are going to stay loud. Collectively, the Trilogy released nearly a dozen new discs this year, each of which have been wildly selling here at Infinite.

    #4 – MVP

    [one_half]The crew at Maple Valley Plastics have enchanted their audience with each new release. These fans beg MVP to release more on a constant basis. With each of MVP’s new product teasers, loyal fans insist “Take My Money!!” In short, MVP has solidified a following just as faithful and fierce as those who swear by the Trilogy, however this following is much smaller in numbers at this point.
    [/one_half][one_half_last]James King said:Building on the foundation of the Ion, which many have come to love, and continuing to fill their arsenal (Still awaiting their Long distance drivers). Even Innova is trying some overmolded plastic now![/one_half_last]

    It’s also noteworthy that the manufacturing practices of MVP have turned the heads of the largest manufacturer, Innova. Read the comment on the right to see what we mean. It’s also of note that our review king (Andrew Belet) here at Infinite also voted MVP. The man owns and thoroughly reviews every disc which is released – his vote should almost count for five because of his credibility.

    For MVP fans, the big questions right now are: What is the the Alias, and when will they release a Distance Driver.

    #5 – Innova

    While Innova does not tout the numbers of new releases, they still garnered a solid number of votes. Why? A few reasons were echoed in the comments. First, it appears that Innova is still what gets people started in the sport – availability, overall selection, and ease of use. Our favorite reason, “Whatever disc golf company Paul McBeth is slingin'”.

    Being the largest manufacturer for years running, Innova has also gained a fierce following, and a fierce despise among players. Love ’em or hate ’em. This comment is very telling of the a current feeling towards Innova “still Innova …They still set the standards somehow..even tho their plastic has somehow gone downhill”,

    Aside from the votes, Innova sales numbers are far more dominant at Infinite Discs than any other manufacturer. We can safely say that Innova is has made the largest impact in the largest amount of players bags this year.

    #6 – Latitude 64

    Latitude 64 falls into a tie for the #6 position, when not including votes of “Trilogy.” Those who voted Latitude 64 were concise, simply stating that they’re the best.

    We have found that while the Dynamic Discs line has quickly gained a fierce following, Latitude 64 has gradually gained respect among a more broad audience. The sentiment of buying strictly American is not ringing as loudly while the quality Scandinavian product makes its mark in the disc golf world.

    #7 – Discraft

    The Ace Race, the Mantis, & the Crank. Discraft may have pushed the 10th Anniversary Buzzz for a bit too long, but there’s no arguing with the success of the Crank. One comment read: “I am going to say discraft due to the overwhelming popularity of the crank, and desirability of the blue glo crank. I have just heard more aboit these two discs than any other.”

    Discraft’s annual Ace Race generates more visibility to sport than nearly any other event, as it takes the organized sport to the grass roots level.

    #7 – Legacy

    Legacy stands in a class of its own. The brand is not commonly known, the fans aren’t loud, but they’re confident, and they’re passionate. This comment sums the general feeling of Legacy in 2013 up: “Legacy because of the gauge which I really like the feel of and the other players that throw legacy around me. No drama, no pressure, and no thick headed obsessive fan people to bug me about my disc choices. Just makes a bigger impact on me then someone yelling in my face about how great they are; just my opinion”

    That’s Legacy.

    #7 – Vibram

    Vibram released complimentary discs to the Lace, with the unLace and oLace, both of which are gone nearly as fast as we can order them. Earlier in 2013, they also released the Lace in Firm rubber.

    These ultra long range drivers, as well as the unique blend of rubber which Vibram uses to make discs is one of the reasons that Vibram was mentioned nearly a dozen times.

    We expect next year to be even bigger, as Vibram’s Birdie Bash gains steam as one of the best mini-format tournaments that players can enjoy. It was no surprise that many players who chose MVP, also had Vibram as a close second, of vice-versa. Both companies are small, offer a unique line, and are offering a meaningful contribution to the sport.

    #10 – Westside

    To round out the rest of the Trilogy, Westside. Westside makes an annual new release in March, and lies low the rest of the year. Not a lot of hype, just product. For that reason, in 2013 Westside has made a steady impact throughout the year. The March release was well received, but after that their growth (which has been steady month after month here at Infinite) is completely based on brand reputation.

    One individual said “Westside. the keep making discs that replace something in my bag.”

    #10 – Lightning

    Judging by the comment, and the impact that Lightning has actually made, this was a joke. Sorry Lightning.

    Thank you for reading! If you want to continue making a case for why any manufacturer made the largest impact, feel free to say so below!

    Best Plastic for Golf Discs

    Stack of the most recommended fairway drivers for new players

    What’s the best plastic for golf discs?

    It really depends on the type of disc, the type of shot, and personal preference. With that said, some plastics are just better than others.

    We’ve asked our fans what their favorite plastic types are for:

    • Drivers
    • Midrange Discs
    • Putters
    • Overall

    In general, disc golfers prefer premium durable plastics for drivers, and place a greater importance on grippiness and feel for putt and approach discs. When it comes to midrange discs, the hard transparent plastics (Z, Champion, Lucid are tops).

    While there aren’t any overwhelmingly dominant favorite plastics, Innova Star and Latitude 64 Goldline are the plastics of choice.

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