Best Disc Golf Approach Discs

The disc golf putter is the true workhorse of the sport. It can be used off the tee for drives of several hundred feet. It can be used as an approach disc in a variety of scenarios. And it can be used for the final toss into the basket.
Ok, technically you could used any type of disc in any situation. However, few people putt with drivers or even mids. The mighty putter, on the other hand, can easily be used for most types of throws.
Best Disc Golf Approach Disc?
Since putters are categorized as a ‘putt/approach’ discs, we need to get a little bit creative in order to get a list of the best putt discs or best approach discs. To do this, we will list the top selling putters, then look at top rated putters, and finally, we’ll list the top discs that we see on the course being used on approaches.
Top sellers of 2024:
1 Axiom Pixel
2 Infinite Discs Alpaca
3 Axiom Envy
4 Discraft Zone
5 Infinite Discs Tomb
6 MVP Glitch
7 Gateway Wizard
8 Discraft Luna
9 Prodigy PA-3
10 Innova Aviar
Now let’s look at the highest-rated approach discs:
- MVP Nomad
- Axiom Envy
- Latitude 64 Pure
- Discraft Zone
- Infinite Discs Tomb
- Axiom Proxy
- Dynamic Discs Judge
- Infinite Discs Alpaca
- Emac Judge
- Prodigy PA-3
Let’s look at a few other approach discs that we see on the course:
Innova Gator
The Innova Gator is definitely one of the staples of this category. It was nominated in our midrange awards a few weeks ago, but it is mostly used as a true approach disc. The Gator is an overstable disc that features a flat top (sometimes :)) and a noticeable bead along the bottom of the disc. It is a disc that is great in the wind and offers a little more distance than some of the putters we have nominated as well.
Dynamic Discs Justice
Another disc that we nominated in the midrange category, the Dynamic Discs Justice is a beefy overstable disc that is often used as an approach disc. It is great for making an approach when you need to get around a sharp corner. It also holds up in stiff winds. Like I said in the midrange article, pretty much nothing is going to make the Justice turn over in flight.
Hyzerbomb Mortar
The Hyzerbomb Mortar was also nominated in the midrange discs, but it is primarily used as an approach disc. The mold is just like an Innova Gator but it has a beadless rim. This makes it more friendly to forehand throws, but it still has a strong overstable flight that is workable from all over the disc golf course.
Discmania P2

The Discmania P2 was also nominated in our putter category. Discmania has done a great job of differentiating be benefits of each plastic type, and that is especially applicable to those who use the P2 as an approach disc. The S-Line P2 is known as the most overstable P2 and the D-Line is one of the more understable versions. Both plastic blends are popular driving putters that can serve different purposes for your approach game.
Best Approach Disc of 2018:
Axiom Envy
The Envy had a big following before James Conrad’s Holy Shot during the 2021 World Championship. But that shot sure didn’t hurt sales. With a decent amount of fade, the putter can be used for technical approach shots that require shaping. Plus the disc gets straighter as it beats in, giving you even more options for your upshot. It has a shallower rim than many putters, making it easy to grip. The Envy comes in a variety of plastic types to satisfy every preference.
For more information, check out the top selling disc golf approach discs here.
What are your favorite approach discs?
Which approach disc do you think is the best? Share your opinion by commenting below and telling us which disc you think is the best approach disc in the world and why!