Infinite Discs REWARDS Program

Infinite Discs has a rewards program where you earn points to redeem for gift cards. Then you can then use those gift cards to get free stuff from Infinite Discs!


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Infinite Discs Rewards Program Rules

  The information on this page is focused on the rules of the rewards program that must be adhered to.  You can view more general information about the rewards program and how it all works by checking out the following link: rewards program » Infinite Discs Blog   The following are the rules that govern the Infinite Discs Rewards /

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Best Disc Golf Putters for 2024

Disc Golfer putting in the woods

Earlier this year we showed you the best-selling putters for last year. Now that we’re half way through 2024 we thought we would give you an update and show you which putters are the hot ones for the year so far. Before we get into this year’s numbers let’s look at the top putters for 2023:

Top 50 Disc Golf Putters Sold in 2023

Top 50 Best selling disc golf putters of 2024

The glidey Glitch was sitting on the top spot, with the perennial favorite, the Alpaca, sitting in second. The Zone, Envy, and Tomb rounded out the top five. One out of every four putters sold last year were one of these five discs.


1-MVP Glitch
2-Infinite Discs Alpaca
3-Discraft Zone
4-Axiom Envy
5-Infinite Discs Tomb

Now let’s see how the numbers look for 2024

While the second- through fifth-place molds didn’t change, there is a new best-seller for 2024. The Axiom Pixel was released late enough in the year last year that it didn’t have time to overtake the popular Glitch. This year the Pixel sold enough to take first and account for 10% of all putters sold! The Glitch dropped to number seven this year.

In addition to the Pixel, new to the top 10 for 2024 are the PA-3 and Aviar. Dropping out are the Berg, Proxy, and Judge.

1- Axiom Pixel – The second mold in the popular Simon Line of discs, the Pixel has taken the disc golf world by storm! It is not only the top-selling putter, it is the top-selling mold of all types. It’s fairly neutral flight and rim depth make it a valuable tool from the tee pad to circle one. Check out the Pixel today to learn about the hype!

8- Prodigy PA-3 – The PA-3 is ten year’s old and continues to be one of the most popular putters. It has a straight flight with a decent fade. The PA-3 is the most popular putter for Prodigy.

10- Innova Aviar – The Aviar has been around for longer than most of us have been playing disc golf. You can find it in starter sets and in the bags of some of the top pros. Innova claims it has won more World Championships than any other putter! We know it is always a popular disc.

Check out the top 20 best-selling disc golf putters of last year HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Top Brands for Best Putters

Graph showing disc golf brands with their numbers of top selling putters

Taking a look at the brands in the top 50 we see that MVP has the most molds in the top 50, including the number one spot. Last year Innova had the most top 50 discs, but this year they dropped to a 2-way tie for second place. They tied with long-time rival Discraft. Eighteen different brands made up the top 50, with seven of those having only one mold.

Highest Rated Disc Golf Putters

One of the awesome benefits to using the Infinite Discs site to shop is that you can read the reviews and see the ratings for discs you are interested in trying. Over time, the ratings become a great way to see what your fellow disc golfers think about certain molds. The ratings system ties is part of the Infinite Rewards. If you aren’t familiar with the Infinite Rewards program, where you can earn rewards by giving reviews or making purchases, check it out HERE and help our review data by giving feedback on your favorite discs.

We wanted to look at the discs in several different categories and see which molds are the top rated in those categories. We’ll start with the highest rated disc golf putters of all time.

All-Time Highest Rated Putters

The Discraft Zone edged out the Infinite Discs Tomb for the number one spot by a hundredth of a point! The Zone has an average rating of 4.89 out of five while the Tomb is rated 4.88. Both of these discs are throwing putters. The Alpaca is only a hundredth behind the Tomb to make a very close top three!

Discraft Zone Approach Disc - Not generally used as a putter but overall classified as a putt and approach disc.

#1 Discraft Zone  – The zone is popular and highly rated partly because of its overstability. It can handle any headwind and nearly every arm and still get good distance. Plus, its thick rim feels amazing to grip and gives you confidence in your drives and upshots.

#2 Infinite Discs Tomb

#3 Infinite Discs Alpaca

Check out the top 20 highest rated putters HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Highest Rated Very Overstable Disc Golf Putters

You might not have heard of the Goliath Discs Pillar before but it is the highest rated very overstable disc. The Pillar has a perfect 5-star rating! It helps that there are only two reviews for the disc. That really skews the data, but I’m okay giving them a mention. Taking second (or first, depending on how you feel about the first one) is the Discraft Zone. In third place with a 4.68 star rating is the Prodigy A1.

Goliath overstable putter


#1 Goliath Discs Pillar – The Pillar is the overstable putter in the Goliath discs lineup. The Iowa company got their first mold approved two years ago and have been designing and releasing discs regularly since then. The Pillar is one of the beefiest discs in their lineup and it is available in the Oasis plastic, which is a premium plastic.

#2 Discraft Zone

#3 Prodigy A1

Check out the top 20 very overstable disc golf putters HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Highest Rated Overstable Disc Golf Putters

When James Conrad threw his Envy into the basket on the last hole at the 2021 World Championships in Utah (I was there!), he certainly gave a nice boost in sales for the putter. The Axiom Envy holds the top spot in the ‘overstable putter’ category with 4.87 out of 5 stars. Taking second place is the popular Berg from Kastaplast. In the final podium spot is the long-time Gateway hit, the Wizard, which averages 4.72 stars.
Although any putter could be used as a thrower or a putter, most of the discs in the Very Overstable and Overstable Putters categories are used as throwing putters.


Axiom Envy, top selling disc golf putt and approach disc.

#1 Axiom Discs Envy   – The overstable, throwing/putting putter has an overstable flight, but is still shapable and useful in a variety of situations on the course. The Envy’s profile is a little thinner than some putters, which is appealing to many. An older, more beat in Envy can be used in tight fairways and situations where control is crucial.

#2 Kastaplast Berg

#3 Gateway Wizard

Check out the top 20 overstable disc golf putters HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Highest Rated Stable Flying Disc Golf Putters

A couple of Infinite molds sit atop the list of highest rated stable putters. The Tomb at 4.88 stars and the Alpaca at 4.87 stars. The best-selling disc of 2023 takes third with 4.85 stars. The disc rating drop off slowly as people really like a lot of discs in this category. Discs with stable flights can be used by such a large number of people with differing skill levels and in a large variety of situations. That is why there are so many on this list that are top selling discs, too.
Although many of the discs in this category are mainly throwing putters, they can also be used as putting putters. Look at this category as a list of the top putting putters.

Infinite Discs Tomb best putt and approach disc

#1 Infinite Discs Tomb – The Tomb is a beaded putter with just enough stability to give the disc a wide range of uses. Comfortable and easy to throw for beginners, the Tomb can also be a valuable weapon for advanced players. It is available In many different plastic types and weights, so you are sure to find one that suits you.

#2 Infinite Discs Alpaca

#3 – MVP Glitch

Check out the top 20 stable disc golf putters HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Highest Rated Understable Disc Golf Putters

Although the understable putter category has some well-known names in the top 10, such as the Fierce and the Dynamic Discs Deputy, it is also full of lesser known brands and molds. Most disc golfers will have heard of Prodigy and their PA5, which is the highest rated understable putter. They may not be as familiar with the Mobius and RPM’s Tui, a New Zealand brand and disc. Check out the top 20 to see how many of brands you are familiar with.

Prodigy PA 5 best understable putter


#1 Prodigy PA5  – Described as a “silky smooth understable putt and approach disc that has the ability to hit and hold turnover lines and can perform straight hyzerflips”. The speed 3 putter has a little glide and a good amount of turn. Can be used on the putting green for straight putts, or as a driving putter when you need to flex around objects. The PA5 is available in many different Prodigy plastics.

#2 RPM Discs Tui

#3 EV-7 Mobius

Check out the top 20 understable disc golf putters HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Let Us Know About YOUR Favorite Putters!

Those are our lists of the top putters with sales and ratings data. Now we want to hear from YOU!

1 – What is your favorite/go-to throwing putter?
2 – What is your favorite/go-to putting putter?

Best Midrange Disc Golf Discs for 2024

Best Disc Golf Midrange Discs of 2024 Banner

If you are in a disc golf scenario where you need more distance than a putter, but not the distance you need with a driver, you are in a perfect situation to use a midrange. The midrange, or ‘mid’, is a great tool for approach shots where minimal ground action is desired. They come in a variety of flight ratings so they can be used for a variety of different shots. Their slower speeds make them good starting discs for beginners.

In this blog, we’ll look at the best midrange discs for 2024. Just like similar blogs about the best putters, best high speed drivers and best fairway drivers, we’ll look at the top 50 based on sales at Infinite Discs. Then we’ll look at the highest rated mid’s.

We’ll start by taking a look back to last year and the best midrange discs for the year.

Top 50 Midrange Discs 2023


Topping the list of the Best Midrange Discs of 2023 is the perennial champion, the Discraft Buzzz. The beadless buzz has been around for decades and is one of the most popular discs of all time. It has a neutral flight and can be thrown on a slight hyzer, which will flip to flat and cruise for a long, straight flight. The Buzzz is the choice of many top pros. It is available in pretty much any plastic made by Discraft. One out of every six midrange discs that Infinite sells is a Buzzz.

Second on the list is a newer mold, the Axiom Hex. The Hex has a flight similar to the Buzzz. Although it is a relatively new mold, its sales are boosted by Simon Lizotte. His popularity contributes to a lot of Hex sales. That’s what happens when you have popular flight numbers on a disc being used and promoted by a popular player.

Rounding out the top three is another ‘older’ mold, the Innova Pig. The overstable Pig experienced a resurgence a few years ago when Ricky Wysocki threw the mold as an Innova team member. The Pig has a different flight than the other two, being very overstable. It makes a great driving/approach disc, particularly in a headwind.

Best Midrange Discs 2024

Now let’s look at the best midranges discs of the first half of 2024 to see any changes to the list.

Sitting atop the list for the first half of 2024 is the Discraft Buzzz, once again. The difference is the percentage of all midranges that the Buzzz represents. This year the Buzzz’s share of the market dropped from 16% last year to 8% so far this year. The Axiom Hex also dropped from last year to this, going from 10% to a little over 4%.

Although there are several top-ten discs for last year that also made the list this year, there are also two new molds in the top ten. The Innova Rollo was just released this year, and made it’s way to number two on the list. A little over 5% of all midrange discs sold this year was a Rollo. The Thought Space Athletics Mana moved up to the number five spot.


Top Buzz Plastics

Discraft Buzzz sales by Plastic Type Graph

The Discraft Buzzz in a variety of different plastics


The 20th anniversary of the Buzzz occurred last year, and a special edition of the mold was released. It came in Elite Z plastic, a variation of their popular Z plastic. The disc sold a bunch and the Elite Z was the number one plastic for the Buzzz. It accounted for 18% of all Buzzz’s sold. Discraft’s ESP plastic was second place at 15.4%. Their Signature ESP was third. It is the same plastic as ESP, but supporting a touring pro like Paul McBeth and Paige Pierce.

Top Midrange Brands

Top midrange brands graph showing disc golf brands that feature mids in the top fifty.

Although Innova and Discraft have the most molds in the top 50, this time Discraft takes the top spot with 9 molds. Innova is right behind them in second with 8 molds. MVP and Lone Star tied for third with 4 each. There was a four-way tie for fifth with Axiom, Infinite, Kastaplast and Dynamic Discs each having 3 molds in the top 50.

Highest Rated Midrange Discs

As part of its rewards program, Infinite Discs encourages customers to leave reviews for the discs and accessories they purchase. Along with a review, people can rate the products on a scale from one to five stars. We will now turn to those ratings to see which midrange discs rated the highest.

Highest Rated Midrange - Discraft Buzzz

Not only did the Buzzz sell the most, it is also tied for the highest rated. The Buzzz holds an average rating of 4.8 stars, which ties the Prodigy M4. The M4 is a slightly understable midrange. RPM’s Piwakawaka was just a bit behind the other two with 4.79 out of five stars

Highest Rated Very Overstable Midrange Discs

These beefy discs have massive amounts of fade, and are not for everyone. If you have enough skill and arm speed, you may be in the market for one of these discs and want to check them out. Because these discs are all rated high, I didn’t include them in the overall ratings. Otherwise it would look exactly like this section. If you get one of these molds, you are looking for something extra beefy, and they all deliver. That may be why the high ratings.

Legacy Pursuit, highest rated overstable midrange disc.

The highest-rated very overstable midrange disc is the Legacy Pursuit. The Pursuit has a fade rating of three and an average rating of 4.89 out of five. The Yikun Crossbow has even beefier fade of 4. It is rated just below the Pursuit with a rating of 4.88. Legacy has two molds in the top three, with the third place going to the Legacy Recluse.

Highest Rated Overstable Midrange Discs


RPM Kotuku

Looking at the highest rated overstable midrange discs we see the RPM Kotuku. RPM is a New Zealand brand with a decent number of available molds. Check out their discs with their unique naming structure HERE. The Kotuku has a rating of 4.83.

The Innova Roc takes the second place with a rating of 4.74. Two Trilogy discs tied for the last podium spot. Westside Discs Gatekeeper and the popular Dynamic Discs EMAC Truth both have ratings of 4.70.

Highest Rated Understable Midrange Discs

Prodigy M4 - Highest rated understable mid

If you want a midrange that will give you a little (or a lot) of turn in your its flight, you will want an understable mid. They are also good for beginners because they help with a longer flight while beginners develop their form. They are also great for approaches or drives in a tailwind.

The highest rated understable midrange comes from Prodigy. It is their slightly flippy mid, the M4. The M4 has a rating of 4.80 out of five stars. The next highest rated disc is another mold from New Zealand, the RPM Piwakawaka. Two molds tie for the last spot on the understable mid podium. Dynamic Discs Bounty and the Discraft Meteor both tied with a rating of 4.73.

Highest Rated Stable Midrange Discs

Mako 3 Highest Rated straight flying midrange

Stable midrange discs have little or no turn, and little or no fade. The fly straight or whatever line you put them on. Stable mids are valuable work horses that get used a lot. The highest rated of this type of mid is the Innova Mako3, with a user-rating of 4.74. Next up is the Infinite Discs Anubis. It has an average rating of 4.71. The Latitude 64 Compass takes the last spot in the category, with a rating of 4.67

What are Your Favorite Midrange Discs?


Those are our lists of the best midrange discs with sales and ratings data. Let’s add to the data by hearing from YOU!

1 – What is your favorite midrange?
2 – What is your favorite over/understable midrange?
3 – What do you think will be the best midrange for next year?


Best Disc Golf Discs for 2024

Banner showing the most popular disc golf discs of 2024

Throughout this month we’ve checked out the best discs for 2024. We looked at the sales data and the customer ratings so you can have a list of discs to check out when you’re in the market for a disc. We started with the Best Distance Drivers of 2024, then looked at the Best Fairway Drivers, then the Best Putters, and finally the Best Midrange discs. Now we’re going to compile the best of those into one list. We’ll also include some lists of the highest rated discs in those same categories. Let’s go!

Highest Rated Discs: Finding Out Which Discs People LOVE The Most

Highest Rated Discs Banner

The Infinite Discs rewards program includes incentives to give reviews about discs and accessories that we offer. We show the results of those ratings on every product page. The rating system allows customers to rate a disc/product on a scale from one to five stars, as well as give brief reviews about the item. This valuable feedback gives seeking customers insights to what their fellow disc golfers think about the disc/product.

Infinite discs has pages which show the highest rated discs on a single page, to give you an overview of the top rated discs. Bookmark these pages and refer to them next time you are shopping, to help guide your purchases.

Top Selling Feature: The Discs That Are In Demand

Top Selling Discs Banner

Since we sell hundreds of thousands of discs at Infinite, we like to share with you which ones are the top sellers so you can see which discs are the most popular. We’ve compiled a list of the top-selling overall discs of 2023. Check out these molds when you are in the market for a new disc.

Best Disc Golf Discs of 2023         

Overall Best Discs

Disc Rank Manufacturer Disc Name Disc Type
1 MVP Glitch Putt & Approach
2 Discraft Buzzz Mid Range
3 Innova Wraith Distance Driver
4 Infinite Discs Alpaca Putt & Approach
5 Infinite Discs Emperor Distance Driver
6 Innova Destroyer Distance Driver
7 Axiom Hex Mid Range
8 Discraft Zone Putt & Approach
9 Axiom Envy Putt & Approach
10 Infinite Discs Tomb Putt & Approach
11 Infinite Discs Dynasty Control Driver
12 Infinite Discs Pharaoh Distance Driver
13 Innova Pig Mid Range
14 Kastaplast Berg Putt & Approach
15 Infinite Discs Maya Distance Driver
16 Gateway Wizard Putt & Approach
17 Innova Mamba Distance Driver
18 Axiom Proxy Putt & Approach
19 Infinite Discs Sphinx Control Driver
20 Infinite Discs Centurion Control Driver
21 Dynamic Discs Judge Putt & Approach
22 Discraft Luna Putt & Approach
23 Innova Firebird Control Driver
24 Axiom Crave Control Driver
25 Latitude 64 Pure Putt & Approach
26 Innova Aviar Putt & Approach
27 Innova Leopard Control Driver
28 Infinite Discs Aztec Distance Driver
29 Innova Mako3 Mid Range
30 Innova Teebird Control Driver
31 Axiom Insanity Control Driver
32 Innova Valkyrie Control Driver
33 Thought Space Athletics Construct Distance Driver
34 Discraft Athena Control Driver
35 Infinite Discs Anubis Mid Range
36 Latitude 64 River Control Driver
37 Innova Tern Distance Driver
38 Innova Rollo Mid Range
39 Innova Leopard3 Control Driver
40 Latitude 64 Diamond Control Driver
41 Discraft Heat Control Driver
42 Thought Space Athletics Mantra Control Driver
43 Innova Beast Distance Driver
44 Thought Space Athletics Votum Control Driver
45 Innova Thunderbird Control Driver
46 Innova Shryke Distance Driver
47 MVP Watt Putt & Approach
48 Infinite Discs Roman Control Driver
49 Clash Discs Wild Honey Distance Driver
50 Innova Roadrunner Control Driver

Best of the Best Discs

1. MVP Glitch – If you take a great throwing disc and mix in MVP Glitch - Top Selling Disc of 2023a pinch of endorsement by a popular pro and you have a recipe for a lot of sales. The putter is easy to throw, popular among all skill levels, and comes in some cool stamps. The Glitch had hot sales when we could keep them on the shelf. I anticipate the Glitch being a contender for the best-selling disc of 2024, too. Check it out if you haven’t had a chance and see why it is so popular!

2. Discraft Buzzz – The popularity of the Discraft Buzzz has been consistent since the mold was introduced. The midrange has a beautiful, reliable flight that can be used in a variety of scenarios. It is a disc that professionals, amateurs, and everything in between, can put in their bag and know it will be thrown a lot.

3. Innova Wraith – Another historically popular mold, the Innova Wraith is a regular top seller. With a flight similar to the amazing Destroyer, the Wraith has a slightly lower speed rating, and is a great distance driver when you are looking for maximum distance. Its slight turn can result in effective hyzer-flips, while its fade is reliable, but not overbearing. It can be purchased in most every plastic so you are sure to find it in one that suits your skill level and grip preference.

4. Infinite Discs Alpaca – Ever since its release, the Infinite Discs Alpaca Infinite Discs Alpaca Hathas been a hot-selling putter. It has the stability that makes for a great throwing disc and the controllability that makes it good for putts and approaches. It has been available in a ton of really cool stamps, adding even more character to the popular mold. The Alpaca would find a good home in any bag.

5. Infinite Discs Emperor – The Emperor has been a hot seller for Infinite since it came out half a decade ago. Like the best distance drivers, the Emperor has a precise combination of turn and fade. That combination translates to crushing drives and shapeable shots. The Emperor continues to sit on the throne of the top discs that we sell.

Top Disc Golf Brands

Nearly three-fourths of the discs in the top 50 were made by three brands: Innova, Discraft, and Infinite.

Innova started in 1983 and has 14 different molds in the top 50. They have the largest selection of discs and have sponsored many world champions since they began.

Discraft had 11 molds in the top 50. They began in 1979 in Canada, before moving to Michigan to set up shop. Discraft discs are popular in Ultimate and Freestyle, as well as disc golf.

Infinite Discs tied with Discraft at 11 molds in the top 50. Infinite started in 2012 as a retailer. After several years and a lot of growth, they started selling their own molds. Some of those molds have become top selling discs.

Best Distance Drivers 2024

Here is a list of the top 50 distance drivers sold this year:

Rank Manufacturer Disc Name
1 Innova Wraith
2 Infinite Discs Emperor
3 Innova Destroyer
4 Infinite Discs Pharaoh
5 Infinite Discs Maya
6 Innova Mamba
7 Axiom Time-Lapse
8 Innova Tern
9 Innova Gorgon
10 Innova Shryke
11 Infinite Discs Aztec
12 Thought Space Athletics Construct
13 Innova Beast
14 MVP Wave
15 Discraft Nuke
16 Clash Discs Wild Honey
17 MVP Tesla
18 Discraft Avenger SS
19 Infinite Discs Conqueror
20 Discraft Hades
21 Discraft Thrasher
22 Clash Discs Salt
23 Infinite Discs Czar
24 Innova Corvette
25 Discraft Drive
26 Discraft Zeus
27 Thought Space Athletics Synapse
28 Innova Boss
29 Finish Line Discs Interval
30 Discraft Scorch
31 Latitude 64 Grace
32 Innova Katana
33 Discraft Force
34 Innova Monarch
35 Infinite Discs Slab
36 MVP Trail
37 Axiom Vanish
38 Discraft Nuke SS
39 Innova Orc
40 Discmania DD
41 Latitude 64 Sapphire
42 MVP Dimension
43 Clash Discs Vanilla
44 Thought Space Athletics Animus
45 MVP Photon
46 MVP Orbital
47 Innova Daedalus
48 Discraft Venom
49 Innova Charger
50 Dynamic Discs Trespass

Brands in the top 50


Lone Star Disc logo


In addition to some of the larger brands you see in the top 50, there are several smaller brands that Infinite carries that are selling enough molds to land in the top 50. A couple of them have been featured by Infinite Discs in our ‘Smaller Brands’ series.

Lone Star Discs was featured in March of 2021. That blog can be found HERE.

Clash Discs was featured in March of 2022. That blog can be found HERE.

These two brands have grown so much in the last couple of years that they may not be considered small brands any more!

Check out the Best Distance Drivers of 2024 here.

Best Fairway Drivers 2024

Rank Manufacturer Disc Name
1 Infinite Discs Dynasty
2 Infinite Discs Sphinx
3 Infinite Discs Centurion
4 Innova Firebird
5 Axiom Crave
6 Innova Leopard
7 Innova Teebird
8 Axiom Insanity
9 Innova Valkyrie
10 Discraft Athena
11 Latitude 64 River
12 Innova Leopard3
13 Latitude 64 Diamond
14 Discraft Heat
15 Thought Space Athletics Mantra
16 Thought Space Athletics Votum
17 Innova Thunderbird
18 Infinite Discs Roman
19 Innova Roadrunner
20 Infinite Discs Exodus
21 Innova Sidewinder
22 Discmania FD
23 Discraft Undertaker
24 Infinite Discs Scepter
25 Discraft Raptor
26 MVP Volt
27 Westside Underworld
28 Finish Line Discs Era
29 Innova Hawkeye
30 Innova Eagle
31 Innova TeeBird3
32 Axiom Rhythm
33 Discraft Passion
34 Kastaplast Falk
35 Discraft Anax
36 Doomsday Discs Blackout
37 Latitude 64 Saint
38 Thought Space Athletics Coalesce
39 Innova IT
40 Dino Discs Pterodactyl
41 Lone Star Disc Mockingbird
42 Discraft Cicada
43 Innova TL3
44 Dynamic Discs Escape
45 Discmania Essence
46 MVP Servo
47 MVP Terra
48 Westside Hatchet
49 Lone Star Disc Lariat
50 Axiom Trance


Picture showing Dino Discs, one of the fastest growing disc golf brands.

Dino Discs made the top 50. The brand has a variety of molds tailored to young players who might be just starting out. If you have a young disc golfer in your life, or someone who struggles with heavier discs, have them check out the discs as Dino Discs.

Check out the Best Fairway Drivers of 2024 here.

Best Midrange Discs 2024

Rank Manufacturer Disc Name
1 Discraft Buzzz
2 Innova Rollo
3 Innova Mako3
4 Axiom Hex
5 Thought Space Athletics Mana
6 Thought Space Athletics Pathfinder
7 Infinite Discs Chariot
8 Discraft Buzzz SS
9 Innova Roc
10 Infinite Discs Anubis
11 Infinite Discs Khonsu
12 Innova Pig
13 Innova Roc3
14 MVP Detour
15 Discraft Meteor
16 Discraft Buzzz OS
17 Latitude 64 Fuse
18 Dino Discs Stegosaurus
19 Axiom Paradox
20 Infinite Discs Galleon
21 Clash Discs Berry
22 MVP Reactor
23 Infinite Discs Inca
24 Innova Toro
25 Discraft Comet
26 Dynamic Discs EMac Truth
27 Discraft Sol
28 RPM Discs Piwakawaka
29 Streamline Echo
30 Infinite Discs Kon Tiki
31 Clash Discs Peach
32 Innova Stingray
33 Axiom Pyro
34 Westside Tursas
35 Infinite Discs Ra
36 DGA Quake
37 Dino Discs Brachiosaurus
38 Kastaplast Nord
39 Finish Line Discs Supra
40 Prodigy M4
41 Divergent Discs Kapre
42 Discmania MD3
43 Innova Wombat3
44 MVP Uplink
45 Kastaplast Svea
46 Kastaplast Stig
47 Innova RocX3
48 Terminal Velocity Discs Ursus
49 Discmania MD1
50 Kastaplast Kaxe Z

Innova Rollo Midrange - Top Selling new release of 2023

The Innova Rollo was introduced last year as a roller disc for everyone. Apparently everyone wanted a roller disc, but because their sales took off and landed them in the top 10. We’ll have to see if the disc can sustain those hot sales.

Check out the Best Midrange Discs of 2024 here.

Top Selling Disc Golf Putters 2024

1 Axiom Pixel
2 Infinite Discs Alpaca
3 Axiom Envy
4 Discraft Zone
5 Infinite Discs Tomb
6 MVP Glitch
7 Gateway Wizard
8 Discraft Luna
9 Prodigy PA-3
10 Innova Aviar
11 Latitude 64 Pure
12 Kastaplast Berg
13 Dynamic Discs Judge
14 Axiom Proxy
15 Discraft Kratos
16 Discmania P2
17 Kastaplast Reko
18 MVP Watt
19 Infinite Discs Glyph
20 Birdie Disc Golf Supply Marvel
21 Clash Discs Popcorn
22 Discraft Banger GT
23 Discmania Spore
24 Discraft Zone OS
25 Infinite Discs Myth
26 Dino Discs Triceratops
27 Innova KC Pro Aviar
28 Discraft Roach
29 MVP Nomad
30 Dynamic Discs Warden
31 Kastaplast Berg X
32 Clash Discs Candy
33 Innova Polecat
34 Thought Space Athletics Muse
35 Prodigy PA-5
36 Axiom Pitch
37 Prodigy A2
38 Discraft Fierce
39 Innova Rhyno
40 Innova Yeti Pro Aviar
41 Infinite Discs Cohort
42 Westside Harp
43 Axiom Tempo
44 Gateway Warlock
45 Innova Dart
46 Thought Space Athletics Pneuma
47 Innova AviarX3
48 Lone Star Disc Armadillo
49 Discmania Link
50 Discmania Logic

Kastaplast Falk and Berg. Top 50 Discs.

Kastaplast is a smaller brand that has amazing plastics and popular putters, the Berg and Reko. The Berg is the disc used by Infinite’s team member, Eric Oakley. Kastaplast is a Swedish company and the names of their discs are Swedish words: Berg = mountain, Falk = falcon, Reko = good, reliable or decent.

Check out the Best Putters of 2024 here.

More Best Disc Features

This is just a sample of the many best-selling disc features we have. Bookmark these links to find the best disc golf discs for you.



Best Disc Golf Distance Drivers for 2024

Emperor Distance Driver - Best Selling Driver of 2023

When you want to get the most distance from your drives, you’re usually reaching for your high-speed drivers. Also called distance driver, this type of disc has the widest rim of all types, and the usually require the most skill to maximize the achievable distance. They are the super-athlete of the disc golf world, since they hold distance records, and are used by pros and amateurs alike. Much like our Best Putters of 2024 blog (HERE), we will look at the sales data to find the best disc golf distance drivers for 2024, and give you some ideas of discs you might want to try.

Top 50 Best Disc Golf Distance Drivers for 2023


The very top distance drivers for sales were similar to last year’s list. A couple molds changed position though. Taking the top spot for sales is the Innova Wraith. The Wraith is a speed 11 disc from Innova that has a flight similar to the other top discs on the list. Taking second is the Infinite Discs Emperor, followed by the most popular driver of all time, the Innova Destroyer.

Checking out the top plastic sales for the number one Wraith we find that the most popular Wraith plastic sold is Star plastic. Star plastic outsold second place Gummy Champion by three times! It was responsible for over a third of all Wraith sales last year. The third place most popular plastic is GStar.

Here are links to the top 10 discs on the top 50 list.

  1. Innova Wraith
  2. Infinite Discs Emperor
  3. Innova Destroyer
  4. Infinite Discs Pharaoh
  5. Infinite Discs Maya
  6. Innova Mamba
  7. Infinite Discs Aztec
  8. Thought Space Athletics Construct
  9. Innova Tern
  10. Innova Beast

Check out the top selling drivers HERE

Top 50 Best Disc Golf Distance Drivers for 2024


The top six discs on our list for 2024 are the exact same as last year. Those six account for nearly one-third of all discs sold. The Axiom Time-Lapse moved up the list, since it only had a few months of sales for last year. However, it still didn’t dethrone the top 6. Infinite and Innova hold all of those top six molds.

Shout out to the Innova Gorgon for placing in the top 15. It is a new disc that has only been out a couple months.



Most Brands In The Top 50 In 2023

There are twelve different brands who have a disc in the top 50 best discs. Let’s take a look at which brands are represented, and how many molds they have on the list.

Disc Golf brands with best selling drivers. Innova tops the list with 11 other disc golf companies having at least one disc that made the top 50.

Now let’s look at the brands with the most molds for 2024:


There are no changes in the order of the top 5, but the number of molds in that group did have some changes. Innova and Discraft almost had half of the molds in the top 50. Dropping off the list is Lone Star Disc, and Doomsday Discs takes its spot.

Top Rated Drivers

We’ve looked at the sales data for the top distance drivers, and now we’ll look at the top RATED discs. The infinite discs website allows customers to leave feedback and ratings on discs and accessories, and is a good resource for finding highly rated disc products. Let’s look at some of the distance drivers with the highest ratings.

Highest Rated Distance Drivers

Infinite Discs Emperor - Highest Rated Distance Driver for 2024

Taking the number one spot with the highest consumer rating for distance drivers is Infinite Discs’ popular high-speed driver, the Emperor. The speed 12 driver has a popular flight that features a little turn with a reliable solid fade. It is available in numerous plastic types. It is also the signature disc of some of the top pros. The Emperor has a 4.83 rating out of 5.

Two discs tied for the second place spot, both with an average rating of 4.78 out of five, are the Streamline Trace and the Infinite Discs Aztec. Both the Trace and the Aztec have similar flight ratings, the Trace being a speed 11 and the Aztec a speed 10.

Highest Rated Overstable Distance Drivers

Discmania Power Driver - Higest Rated Overstable Driver of 2023

Since the Emperor is considered an overstable driver and is the highest rated driver, it is obviously going to be the highest rated overstable driver. Since we talked about the Emperor above, let’s explore the next-best rated disc. In second place with 4.71 stars out of five is Discmania’s PD. The popular PD is a great disc for headwinds, or when you need a strong fade at the end of its flight. It is also the signature disc of several pros. The third highest rated overstable distance driver is the Innova Wraith, rated at 4.68 out of five.

Check out the top 20 overstable disc golf distance drivers HERE and you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Highest Rated Understable Disc Golf Driver

Infinite Discs Maya - Best Understable Driver of 2024

Looking at the other end of the stability spectrum we have the highest rated understable drivers. Topping the list are discs from Infinite, Innova, and Discraft. The currently highest-rated disc is the Infinite Discs Maya. Currently with a 4.68 rating, the Maya is a great high-speed disc golf maximum distance. With its understability the Maya is capable of giant turnover shots for some crushing drives. Or it can pick up some long distances on the ground as a roller.

The Innova Tern is the second-highest rated mold in this category with a rating of 4.63. The Tern has been a popular disc since it was released a decade ago. Like the Maya, it gives disc golfers a flight that can carve a lot of distance out of a long hole. It is available in most Innova plastics. Taking third place in the category is the Discraft Thrasher, with 4.57 out of five stars.

Check out the top 20 understable disc golf distance drivers HERE and you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Highest Rated Stable & Straight Flying Drivers

Best Stable flying drivers of 2024 Infinite Dsics Aztec and Streamline Trace

Checking out distance drivers with a more neutral flight, meaning little turn and a less aggressive fade, we find the stable Aztec and Trace in a tie for the title of Best Stable Distance Driver. As mentioned above, the Aztec and the Trace have different speed ratings, but the same general flight. They both have a slight turn in flight, followed by a consistent, but not hard fade.

Having a nearly identical overall Infinite rating as the Aztec and Trace is the Discmania Enigma. Also nearly identical in flight numbers to the Aztec and Trace, the Enigma is slightly faster than Trace. The three discs that are the highest rated represent a similar flight at three different speed ratings. They would be excellent for a variety of skill levels.

Check out the top 20 stable disc golf distance drivers HERE and you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Let Us Know About YOUR Favorite Drivers!

Those are our lists of the top distance drivers with sales and ratings data. Let’s add to the data by hearing from YOU! Answer one or more of the following questions:

1 – What is your favorite distance driver?
2 – What is your favorite over/understable distance driver?
3 – What do you think will be the best distance driver for next year?

We chose five random commenters to win an Infinite Discs gift card. Here are the winners, and their disc choices.

Caleb D – Caleb’s favorite distance driver is a Wraith. When he wants more stability, he reaches for his Destroyer or Slab. He predicts the Wraith will remain on top.

Marc H – A GStar Innova Corvette is at the top of Marc’s list of favorite drivers. For understable drivers, he throws a Viking Berserker. For overstability her prefers a Pharaoh. He thinks the Time Lapse will be the best driver next year.

Landon B – His favorite driver is a Ballista.

Ismael L – Ismael’s favorite driver is an I-Blend Emperor. For stability he’ll grab a Emperor. He plans on keeping the Emperor in his bag, along with a Trespass.

Jake Z – Favorite Driver: Valkyrie. For overstability he likes a Roman. When he needs a little turn, he throws a Hades. Jake thinks the Zeus will be number one next year.

Customer Questions and Infinite Discs Answers

Infinite Discs recently asked on Facebook if anybody had any questions for us. Our original intention was to produce a video with the answers to the questions that were posted. However, we became so busy with the business of adding and shipping inventory that we didn’t get the time necessary to complete the video. So, rather than keep you waiting, here are some of those questions along with some simple answers. We hope that you find them informative.


Q: When are you going to restock [ fill in the blank ]?

A: We restock all brands and discs as fast as we can. However, if a certain disc model is not available at the manufacturer, we can’t restock it. We can only restock what has been manufactured and is ready to ship out to retailers. As soon as discs are available again from the manufacturers, we order more.

Q: How has the Global Pandemic effected Disc Sales?

A: Disc sales have increased, often dramatically, during the pandemic. That is the reason why manufacturers can’t keep up. That is why many of the most popular discs seem hard to find– the supply has been unable to meet the increased demand.

Q: Which disc is most commonly purchased?

A: The most popular discs purchased can vary week to week. We post “Top 20 Tuesday” charts on this blog which allow you to see how disc sales are moving week to week. But we also post best-seller charts for entire years. We can only track sales through Infinite Discs, but that can give you a very good idea of what is popular. Traditionally, for putters, you’ll find the P2, Aviar, and Judge frequently need the top, and for drivers, you’ll find Destroyer, Wraith, and Zeus are often leading the pack, when available.

Here is where you can search for past “Top 20 Tuesday” charts:

Here is an example of a post showing sales for an entire year:

Best Disc Golf Discs of 2023

Q: What are the biggest challenges you have faced with the increase in disc golf popularity?

A: From a retailer standpoint, the biggest challenge with the recent growth in disc golf is the availability of discs. It can be very challenging finding products to meet the demands of the growing number of players.

Q: How many discs do you sell each week?

A: We sell a lot of discs every week, but we don’t usually give exact numerical data to the public. Our charts and stats that we openly publish are usually comparisons– looking at sales of one disc compared to another, etc. to show percentage differences, or percentage growth, etc.  But since you asked, we’ll just say that yesterday (March 4th) we sold 2217 discs.

Q: When will there be some infinite jackets again?

A: That is a very good questions. We should get on that! We don’t focus as much energy on apparel as we should. Thanks for the reminder!

Q: Does your market share give you any leverage with manufacturer’s production process in any way?

A: Yes, it does.. Thanks in part to our VIP Club, we have been able to develop relationships and leverage with manufacturers that allows us to order special runs of discs or plastics that are not in regular production. That has become more difficult with manufacturing being so overwhelmed for the last few months, but we keep trying to get those special runs into the queue.

Q: Will Infinite be releasing any understable mids like the Sol or Meteor, or putters like the Sonic or Mirage?

A: Yes, a very understable mid-range / approach disc has been in the plans for the Infinite Discs brand and has been on order since early 2020. However, the overwhelming stress on the manufacturing at Innova has caused a repeated delay of that easy-to-throw, understable approach disc. We plan to call it the Kon Tiki. Hopefully it will see the light of day in 2021, but we don’t know when at this point.

Q: Why do some disc come in a variety of colors while others only seem to come in a couple?

A: First of all, as a retailer, we are not able to pick and choose colors when we restock discs from the manufactures. We get whatever they send to us. Some of the larger manufacturers make a variety of colors, since they are running large enough quantities to justify the color changes during the production run. Other smaller manufacturers tend to only include a color or two every run because they are making smaller quantities. We’ve noticed that some smaller manufacturers who run only one or two thousand discs at a time will only hit one color in that run. It’s most likely due to production costs and efficiency. Then maybe the next time they run a different color.

Q: How do you decide on which discs to stock up on?

A: We try to stock up on all of the discs that are on the market. However, the quantities that we stock are driven by previous sales history. If a particular disc has had a strong sales history, then we try to restock a lot more of them than a disc that has not historically sold many. Sometimes a customer will ask, “why don’t you get more of the [ fill in the blank ] discs?” and it’s hard to answer honestly with, “because apparently you are the only person that wants it.” But that’s the way the market has always been driven– larger quantities of products that are popular, and lower quantities of products that only sale occasionally. We have a formula that uses short-term and long-term sales history to predict the needed inventory levels. Of course, if we can’t get a disc because the manufacturer doesn’t have it, then it doesn’t matter what the sales history shows, because we can’t buy what is no longer available.

Q: How do you determine how much to price special stamped discs for?

A: Many times we don’t get to decide the price. Some disc makers determine the price and have what is called an MSRP and a MAP. MSRP means “Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price” which is the price they’d like the stores to sell the discs for. MAP means “Minimum Advertised Price which means that the retailer absolutely cannot list the product for less than that price. So, if a manufacturer says that MAP is $19.99 then we can’t sell it for less. If it is up to Infinite Discs to determine the price, then we’ll usually add a little premium, like an extra dollar or two to cover the stamping costs and the design cost (we have to license images or pay artists for cool artwork).

Q: What factors go into the discs carried by a retailer and what factors go into a mold no longer being produced?

A: The factors that determine what a retailer carries has been discussed above (availability and popularity of the product). When it comes to a disc mold no longer being produced, it is almost always because the demand for that particular mold was very low. If a manufacturer only has so much machine time to produce discs, they will focus on the discs that sell the most rather than dedicate the time and expense to making discs which do not sell well.

Q: Would you consider Infinite Discs molds not produced by Innova?

A: The partnership for our Infinite Discs brand is with Innova. It is planned to stay that way. We do work closely with many other small brands, some of which are produced in partnership with other manufactures.

Q: Why are putters cheaper than other discs?

A: Putters are usually made in softer, “base plastic” (which is cheaper plastic). Since price is determined by the cost of the plastic used to make the disc, those softer plastics tend to be cheaper. Base plastic is preferred for many putters because it has better grip, and you’re not throwing them hard.

Q: Do you have any discs that float in the water?
A: Yes! There are several different brands that make discs specifically designed to float in the water. This link shows you all of those floating discs that are available for sale, including the individual pictures.

Q: How do you determine when a new disc design is actually an improvement and not just new?

A: When it comes to discs, a lot of them do the same things as others. There are many choices for anything from overstable to understable, and it just boils down to player preference and throwing styles. A pro may “need” certain kinds of discs because of their amazing arm speed and power, while recreational players need something completely different. But there are rarely “new” innovations in disc golf discs. If a disc design were to get a little more adventurous, it is likely they wouldn’t pass PDGA approval for competitive use.

Q: What small / smaller company do you see making significant growth and that you will be stocking more this year?

A: We’ve already seen a lot of growth in small brands during 2020 and early 2021. For example, our restock of the Thought Space Athletics MANTRA sold out in a couple of days. Another example is the introductory rubber disc by Elevation Disc Golf which sold out in a couple of hours. While larger manufacturers are struggling to meet demand, this is a great time for small brands to break into the spotlight with products that are often just as exciting and that perform just as well as established brands.

Q: Do Infinite and Millennium use the same molds as other Innova discs or does each named disc have a unique mold at the Innova factory?

A: While we can’t answer about Millennium, we can say that the Infinite Discs molds are often variants and reconfigurations of existing Innova molds. Discs actually take a couple of mold parts to make. To keep it simple there is a mold part for the rim and a mold part for the flight plate (a little more complex than that, but keeping it simple). Different rims and plates can be mated together to create different flight characteristics. Under the terms of our agreement with Innova, we can’t publicize exactly which mold parts are being used for which discs, but often there are older Innova molds in use, or there is a rim for one popular Innova mold being used with the flight plate of a different Innova mold, etc. Some end up looking similar to existing molds, or are throw-backs to previously discontinued molds, or may just be a beaded or non-beaded version of an existing putter. It’s a fun thing to explore and basically gives Infinite Discs a chance to make different Innova mold configurations available to players.

Q: Do you see yourselves stocking Starlite plastic discs again?

A: “Starlite” plastic was a name given to Star plastic when it was run in very light weights. Often that is accomplished by adding micro-bubbles to the plastic in the rim. The same process is used for Blizzard plastic, which is Champion plastic with micro-bubbles in the rim. From what we understand, Innova is simplifying by just calling Star plastic by that name, even when run in lighter weights. Same with Blizzard vs Champion. Usually a disc we receive now that says “Starlite” is from an old run. The newer runs just say Star, even when run in very light weights. So, what you’ll want to do going forward is just look for Star discs in light weights. It’s the exact same thing, just calling it what it is instead of marketing it as something different.

Q: I’ve bought MULTIPLE “factory seconds” and compared them to “regular stock” discs and just can’t find what makes the disc a “second.”

A: First, let’s clarify something that can be confusing. A factory second disc is also called an “X-Out” which is a name created because the top of the disc is marked with an “X” when it comes out of the molding machine to show that it was not considered perfect. X-Out is a disc golf term, and Factory Second is a more generic term for something determined to be less-than-perfect by the factory, but they are one in the same. A “misprint” is usually a disc with stamping problems (multiple stamps, messed up stamps, etc.).

Second, Infinite Discs does not determine what is or is not an X-Out or Factory Second. That is determined by the factory before we receive the discs. We’re not a factory. Factory seconds are sold to us for a lower price, so we then sell them to the customer for a lower price. They are marked as such, either by a special stamp or the little “X” on the disc, so the customer knows it was sold cheaper as a factory second.

Usually it is for very minor cosmetic reasons, like impurities (dirt or flakes) in the plastic, or a little divot in the rim or flight plate, or something that makes it less than perfect, but still a throwable disc. It is not uncommon for our customer service department to receive calls or emails complaining that a factory second that they purchased has a problem. “This has dirt in the disc,” or “this has a small dent in the rim,” etc. Well yes, that’s because the disc was purchased as a discounted factory second, and the imperfection is why it was cheaper.

Back to the original question– sometimes it is very hard to see what the imperfection may be. It might be that the disc was marked as a factory second simply because it was early in the run and the factory wanted to make sure everything was running smoothly before cranking out perfect “stock” discs. Again, we don’t get to determine what qualifies– we just sell them as they are sold to us.

Q: Will companies limit how many discs one person can buy in an order, so more people can get tour series or highly sought after molds and not have to pay $80 or $100?

A: Some manufacturers already limit how many discs the retailers, like us, can get. It is frustrating for us to deal with limitations like that. For example, if all of our customers want a Nate Sexton Firebird, but we can only get 100 of them, there’s no way on earth all of our customer are going to be able to get a disc from us. We can’t sell what we don’t have.

The lack of availability of those desired products is what causes the price to go up very high in the “after market.” The after market is when somebody who was lucky enough to get some then turns around and sells the disc for a huge profit. Why do they do it? Well, because they can. If they buy something for $25 and then see that another person wants to pay $50, then why not? That’s the way supply and demand works. But Infinite Discs is not the after market. So we do not want to inflate the price– we want to make it available at a reasonable price.

With that said, we do struggle with having too few discs for too large of a customer base. To help deal with some of those difficult limitations, we have started to make some of those limited editions available only through our VIP Club Store. Since the VIP Club pays for collectible monthly discs anyway, we felt like they deserve access to other limited editions when we don’t have enough for everybody. Also, the VIP Club members have been very good at following limitations like “One Per Customer” because they don’t want to step on the toes of other VIP Club members. It has been a great way to help distribute those kinds of discs to a smaller audience of collectors who appreciates limited editions.

Our future website development may include a “limit per customer” feature which only allows a pre-determined quantity to be added to a customer’s cart.

Q: What is the most popular non-disc product that you sell?

A: After pulling up a report, we’d have to say that grip enhancers like Whale Sacs and Sportsacks or the most popular, along with towels. We also sell a lot of bags. Also on the rise are disc retrievers, and novelty games like RIPT Revenge.


Q: Will there be any updates to the Infinite Disc Golf app?

A: We have stopped work on the Infinite Disc Golf app for now. We feel like it was a great, no-cost product that could be used for a variety of score-keeping and statistical purposes. There are other great apps that do the same things very well. Since we use the same developer for our app and for our website, we turned the focus back to updating our website so that it can get a functionality and feature overhaul that it badly needs. But even that has been delayed by the pandemic and other factors. We hope to revisit the app again in the future.

Q: How do I get a tournament sponsored by Infinite Discs?

A: We can’t sponsor every tournament that asks, since there are so many. But we do try to help when we can. We are unable to sponsor tournaments by sending money– we never do that, so if that is what you want, it’s probably best not to ask. However, for smaller events we can sometimes provide fun CTP prizes or little items to give to players. For larger tournaments, we handle those on a case by case basis and usually approach sponsorship in ways that helps the tournament in their fundraising efforts while also providing unique products that we can sell to our customers. We tend to like mutually beneficial arrangements, which is what we feel is best for the marketplace. One-sided relationships are never very fun, right?

Q: What does it look like to build a partnership with a player? Do they need to be 1000 rated to qualify?

A: We have different team levels, so the relationships are different depending on the team level. Most of Team Infinite are simply players that interact positively with their local disc golf scene, have an active social media presence, and are actively trying to grow the sport. Of course we can’t accept everybody, but we try to take a look at those factors. The player rating doesn’t have much to do with those kinds of players. We accept Team Infinite applications at the end of each year so we can pick a team for the next year.

When it comes to professional, touring players, the arrangement will likely be different for each player. We address those agreements individually and support those players through signature discs and in other ways, hoping that they also support and represent the Infinite Discs brand while they’re out competing.

Q: How many members are in the VIP club and how many did you originally start with?

A: We started the VIP Club in May of 2016 with a run of 500 discs. But there were just under 300 people who subscribed to the club at the time. There are currently just over 900 VIP Club subscribers.

Q: Will Infinite Discs be able to make its own stamps in house?

A: We have been stamping in our own warehouse now for a few months. We commission and license artwork frequently for the stamps and also have some stamp designs made by our staff. We love stamps and stamping, since it is another way to create a variety of discs for people with varied tastes.

Q: How do you determine the disc and stamp style for the VIP Club?

A: Since the beginning of the VIP Club, we have taken a lot of effort to get different kinds of discs from many different brands for the monthly featured discs. There have been drivers, mid-ranges, and putters, with some overstable, some understable, some neutral, etc. The more variety, the better. We have also tried to mix it up with the stamp designs, with some stamps looking more edgy, while others are more intricate, or humorous, or visually unique. We don’t want the VIP Club monthly discs to become predictable or the designs to become too common. So we try to keep the journey interesting.

Q: If you were to have a disc warp on you or have too much damage, what would be the best way to attempt to reshape it at home?

A: When we get warped discs in the bulk disc shipments from manufacturers, we deal with it as simply as possible. When discs come in boxes of 50 or 100, they can often shift around and become slightly warped, and this is what we do: We stack them neatly on a shelf with the weight evenly distributed around the rims. We leave them there for a few days. The vast majority of the time they will be perfectly fine after that. This is what we mean by a stack:

When customers have asked us what to do about a warped disc, we often recommend the same approach. Again, when customers stack their other discs neatly on top of the warped one like this and leave them for a couple of days, the disc looks as good as new.

We have found this to be the most effective and least risky way to address a warped disc. We usually do not recommend some of the other more dramatic “fixes” that float around, like microwaving discs with water or other things that can actually damage the disc.

If a disc arrives so badly warped that it won’t repair, we take care of our customers in those cases.


Q: What is the process for stamp design from concept to being pressed?

A: The first step is to find artwork that addresses the artistic need or matches the desired flavor of the release. Sometimes we can find an existing image that has the desired look, in which case we license it so that the artist is paid. In other cases we commission an artist to put together what we’re looking for. Sometimes we design it in house. After the artwork is complete, we have to send the digital image file to a machine shop that will make the metal stamp plate (called a dye). That stamp plate can be rather costly, but it is made so that the stamp can be used over and over again, if necessary. The stamp plate is used on a stamping machine to head the plate and press the foil into the plastic of the disc, which is a delicate, precision process. There are usually several misprints resulting from the initial stamp setup and calibration.

Q: How do you determine which stamps go on a disc?

A: We try to appeal to many different tastes when it comes to stamping. A stamp is art, and like any art, different people like different styles. If we stamp something silly on a disc that one customer thinks is the “stupidest thing I’ve ever seen,” then it is highly likely that those discs are selling fast to other people who think, “this is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.” One person may like skulls and crossbones, while another may prefer pretty birds or colored patterns. And believe it or not, whatever you think is awesome, somebody else thinks it is ugly. That’s the nature of the beast, so we try to take a couple of steps back and use an approach that has a little something for everybody. Sometimes we look for art that thematically fits the name of the disc. Other times, it is just a cool image, no matter what the disc is called.

Q: When are you going to add scaled weight, flatness/dome, gummy/stiff ratings to your site?

A: Infinite Discs was one of the first online disc sellers to use individual photos of every disc. That was really rather groundbreaking at the time– to get the exact disc you were looking at when you place the order. We have not expanded on that by scaling every disc or flexing them, or looking at the profile, etc. There are several reasons for that. One of them is the cost of labor. It’s already a huge, time consuming process to photograph every disc, upload that photo, add the color and weight data, over and over again for hundreds or thousands of discs a day. That process would be slowed considerably by adding more requirements.

On top of that, we have as many as four people at a time working on disc listings, with different shifts that involved a dozen different people. Not all of those people can eyeball a disc and feel the same way about it, or flex it and decide how flexible it is compared to somebody else’s estimation. One person’s domey disc is another person’s normal disc. One person’s standard disc is another person’s flat disc, based on what they’ve seen before or thrown before. If we hire a college student to help add discs to inventory and then attempt to train them in relative dominess, that could have very mixed results. It’s hard to imagine it being very consistent when handling so many discs. Our customer service department would very likely start receiving calls and emails saying “you said this disc was flat, but it isn’t as flat as my last one…”

The same can go with flexibility.  Often a disc that is flexible is already indicated as such by the plastic name. Innova GStar is “Gummy Star” so you know it is more flexible than Star. An SSS (Super Stupid Soft) Wizard is already known to be more flexible than an SS (Super Soft) Wizard. MVP’s Electron plastic has regular, firm, and soft varieties. Latitude 64 has Zero, Zero Soft, and Zero Hard plastic. Most brands indicate the softness or flexibility in those names. But when it comes to saying if one kind of plastic, like S-Line plastic, is more or less flexible than the last S-Line disc you felt, it gets to be more of a nuance that will change from one person to the next.

With scaled weights, we’ve addressed the reason that we don’t weigh discs in THIS BLOG HERE . In a nutshell, the manufacturers weigh the discs at the factory. The discs come with weights on them (or at least a weight range) so we use the information provided by the factory as determined by their scales. We do not feel like we should alter or change what the manufacturer has declared to be the weight. Can they be wrong sometimes? Yes. Could we be wrong sometimes if we weighed them? Yes. We have chosen to trust the manufacturer and only weigh discs that do not come with a weight indicated on the disc by the factory. We don’t choose to alter the disc or dispute the weight.

With that said, we know that there are retailers who do all of the above. We are grateful for the efforts that they go through to provide that extra service to their customers. We don’t mind recommending those other retailers as options for customers who want a verified weight or to know somebody’s estimation of flexibility and profile. We also fully support and love the pro shops and the brick-and-mortar stores out there, where customers can pick up the disc to feel it and flex it and decide if it is right for them. There is a place for all of us. Marshall Street takes a photo of the disc on a scale. OTB puts flexibility and profile details on their listings. Those are both great places to buy discs. We are thankful to the people who have loved buying from Infinite Discs and continue to buy discs from us, but also love what other stores are doing to offer alternatives.

Q: How were you able to overcome the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, and were there any lessons you learned through it that you will apply post-COVID?

A: We are still learning to cope with challenges of Covid-19. We had to move around some work stations, we’ve had to use masks when working in close proximity, and we’ve had to deal with a lack in supply while demand has increased. We still don’t know exactly when things will “normalize,” or if they ever will.

Q: What’s something special that sets Infinite Discs apart from other online disc retailers?

A: Probably one of things that most immediately sets us apart is the selection. We carry a larger quantity of brands and disc varieties than most other retailers. We try to keep more than 50,000 discs in stock on our online store at all times. We also currently carry more than 55 different brands. We also like to present a huge variety when it comes to custom stamps, tournament support discs, pro signature discs, and other unique, fun products.

Q: Do you plan on expanding to any other locations?

A: We currently have two independently owned Infinite Discs franchise stores. There is one in Pocatello, Idaho, and another in Saint George, Utah. They are owned by individuals who love disc golf and love the Infinite Discs brand. We do not have immediate plans to relocate or open other locations.

Q: Has Infinite Discs thought about doing a Infinite challenge? Similar to the Discraft ace race, or trilogy challenge of the Prodigy par 2 events?

A: We’ve thought a lot about it and had plans to do it. But Covid-19 changed those plans because we have not been able to get enough of our Infinite Discs brand discs in stock to host such events. We can’t offer a 3-disc player pack when we can’t keep discs in stock in our warehouse.

Q: When will the Infinite Discs website get an overhaul?

A: The website has been in overhaul mode for a couple of years. It has run into pandemic related delays and other technical hurtles that have needed to be handled. We need our website to not only be designed well for the customer experience, but to handle huge amounts of data pulling from tens of thousands of photos and storing vast amounts of information. It’s a big chore and is taking much longer than we would have hoped. Our fingers are crossed for a launch in 2021…sometime.

Q: Is it hard to find the discs people order? I bet you inventory is crazy!

A: Thankfully, our inventory system is very easy to manage. The crew members pulling the orders become very good at knowing exactly where things are. They know where each brand is stored, and then the discs are divided up in alphabetical order, and each disc is tagged with a code that lets them know when it was photographed and entered into inventory. So they can find the discs quite quickly. Sometimes human errors are made, but thankfully not very often.

Q: What would you say, moving forward, are some of the main goals for Infinite Discs?

A: We always have something new in the works. We always have a lot of ideas. Our main goal is to keep building the disc golf market. One of more recent goals was to work more closely with other stores to meet the increased demand for discs. We love partnering with all business in the industry to unite and grow the sport.

Q: Given that you take pictures of each disc that gets listed, how long does it actually take to list a run of discs?

A: It’s hard to say exactly, but it takes a long time. We can usually add at least 100 discs per hour with two people working a station. Sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on the nature of the discs being entered.

Q: I haven’t bought a disc in years. Is there a return costumer loyalty deal.

A: While you may not know it, anybody shopping at Infinite Discs already has reward points for all purchases. Those points add up and then can be redeemed for gift cards that give you discounts. So, just by shopping with Infinite Discs, you’re being rewarded. But it requires creating a login and filling out a profile to use that point system to your advantage.

Read more about the points rewards system here.

Q: Have you thought of producing your own discs instead of having Innova doing the injection and molding for you?

A: We do not currently have plans to manufacture discs in our warehouse. We don’t have the space in our current building to do that.

Q: As the Infinite Discs brand of discs continues for your company do you see yourself staying like you currently are, meaning carrying and offer all other brands as well or are you looking at going the way Dynamic Disc did as a company.

A: We are first and foremost a disc retailer. Our own brand is a way to offer more unique, fun products to our retail customers and also to other stores. But we do not plan to leave our retail business behind and become centered only on our brand. While we love and appreciate what Dynamic Discs has done with their brand and the marvelous things they do for the sport, we are not following the same model when it comes to brand selection. We want to sell as many Dynamic Discs and other brands as possible.

Q: Why do you have to collect 1000 points before the points are available for redemption?

A: Since 1000 points equals $10 (points are roughly 5% of your purchase price) we figured it would make sense to at least have $10 available before redeeming. Since we have to approve each requst manually, it would feel a bit odd to sort through and approve a bunch of redemption requests for $1.56 or $3.11 etc. We thought this would be easier.

Q: Do you have plans for building automation into your intake, inventory, and shipping processes?

A: No, we do not have plans for that right now. At the moment, our crew is awesome and we love having a business that employees real people to do the work of entering inventory and shipping out orders. Plus, we can’t afford all those fancy Amazon warehouse robots.

Q: Would you consider doing a crowd sourced disc design?

A: We actually did that through the Stamp Wars contests that we hosted up until this last year when Covid-19 made it impossible to even order discs that could be stamped. We always invited anybody who wanted to submit a design to do so, then we allowed our customers to vote on their favorites. It was a fun problem, with some plusses, and some negatives (like having to deal with cheating). We might bring it back again, but we’ll evaluate at the end of this year.

Q: Have you ever thought to make the Infinite molds available in retail stores and pro shops around the country?

A: We already do make Infinite Discs products available to other stores. We have a wholesale department that distributes not only the Infinite Discs brand but also other great import and boutique brands. That way, other pro shops, retailers, and online stores don’t need to set up little accounts all over the place to get a few discs here and a few discs there. Instead they can grab a variety of interesting discs in one stop and offer those discs to their customers.

We have never felt that “competition” means that one business must destroy another. We believe that it is more healthy to cooperate and work with each other. Different retailers should rise or fall based on their own choices, their own strengths, and their own unique situations. We’re not looking to take anybody down– we’re looking to help as much as possible so that we can all continue to grow and evolve as individual businesses. There is strength in numbers and a great deal of reward in cooperation. So yes, we do sell discs to other stores, and we love when it helps their businesses to grow. So if you see Infinite Discs in a local store, be sure to thank them and support with a purchase.

Now…if we could just get more discs!


There were a lot of other questions pertaining to personal preferences for discs, brands, etc. Those preferences would of course change depending on who in the company you ask. So we felt like those are best on forums where everybody can answer with their own opinion. There were other questions about the game of disc golf. Answers to those questions can be found in blogs, on videos, and on websites all over the place. When it comes to rules or tournament procedures, you might consider looking at the website for the PDGA.

There were a lot of questions, so in the end, we hope that we’ve answered some of the ones that Infinite Discs, as a retailer and boutique brand is able to address. We can’t speak for the entire disc golf market, but we can share a little bit of information about how thing work around here and the experiences that we’ve had.

If you have follow-up questions or other questions that you’d like to ask, feel free to do so in the comments below. Thanks!


Shipping at Infinite Discs – Answers to Questions

Infinite Discs works tirelessly to create an online disc golf shopping experience that not only presents the largest selection of discs in an easy-to-navigate way, but that also provides unmatched customer service and quick order fulfillment.

Here is an outline of how your order is processed and an explanation of your shipping options.


Infinite Discs processes orders from 6am to 9pm Monday – Friday.  Saturday orders are processed from 8am-5pm and we are closed on Sundays.

On Saturdays the carriers only pick up in the early afternoon, so not as many orders will leave our facility on a Saturday vs a weekday. Unless your order is made early Saturday morning, it will likely be picked up Monday.

We strive to ship all regular orders within 1-3 business days.  Orders with a shipping upgrade almost always ship in less than 24 hours.

Holidays, weekends, and big releases can delay processing times.  Things like weather and pandemics can also slow the process down with the carriers.


Once we pull and package your order, we process a shipping label for the US Postal Service, FedEx, UPS, or DHL, depending on which service has the best rate for the package weight and destination. Most shipments are sent using USPS (US Postal Service) for the best speed and tracking services.

Large and heavier packages always ship via ground services like FedEx, UPS, or DHL because of their bulk. Those large packages include items like backpacks, baskets, carts, package sets, or orders of more than 8 discs.

International packages are currently shipped using UPS Innovations for delivery outside of the USA.

The tracking number you receive in your email and on your profile will link to the appropriate shipping company so you can follow your package’s progress.


During checkout, you will be given shipping options and add-ons that you can select.

If you select the Priority Upgrade, there are two primary things that will change on your order:

  • Upgrading will guarantee that we pay the added cost to ship your package through USPS Priority shipping rather than USPS ground or an alternative lower cost method.  While Priority mail does not guarantee delivery times, it offers an average faster 2-5 day estimated delivery time. *See note for exceptions. 
  • Upgrading will also move your order to the FRONT of the shipping queue, so we pull it before other orders with standard shipping. During busy times and following weekends, this can speed up the order processing time by 1-2 days.

Important Note: Upgraded shipping for large or heavy items like carts, backpacks, baskets, and disc orders of 10 or more will not change the shipping service as these are usually shipped via UPS or FedEx. Similarly, the Upgrade will NOT change the shipping service for international packages.

If you select the Upgrade in those cases, it will only move the order to the front of the shipping queue.


After selecting the desired shipping, you are offered an upgrade to “Ship In a Box” which will ensure your discs are packaged in a box.

For orders with 5 or less discs, we will usually package them in padded envelopes. Those padded envelopes protect the discs and reduces the cost and weight of the package. If you want the added protection of a box for an extra $2, you can select this upgrade to cover the cost of the box and the extra packaging weight.

Note: If you are ordering more than five discs, your discs will ship in a box anyway, so upgrading to a box is not necessary after 5 discs.  Box upgrades are also not necessary on large items that will not fit in a mailing envelope.  

You may also select to add Mystery Swag or a Mystery Disc to any order you place. The mystery swag adds $9 to your order with no additional cost in shipping. You’ll then receive mystery items in your package which could include anything from a t-shirt (in a size you indicate) to hats, beanies, mini discs, towels, Sport Sacks, and more. We try to keep a large variety of swag items on hand for adventurous customers who add the Mystery Swag to their order.

The Mystery Disc option costs $12 and will add a mystery disc to your package. As the name implies, these discs are a MYSTERY and can include discs of any style or brand. We do not take requests for specific discs or brands– if you want a specific disc, you can always order it from our website.

The Mystery Discs are meant to be a surprise and we often use this program to introduce new disc brands and models to our customers as well as highlighting some classic brands and molds.   The two promises we make with mystery discs are that:

1-The disc will have a value of at least $12 or more.  (usually more)

2-The disc will be a surprise and could be ANYTHING.  That being said, we usually try to avoid higher speed items that many people can’t throw.



While international shipping can be expensive, we DO ship discs and other small accessory items outside of the USA.

We DO NOT ship large items like bags, backpacks, baskets, etc. internationally. The shipping costs to ship those items often exceed the cost of the items themselves, so we simply cannot do it.

All international packages are shipped through UPS who then hands off the packages to the postal service of the receiving countries for final delivery.  Delivery time estimates on international orders are longer than domestic orders. It’s challenging to estimate delivery times for international packages because of customs processing and the speed of the postal service in the receiving country.  While many international orders can come within 2-3 weeks, it’s not uncommon for international orders to some countries to take over 30 days to arrive.  

IMPORTANT NOTE: Infinite Discs has NO control over import fees or customs taxes in your country. You are responsible to pay customs charges that are charged by your country to receive your package. 


Here are a few best practices as you’re placing your order and awaiting the arrival of your package:

  • If you need it a little faster (within the USA), select the Shipping Upgrade. It may make the day or two difference that you desire.
  • If you have a strict deadline like a tournament, please order your discs sooner, rather than waiting until 2-3 days before the event. While we do our best to fulfill orders quickly, we cannot make the mail move more quickly or guarantee that you’ll get your disc by a certain day or time.
  • Use a profile when placing your order. We send confirmation & tracking information through automated emails when orders are shipped, but with a profile you’ll have access to your order status, tracking numbers, order history and rewards points for all of your purchases, simply by logging in. Checking out as a guest prevents you from having access to any of this information.
  • We sometimes see customers ordering several times in a single day (or in a single shipping period). In these cases, we often try to combine orders into a single package. This does not mean the difference in shipping costs are refunded automatically as there is not a systematic way to make this happen. It is most cost-effective if you order everything in a single order, but if you place multiple that are combined and wish to request a refund of the cost difference, then contact us at and we will accommodate your request accordingly.


Once your package is shipped, you should receive an automated email with your tracking information. If you don’t see that email, it is often because your email service has filtered the email into your “spam” folder. Since it is an automatically generated email, many email providers assume that it’s spam. If you find the email in you spam folder, right-click on the email and select “Not Spam” and eventually those emails will go to your regular “In” box.

THE BEST WAY TO CHECK YOUR ORDER STATUS AND TRACKING is by logging into your account and clicking on “My Account” and then “My Orders”.  All of your order information can be found there at any time with only a few clicks of the mouse.

If you don’t have a login on our website, it pays to make one. It gives you full access to you order history, tracking numbers, order status, and rewards points that can be redeemed for gift cards to use on future orders.


We are happy to provide quick and helpful support at Infinite Discs. When it comes to the delivery of your package, we rely on USPS and the other shipping companies to deliver the order in a timely manner.  If the tracking information shows a delay, we ask that you be patient and give it 2-3 days to see if it continues moving or gets delivered.  Since we don’t handle the delivery, we aren’t able to determine the cause of a delay or specifically where a package is once in the carrier’s hands. We have access to the same tracking information that we send out when the order is processed.

Here are times we recommend contacting about your package:

  • If you do not receive a tracking number within a few days of placing your order. Reach out after you’ve checked your junk mail and profile but still can’t find the tracking number. We ship quickly, so a few days delay might mean something unexpected happened when you placed your order. Entering an incorrect email when ordering will make it so that you don’t see your tracking information.
  • If you are in the USA and your package stops tracking or moving for 5 or more days, then please contact us. In many cases we can’t put in a claim with the delivery service until a week or two after it was shipped.  We can, however, have the carriers look into a delayed package after it goes 4-5 days without a scan.  Delivery services are not perfect, so sometimes they mis-route packages and it takes time to get back on course.
  • If you are outside the USA, contact us if it is taking longer than 30 days for your package to reach you. We can request more information from the delivery service to check the package status. Sometimes we have to wait longer to file a claim, but we can at least inquire. Please note on your UPS tracking page, a second tracking number for your country’s postal service will be included for once the package has been handed over to them.
  • If your package arrives damaged by the delivery, please contact us with photos of the damaged products. Then we can file a claim with the delivery service. The more evidence we have, the better.

In any of these cases, please email us at and we can work on a resolution for you. We ALWAYS make these things right with our customers, but sometimes we need to go through certain steps or procedures when working with the carriers.


This is a concern that we sometimes hear from customers.  In many cases the US Postal Service handles the final delivery to your door.  When a tracking number says “delivered” it is because a local postal worker scanned it at delivery. When they scan it, there are GPS coordinates recorded.  Once scanned, USPS can tell EXACTLY where they were when it was scanned. We do not have access to that information, but your local post office does, so please reach out to them with your tracking number and ask them to verify that the scan matches the correct delivery address.

In many of these situations, the local post office finds that they either delivered it to a wrong house, or they scanned it at a location that does not match the delivery address. In these cases, they are obligated to locate the package for you, which they usually do right away.

PLEASE NOTE: Infinite Discs will not simply refund a missing order if tracking shows it was “delivered”.  Our primary goal in that case is to work with you and the carrier to locate the missing package.  We have found that many missing packages are recoverable if the time is taken to communicate with the local post office who delivered the package.  It takes some effort to communicate with the local post office, but it increases the chances of recovering the product.

If your local post office is unable to help resolve or find your package, then feel free to contact us at and we’ll look into what else can be done to remedy the situation.


When it comes to shipping, remember these few things for the best experience:

  • Be Patient. Carrying a package from one place to another takes time. In the majority of cases, it works flawlessly. Delays happen, but they usually work out given a little time.
  • If you want an order faster, click on the Shipping Upgrade during checkout. It will give a little turbo boost to your processing and delivery time.
  • Look up your tracking information before you panic. Logging into our website is extremely easy and gives you access to nearly everything that we can tell you about your order. Click on “My Account” and “My Orders” to check order status and track your package.

Thanks for shopping at Infinite Discs! Though this has been lengthy, we hope this detailed explanation of the shipping process helps answer any questions you have about the delivery of your orders.