Top Discs of Summer 2015

Top Selling Discs Summer 2015

Summer is our biggest time of year for disc sales. During the third quarter (July – September), we typically see less new releases come out than we do during the spring months.  The Q3 sales report gives us a good grasp on what the top disc golf discs really are based on sales data. From our third quarter sales, it’s clear that Innova is still the #1 manufacturer for disc sales. Trilogy and MVP continue to gain market share and grow in popularity while Discraft and Prodigy appear to be trending towards less relevant.

If you’re looking for a new disc to buy, but aren’t sure where to start, you may want to consider these. There is a reason disc golfers all around the world keep buying these top rated discs.

Top Disc Golf Discs for Q3 2015

Top 10 Overall

  1. Innova Destroyer
  2. Discraft Buzzz
  3. Gateway Wizard
  4. Innova TeeBird
  5. Dynamic Discs Judge
  6. Innova Boss
  7. Latitude 64 River
  8. Innova Valkyrie
  9. Latitude 64 Pure
  10. Innova Tern

There weren’t a lot of changes in the top selling discs of the third quarter compared with the second quarter. The Innova Destroyer was still the top selling disc followed by the Discraft Buzzz, Gateway Wizard, and Innova TeeBird.

Top Distance Drivers

  1. Innova Destroyer
  2. Innova Boss
  3. Innova Valkyrie
  4. Innova Tern
  5. MVP Inertia
  6. MVP Photon
  7. Innova Wraith
  8. Innova Beast
  9. Vibram Lace
  10. Innova Katana

For Distance drivers, there is almost no change between the top selling discs from the second quarter. Call it the Paul McBeth effect, as Innova flat out dominates the distance driver market with seven of the top ten selling drivers.

Top Control/Fairway Drivers

  1. Innova Teebird
  2. Latitude 64 River
  3. Innova Leopard
  4. Latitude 64 Saint
  5. Innova Thunderbird
  6. MVP Volt
  7. Discmania FD
  8. MVP AMP
  9. Westside Hatchet
  10. Innova Eagle

Innova Champion discs also has a strong presence in in fairway driver sales. The TeeBird is still the #1 selling driver. While most of the top selling fairway drivers remain the same, the MVP Volt dropped from #3 to #6 during the third quarter. The Discmania FD, Westside Hatchet, and Innova Eagle made our top 10 replacing the  DD Felon, Vibram Trak, Axiom Crave, and Latitude 64 Trident.

Top Midrange Discs

  1. Discraft Buzzz
  2. Innova Roc3
  3. Dynamic Discs Truth
  4. Innova Mako3
  5. Innova Roc
  6. Discraft Buzzz OS
  7. Latitude 64 Claymore
  8. MVP Axis
  9. Latitude 64 Fuse
  10. Discraft Comet

The Discraft Buzzz remains the top selling midrange disc, and is the only midrange that made the top 10 overall.  While the Comet cracked the top 10, it is actually only our 73rd top selling disc. Entering the top 10 this quarter are the MVP Axis and Latitude 64 Fuse — replacing the Dynamic Discs Justice and Discraft Buzzz SS.

To Putt and Approach Discs

  1. Gateway Wizard
  2. Dynamic Discs Judge
  3. Latitude 64 Pure
  4. Innova Colt
  5. Innova Aviar
  6. Axiom Envy
  7. MVP Anode
  8. MVP Atom
  9. Innova KC Aviar
  10. MVP Ion

While Distance Drivers is the top selling category overall, Putt and approach discs are second. The Wizard, Judge, and Pure are all top ten selling discs with the Innova Colt not far behind. MVP/Axiom putters were not quite as popular this quarter as the Envy and Atom both dropped a few spots compared with Q2. A new disc, the Innova Colt, entered the top 10 at number four as a hot new item. It will be interesting to see if the Colt remains a top selling putter, or if it made the top 10 because it is new. The KC Aviar filled in the #9 spot replacing the Prodigy PA-3.

Top Selling Plastic Type

  1. Innova Star
  2. Innova Champion
  3. Innova DX
  4. MVP Neutron
  5. Latitude 64 Opto
  6. Latitude 64 Gold Line
  7. Discraft Elite Z
  8. Innova GStar
  9. Axiom Neutron
  10. Dynamic Discs Lucid

When it comes to the most popular disc plastics, to no surprise, Innova dominates taking the top three spots. It certainly helps that the Star Destroyer and Star TeeBird are two of our most popular selling discs. Star plastic actually jumped Champion as the top selling disc plastic type for the third quarter. While several of the MVP discs dropped in rankings this quarter, overall Neutron plastic rose a spot from 5 to 4 while Latitude 64 Opto dropped two spots. Innova GStar and Discraft Elite Z swapped spots in the 7th and 8th positions.




Top Disc Golf Discs of Q2 2015

The first half of 2015 is over. The disc golf industry continues to grow and evolve. In the first six months of the year, Infinite Discs has added 47 new disc models and countless number of new plastic types for existing disc molds. New discs and plastics generally sell best, but many of the older traditional Frisbees continue to find top spots in terms of overall popularity.

What are the best disc golf discs in 2015?

According to our sales figures, the majority which are online and include regions all around the United States, these are the top selling discs for the hot selling spring months of April-June:

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Top Distance Drivers

  1. Innova Destroyer
  2. Innova Boss
  3. Innova Valkyrie
  4. Innova Tern
  5. Latitude 64 Saint
  6. MVP Inertia
  7. MVP Photon
  8. Innova Wraith
  9. Innova Beast
  10. Vibram Lace[/box]

Innova dominates distance driver sales, and holds the top four spots. The Destroyer is not only the most popular selling distance driver, but it is our number 1 selling disc period. While no particular plastic for the Wraith and Beast sell significantly well, the large number of available plastic types keeps these discs in the Q2 top 10.
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Top Fairway/Control Drivers

  1. Innova TeeBird
  2. MVP Volt
  3. Innova Leopard
  4. Latitude 64 River
  5. Innova Thunderbird
  6. Dynamic Discs Felon
  7. MVP AMP
  8. Vibram Trak
  9. Axiom Crave
  10. Latitude 64 Trident[/box]

With the exception of the TeeBird which is our #3 selling disc for the quarter, fairway drivers typically don’t sell quite as much as distance drivers. For this quarter’s stats, Latitude 64 River sales numbers are likely down from what they should be because for a few weeks Dynamic Distribution was out of the River in its most popular selling plastic, Gold Line. We couldn’t sell what we didn’t have in stock.

The Vibram Trak, which is on it’s way out of production, made the top 10 and while the Latitude 64 Trident filled the bottom spot for Fairway/Control drivers. It ranks 77th overall for all discs sold by Infinite during the second quarter of 2015.
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Top Midrange Discs

  1. Discraft Buzzz
  2. Innova Roc3
  3. Dynamic Discs Truth
  4. Innova Mako3
  5. Innova Roc
  6. Discraft Buzzz OS
  7. Discraft Buzzz SS
  8. Discraft Comet
  9. Dynamic Discs Justice
  10. Latitude 64 Claymore[/box]

For those who have played disc golf for a while, it’s no surprise that the Discraft Buzzz is still the top selling midrange, and our number 2 selling disc overall. It’s their Midranges, especially the Buzzz family, that keep Discraft sales up. Discraft sales numbers were likely inflated for Infinite Discs as we are one of the exclusive dealers for limited Ledgestone Edition discs.

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Top Putt and Approach Discs

  1. Gateway Wizard
  2. Dynamic Discs Judge
  3. MVP Atom
  4. Axiom Envy
  5. Discraft Zone
  6. Latitude 64 Pure
  7. MVP Anode
  8. Innova Aviar
  9. Prodigy PA-3
  10. MVP Ion[/box]

The Gateway Wizard is still our most popular selling putter despite the fact that we had supplier break downs that kept our stock from staying where it should have been. During this quarter the Wizard was our 5th most popular selling disc overall, just one spot ahead of the DD Judge.  Finding its way in the top ten, the MVP Ion was our 41st most popular disc for the quarter. With four of the top 10 putters manufactured by MVP, this fast growing disc manufacturer shows how mainstream GYRO is becoming in the disc golf world. The PA-3 is the only Prodigy disc that has made any of our top 10’s during the second quarter.

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Top Selling Plastic Types

  1. Innova Champion
  2. Innova Star
  3. Latitude 64 Opto
  4. Innova DX
  5. MVP Neutron
  6. Latitude 64 Gold Line
  7. Innova GStar
  8. Discraft Elite Z
  9. Axiom Neutron
  10. Dynamic Discs Lucid[/box]

Innova is still the leading disc manufacturer and produces four of our top selling plastics, including the top two. Latitude 64’s two major plastics also made the top 10 along with Dynamic Discs Lucid (which is the same plastic as Latitude 64 Opto, just branded differently). MVP and Axiom Neutron plastic also made the top ten and would have ranked even higher if our system didn’t separate them as different plastic types due to the variatons in branding.

The #1 selling disc plastic for the first half of 2015 is Innova Champion, fueled in large part by hot sales of the Champion Thunderbird, Teebird, Mako3, Roc3, Tern, Valkyrie, Destroyer, and Krait.

Star plastic is the #2 selling plastic, primarily because the Star Destroyer is such a hot selling disc. We sold more than three times as many Star Destroyers as the next most popular Star plastic model. Other top Star plastic discs include the TeeBird, Foxbat, Wraith, Tern, Boss and Mako.

Do you want a FREE Infinite Discs T-Shirt?

We’ve updated the reviews section of our website to now include user flight ratings and recommendations for beginners. To give our customers what they want, we need your help!

We will be giving away 100 Free T-Shirts to disc golfers who create/update their Infinite Discs review profile (must include biography, years playing, skill level, driving distance, driving hand). If you haven’t registered on you can do so here.

And write (or update existing) quality reviews. The more quality reviews you write/update, the more chances you have to win!

To be eligible, the following must apply to all reviews:

1. Update the plastic type (if the disc you are reviewing has more than one plastic type).

2. Have an updated star rating according to this criteria:

5-Stars – Must Have
4-Stars – Great Disc
3-Stars – Average Disc
2-Stars – Below Average Disc
1-Star – Waste of Plastic

3. Update the recommendation for beginners.

4. Have a minimum of 75 words (or a video).

5. Update your flight ratings (do you think the disc flies exactly as the manufacturer said, or something different?).


To get a free t-shirt, your profile and reviews must be updated by July 15th, 2015. Eligible participants will be emailed promo codes where they can order the shirt of their size on our website for Free.

Automatic T-Shirt Recipients

Any reviewer with an updated Infinite profile and at least 12 quality reviews “Review Enthusiast” (with updated flight ratings/beginner recommendations) will be automatically eligible by simply completing this form.

The fine print that you probably won’t actually read…
Each reviewer will only be eligible for one free T shirt. After eligibility is automatically received (12 updated reviews) or your review is randomly selected, a promo code for 99.99% off of a white Infinite Discs cotton T-Shirt will be emailed to you, where you can then make the order and select your size. Offer is good until 100 shirts are redeemed, or July 15th, 2015. If 100 people automatically qualify before July 15th, there will be no random drawing.This offer does not include free shipping on the shirt, unless you combine your t-shirt with an order that qualifies for free shipping. If you redeem only the free shirt, the shipping cost is $2.56 within the United States. International shipping costs are more expensive and vary by country.

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