What is a Mando in Disc Golf?

Disc golf mando sign with text, 'What is a disc golf mando?'

When I first started playing disc golf, I got to a hole on a course in northern Utah which had a sign on it that was new to me. The sign said ‘Mando’ and had an arrow pointing left of the tree it was attached to.

I looked to the left and saw a wooded fairway that was tight with lots of trees. To the right  there were no obstacles. I didn’t know what the sign meant; it looked Spanish to me. So, I took aim to the right and let my disc fly… over a sidewalk and near a playground and parking lot. I’ve since learned about the ‘mando’, and although it does mean ‘command’ in Spanish, its name’s origin has a different meaning.

Mando are important to the game of disc golf. Among other things, they ensure that discs are going in a certain direction on certain holes, while protecting other people and property. In this blog we’ll learn about what mandos are, why we have them, and how they work. Let’s learn about the mando!

Mando arrow pointing left

What is a Mando?

In the sport of disc golf, a mando is short for ‘mandatory’. In practice, that means that it is mandatory that you throw your disc on only one side of the obstacle or pole that the mando sign is attached to. If you don’t throw on that side of the mando, you get penalized.

A majority of the mandos that you see on a course are left or right mandos. That means you are required to go either left or right of a pole, tree, or whatever the arrow is attached to or rules indicate are the mando feature. If there are two arrows present, it is called a double mando. Typically, your disc has to travel between two mando arrows (or more specifically, between two objects that the arrows are attached to). There are also triple mandos, which are two side mandos and something across the top which limits the height that you can throw your disc.

disc golf triple mando

In rare occasions, such as unsanctioned tournaments, you’ll see a quad mando. This is basically a rectangle shape that you have to be able to throw your disc through. I’ve only seen quad mandos at casual, funsy tournaments.

The most common indicators of a mando are arrows pointing either left or right. Sometimes they will have the word ‘mando’ on the sign, though not always. They might also be marked with a ribbon or tape to indicate the mando object. If tape or ribbon is used, there should be some indication on a tee sign or course rules which directions you need to throw in order to successfully execute the mando. A successful throw is called ‘making the mando’. An unsuccessful throw is a ‘missed mando’

Why Are Mandos Used In Disc Golf?

While mandos should be used sparingly in a course design (in my opinion), there are several reasons why a course designer might decide to include a mando on a hole. First is safety. The mando sign I referred to at the beginning of the blog was used to keep discs away from the playground, parking lot, and walking path. Keeping discs away from those areas makes the hole safer and reduces the chance of a bystander getting hit. Plus, it makes the hole more challenging and fun by forcing players to attack a wooded fairway. Which is the second reason someone might use a mando.

While the idea of throwing discs down a wide-open fairway might appeal to some people, most of us enjoy the challenge of having obstacles that we need to negotiate in order to progress down the fairway. Those obstacles make disc golf much more fun, challenging, and satisfying when successful. Course designer know this, and might add a mando or two in order to prevent people from taking an easier route.

Mando arrow pointing right

There is one more reason designers might include a mando: course flow. A mando is often used in disc golf to direct the flow of play. It guides players along a specific path and preventing errant throws from interfering with, or landing in, other areas of the course. Some courses have areas like a swamp, thick bushes, or other natural or man-made features. These may be challenging, but would cause delays with disc retrieval from unintended areas. Mandos can help create a more enjoyable and efficient experience for everyone on the course.

Mando Rules and Penalties

Now that you know a little about what mandos are and when they are used, let’s look at the PDGA rules that govern mandos and how to play them. The section in the official rules is not very long, and worth a read if you want to brush up on the current requirements. They complete rules are found HERE.  I’ll summarize the rules in this blog, but if you plan to play in a sanctioned tournament you should look up the official rules to make sure you understand and follow them.

two custom disc golf mando signs

PDGA 804.01 Mandatory Routes

1. A mando restricts the path that a disc may take in order to legally progress down the fairway toward the basket.

2. At the mando, there is an imaginary vertical plane that that borders one or more objects that are indicated by the mando or mandos. (see image)

3. If a disc crosses that imaginary plane, whether in the air or on the ground, either forward or backward (if a roller crosses on the correct side of the mando, but curls around and crosses the plane), it is considered a missed mando and the player receives a one-stroke penalty. The lie for the next shot depends on whether or not there is a drop zone on the hole.

If there is a drop zone, the player may proceed to the drop zone with the penalty throw (for example, if they missed the mando on their first throw, they get the stroke for the throw, plus the penalty stroke, so their throw from the drop zone will be their third stroke). The player also has the option, as always, of abandoning the throw and re-throwing from their last lie. In the previous example, they would then be throwing their third throw from the previous lie, which would be the tee pad. The rules of the mando would still be in play.

Disc golf mando drop zone

4. If a players disc lands just short of the imaginary plane, but hasn’t crossed yet, the player may must still pass the mando on the correct side to avoid a penalty. It is not legal to lean through and release the disc beyond the plane, since the back of their mini is on the other side of the plane.

Mando Strategy

It is often times best to avoid a penalty by not aiming anywhere near the mando. Other times it might be strategic to lay up near the mando, then take a more powerful throw on your next shot. That is especially true on narrow double mandos.


In this blog we’ve learned about mandos in disc golf, why we have them, and the different types. We also looked at the rules of play for mandos. There are many courses with no mandos, but others where they are necessary or desired. It’s good to know why they are there and how to play them.

Best of luck with the mandos you play!

Disc Golf Weight Explained – Choosing the Best Disc Weight

Disc Golf Disc Weights

Why Weight Matters in Disc Golf

When it comes to choosing the best disc golf disc, getting the right weight is an important factor. The weight of a disc affects its speed, stability and the way it will fly. Understanding this relationship can provide a significant advantage in the discs you choose to purchase and throw on the course.

Release Velocity and it’s Relationship to Distance

The faster you’re able to throw the disc, the greater your potential to get more distance. This provides a relationship between the release velocity of a throw and the distance the disc travels.

According to a Best Disc Golf Discs Youtube video, for every additional mile per hour in speed at release, there is an average increase of 7.2 feet in distance. So the easiest way to get more “arm speed” and throw faster is by increasing your release velocity with lighter weight discs.
Research shows that reducing the disc weight can lead to an increase in throw speed. For instance, shaving off 20 grams from a disc’s weight can enhance the speed by 6.5 miles per hour. Theoretically, this could result in an impressive gain of 47 feet in distance.

Lighter Discs for Big Distance

The potential of lighter discs isn’t merely theoretical. For disc golf distance competitions, world records have been set with light weight discs weighing under 160 grams. This underscores the point that lighter discs, when thrown correctly, can achieve astounding distances. For me personally, I can most easily get full flight and maximum distance with a 149 gram Pharaoh.

Disc Stability Also Matters

While light weight discs have potential for more distance, the flight dynamics of the disc can also change. Lighter discs, by their nature, tend to exhibit more turn, which can affect the intended flight path. To counter this tendency, it might be advantageous to choose a more stable driver or increase the weight. Increased stability allows for more consistent flight paths.

While the weight of the disc may not actually affect the discs stability, the fact that you are able to throw light weight discs faster will affect its stability.

Factoring in Wind Conditions

Disc weight makes a big difference when it comes to throwing in the wind. Lights discs are affected much more than heavier discs, simply because of physics. All other factors being equal, lighter discs will get blown around more than a heavier disc, since there is less mass to get moving. That goes for a head/tail wind, as well as a cross wind.

Pro Disc Golfer throwing max weight disc

Which Weight to Choose?

With a lot of disc golfers trying out popular discs by different brands, we thought that we would address the questions of disc weight. For some players, the weight of the disc is not particularly important as long as it flies the way that they want it to. But for other players, the disc weight is very important since they prefer the performance of heavier discs, or desire the easier distance that may come with lighter discs, etc.

Your weight choice should primarily depend on the disc you are purchasing and what you intend to use that disc for.

Choosing Weight for Putters and Midrange Discs

Because the objective and putter and midrange discs is not distance but control, in most instances you should choose heavier, near max weight discs.

Disc Golf Putter Weights

Most disc golf putters have a max weight of 173-175grams. Personally, I like a putter around the 170-172 gram range. It really probably doesn’t make much of a difference, but psychologically in my mind that “lighter” putter will glide just a little bit more. When it comes to making putts, it’s really all about confidence.

Midrange Disc Weights

Some Midrange Discs have wider diameters, and thus the PDGA allows for heavier max weights. Large diameter mids like the Buzzz and Roc3 have max weights of up to 180 grams.

If you’re looking for something very overstable, you probably want a heavier disc, or at least something in the 165g plus weight range. If you want something that will glide a little bit more and not fall to the ground as fast, consider something lighter than mid weight for that mold.

Best Weight for Disc Golf Drivers

Disc golf drivers and their sharp rims usually have a maximum weight of 175 grams or less.

When it comes to choosing drivers, this is when the weight ranges really matters. The reality is that you will probably want a variety of different weights depending on your intended use for the driver. If you’re looking for big distance, use a lighter disc.

While I can’t usually tell the difference between a 170 gram, and a 173 gram disc, there is a noticeable difference between max weigh drivers and those in the 160’s. When a disc golf driver gets in the 150’s or lower weight range, there is a noticeable difference in the speed you are able to throw the disc and the way that it will fly.

If you have a tendency to “turn over” your disc, you probably want to stay away from light weight drivers as the heavier varieties will provide more consistency.

Some disc golfers choose to throw light weight but very overstable discs to get the best of both velocity and stability.

The real way to choose the right disc weight for you is simply to try your favorite driver in a number of different weight ranges to see which ones perform best for you in varying situations.

Lighter Weights for Beginners

Because new disc golfers do not have the arm speed to get a full flight out of disc, the best discs for beginners are usually light weight discs, at least in terms of drivers. Mid weight midrange discs are also recommended for newer players.

Sometimes factory second blemishes make x-out discs lighter than the non x-out version, so a factory second version is a way to get a lighter disc in the mold you are looking at.

Disc golf disc with penned weight of 167 grams

Are the Weights Listed on Disc Golf Discs Accurate?

Here at Infinite Discs, we try to represent each disc as accurately as possible on our website by including a photo and the details for each disc. We decided years ago that we would trust the manufacturers when it comes to indicating the weight of their discs.

Most major disc manufacturers take the time to weigh the discs as they come out of the mold and painstakingly mark those weights in ink, with stickers, or embossed on the bottom of each disc. We trust that they have a well-established procedure for accurately weighing those discs as part of their manufacturing process.


Because we’ve chosen to trust the disc manufacturers to represent their products accurately and according to their own standards, we do not take the extra time to weigh each disc as we add them into our online inventory. Here at Infinite Discs, we currently have three different digital scales which we use to weigh packages as we ship them. When used to weigh individual discs, we can lay the same disc on each of those three scales and get results that may differ a gram or two from one scale to the next or from the weight indicated on the disc. So which of those scales is correct?

Scale Variations

We have heard the argument that “gravity is the same everywhere,” and that is correct. While gravity may not change, the calibration of different scales might differ. While we do not own the most top-of-the-line digital scales, we have noticed that there can be differences between them, so we don’t feel that we should automatically judge a disc’s factory weight to be wrong if it differs slightly from what one of our scales might say.

The same 173-174 Kong on another one of our digital scales.

Let’s assume for a moment that we receive a disc marked as 175g by the factory, using their procedures. Then we weigh the disc and find that our scale says 174g or maybe 176g. We feel strongly that it is not our place to then scratch out the factory weight and indicate our own results on the disc. We also don’t feel that we should list the disc on our website with a weight that is different than the factory results– the purchaser of the disc would receive it, see that our advertised weight doesn’t match what is marked on the disc and feel deceived. They might weigh the disc themselves and find a result of 173g on their own scale and feel that both we and the factory were wrong. Thus, we stick with what the factory says and don’t alter the disc or the weight information provided. That way, the manufacturer becomes the ultimate authority for the disc that they produced.


We’ve seen a lot of players move from one brand to another when purchasing discs. We’d like to address another important consideration when it comes to the procedures of those different brands. Innova, for example, typically marks their weights to the precise gram by writing the weight on the bottom of the disc in ink. Players who throw Innova or discs by other brands that use a similar procedure are able to pick the exact weight that they feel is perfect for them.

However, Discraft has not traditionally marked each disc to the gram. They instead choose to put a sticker on their discs that indicates a weight range. For example, they’ll put a sticker on a disc that says 170 – 172. That way, they are acknowledging that there will be some variation in weight for the discs produced in that batch. Other discs may be lighter and marked with weight stickers like 167 – 169, or heavier with 177+ (typical for mid-range discs like the Buzzz). Again, we assume that their range is accurate, but can’t promise that when weighed on somebody’s personal scale that it won’t fall a gram above or below the range that Discraft indicated.

Our Policy

When we list discs by companies that use a weight range on a sticker, we have chosen to be consistent in our data entry practices by simply listing the low number on that sticker. That is because our data entry system does not allow for a range, but wants a single number. Thus, a disc marked as 170 – 172 will be listed as 170.  A disc with a sticker saying 173 – 175 will be listed as 173.  The “max weight” for a Discraft driver would typically be listed as 173, but could actually weigh on the higher end of that range.

Other brands that use weight ranges include DGA, Viking Discs, Yikun Discs, and the new Active Baseline series of discs from Discmania (not individually weighed, but sold in a weight range).


While we’d like to believe that we live in a world where mistakes don’t happen, that is simply not a reality. While taking photos and adding thousands of discs per week onto our website, it is possible that some busy, tired employee here at Infinite Discs may type a weight in incorrectly. Usually we catch that error before the disc ships and we contact the buyer to make sure that they get a weight that they want. If the disc slips past another employee at the shipping station and the buyer receives a disc that has a factory weight that is different than what we entered, then we take care of the problem.

If we have entered the disc weight according the factory-marked weight, as indicated above, but the buyer believes it is still inaccurate or marked incorrectly, then we’re still happy to help the best we can, knowing that some busy, tired employee at the factory may have made a mistake. After all, nobody is perfect, and mistakes are always possible. We just want to clarify that we are doing the best we can to represent discs on our website exactly as the factory specified.

174g vs 175g

In the end, when disc weight becomes a hot topic of discussion or a complaint, we often find ourselves wondering if that gram or two was really going to make a difference in the player’s game. Would a 174g disc perform that much worse for an average player who claims that they absolutely must have a 175g disc? That’s an argument to be settled elsewhere. As disc connoisseurs, we can attest that here at Infinite Discs we have discs in our bags that straddle a lot of weight ranges, and they fly as well as we can throw them.

We hope that this information has been helpful in understand a little bit more about disc weights and how they effect flight. We hope you better understand how brands mark the weight of their discs, and how we at Infinite Discs work with those brands and trust in those manufacturers to indicate the weight of their discs so that our buyers can make an informed purchasing decision.


The Infinite Discs Mystery Disc

A mystery disc box

Let’s face it, surprises can be a lot of fun! Especially when it comes to trying new discs. If you are a disc golf enthusiast or simply desire to try something new and unexpected, you’re going to want to check out Infinite Discs mystery disc add-on. What is a mystery disc and what makes it so exciting? Let’s explore Infinite Discs’ mystery disc program.

What are mystery discs?

Infinite’s mystery discs are just that – a surprise! When you order a disc from Infinite you have the option to add a mystery disc to your order when you checkout. We don’t let you know what the disc will look like, nor how it will fly. We only guarantee that it will be a premium-plastic disc.

What makes mystery discs fun?

You might get a special tournament stamp. You might get a unique stamp. You might get colorful disc. Possibly glow plastic. You might even get a disc from a brand you’ve never heard of. And you might end up with your new go-to disc! The fun part is not knowing what disc you will get until your order arrives.


Overstable vs Understable

Overstable Scepter and Understable Mamba Disc

The flight of a disc is one of the most important factors we consider when buying a disc. The feel of the disc in our hand would be a close second. But, how the disc actually flies for us tops the list of factors. One of the most important aspects of the flight of a disc is its stability.

Disc Stability

The stability of a given disc is how the disc flies immediately out of our hand, and how it behaves as it slows down. I talked about those disc qualities in my blog about flight numbers, HERE. For this blog, we’ll explore the terms ‘overstable’, ‘stable’, and ‘understable’. We will also looks at the weakness in using those terms to describe the flight of a disc. So, let’s get right to it!

The terminology can be confusing. For the sake of this blog post, I’ll look at each of the three terms mentioned above and establish a definition for each of them, so we can be consistent in our description about the flight of the disc. I’ll start with the term ‘overstable’.


Let’s define ‘overstable’ as a discs ability to resist turning during the first part of the flight, Overstable Flight Graphand its hard fade as the disc slows down. The ‘turn’ of a disc, for a right-hand back-hand throw (RHBH) is its movement to the right immediately after the disc is thrown. The ‘fade’ is its movement to the left as the disc slows down. As players improve their technique and skill, their ability to throw the disc at high speeds increases. As the speed of the throw increases, so does the need for more overstable discs to prevent the flight from turning too much.

Check out this list of the highest rated overstable disc golf discs.


Understable Flight GraphNow let’s consider the term ‘understable’. We consider a disc as being understable if it has a tendency to turn a significant amount right out of the hand. A disc that is very understable typically doesn’t have very much fade at the end. An understable disc is great for newer players who lack the arm speed to throw more overstable discs, since they can’t generate enough speed for the overstable discs to fly right. If the necessary speed can’t be achieved, nearly every disc becomes overstable to a beginner. Check out this list for the top understable disc golf discs.

One of the ways the manufacturers can offer more molds to beginners is to offer overstable molds in lighter weights. Due to the disc having less mass, newer players can ‘cheat’ the system and still throw molds that would be too overstable in heavier weights.

Check out this list for the most understable disc golf discs for sale.


Now let’s talk about the term that has a little more flexible definition: ‘stable’. When I hear people calling a disc ‘stable’, they typically mean that the disc doesn’t have a lot of turn, nor does it fade hard. When I hear it in reference to another disc, it can either mean more overstable or more understable, depending on the situation. If you say that you are throwing a Slab (12, 3, 0, 4), but want something a little more stable, you are saying that you want a disc that is not so overstable.

If you are throwing a Kon Tiki (4, 5, -3, 0) and say you want something a little more stable, you mean that you want something that is less understable. Basically, in both examples you are saying that you want something that flies a little less extreme and a little closer to a neutral flight.

Occasionally, I’ll hear someone refer to a disc being more stable than another, when they mean more overstable. That is an inconsistent use of the term, and may lead to a follow-up question to clarify the meaning. To eliminate any ambiguity, I recommend referring to discs as being more or less overstable or understable.

These are the top rated “stable flying drivers.”

Flight Numbers


The flight numbers of a disc help us know the basic flight of a disc. Those numbers are fairly accurate if we can throw the disc at the proper speed. If we can throw a disc with sufficient speed, we can then look at the last two rating in the flight rating to determine the overstability or understability of a disc. Let’s look at some examples.

Disc Flight Number Examples

The Scepter and the Sphinx are speed nine discs from Infinite. The Scepter’s flight numbers are 9, 4, 0, 4. The ‘0, 4’ are the last two numbers, and tell you that this mold would resist turning, even at high speeds (the 0), and will finish strong to the left (the 4). It is an example of an overstable fairway driver.

The flight numbers for the Sphinx are 9, 6, -3, 1. The -3 is the amount of turn that the Sphinx exhibits when thrown at the necessary speed. That means it will turn to the right quite a bit at high speeds. Add a little headwind into the situation and the Sphinx could end up as a roller. Plus, the last number, ‘1’, indicates that the Sphinx isn’t going to fade very much to the left. It is an understable fairway driver.

The more negative the turn number means the more turn to the right the disc will move during the high-speed portion of the flight. A disc with a -5 turn number will turn more to the right than one with a -1 turn number. Discs with a turn of 0 or positive 1 won’t turn to the right very much at all, and are great for headwind shots.

The fade number tells you how much a disc will move to the left at the end of the flight. The higher the number, the more it will travel to the left as it slows down. In our examples above, the Scepter (fade number is 4) moves a lot more left than the Sphinx (fade number is 1).

Visualize Overstable/Understable/Stable

For many of us, understanding overstable vs. understable and comprehending the behavior of a disc just by reading a blog post can be challenging. If you’re a visual learner, this video will provide a clear demonstration of how Connor throws discs with various stabilities, showcasing their distinct flight patterns.


Knowing the stability of a disc helps up choose discs that work for our needs. We can get a general idea how the disc will fly, and can determine if it is something we are looking for. Keep in mind that the weight and plastic type also affect the stability of a disc. Check out Infinite’s flight ratings for each disc, for a more accurate depiction of a discs actual flight. Click HERE to see the blog mentioned previously, which talks about the Infinite Flight Rating.

Best Disc Golf Brands

Disc Golf Brands

Over the past seven years, the disc golf landscape has undergone a remarkable transformation. The growth of professional disc golf coverage, the disc golf pro tour, major pro players shifting sponsors, and the Covid boom have caused some drastic shifts in disc golf brand market share.  Analyzing the data from InfiniteDiscs.com from 2018 to 2024, it is clear that the industry has witnessed both the rise of new brands and the reshaping of established ones.

Percentage of Sales by Brand

The following chart represents sales by brand on the InfiniteDiscs.com retail site. This data does not necessarily reflect all disc golf sales, but only the sales from a single online retail outlet.

Brand 2024 to date 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Innova 19.80% 18.41% 20.59% 26.69% 31.57% 30.43% 37.17%
Discraft 12.70% 13.53% 13.70% 18.10% 21.09% 17.90% 7.68%
Infinite Discs 14.70% 12.66% 15.79% 12.95% 6.35% 4.56% 3.60%
MVP 4.80% 8.20% 5.53% 3.58% 5.23% 5.53% 5.76%
Axiom 8.50% 6.34% 4.17% 3.54% 2.61% 3.42% 3.25%
Lone Star Disc 1.60% 4.32% 2.31% 0.46% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Discmania 3.40% 4.02% 3.26% 2.95% 4.95% 7.40% 9.06%
Thought Space Athletics 3.10% 3.87% 4.66% 2.31% 0.46% 0.19% 0.00%
Latitude 64 3.50% 3.69% 2.93% 2.87% 4.43% 5.44% 6.33%
Dynamic Discs 2.30% 3.19% 3.58% 4.91% 5.71% 8.00% 8.96%
Kastaplast 2.10% 2.52% 2.35% 1.13% 1.83% 1.97% 0.76%
Prodigy 2.90% 2.49% 3.31% 3.51% 3.92% 3.19% 2.50%
Westside 1.50% 1.80% 1.76% 1.06% 2.83% 3.68% 4.92%
Clash Discs 2.90% 1.71% 0.66% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Gateway 1.80% 1.44% 1.78% 2.76% 1.92% 1.75% 1.76%
Doomsday Discs 1.80% 1.03% 0.53% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Yikun 1.80% 0.98% 1.05% 1.15% 0.44% 0.31% 0.24%
Streamline 0.60% 0.98% 0.97% 1.24% 1.53% 1.79% 0.94%
Dino Discs 1.00% 0.97% 0.93% 1.59% 0.19% 0.00% 0.00%
Mint Discs 0.50% 0.70% 0.72% 0.54% 0.37% 0.42% 0.22%

Comparing the Disc Golf Market of 2018 with 2023

In 2018, the disc golf market was largely dominated by a few key players. Innova stood as the undisputed leader with a commanding 37.17% market share. Discmania was our #2 selling brand with 9.06% and Dynamic Discs slightly behind at 8.96% of brand market share. While Discraft held a significant 7.68%, they were no where close to Innova in terms of disc golf brand sales.

However, fast forward to 2024, and the landscape has evolved significantly. Innova’s market share has almost halved to 19.80%, yet they maintain their position as the top disc golf brand. This decline suggests that while Innova remains a dominant force, their hold on market dominance has loosened, allowing for the rise of competitors and other new brands.

The biggest growth of the market share pie is the “Others” category. In 2018, disc golf brands outside of the top twelve represented only 6.5% of disc golf sales. This year, the others account for nearly 21% of our online sales.

Pandemic Disc Golf Brands

The Covid 19 pandemic lead to unprecedented growth in disc golf and the number of disc golf businesses. We currently sell over 40 different disc golf brands that didn’t even exist in 2018.

Lone Star Disc’s ascension from no Infinite Discs sales in 2020 to 1.6% brand share in 2024 demonstrates the power of local and regional branding. By tapping into the Texan spirit, they have captured the hearts of players in their area and beyond. While Lone Star was new to disc golf during the pandemic, they were not new to mold creation or injection molding. Their ability to produce dozens of molds almost instantly and their acquisition of a large professional and amateur disc golf team have had a big impact on their rapid growth.

Additionally, the meteoric rise of Clash Discs from no US Sales in 2021 to 2.9% of the market share in 2023 illustrates the potential of novel marketing approaches and product differentiation.

Interestingly, Infinite Discs, while not a new entrant during the pandemic, has also seen impressive growth from 3.60% in 2018 to 14.7% of brand market share in 2024 thus far. Because we are InfiniteDiscs.com, the results are undoubtedly skewed from our direct sales, as Infinite Discs fans are more likely to shop from our retail site than anywhere else.

Likewise, Thought Space Athletics is another brand that has rapidly grown and seen sizeable market share added. Over the last six years they have gone from an obscure niche brand to a mainstream competitor. The focus on disc aesthetics and the signing several notable professional players certainly has helped

Impact of Professional Players Switching Sponsors

Discraft and Paul McBeth

Paul McBeth Signs DiscraftDiscraft experienced a significant rise in its brand market share between 2018 and 2020, largely attributed to a strategic move that had a profound impact on the disc golf world. At the heart of this transformative shift was the signing of Paul McBeth, the then-undisputed number one disc golfer in the world. McBeth’s association with Innova, his long-standing sponsor, made his unexpected transition to Discraft a remarkable development. This transition was fueled by the allure of the first multi-million-dollar disc golf contract, shaking the foundations of the sport. McBeth’s immense popularity and prowess on the course created a seismic effect that reverberated across the sport, drawing newfound attention to Discraft. However, Discrafts rapid growth can’t be solely attributed to McBeth’s signing.

At the same time, Discraft also implemented strategic moves by producing more visually appealing discs and adding flight numbers to their stock discs. The timing of Discraft’s acquisition of former professional Ultimate Frisbee player Brodie Smith coincided with the pandemic shutdown of most Ultimate Frisbee events due to pandemic restrictions. This confluence of factors acted as a catalyst for Discraft’s rapid expansion, turning the brand into the second major contender in the disc golf industry.

MVP and Simon Lizotte

Pro Disc Golfer for MVP, Simon LizotteThe year 2022 witnessed a remarkable surge in the market presence of both MVP and Axiom. A pivotal catalyst for this growth was the strategic sponsorship of Simon Lizotte, widely regarded as one of the most popular disc golfers globally. Renowned not only for his exceptional skills on the course but also for his charismatic personality and substantial YouTube and social media followings, Lizotte’s affiliation with MVP and Axiom injected newfound energy and visibility into the brands.

With an engaging and dynamic presence, Lizotte captivated audiences and fans worldwide, drawing attention to MVP and Axiom discs in the process. His influence extended beyond just his performances on the course, transcending into a vibrant online community. This symbiotic relationship between Simon Lizotte’s appeal and the brands’ products culminated in a notable uptick in their market share. The combination of innovative disc designs, Lizotte’s influencer status, and his ability to connect with disc golf enthusiasts contributed to the meteoric rise of MVP and Axiom, solidifying their positions as influential players in the ever-evolving disc golf landscape.

MVP’s market share surged from 5.76% in 2018 to an impressive 8.20% in 2023. However, so far in 2024 MVP has dropped a bit in sales to a cool 4.80%. Axiom, a subsidiary of MVP, has had a more favorable trajectory. Axiom has grown from 3.25% in 2018 to 8.5% in 2024, showcasing their ability to carve out their niche in the market with pretty steady growth.

Discmania, Dynamic Discs and Latitude 64

Discmania Sponsored TournamentDiscmania’s trajectory is also noteworthy. Although their market share has decreased slightly from 9.06% in 2018 to 3.40% in 2024, their ability to maintain a considerable share amidst a rapidly expanding market signifies a dedicated following. This trend is echoed by brands like Latitude 64 and Dynamic Discs, which have also maintained consistent shares, demonstrating their ability to foster brand loyalty.

Growth of New Disc Golf Brands

The data also underscores the growth of niche brands. Thought Space Athletics, a brand focusing on unique disc designs, has grown from 0% in 2018 to 3.1% in 2024. Similarly, Kastaplast, with its distinctive Swedish heritage and unique plastic blends, has grown from 0.76% in 2018 to 2.15% in 2023. These examples highlight the impact of brand identity and differentiation in a crowded market.

Furthermore, the diversification of the market is evident in the proliferation of smaller brands. While individually they may not command substantial market shares, collectively they contribute to the richness of options available to players. Brands like RPM Discs, DGA, Viking Discs, and Finish Line Discs may not dominate the market, but they cater to specific tastes and preferences.


The evolution of disc golf brands is indicative of the broader trend of the sport’s growing popularity. As more players enter the scene and as the sport gains recognition, the market becomes a battleground for innovation, quality, and brand loyalty. The increasing number of brands also speaks to the democratization of the sport, as more players are drawn in and more entrepreneurs seize the opportunity to create and promote their products.

The past six years have seen a transformative shift in the disc golf market. While Innova’s leadership has slightly waned, it still maintains its position as the leading brand. However, the rise of MVP, Axiom, Lone Star Disc, and others indicates that the industry is open to disruption and innovation. The disc golf landscape is no longer characterized by a few giants, but rather by a diverse array of brands catering to different tastes, regions, and playing styles. This evolution bodes well for the continued growth and dynamism of the sport.

Best Discs from the Best Brands

Our top products pages allow you to see exactly the best discs from the top disc golf brands. Check out these top product pages from the best disc golf brands of 2023.

Let us know your favorite brand!

If you could only throw one brand, what would it be? What is the most common brand in your bag? Post below and let us know!

We asked you to let us know your favorite brand, and you responded. We tallied those responses and among the commenters, MVP/Axiom/Streamline ended up on top of the list! There were 29% of you who chose the brands under the MVP umbrella. Coming in second was Innova, with 22.6%. Tied for third at 9.7% were Kastaplast and Discraft. Rounding out the top five was Infinite Discs, with 6.5%.

As promised, we randomly selected three respondents who will each win a $50 Infinite Discs gift card. Congrats to:


Best Disc Golf Discs for Beginners

Best Beginner Discs Banner

If you’re stepping into the world of disc golf, you’ve probably noticed that their are a lot of different discs to choose from. Believe us, by trying to keep more than a hundred thousand discs in stock, we know just how many different discs there are. The choices can be overwhelming, but we are here to help you out. A new feature of our website shows exactly the most recommended disc golf discs for beginners.

Infinite Discs began in 2012 with a focus on disc reviews. We encouraged reviewers (disc golfers of all skill levels) to rate and review the different disc golf discs that they have thrown. In the review section, one of the criteria reviewers select is “beginner friendliness.”

The lists compiled below show you the most recommended discs for beginners. This is the perfect place to start if you’re trying to figure out what the best disc is for you.

Now, just because a disc is most recommended for beginners doesn’t guarantee that it will be the best disc for you or any other beginner. Because these lists are autogenerated based on overall recommendations, the general “most popular” discs are the ones that rank highest. There are many great beginner discs from lesser known brands and disc molds that simply don’t make the list because they just haven’t been reviewed enough. Be sure to check out the comments at the bottom of the page for more disc selection advice from beginners — or at least those who once were beginners.

Here are the top 10 lists of the most recommended golf discs for beginners:

Overall Most Recommended Disc Golf Discs for Beginners

Discraft Buzzz - Most recommended disc for beginners

  1. Discraft Buzzz: The Buzzz is the Swiss Army knife of midrange discs—versatile, reliable, and essential for any beginner looking to sharpen their game.
  2. Innova Mako3: A true magician on the course, the Mako3 effortlessly glides through the air, making it the go-to midrange for players seeking control and consistency.
  3. Axiom Envy: The Envy is not just a putter; it’s a confidence booster, granting beginners the power to approach every shot with poise and precision.
  4. Dynamic Discs Judge: The Judge rules the putting green with an iron grip, offering a dependable and comfortable feel in the hands of disc golf novices.
  5. Innova Leopard: The Leopard, a timeless classic, is a gateway to fairway mastery, blending speed and control for a smooth ride through the course.
  6. Innova Aviar: The Aviar, a putting maestro, is the trusted ally for beginners honing their short game skills and seeking reliability in every throw.
  7. Infinite Discs Tomb: The Tomb, with its mystical flight, digs deep into the hearts of players, offering a unique and enjoyable experience on the disc golf journey.
  8. Innova TeeBird: The TeeBird, a true workhorse, is a fairway driver that beginners can rely on for accuracy and control, making it an indispensable part of any bag.
  9. Infinite Discs Alpaca: The Alpaca is a Beadless putter favored by pros and ams. It feels great in your hand and lets you release the disc with confidence.
  10. Infinite Discs Sphinx: The Sphinx, like its namesake, unlocks secrets to effortless distance for beginners, making it a trusted companion for those finding their flight.

See the entire list of most recommended beginner discs here.

Let’s break it down by category—drivers, midranges, and putters—because each phase of your game deserves its own spotlight.

Most Recommended Distance Drivers for Beginners

Many so called disc golf experts never recommend distance drivers for beginners at all. Most beginner sets don’t include a distance driver because new players don’t have the arm speed for a high speed disc and so make up for it by learning bad form and habits. This may be true in some cases, but when a beginner has the right distance driver, it will go farther for them than other discs. New players can still get a full flight path out of distance drivers if the disc is the right stability for their arm speed.  In my experience, distance is the #1 thing new disc golfers want more of, so consider trying one of these most recommended distance drivers for beginners. Lighter weight discs are generally more understable and easier to throw so consider choosing from lighter weights of the following:

  1. Innova Mamba
  2. Infinite Discs Maya
  3. Lone Star Tumbleweed
  4. Lone Star Curl
  5. Infinite Discs Aztec
  6. Latitude 64 Sapphire
  7. Discraft Avenger SS
  8. DGS Sail
  9. Lone Star Disc Harrier
  10. Axiom Virus

See the full list of recommended distance drivers for new players.

Best Fairway Drivers for Beginners

Stack of the most recommended fairway drivers for new playersFairway drivers are the usual driver type found in disc golf starter sets because these are just great discs for beginners. For those new to disc golf, the feel and flight of a golf discs is substantially different than a traditional frisbee. The fairway drivers recommended for beginners are typically understable in nature to provide good distance and a straighter flight path. If you’re looking for your first driver as a beginner I personally recommend and understable, low speed fairway driver.

I find it interesting that this list has several discs like the Dynasty, Teebird, and Exodus that I wouldn’t describe as understable. These discs are recommended for new players because in addition to a straight flying control drirer, it’s also nice to have discs that will provide a consistent fade, not easily turn over, and handle windy conditions. In addition, remember that these lists are auto generated based on the number of recommendations by reviewers, so the more popular discs are more likely it is to have “highly recommended” for beginners votes.

If you prefer forehand throws, you’ll probably also want to consider a fairway driver with a bit more overstability.

Here is the list of the most recommended fairway drivers for beginners:

  1. Infinite Discs Centurion
  2. Latitude 64 River
  3. Innova Leopard
  4. Axiom Crave
  5. Infinite Discs Sphinx
  6. Innova It
  7. Doomsday Discs Blackout
  8. Infinite Discs Dynasty
  9. Innova Teebird
  10. Innova Leopard3

Full list of best fairway drivers for new players.

Most Recommended Midrange Discs for Beginners

DD TruthMidranges are a great choice for new players. If you’re going to play disc golf with only a single disc, a midrange is an excellent choice. I find it interesting that this list consists primarily of neutral flying midranges. For a true beginner or low arm speed player, I would recommend a more understable mid, but all of the midranges most recommended for beginners are discs that you can grow with. They are good for new players, but professionals also use these discs for controlled shots where they want a perfectly straight flight through a tunnel of trees.

  1. Axiom Hex
  2. Discraft Buzzz
  3. Innova Mako3
  4. Infinite Discs Anubis
  5. TSA Pathfinder
  6. Infinite Discs Chariot
  7. Dynamic Discs EMac Truth
  8. Axiom Paradox
  9. MVP Uplink
  10. MVP Detour

Full list of most recommended midrange discs.

Best Putters for Beginners

Infinite Discs tomb. One of the most recommended putt and approach discs for beginners.

Putters are the most universally applicable style of disc golf disc. Because of their more blunt rim and slower speed, it’s usually not too difficult for a player to throw most putter varieties and keep the flight mostly straight. With that said, these are the most recommended disc golf putters for beginners:

  1. MVP Glitch
  2. Axiom Envy
  3. Infinite Discs Alpaca
  4. Dynamic Discs Judge
  5. Infinite Discs Tomb
  6. Latitude 64 Pure
  7. Axiom Proxy
  8. Kastaplst Berg
  9. Lone Star Discs Armadillo
  10. Prodigy PA-3

View full list of all the highest rated beginner putt and approach discs.

Best Understable Discs for Beginners

Valkyrie DriverFor beginners stepping onto the disc golf scene, the guidance often leans toward the embrace of understable discs, and with good reason. These discs, designed to veer right for right-handed backhand throws, are ideal for players who are still honing their technique and building arm speed. Understable discs allow novices to achieve more distance and a straighter flight path. Unlike their stable or overstable counterparts, understable discs demand less arm speed, making them easier to get a full flight and more distance out of. For recreational disc golfers, it’s not just about mastering the throw; it’s about enjoying the flight, and understable discs offer a smoother, more satisfying journey for beginners finding their rhythm on the course.

These are the most recommended understable golf discs for new players:

  1. Latitude 64 River
  2. Innova Leopard
  3. Infinite Discs Sphinx
  4. Innova It
  5. Doomsday Discs Blackout
  6. Innova Mamba
  7. Prodigy PA-5
  8. Infinite Discs Maya
  9. Lone Star Disc Tumbleweed
  10. MVP Detour

See the entire list of most recommended understable drivers.

Most Recommended Discs for Beginners by Brand

Do you have a favorite disc golf Brand?

If you’re familiar with a disc golf brand and want to see which of their discs are the best for beginners, be sure to check out the most recommended disc golf discs for beginners for each of the following brands:

Now, remember that these lists are populated based on recommendations from disc golfers. Many who take the time to rate and review numerous disc golf discs are die-hard enthusiasts, and I wouldn’t categorize them as beginners. While an experienced player might believe a disc that’s too understable for them is suitable for beginners, it might still possess slightly too much stability for optimal performance. Nonetheless, having thrown almost all of the discs on this list, I can attest to its quality.
If you’re a beginner, I hope these lists assist you in finding discs that enhance your throws and bring greater satisfaction from playing disc golf.

What makes a disc good for beginners?

New disc golfer throwing in autumn down a tight fairway
1. Distance – New players always want more distance. Without a doubt, achieving more distance is their primary desire. Understable drivers recommended for beginners are going to provide you with more distance.
2. Provides Control – While distance is crucial, controlling the disc’s trajectory is even more vital for reducing scores. The discs mentioned in the lists above are known for their consistent performance.
3. Made with Quality Plastic – Sure, there are inexpensive frisbee golf discs from China available on Amazon, but those are often of subpar quality. Such low-grade plastics don’t last, and are made by people who have never even played disc golf! In contrast, the discs recommended on these lists by thousands of reviewers all come from trustworthy manufacturers dedicated to the sport of disc golf. Check out this article to learn more about the best disc golf plastics.

What do you think are the best beginner discs?

If you’ve progressed beyond the beginner stage and are still reading this article, please share in the comments below the discs that served you best as a beginner, or those you wish you had when you first started playing disc golf.  Include details of what you think the best putters, midrange, and drivers are for beginners, and to be extra helpful, provide a tip or two that helped you move beyond beginner status. These comments will help us to curate a complete list of the best disc golf discs for beginners.


Best Disc Golf Putters for 2024

Disc Golfer putting in the woods

Earlier this year we showed you the best-selling putters for last year. Now that we’re half way through 2024 we thought we would give you an update and show you which putters are the hot ones for the year so far. Before we get into this year’s numbers let’s look at the top putters for 2023:

Top 50 Disc Golf Putters Sold in 2023

Top 50 Best selling disc golf putters of 2024

The glidey Glitch was sitting on the top spot, with the perennial favorite, the Alpaca, sitting in second. The Zone, Envy, and Tomb rounded out the top five. One out of every four putters sold last year were one of these five discs.


1-MVP Glitch
2-Infinite Discs Alpaca
3-Discraft Zone
4-Axiom Envy
5-Infinite Discs Tomb

Now let’s see how the numbers look for 2024

While the second- through fifth-place molds didn’t change, there is a new best-seller for 2024. The Axiom Pixel was released late enough in the year last year that it didn’t have time to overtake the popular Glitch. This year the Pixel sold enough to take first and account for 10% of all putters sold! The Glitch dropped to number seven this year.

In addition to the Pixel, new to the top 10 for 2024 are the PA-3 and Aviar. Dropping out are the Berg, Proxy, and Judge.

1- Axiom Pixel – The second mold in the popular Simon Line of discs, the Pixel has taken the disc golf world by storm! It is not only the top-selling putter, it is the top-selling mold of all types. It’s fairly neutral flight and rim depth make it a valuable tool from the tee pad to circle one. Check out the Pixel today to learn about the hype!

8- Prodigy PA-3 – The PA-3 is ten year’s old and continues to be one of the most popular putters. It has a straight flight with a decent fade. The PA-3 is the most popular putter for Prodigy.

10- Innova Aviar – The Aviar has been around for longer than most of us have been playing disc golf. You can find it in starter sets and in the bags of some of the top pros. Innova claims it has won more World Championships than any other putter! We know it is always a popular disc.

Check out the top 20 best-selling disc golf putters of last year HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Top Brands for Best Putters

Graph showing disc golf brands with their numbers of top selling putters

Taking a look at the brands in the top 50 we see that MVP has the most molds in the top 50, including the number one spot. Last year Innova had the most top 50 discs, but this year they dropped to a 2-way tie for second place. They tied with long-time rival Discraft. Eighteen different brands made up the top 50, with seven of those having only one mold.

Highest Rated Disc Golf Putters

One of the awesome benefits to using the Infinite Discs site to shop is that you can read the reviews and see the ratings for discs you are interested in trying. Over time, the ratings become a great way to see what your fellow disc golfers think about certain molds. The ratings system ties is part of the Infinite Rewards. If you aren’t familiar with the Infinite Rewards program, where you can earn rewards by giving reviews or making purchases, check it out HERE and help our review data by giving feedback on your favorite discs.

We wanted to look at the discs in several different categories and see which molds are the top rated in those categories. We’ll start with the highest rated disc golf putters of all time.

All-Time Highest Rated Putters

The Discraft Zone edged out the Infinite Discs Tomb for the number one spot by a hundredth of a point! The Zone has an average rating of 4.89 out of five while the Tomb is rated 4.88. Both of these discs are throwing putters. The Alpaca is only a hundredth behind the Tomb to make a very close top three!

Discraft Zone Approach Disc - Not generally used as a putter but overall classified as a putt and approach disc.

#1 Discraft Zone  – The zone is popular and highly rated partly because of its overstability. It can handle any headwind and nearly every arm and still get good distance. Plus, its thick rim feels amazing to grip and gives you confidence in your drives and upshots.

#2 Infinite Discs Tomb

#3 Infinite Discs Alpaca

Check out the top 20 highest rated putters HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Highest Rated Very Overstable Disc Golf Putters

You might not have heard of the Goliath Discs Pillar before but it is the highest rated very overstable disc. The Pillar has a perfect 5-star rating! It helps that there are only two reviews for the disc. That really skews the data, but I’m okay giving them a mention. Taking second (or first, depending on how you feel about the first one) is the Discraft Zone. In third place with a 4.68 star rating is the Prodigy A1.

Goliath overstable putter


#1 Goliath Discs Pillar – The Pillar is the overstable putter in the Goliath discs lineup. The Iowa company got their first mold approved two years ago and have been designing and releasing discs regularly since then. The Pillar is one of the beefiest discs in their lineup and it is available in the Oasis plastic, which is a premium plastic.

#2 Discraft Zone

#3 Prodigy A1

Check out the top 20 very overstable disc golf putters HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Highest Rated Overstable Disc Golf Putters

When James Conrad threw his Envy into the basket on the last hole at the 2021 World Championships in Utah (I was there!), he certainly gave a nice boost in sales for the putter. The Axiom Envy holds the top spot in the ‘overstable putter’ category with 4.87 out of 5 stars. Taking second place is the popular Berg from Kastaplast. In the final podium spot is the long-time Gateway hit, the Wizard, which averages 4.72 stars.
Although any putter could be used as a thrower or a putter, most of the discs in the Very Overstable and Overstable Putters categories are used as throwing putters.


Axiom Envy, top selling disc golf putt and approach disc.

#1 Axiom Discs Envy   – The overstable, throwing/putting putter has an overstable flight, but is still shapable and useful in a variety of situations on the course. The Envy’s profile is a little thinner than some putters, which is appealing to many. An older, more beat in Envy can be used in tight fairways and situations where control is crucial.

#2 Kastaplast Berg

#3 Gateway Wizard

Check out the top 20 overstable disc golf putters HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Highest Rated Stable Flying Disc Golf Putters

A couple of Infinite molds sit atop the list of highest rated stable putters. The Tomb at 4.88 stars and the Alpaca at 4.87 stars. The best-selling disc of 2023 takes third with 4.85 stars. The disc rating drop off slowly as people really like a lot of discs in this category. Discs with stable flights can be used by such a large number of people with differing skill levels and in a large variety of situations. That is why there are so many on this list that are top selling discs, too.
Although many of the discs in this category are mainly throwing putters, they can also be used as putting putters. Look at this category as a list of the top putting putters.

Infinite Discs Tomb best putt and approach disc

#1 Infinite Discs Tomb – The Tomb is a beaded putter with just enough stability to give the disc a wide range of uses. Comfortable and easy to throw for beginners, the Tomb can also be a valuable weapon for advanced players. It is available In many different plastic types and weights, so you are sure to find one that suits you.

#2 Infinite Discs Alpaca

#3 – MVP Glitch

Check out the top 20 stable disc golf putters HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Highest Rated Understable Disc Golf Putters

Although the understable putter category has some well-known names in the top 10, such as the Fierce and the Dynamic Discs Deputy, it is also full of lesser known brands and molds. Most disc golfers will have heard of Prodigy and their PA5, which is the highest rated understable putter. They may not be as familiar with the Mobius and RPM’s Tui, a New Zealand brand and disc. Check out the top 20 to see how many of brands you are familiar with.

Prodigy PA 5 best understable putter


#1 Prodigy PA5  – Described as a “silky smooth understable putt and approach disc that has the ability to hit and hold turnover lines and can perform straight hyzerflips”. The speed 3 putter has a little glide and a good amount of turn. Can be used on the putting green for straight putts, or as a driving putter when you need to flex around objects. The PA5 is available in many different Prodigy plastics.

#2 RPM Discs Tui

#3 EV-7 Mobius

Check out the top 20 understable disc golf putters HERE where you can see all the top molds and what’s on sale!

Let Us Know About YOUR Favorite Putters!

Those are our lists of the top putters with sales and ratings data. Now we want to hear from YOU!

1 – What is your favorite/go-to throwing putter?
2 – What is your favorite/go-to putting putter?

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